the us pentagon spokesman who is talking about why the proposal to transfer polish fighterjets from a us base in germany to ukraine, why they decided against that. "the intelligence community has assessed the transfer of "mig—29 to ukraine may be mistaken as escalatory and "could result in significant russian reaction that might "increase the prospects of military escalation with nato." imean... and that's too simplistic and too naive, and it's a reflection of the fact that we've enjoyed 30 years of peace and we need to get back into a cold war construct of statecraft and recognising what we're up against. we're still in peacetime mode. but they don't want the escalation. of course not. yeah, but that's obvious. so what do we do? so we're back into 1938. what we're going to do... we don't want any trouble here. but you're arguing for escalation and yet you're also sitting on the fence, saying, "oh, i'm not really arguing for escalation."