on my inner experience, the whole thing about the plant—based diet and wellness, a lot of people don't know that actually i started that in egypt before i left. it was not a rebound. i'd just started that, but it was kind of overshadowed by my political satire show in egypt. and then when that was taken away, that kind of went out in the forefront. because of my medical background, iam interested in wellness and i'm interested in reversing your disease, in using your lifestyle instead of medication, and i am actually having bigger project that is going to come and reveal this year in that space. in comedy, i'm hoping to have my show to be sold as a special — whether to netflix, amazon, one of these streamers, and i hope that my children's book becomes an animated series, and we are in negotiation with that. but other than that, i want to just say that something that is very, very common in interviews like this, and i hope that you have the capacity and the flexibility to hear me because this is very important. many, many times i see activists or civil society people from the third world being interviewed in shows like this one, whether in the united