would know that i went into great detail.— great detail. i would like to acknowledge _ great detail. i would like to acknowledge that - great detail. i would like to acknowledge that and - great detail. i would like to acknowledge that and i - great detail. i would like to acknowledge that and i do | acknowledge that and i do recognise that.— acknowledge that and i do recognise that. thank you. it is important _ recognise that. thank you. it is important we _ recognise that. thank you. it is important we challenge i recognise that. thank you. it l is important we challenge both sides in this conflict. let's return to your side, let's get back to the language being used by your own prime minister who just last month used these words to describe the tigray people's liberation front. he called them a cancer, he described them as weeds, a disease and said that they will be removed from our country. as attorney general in a climate where there are accusations of ethnic cleansing, war crimes, crimes against humanity, what do you think of the language being used by your own prime minister? , ., being used by your own prime minister? , . , , minister? the statement issued b the minister? the statement issued by the office _ minister? the statement issued by the office of _ minister? the statement issued by the office of the _ minister? the statement issued by the office of the prime i by the office of the prime minister was referring to a terrorist organisation there have been circumstances in the past in which war leaders have used similar language to refer to terrorist organisations such