some insights perhaps into the russian�*s perspective on this. what do you read into the russian build—up of troops? is itjust posturing, trying to blackmail the west or is there real danger there, do you think? i mean, i think putin is not adversed to brinkmanship. i think he does engage in brinkmanship. but i would not say that he is bluffing. you've got a massive build—up of military sources and it's like anton chekhov said, "if in act one, you have a gun on the stage, in act three, it is bound to go off" so i would not underestimate what we're seeing now with russia but that said, i would say that putin has not made up his mind. i do not think he has made up his mind. i think he is shopping for various possibilities. he is trying to see whether concessions may be made, whether he may be able to get his way somewhere so i think that actually allows opportunity to engage in diplomacy and we should be