0k, kristina kvien, you are the acting ambassador for washington. hasjoe biden, is he being blackmailed by putin, as the deputy prime minister implies there? well, perhaps president putin has tried, but no, president biden has not been blackmailed because he won't let himself be blackmailed. and we won't let nato be blackmailed either. so president putin can try, but he will fail. and your response, though, to 0ksana's question about why ukraine has become this flashpoint? well, i think because the ukrainian people have chosen a western path. 60% supportjoining nato. 70% supportjoining the eu. and russia doesn't like it. so they've decided to use aggression to try to stop ukraine from joining the path that it and its people have chosen to join. but can ijust make the same point that i made to carl bildt, which is this is all then about a principal which actually may not be realised for a very long time, i.e., ukrainejoining the european union or a nato. well, for any country tojoin nato or the eu, it takes time. there are reforms that have to be made, there are requirements that have to be met. but ukraine has gone a long way