afghanistan i had more space and the house _ afghanistan i had more space and the house was— afghanistan i had more space and the house was bigger. and it was in a huge _ house was bigger. and it was in a huge garden. house was bigger. and it was in a huge garden-— house was bigger. and it was in a huge garden. house was bigger. and it was in a hu:aearden. ., , , ,, huge garden. today she is dressed in the clothes she _ huge garden. today she is dressed in the clothes she wants _ huge garden. today she is dressed in the clothes she wants and _ huge garden. today she is dressed in the clothes she wants and is - huge garden. today she is dressed in the clothes she wants and is wearing | the clothes she wants and is wearing make up. the clothes she wants and is wearing make u -. ~ ., , the clothes she wants and is wearing makeu.~ ., , ,., make up. who is the most beautiful woman on the _ make up. who is the most beautiful woman on the earth? _ make up. who is the most beautiful woman on the earth? but _ make up. who is the most beautiful woman on the earth? but being - make up. who is the most beautiful woman on the earth? but being outj make up. who is the most beautiful. woman on the earth? but being out in ublic like woman on the earth? but being out in public like this — woman on the earth? but being out in public like this is _ woman on the earth? but being out in public like this is still— woman on the earth? but being out in public like this is still very _ woman on the earth? but being out in public like this is still very new. - public like this is still very new. do we come down here by yourself? sometimes. ifeel like a baby. like ou have sometimes. ifeel like a baby. like you have been _ sometimes. i feel like a baby. i age: you have been reborn? sometimes. ifeel like a baby. like you have been reborn? yeah. - sometimes. ifeel like a baby. like you have been reborn? yeah. thel you have been reborn? yeah. the taliban believe _ you have been reborn? yeah. the taliban believe that _ you have been reborn? yeah. the taliban believe that god - you have been reborn? yeah. the taliban believe that god created i taliban believe that god created this body— taliban believe that god created this body and you have no right to change _ this body and you have no right to change it— this body and you have no right to change. it is completely illegal. when _ change. it is completely illegal. when you want to be a female, but your body— when you want to be a female, but your body is — when you want to be a female, but your body is male, so it is completely... they have killed you. when _ completely... they have killed you. when did _ completely... they have killed you. when did you know you were trans? | when did you know you were trans? i was born as... with these emotions.

Related Keywords

Difficulties Afghanistan ,Clothes ,Garden ,House ,Space ,Aearden ,Woman ,Public ,Baby ,Earth ,Ifeel ,Gu ,Beautiful ,Makeu ,Make Up ,Outj ,British Government ,Body ,It ,Female ,God ,Ethel ,You ,Emotions ,

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