the dj john peel described teenage kicks as the best pop song ever written. fergal had other top ten hits and a long career behind the scenes in the music industry, but now he is pretty much a full—time campaigner. scooby—dooby—doo. so i want to know how a working class punk who grew up in derry during the troubles ended up as the champion of britain's rivers. and along the way, he's going to try to teach me how to fly fish. so, one word of warning foryou, fergal. i have never... i've done the sort of angling with a float, whatever you call it. but i've never done fly fishing. as izaak walton said, "is it not an art to catch a trout with a fly?" can you count to three? can i count to three? i think i can manage that, yes. you're going to do fine. you're going to be ok. let's get going. i'm not sure fergal sharkey realises the scale of the challenge he is taking on. so, as we can tell, we have a very handy cameraman as a target here. go for it. see if you can take him out.