Transcripts For BBCNEWS Europe 20170325

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Closest to voting leave, to find out what the decision could mean for workers and business owners. Scotlands streets are full of tributes to those who have helped shape the country and wider europe. Thinkers, poets, warriors. But now scotland is torn between two identities, its british self and its european one. Scotland can now no longer belong to both. This dilemma is brewing into an acute constitutional crisis. What effect will leaving the eu have on those whose livelihoods have been shaped by european membership for decades . What we do need to know and know fast is where our future workforce is going to come from. And how Will Scotland Cope as Britain Leaves the Single Market . 80 of all the food we sell out of scotland goes to europe. Europe is the ball game for our export right now. Scotland did not choose this. It rejected brexit, but brexit is being thrust upon it. What would that do for the 300 year old union between scotland and england . We are being taken out of the eu against our will. That is a democratic outrage. Its not about whether there could be another Independence Referendum. Of course there could. Its about whether there should be one. This week, the Prime Minister will trigger article 50, and pose special questions for those in scotland and Northern Ireland that did not vote to come out of europe. Nine months ago, just before the referendum on European Union membership, i made this observation. It seemed hypothetical at the time. Would a vote to leave the European Union propel scotland further down the road to independence . It certainly changes the Independence Proposition in ways we havent begun to consider. It would confront scotland with a new national question. Which union do you want to be part of the british one or the european one . Thats an argument we havent even started to have yet. Its not hypothetical now, its real and urgent. The uk appears to have voted out, scotland has voted in. We voted to protect our place in the worlds biggest Single Market and the jobs that depend on it. What i am proposing cannot mean membership of the Single Market. We voted to safeguard freedom to travel, live, work and study in other European Countries. Brexit must mean control the number of people who come to britain from europe, and that is what we will deliver. I want to take the opportunity this morning to speak directly to citizens of other European Countries living here in scotland. You remain welcome here, scotland is your home, and your contribution is valued. Last summers Eu Referendum left the uk looking like two Different Countries articulating into mutually hostile visions of the future. A second Independence Referendum, if and when it comes, will be fought on different terrain. How does Brexit Change the independence prospectus . It makes it in some ways more likely that scotland will become independent, but also more difficult. It does. This time round, Nicola Sturgeon is linking Scottish Independence with eu membership. They are inextricable. That wasnt the case first time round. You also had the problem within the snp that a good third of their members support getting away from brussels, so how does she square that . Opinion polls suggest that some who voted no to independence in 2014 have moved into the yes camp because of brexit. But what about those who want out of both unions . This is lossiemouth. On the moray coast. Moray thrives by selling whisky across the world and bringing in tourists. In the Eu Referendum, they came closer than any other part of scotland to vote leave. Why was it the closest . I think the age demographic comes into it, and the military factor. We are very much an raf, navy and army area, and a lot of the people that have settled here are very pro the union. It has left them behind. The snp has made the assumption that anybody who votes for independence will want to remain in europe, but that is just not true. Most of them actually want to get out of europe. It is something i learned when i was an snp candidate. I hadnt appreciated it untilfour years ago. Why do so many people here want to leave the british and European Union . It is aqajury it is aqa jury is one, isnt it . It is aqajury is one, isnt it . A furious one. The snp supporters in this area are really staunch ones. They are passionate. The bottom line is that they really want independence. They are fiercely independent. A lot of them want independence, they just dont want a lot of them want independence, theyjust dont want it in europe. A few miles to the east, the River Spey Empties into the sea. This is the scotland of the Tourist Brochure of the independent imagination. The river feeds two of the countrys biggest industries, whisky and tourism. The mainstream currents of scottish Public Opinion contain many unexpected eddies. Moray for example is happy to send mps from the snp To Westminster and holyrood, but in 2014 voted no to independence. A substantial minority of the 45 who voted yes to independence went on to vote to leave the European Union. A second Independence Referendum offering independence in europe would present that group, Those Who Wanted Independence For Scotland but to leave the eu, with a new dilemma and a new choice. Which union do you want to leave more, the british one or the european one . Whether you are for eu membership or against it, something that unites many people is that these decisions should not be imposed on us, they should be taken for ourselves. In 2014, the no Campaign Said to vote no to stay in the eu. In 2016, we were told to vote remain to stay in the eu. Scotland did both of those things and yet are still faced with getting taken out of the eu against our will. That is a democratic outrage, and it resonates with many people. How does that appeal to democratic outrage measure up against economic anxiety . Moray is not a wealthy area margins are tight, many incomes low. Brexit raises questions for all of us about the viability of the companies we work for and the jobs that sustain us. Scotlands First Minister will have to appeal to a public for whom there is already too much uncertainty. Europeans make up sometimes up to 90 of our business in june, july and august. Its important they are made to feel welcome. How much do you rely on Migrant Labour . 40 is quite normal, but i know that hotels in london where it is 100 of staff. That is going to give us real issues. Its not as if this is a new problem for our industry, because we have had immigrants, either from the commonwealth or from europe, for as long as i know. But what we need to know and need to know fast is where our future workforce is going to come from. In britain, there arei Million People roughly employed in the hospitality industry. Unemployed, roughly 800,000. If you could get all 800,000 people to move to our industry, we are immediately 200,000 people short. Trade changes. This is the Railway Station from which whisky was sent around the world. It isa it is a museum piece now. The distillery remains, and the industry is one of scotlands Great Success stories, and brexit is unlikely to change that. The rest of the food and drink industry in scotland cannot be that confident. This industry is now bigger in scotlands economy than oil and gas. This factory in west lothian makes shortbread, another Distinctively Scottish product. More comes off this Production Line in a day than many of us could eat in our lifetimes. It generates this level of business because it is free to sell across europe. Will those markets still be open after brexit . No one knows. 80 of all the food we sell out of scotland into International Markets goes to europe. Europe is the ball game for our export story right now, one quarter goes to france alone, so ongoing access to that market is going to be critical. We need to grasp opportunities for growth over the years. How much of a threat does brexit represent . Presumably after brexit, those who buy the products will continue to buy them. I dont think demand will be a problem. Scotland has an increasing reputation as a land of food and drink, producing quality products. But there are huge unknowns about what brexit means. If we have huge export taxes on our products, we could become uncompetitive very quickly. After the brexit vote, the Scottish Government asked the uk if scotland could negotiate a separate deal to stay in the Single Market. The leader of the scottish conservatives says that is not possible. Its not about what i think, its about what is the 27 other nations think, and they have said no. The Foreign Minister from spain said no. Other european leaders said that is not on the cards. We negotiate with the uk as a whole, we dont negotiate with different bits of the member state. We dont suggest that that will be straight forward, without legal, technical and political complexities, but we set what the complexities on the basis by which they could be overcome. But then that we would be within that we would reluctantly see scotland leave the eu with the rest of the uk, but have measures that support our economy. This border would become a trading bloc stretching to the black sea. This is not it possibility in 2014. A hard Customs Border might be drawn across the island of britain. For scotland, that is a hypothetical question, but for ireland that is very real. This road is an invisible border. You can drive across here without noticing that you have left one country and entered another. After Britain Leave the eu, it will still be legal for citizens of 26 other European Countries to come here to the Republic Of Ireland and get a job and claim benefits and use the public services. But if they walk a few yards in that direction, into the united kingdom, there will be no automatic right to do any of that. That changes what Northern Irelands biggest party, the democratic unionists, campaigned for. Why did the dup back brexit . There is a number of reasons. The eu was good on creating regulations on agriculture, they created 2800 different regulations and ultimately we believe that power is better invested at the local level. So we Wa Nt Invested at the local level. So we want more power to the local authorities, and to regional assemblies, and ultimately To Westminster, not to be invested into europe with little accountability. Do you accept that britains decision to leave the eu causes huge problems for the border between Northern Ireland and the republic . It does, yes. What sort of problems . Do we have a hard border or a soft border . You know, britain and ireland have both indicated that they want to have a fairly open, free flowing border. Now, the truth is, we had Something Like 16,000 troops here and 12,000 Police Officers, and many roads closed, and it didnt stop things getting across the border. So i cant see that they will be able to enforce a hard border with 200 or 300 customs officers. The sdlp obviously pro european. Like the Scottish Government, they wa nt like the Scottish Government, they want the uk to negotiate a special status for Northern Ireland which would keep it inside the Single Market and keep the border open. For yea rs, market and keep the border open. For years , we market and keep the border open. For yea rs, we have market and keep the border open. For years, we have spent time getting rid of the border, making sure that people could freely move and do business across the island and people could integrate. The good friday agreement understood that both the Republic Of Ireland and Northern Ireland were members of the European Union and we had an ability as irish nationalists to further integrate in that context. So taking all of that away against our wishes is very, very damaging to our political progress and to our economic progress. What is the special status for Northern Ireland that you want to secure in europe . What does it look like . Well, it looked like very much what we have now, whether or not we remain as members of the European Union, it doesnt need to be that way. I think we can have the full freedoms across ireland and the European Union, we can do business, we can move. We dont have to try and hard in that order. In fact, dont have to try and hard in that order. Infact, it dont have to try and hard in that order. In fact, it is impossible. There are 260 Border Crossings from the north to the cell. The idea that you could harden that border and control that in some wayjust doesnt make any sense. Control that in some wayjust doesnt make any senselj control that in some wayjust doesnt make any sense. I believe that the problems that we will face will be much less than the problems the Republic Of Ireland will face as a result of the brexit vote. And i think that the Irish Government will have a lot of difficulties to deal with. Not least at their largest, the country that the export most two, is outside of the European Union. The opening of the irish border has been transformative. 20 years ago, there will watch towers and military checkpoints here. The border town of new route was sunk in poverty and unemployment. Partition it would be fairto unemployment. Partition it would be fair to say has devastated the economy of this area. The border town of newry. Newry was a thriving port between belfast and dublin. The advantage of partition was a major disadvantage, it was tied up against a hard border. 0ursister disadvantage, it was tied up against a hard border. Our sister town across the border, dundalk, was labelled al passover. The rural hinterland was stigmatised by the british media as Bandit Country al pasok. Little wonder nobody wants a return to the hard border. London and dublin both say cross border trade should remain free. But how when the uk might well be porting goods from around the world that contravene eu import rules . Could you stop those goods moving illegally across this border and into the european Single Market . Again, nobody knows. But if you live here, it is the most urgent question. I didnt sign up for this, this is not my dayjob, i am not a politician, i dont want to be doing this. But i have grown up in this place, and ive seen it at its worst. And ive had the privilege of participating with others in its rebirth. And i dont want to lose that. Membership of the European Union has also comes from the irish republic. Europe is at the heart of its national identity, and has been key to normalising it wants acrimonious relationship with the uk. Britain and ireland joined the European Community on the same day in 1973. It has shared membership of that single European Market that has made that border between them unimportant to the point of invisibility. In dublin, there is widespread dismay at the prospect of new border controls. And pessimism, too. There cannot be other than a hard border, the question is how hard it is. Even the question is how hard it is. Even the softest borders, with switzerland and norway, that are around the European Union, have a requirement for Customs Clearances for document checking etc. That would have to be at a minimum there. That is going to be disruptive. Even if you have that going to take place in some magical weight that British Customs will be embedded in irish ports, which i cant see politically, then that has a consequence. There will have to be additional costs opposed upon exporters from the north going through and to the south and vice ve rsa. Through and to the south and vice versa. Whether or not it is Free Movement of people is a different issue. Free movement of people isnt Free Movement of work. And Free Movement of work isnt Free Movement of goods. All three have been somewhat conflated. Aylans Border Question finds an echo in scotland. For if, as london and dublin both desire, a way is found to allow trade to continue freely across the border, wouldnt that set a precedent for an independent Scotla Nd Precedent For An Independent Scotland trading with a uk outside the eu . Are there parallels between ireland and devolved scotland and the predicament that brexit puts on devolved scotland in particularly having voted overwhelmingly to remain . I think there is. And this is one of the tension is playing out in ireland, there is an awareness growing that a solution for Northern Ireland could also have ramifications in scotland. So this idea is growing that if the Border Solution was found, tip tap then be a case as used by an independent Scotla Nd A Case as used by an independent scotland or a Pro Independence campaign ina scotland or a Pro Independence campaign in a future referendum to say, well might you did it for Northern Ireland, why cant you do it for us . We share that border with you, why cant we come to the same solution . The border is one question. 0thers remain. What currency would an independent scotla nd currency would an independent scotland use . How would it closed the gap between what it spends and what it raises in taxation . For that gap is wide. And could it, should it, joined the eu . This is the territory on which a second Independence Referendum would be fought. So i can confirm today that next week i will seek the authority of the Scottish Parliament to agree with the uk government the details ofa with the uk government the details of a section 30 order. The procedure that will enable the Scottish Parliament to legislate for an Independence Referendum. Parliament to legislate for an Independence Referendumlj parliament to legislate for an Independence Referendum. I think just now we should be putting all ourenergies into just now we should be putting all our energies into ensuring that we get that right deal for the uk and the right deal for scotland in our negotiations with the European Union. That is myjob as Prime Minister. Right now, we should be working together, not falling apart. We should be working together to get that right deal for scotland, that right deal for the uk. As i say, thats myjob as Prime Minister. So for that reason, i say to the snp, now is not the time. Theresa may could stop another Independence Referendum in its tracks by agreeing to try to negotiate a separate deal for scotland. Why wont she do that . Well, i have never had anybody within the snp, and i have spent eight months trying to get them to tell me, when they talk about a differentiated deal with the only differentiation they recognise is one of geography, why is it that somebody works in a particular part of rbs need something out of the negotiation than somebody who works in the same department but out of an office in london . Why is it that the fruit farmer in perthshire need Something Different in terms of the Seasonal Workers wiese than a fruit farm in kent . I have asked them time and time again white this differentiation doesnt apply but only geographic differentiation does but nobody has been able to tell me. We know you are doing work on the currency question. It is no longer an option to say we are going to share the pound sterling, is it . Im not being difficult here, although you will think i am. Im not going tojumpafew you will think i am. Im not going to jump a few steps and get into detailed discussions just now. To jump a few steps and get into detailed discussionsjust now. What i absolutely accept that i have a lwa ys i absolutely accept that i have always accepted, if scotland at any stage, whether it is in the next couple of years or a time after that, is in another debate about its future in the context of an Independence Referendum, those of us who advocate independence have a duty to answer the questions that people need answers to. And that includes issues around Economic Sustainability and security, it includes questions about the currency. In this context it will undoubtedly include questions about a relationship with the European Union. But, you know, first we had a process just now where i have judgments to make as a Prime Minister and i will make those in good order and based on what i think is best. Im not going tojump ahead several steps. When it comes to fighting for independence in a second referendum, will you be straight with people and say, look, scotla nd straight with people and say, look, scotland is going to inherit as an independent country a big deficit and we will be paying in the first few yea rs . And we will be paying in the first few years . There will have to be Spending Cuts and tax increases and big borrowing or a combination of all three. I will be very straight with people and i always try to do that. Scotland right now is part of the uk, and we have a big deficit and we facing, we have had for the past five years Spending Cuts. Brexit is undoubtedly going to make the uk is deficit worse. It is going to possibly lead to greater Spending Cuts in the uk, and greater pain as a result of that. The question for scotla nd a result of that. The question for scotland is not how do we escape magically a deficit . It is how do we best equip ourselves to deal with that deficit and to grow our way into a more sustainable position with our own values underpinning the decisions we take. That is the decisions we take. That is the decision that would be in play if Scotla Nd Decision that would be in play if scotland was making that choice against again. Scotland was making that choice against again. Scotland voted to stay in both unions. It is being told it cant have both and it cant choose, the decision will be made at westminster. The political strain that that will place on the Anglo Scottish Union is surely clear. Hello, good evening. A cracking start to the weekend with lots of sunshine around. Warmest day of the year so far with a temperature of 19 degrees recorded in the blue skies in aberdeenshire, and probably felt a bit more like summer. It is in the early hours of the morning that the clocks spring forward one hour and we move into british summer time. By the early hours of the morning, temperatures will be a good deal lower. High pressure sitting right over the northern half of the uk. Stronger winds to the south. All but the Northern Isles of scotland should be dry and clear overnight. It will be cold as well. Those are the numbers in towns and cities, a bit like last night, the northern half of the uk where the winds are lighter could well have some frost, particularly chilly for Northern Ireland and the glens of scotland. Summertime is ending in melbourne, but we still have high temperatures for the start of the formula 1 racing season if you are up and watching that early in the morning. Back home, sunday looks like it is going to be another dry, sunny day, just about everywhere again. More cloud in the Northern Isles, especially towards shetland. But blue skies in the rest of scotland and Northern Ireland, where temperatures in the manner and tyrone and the Highlands Of Scotland could get up to 17 19 or so in the manner. Cooler around the north sea coast of england. West of wales, 70 degrees, a bit like today. A little cloud wandering up the tunnel isles, still a clean wind blowing the channel islands. For the football, as we head into the evening, it looks like it is going to be fine and dry. Temperatures will fall away very quickly once the sun goes down. Warms up again on monday with some sunshine. A few areas of cloud wandering up again from the english channel. More particularly across north east england and heading into scotland. The eastern side of scotland in particular will not be as warm as today. Some social and further not as strong in the Southern Parts of england. Gradually the High Pressure is going to be broken down early next week. This Weather Front pushing up from the south threatens to bring with it some showers that could be heavy and thundery. How will they get is difficult to stay. Difficult to say. A bit more cloud than today. This is bbc news. Im shaun ley. The headlines at 9 pm. Ukips only mp Douglas Carswell quits the party to sit in parliament as an independent, saying hes achieved his Main Objective with the party. We can be absolutely certain that brexit is in good hands, we are going to leave, and all of the things for are going to come to pass. Ukip leader paul nuttall says carswells resignation isnt a surprise. Tributes to the Police Officer killed in the westminster terror attack. The investigation into Khalid Massood continues. One man remains in custody. The us is investigating Coalition Air strikes the us is investigating Coalition Airstrikes in the us is investigating Coalition Air strikes in mosul, killing dozens of civilians. And in ten minutes, a debate on the

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