nothing _ going to happen. nothing happened. nothing has been put in place. she hasn't _ nothing has been put in place. she hasn't been removed, she hasn't even been spoken— hasn't been removed, she hasn't even been spoken to. we just think, when 2023, _ been spoken to. we just think, when 2023, surety— been spoken to. we just think, when 2023, surely this can't be happening?— 2023, surely this can't be haueninu? a ., , . 2023, surely this can't be haueninu? r ., , t . 2023, surely this can't be haueninu? a ., , . . happening? astonishing. we have some breakin: happening? astonishing. we have some breaking news- — happening? astonishing. we have some breaking news. our— happening? astonishing. we have some breaking news. our political— breaking news. our political correspondent. i use there, ben? the newsies? not quite there. dominic raab has resigned we are hearing. we want your reactions to this. dominic raab has stepped down from his role as deputy prime minister. we will be getting more from ben shortly on that. i want to ask you for your comments and reactions to that story. 08085 909693. text us as

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