i've extracted 13 of my own teeth. danielle, a busy working single mum needs help. terrible gum disease is wrecking her teeth. as her gums recede, teeth that were perfectly healthy start to become wobbly. there is excruciating nerve pain, abscesses and a risk of infection. eventually the teeth becomes so loose, danielle can just pull them out. more than a dozen teeth she's pulled out herself. so those are, those are big teeth. big teeth, yes. and you can see there's no sort of decayed on the teeth. it's not like you have fillings or decay in the teeth themselves. no, my teeth are all relatively fine. it's all this mess is what is going on below the gum line. i'm 42 years old and i can't eat and i can't drink. and i'm on painkillers every day. i'm not a 90—year—old woman. this shouldn't be happening to me now. seven years ago, she did have a dentist. but then the dental surgery started to cancel appointments. just got a letter through the post saying we're closing. and that was it. there was no referrals anywhere else. there was nothing. so you've been left to get on with this on your own? yeah, on my own. on my own. there are no dentists. i'd love to be able to ring a dentist up and say, "my teeth are falling out. "i need help." but every time i do, it's like, "sorry, we're not taking on nhs patients any more." and i, like a lot of other people, cannot afford to go and get this treatment done privately. so physically, it sounds like it's really challenging with lots of sort of physical pain. yeah. what's the, what's the mental impact being on you, on your mental health, do you think? i won't go out and meet new people. i avoid crowded situations. i walk with my head down a lot of the time. at work, if somebody�*s standing there having a conversation with me and they make me laugh, i hang my head when i'm laughing because ijust, i just know what they're seeing in front of their face. you've got to show me how to turn this on again. don't squirt me, though. yeah. don't squirt me. got it? reckon that's enough? i fear that my children... not, not be ashamed of me. but my son's now becoming a teenager, and i want him to have his mates back. and i want him... and part of me sits there and thinks, i wonder if he doesn't because of how his mum looks. and that's a little bit heartbreaking because i want my kid to have a normal life. and i'm not saying my teeth ruin his life because he's a perfectly confident teenager, but there's always that worry in the back of your head how people view you. hi there. i was just wondering if you are registering any nhs patients at the moment. to see how many others might be affected by the same issues around accessing nhs dentistry, our team of researchers carried out one of the most comprehensive surveys of dental practices across the uk. nearly 6,900 surgeries were phoned and we asked them a number of questions... hiya, are you taking on new nhs patients? build up a full picture of nhs provision... have you got a waiting list at all? five to six years. 0k. is that the same wait for children as well? it is, ok. see which people and what areas were struggling the most to access care. ok, so if i registered privately, i'd be able to register my children on the nhs. we phoned nearly 100 dental practices across leeds that are thought to have a contract to provide nhs dental work. we couldn't find a single one that was willing or able to take on new adult patients. and this is one of those practices. phone rings: hello, boyd dental surgery. on reception, charlotte is fielding calls from those trying to find an nhs dentist. we're not. we're not accepting children or adults, unfortunately. - how do people respond when you say you can't take on any more patients? some people are understanding. and then there's other people - who obviously get really frustrated and can put the phone down on you or be really aggressive to why _ you're not taking on patients. and it is frustrating for them. i do understand that. if you want to put yourself in the chair, that'd be great. right? so what's the problem? i have broken my denture. 0k, fine. it is, excuse me, super glued. sure. but i want a new one. and for ian boyd, the dentist who owns the practice, it's equally frustrating and dispiriting. so at this moment, are you able to take on new nhs patients to your practice? and if not, why not? no, i'm absolutely, completely full and i've been a dentist 32 years. the first 16 years of my career, this was never an issue. we never turned patients away. there was never a shortage of nhs dentists. and then in 2006 the government brought in a new contract, effectively capping the nhs budget of all dental practices. once they did that, this problem started the because dental prices can't expand their nhs services the government wants is to take —— wants us to take on new patients... but how can we take on new patients if we're going to end up having to, we can't get the funding to take on these patients and it's really not a good situation to be in. it's the first time in a long, long time in my in my professional career that i've ever had to turn people away. so what do you say to them when people come to you say, look, i really need a dentist, can you help? that's great. we literally get 20 to 30 phone calls a day and we're just turning them away. we don't have a waiting list. it's a waste of time having a waiting list, because if we have a waiting list, we don't know when we're going to start taking patients on. from a patient�*s point of view, we say, look, we're really sorry. we don't know where you can find a dentist. leeds has a severe problem. i'm sure there are other areas. in fact, as far as i'm aware, everywhere in england has a real problem and it really is a very, very sad situation. i rung here literally begged. yeah. 15—year—old alfie may not feel lucky as he waits to be seen, but his mum did manage to get him on the books as an nhs patient. i literally rung every day in leeds but couldn't get one. —— every dentist in leeds... but these put him on a waiting list for. well, i think we've been waiting about three months to get him dental what am i meant to do? so i'll make a little noise, i'll show you the noise. so this is the little noise like that, and it's based on water like that. and emma has a little vacuum cleaner that just sucks up all the water like that. is that ok there? yeah. had alfie not managed to get the treatment he needs, the consequences could have been grim. what are the implications of a young man like that who could potentially lose those two front teeth? devastating. the access issue is a real problem. and really, that's the thing needs solving for the long term, not the short term. it's no good for people like alfie throwing a very short amount of money for a very short period of time. we need dentists who can not only solve the problem of alfie, we need dentists who can then see alfie on a regular basis, give them preventative advice, give them regular checkups, and then hopefully in the future, see alfie, his family, his kids, and basically produce what i've done for the last 32 years, which is really have a family dental practice. we phoned every dental practice in the uk that was thought to have an nhs contract. that ended up being nearly 6,900 practices. of those we managed to contact, 90% said they were no longer taking on any new adult patients. only a quarter of those dental practices said they operated a waiting list to become an nhs patient and for most of those the wait was at least a year or more. i make my own dentures at home every week. some people are being forced to go to extraordinary lengths practising a form of diy dentistry because they can't access the help they need. years ago, caroline had crowns fitted a dental cap that covers damaged teeth, but they've gradually all fallen off. now she can't find an nhs dentist who can refit them, so she's taking matters into her own hands. i make my own fake dentures, if you like, out of plastic. i measure them out, it's a very unscientific measurement. but i kind of gauge about roughly. it looks about right. and now. yeah. they're good to go. this is not pretty. horrible, isn't it? fit it �*round my gum... and then... hopefully. squeeze it into place and hope it fits. and it will look better than nothing. much better than not having any. just double check it all fits in place. oh, it's not too bad. now, noodle. home done. cosmetic dentistry. dentists warn this is a dangerous procedure. the fake dentures are a potential choking hazard and can trap food that makes tooth decay worse. but in desperation before this, caroline has tried other extreme methods. i'v e i've done a super trick for a while. it rots your gun as well. put it in as quick as you cal and hope your fingers danced took to heart and it burns your gun. it's not ideal and i got abscesses and i couldn't fit them in any more. but couldn't get anyone to fit them properly so gradually they just fill out one by one and a bit of tooth underneath disappeared. i saw someone totally randomly someday who said, one of these online things and it said you can disguise bad teeth with this. it's worth a try. so at first it was only one cap missing so i did that one and that worked. is that what i want to do, i'd rather have teeth but is better than going out... it means i can smile at people a little bit from a distance and not look too freaky. ratherthan bit from a distance and not look too freaky. rather than smile at people and go, all, i hope, ithink. every week caroline calls around 30 dentists in her area just to see if any are taking on new patients. so far, she's had no luck. our research also addressed the issue of dental care for children. we found that 80% of the dental practices we contacted, four out of five in the uk were no longer willing or able to accept children under 16 as patients. and in more than one in ten local authority areas in the uk, we couldn't find a single practice that would accept a child. my son doesn't smile any more. how was school? good. children are meant to get free nhs dental care. but if you can't find an nhs dentist to start with, how does that work? let's go inside. 0k. this man puzzling older son developed a problem with his teeth. i am worried that they will not go away— i am worried that they will not go away and — i am worried that they will not go away and kids_ i am worried that they will not go away and kids make _ i am worried that they will not go away and kids make fun- i am worried that they will not go away and kids make fun of- i am worried that they will not go away and kids make fun of it. - i am worried that they will not go| away and kids make fun of it. the dau~hter away and kids make fun of it. the daughter is _ away and kids make fun of it. the daughter is a _ away and kids make fun of it. daughter is a painful away and kids make fun of it. tip; daughter is a painful cavity. away and kids make fun of it. daughter is a painful cavity. but away and kids make fun of it.- daughter is a painful cavity. but i cannot find anyone to help. last earl cannot find anyone to help. last year i nursed — cannot find anyone to help. last year i nursed my _ cannot find anyone to help. last year i nursed my elder- cannot find anyone to help. last year i nursed my elder son, he is growing — year i nursed my elder son, he is growing some extra teeth on top of his teeth. _ growing some extra teeth on top of his teeth, you know. i thought i would _ his teeth, you know. i thought i would speak with a dentist. i rang them _ would speak with a dentist. i rang them and — would speak with a dentist. i rang them and said you can't come because he didn't— them and said you can't come because he didn't pay— them and said you can't come because he didn't pay any visit for the last two years — he didn't pay any visit for the last two years. even for the children? even _ two years. even for the children? even for— two years. even for the children? even for my— two years. even for the children? even for my children. i told them that is_ even for my children. i told them that is not— even for my children. i told them that is not for me is for my ten year— that is not for me is for my ten year son— that is not for me is for my ten year son and they said that my whole family— year son and they said that my whole family had _ year son and they said that my whole family had been removed because for the last— family had been removed because for the last two years you didn't pay any visit — the last two years you didn't pay any visit over the last two years. the last— any visit over the last two years. the last two years we have had a pandemic. the last two years we have had a pandemic— the last two years we have had a andemic. , ., . . pandemic. yes, i told him we had a pandemic. — pandemic. yes, i told him we had a pandemic. but _ pandemic. yes, i told him we had a pandemic, but she _ pandemic. yes, i told him we had a pandemic, but she said _ pandemic. yes, i told him we had a pandemic, but she said it _ pandemic. yes, i told him we had a pandemic, but she said it doesn't i pandemic, but she said it doesn't matter. _ pandemic, but she said it doesn't matter. we — pandemic, but she said it doesn't matter, we managed to see people in the pandemic. it doesn't matter what it was— the pandemic. it doesn't matter what it was the _ the pandemic. it doesn't matter what it was the pandemic or not. it's a policy— it was the pandemic or not. it's a policy that— it was the pandemic or not. it's a policy that if you're not here in two years _ policy that if you're not here in two years time we remove and take new patients. two years time we remove and take new patients-— new patients. these two teeth are urrowin. i new patients. these two teeth are growing- idon't— new patients. these two teeth are growing. i don't know _ new patients. these two teeth are growing. i don't know how- new patients. these two teeth are growing. i don't know how and - new patients. these two teeth are i growing. i don't know how and they, they took— growing. i don't know how and they, they look where'd _ growing. i don't know how and they, they look where'd and _ growing. i don't know how and they, they look where'd and they - growing. i don't know how and they, they look where'd and they hurt - growing. i don't know how and they, i they look where'd and they hurt when i they look where'd and they hurt when i brush _ they look where'd and they hurt when thrush thern — they look where'd and they hurt when i brush them. he _ they look where'd and they hurt when i brush them-— i brush them. he doesn't smile with an 0 en i brush them. he doesn't smile with an open mouth _ i brush them. he doesn't smile with an open mouth because _ i brush them. he doesn't smile with an open mouth because of- i brush them. he doesn't smile with an open mouth because of these - i brush them. he doesn't smile with i an open mouth because of these teeth communat _ an open mouth because of these teeth communal. and then my daughter, she is 80 years— communal. and then my daughter, she is 80 years old. she has started to complain _ is 80 years old. she has started to complain about having pain in her teeth— complain about having pain in her teeth and — complain about having pain in her teeth and there is a little hole in her teeth — teeth and there is a little hole in her teeth. ~ , , , ., her teeth. when i brush my teeth or eat something _ her teeth. when i brush my teeth or eat something or— her teeth. when i brush my teeth or eat something or get _ her teeth. when i brush my teeth or eat something or get some - her teeth. when i brush my teeth or| eat something or get some kolasinac it really hurts my teeth. 50 eat something or get some kolasinac it really hurts my teeth.— it really hurts my teeth. so your son is uncomfortable _ it really hurts my teeth. so your son is uncomfortable about - it really hurts my teeth. so your son is uncomfortable about howj it really hurts my teeth. so your i son is uncomfortable about how his teeth look and your daughter is in pain. teeth look and your daughter is in ain. ., teeth look and your daughter is in ain, ., , �* , teeth look and your daughter is in ain. . ~ pain. yeah, she's in pain. and even we can see — pain. yeah, she's in pain. and even we can see the _ pain. yeah, she's in pain. and even we can see the hole _ pain. yeah, she's in pain. and even we can see the hole in _ pain. yeah, she's in pain. and even we can see the hole in her- pain. yeah, she's in pain. and even we can see the hole in her teeth. i we can see the hole in her teeth. that— we can see the hole in her teeth. that must— we can see the hole in her teeth. that must be quite hard as a parent. it is, you know, and i'm scared because — it is, you know, and i'm scared because of— it is, you know, and i'm scared because of the pain goes worse what am i because of the pain goes worse what am i going _ because of the pain goes worse what am i going to do? because of the pain goes worse what am i going to do?— am i going to do? families like his and dentist — am i going to do? families like his and dentist who _ am i going to do? families like his and dentist who will _ am i going to do? families like his and dentist who will not _ am i going to do? families like his and dentist who will not be - am i going to do? families like his and dentist who will not be seen i am i going to do? families like hisj and dentist who will not be seen is not unusual. dental seem to be abandoning the nhs.— not unusual. dental seem to be abandoning the nhs. definitely a aood one abandoning the nhs. definitely a good one for— abandoning the nhs. definitely a good one for the _ abandoning the nhs. definitely a good one for the tooth _ abandoning the nhs. definitely a good one for the tooth fairy, - abandoning the nhs. definitely a| good one for the tooth fairy, this. here you go. big old tooth that one. in the school of dentistry at newcastle university patients are waiting in an emergency clinic. michelle davies, please. hi, michelle. nice to meet you, i'm bryony. — michelle. nice to meet you, i'm bryony, one of the dentists. where justin _ bryony, one of the dentists. where justin number two. will bryony, one of the dentists. where justin number two.— justin number two. will you come with me? thank— justin number two. will you come with me? thank you. _ justin number two. will you come with me? thank you. we - justin number two. will you come with me? thank you. we spent i justin number two. will you come | with me? thank you. we spent 48 hours here — with me? thank you. we spent 48 hours here meeting _ with me? thank you. we spent 48 hours here meeting those - with me? thank you. we spent 48 hours here meeting those seeking j hours here meeting those seeking help with toothache and damage teeth. �* , ., . , . teeth. i'm 'ust on tap some tea behind teeth. i'm just on tap some tea behind that's _ teeth. i'm just on tap some tea behind that's ok. _ teeth. i'm just on tap some tea behind that's ok. that - teeth. i'm just on tap some tea behind that's ok. that one? i teeth. i'm just on tap some tea l behind that's ok. that one? no. teeth. i'm just on tap some tea - behind that's ok. that one? no. yes. i'm not behind that's ok. that one? no. yes. i'm not going — behind that's ok. that one? no. yes. i'm not going to _ behind that's ok. that one? no. yes. i'm not going to do — behind that's ok. that one? no. yes. i'm not going to do that _ behind that's ok. that one? no. yes. i'm not going to do that again - i'm not going to do that again because — i'm not going to do that again because another was painful. can you no in and because another was painful. can you go in and support _ because another was painful. can you go in and support lizzie? _ because another was painful. can you go in and support lizzie? one - because another was painful. can you. go in and support lizzie? one common theme is the — go in and support lizzie? one common theme is the number _ go in and support lizzie? one common theme is the number of _ go in and support lizzie? one common theme is the number of people - go in and support lizzie? one common theme is the number of people who i theme is the number of people who were surprised to discover they could no longer see their nhs dentist. even if they had been a patient for years.— dentist. even if they had been a patient for years. well done. we are no loner patient for years. well done. we are no longer taking _ patient for years. well done. we are no longer taking nhs _ patient for years. well done. we are no longer taking nhs patients, - patient for years. well done. we are no longer taking nhs patients, only| no longer taking nhs patients, only private patients. couldn't get an appointment. other dentists i informed said practically the same thing. i was forming, it wasn't frustrating, i was forming. once you had a dentist. _ frustrating, i was forming. once you had a dentist, you _ frustrating, i was forming. once you had a dentist, you had _ frustrating, i was forming. once you had a dentist, you had a _ frustrating, i was forming. once you had a dentist, you had a dentist. - frustrating, i was forming. once you had a dentist, you had a dentist. i i had a dentist, you had a dentist. phoned my had a dentist, you had a dentist. i phoned my dentist at nine o'clock to .et phoned my dentist at nine o'clock to get an— phoned my dentist at nine o'clock to get an appointment _ phoned my dentist at nine o'clock to get an appointment and _ phoned my dentist at nine o'clock to get an appointment and the - phoned my dentist at nine o'clock to get an appointment and the said - phoned my dentist at nine o'clock to get an appointment and the said i'dl get an appointment and the said i'd been deregistered _ get an appointment and the said i'd been deregistered and _ get an appointment and the said i'd been deregistered and there - get an appointment and the said i'd been deregistered and there was i get an appointment and the said i'd| been deregistered and there was no emergencies — been deregistered and there was no emergencies left. _ been deregistered and there was no emergencies left. i— been deregistered and there was no emergencies left. iwas— been deregistered and there was no emergencies left. i was confused i emergencies left. i was confused because — emergencies left. i was confused because of— emergencies left. i was confused because of it _ emergencies left. i was confused because of it and _ emergencies left. i was confused because of it and there _ emergencies left. i was confused because of it and there was - emergencies left. i was confused because of it and there was no i because of it and there was no emergencies _ because of it and there was no emergencies left. _ because of it and there was no emergencies left. i— because of it and there was no emergencies left. i was- because of it and there was no i emergencies left. i was confused because — emergencies left. i was confused because i— emergencies left. i was confused because i don't— emergencies left. i was confused because i don't go— emergencies left. i was confused because i don't go to _ emergencies left. i was confused because i don't go to my- emergencies left. i was confused because i don't go to my doctors| emergencies left. i was confused i because i don't go to my doctors for a while _ because i don't go to my doctors for a while they— because i don't go to my doctors for a while they don't _ because i don't go to my doctors for a while they don't delete _ because i don't go to my doctors for a while they don't delete this - because i don't go to my doctors for a while they don't delete this from i a while they don't delete this from the system — a while they don't delete this from the system so _ a while they don't delete this from the system so i _ a while they don't delete this from the system so i didn't— a while they don't delete this from the system so i didn't really- a while they don't delete this from the system so i didn't really knowl the system so i didn't really know what _ the system so i didn't really know what i _ the system so i didn't really know what i was — the system so i didn't really know what i was going _ the system so i didn't really know what i was going to _ the system so i didn't really know what i was going to do _ the system so i didn't really know what i was going to do then. - the system so i didn't really know what i was going to do then. i - the system so i didn't really know what i was going to do then. i rang m own what i was going to do then. i rang my own dentist _ what i was going to do then. i rang my own dentist when _ what i was going to do then. i rang my own dentist when it _ what i was going to do then. i rang my own dentist when it started - what i was going to do then. i rang | my own dentist when it started and what i was going to do thenm my own dentist when it started and i found i have been deregistered then and they wouldn't be able to see me for a while so i was a bit panicky then and i tried a few other dentists but nowhere in my area was taking new patients. hi. dentists but nowhere in my area was taking new patients.— taking new patients. hi, molly, hello again. — taking new patients. hi, molly, hello again, you _ taking new patients. hi, molly, hello again, you all— taking new patients. hi, molly, hello again, you all right? - hello again, you all right? 34—year—old male, complaining of bottom _ 34—year—old male, complaining of bottom wisdom _ 34—year—old male, complaining of bottom wisdom tooth. _ 34—year—old male, complaining of bottom wisdom tooth. [n - 34-year-old male, complaining of bottom wisdom tooth.— bottom wisdom tooth. in fact, dentists don't _ bottom wisdom tooth. in fact, dentists don't have _ bottom wisdom tooth. in fact, dentists don't have a - bottom wisdom tooth. in fact, dentists don't have a registerl bottom wisdom tooth. in fact, i dentists don't have a register of patients and such. it is not like a gp practice. patients and such. it is not like a gp practice-— patients and such. it is not like a gp practice. patients and such. it is not like a gp ractice. ., . . . gp practice. you might have have a look, is that _ gp practice. you might have have a look, is that ok? _ gp practice. you might have have a look, is that ok? what _ gp practice. you might have have a look, is that ok? what i _ gp practice. you might have have a look, is that ok? what i will - gp practice. you might have have a look, is that ok? what i will do - look, is that 0k? what i will do first look, is that ok? what i will do first is— look, is that 0k? what i will do first is through the outside of your head _ first is through the outside of your head and — first is through the outside of your head and neck and then i will have a look at _ head and neck and then i will have a look at the — head and neck and then i will have a look at the offending article, 0k? look at the offending article, ok? but it— look at the offending article, ok? but it seems clear that some dental practices are doing less and less nhs work. . , practices are doing less and less nhs work-— practices are doing less and less nhs work. . , ., nhs work. there has always been a cohort of patients _ nhs work. there has always been a cohort of patients that _ nhs work. there has always been a cohort of patients that have - nhs work. there has always been a cohort of patients that have not - cohort of patients that have not sought to retain dental care because of various barriers and anxiety, but certainly we are seeing patients who are saying they're struggling to find dentist at the moment. sometimes it always cut and dry that treating it means you are not going to get a tooth or painful dental condition, but certainly it may help if you do see a dentist, yes. ilrlice if you do see a dentist, yes. nice to meet you. _ if you do see a dentist, yes. nice to meet you, have _ if you do see a dentist, yes. nice to meet you, have a _ if you do see a dentist, yes. nice to meet you, have a sedan. - if you do see a dentist, yes. nice to meet you, have a sedan. all. if you do see a dentist, yes. nice | to meet you, have a sedan. all of those of the _ to meet you, have a sedan. all of those of the clinic _ to meet you, have a sedan. all of those of the clinic today - to meet you, have a sedan. all of those of the clinic today are - those of the clinic today are experiencing pain. and they need some relief so that they can get on with their lives.— some relief so that they can get on with their lives. what can we do for ou with their lives. what can we do for you today? — with their lives. what can we do for you today? i _ with their lives. what can we do for you today? i have _ with their lives. what can we do for you today? i have toothache - with their lives. what can we do for you today? i have toothache in - with their lives. what can we do for. you today? i have toothache in them out of my mouth _ you today? i have toothache in them out of my mouth and _ you today? i have toothache in them out of my mouth and has _ you today? i have toothache in them out of my mouth and has been - you today? i have toothache in them out of my mouth and has been therej out of my mouth and has been there for a week— out of my mouth and has been there for a week or— out of my mouth and has been there for a week or two. _ out of my mouth and has been there for a week or two. hasn't _ out of my mouth and has been there for a week or two. hasn't been - out of my mouth and has been there for a week or two. hasn't been too i for a week or two. hasn't been too bad for a week or two. hasn't been too had but _ for a week or two. hasn't been too had but late — for a week or two. hasn't been too bad but late last _ for a week or two. hasn't been too bad but late last night _ for a week or two. hasn't been too bad but late last night it— for a week or two. hasn't been too bad but late last night it is- bad but late last night it is affecting _ bad but late last night it is affecting my— bad but late last night it is affecting my work. - bad but late last night it isi affecting my work. creating bad but late last night it is. affecting my work. creating a bad but late last night it is- affecting my work. creating a lot of stress _ affecting my work. creating a lot of stress on _ affecting my work. creating a lot of stress on the — affecting my work. creating a lot of stress on the family. _ affecting my work. creating a lot of stress on the family. we _ affecting my work. creating a lot of stress on the family.— stress on the family. we will be centle stress on the family. we will be gentle but _ stress on the family. we will be gentle but it — stress on the family. we will be gentle but it is _ stress on the family. we will be gentle but it is so _ stress on the family. we will be gentle but it is so let _ stress on the family. we will be gentle but it is so let me - stress on the family. we will be gentle but it is so let me know. | gentle but it is so let me know. it's gentle but it is so let me know. it's like — gentle but it is so let me know. it's like giving birth, but a little bit. it's like giving birth, but a little bit yes — it's like giving birth, but a little bit yes it _ it's like giving birth, but a little bit. yes. it will— it's like giving birth, but a little bit. yes. it will be _ it's like giving birth, but a little bit. yes. it will be better- it's like giving birth, but a little bit. yes. it will be better when| it's like giving birth, but a little i bit. yes. it will be better when the truth _ bit. yes. it will be better when the truth comes— bit. yes. it will be better when the truth comes out. _ bit. yes. it will be better when the truth comes out. when _ bit. yes. it will be better when the truth comes out. when the - bit. yes. it will be better when the truth comes out. when the pain. bit. yes. it will be better when the truth comes out. when the pain is| truth comes out. when the pain is in, truth comes out. when the pain is in. and _ truth comes out. when the pain is in. and there— truth comes out. when the pain is in, and there is— truth comes out. when the pain is in, and there is no— truth comes out. when the pain is in, and there is no treatment, - truth comes out. when the pain isj in, and there is no treatment, you can't _ in, and there is no treatment, you can't get _ in, and there is no treatment, you can't get a — in, and there is no treatment, you can't get a place _ in, and there is no treatment, you can't get a place to _ in, and there is no treatment, you can't get a place to get _ in, and there is no treatment, you can't get a place to get your - in, and there is no treatment, you can't get a place to get your teeth| can't get a place to get your teeth out it— can't get a place to get your teeth out it is— can't get a place to get your teeth out it is painful— can't get a place to get your teeth out it is painful if— can't get a place to get your teeth out it is painful if you _ can't get a place to get your teeth out it is painful if you have - can't get a place to get your teeth out it is painful if you have gone i out it is painful if you have gone out it is painful if you have gone out and — out it is painful if you have gone out and there _ out it is painful if you have gone out and there is _ out it is painful if you have gone out and there is nowhere - out it is painful if you have gone out and there is nowhere to - out it is painful if you have gone out and there is nowhere to go. | out and there is nowhere to go. definite — out and there is nowhere to go. definite lack— out and there is nowhere to go. definite lack of— out and there is nowhere to go. definite lack of sleep. - out and there is nowhere to go. definite lack of sleep. i - out and there is nowhere to go. definite lack of sleep. i had - out and there is nowhere to go. definite lack of sleep. i had to i definite lack of sleep. i had to take an afternoon off work a couple of times as welljust purely being tired. of times as well 'ust purely being tired. , ., it's tired. open wide for me. it's affecting _ tired. open wide for me. it's affecting my _ tired. open wide for me. it's affecting my sleep, - tired. open wide for me. it's affecting my sleep, painful. tired. open wide for me. it's - affecting my sleep, painful nonstop. it's affecting my sleep, painful nonstop. it's horrible, — affecting my sleep, painful nonstop. it's horrible, absolutely— affecting my sleep, painful nonstop. it's horrible, absolutely horrible. - it's horrible, absolutely horrible. after— it's horrible, absolutely horrible. after this — it's horrible, absolutely horrible. after this truth _ it's horrible, absolutely horrible. after this truth has _ it's horrible, absolutely horrible. after this truth has come - it's horrible, absolutely horrible. after this truth has come out, i it's horrible, absolutely horrible. i after this truth has come out, the pain is getting worse. going to bed early and waking up early. how are you coping? not really. it's got a point where i need to get this fixed. ~ ~' ., point where i need to get this fixed. ~ ~ ., ., ., point where i need to get this fixed. ~ ., ., ., , . . fixed. we know from our research that added _ fixed. we know from our research that added eight _ fixed. we know from our research that added eight to _ fixed. we know from our research that added eight to ten _ fixed. we know from our research that added eight to ten pain - fixed. we know from our research that added eight to ten pain that l that added eight to ten pain that tends _ that added eight to ten pain that tends most unimaginable we know that they are _ tends most unimaginable we know that they are awake most of the night and we know— they are awake most of the night and we know that it will affect the quality — we know that it will affect the quality of life was to have it under quality—of—life from our research is affecting _ quality—of—life from our research is affecting to — quality—of—life from our research is affecting to the same extent as having — affecting to the same extent as having arthritis or depression. you do not _ having arthritis or depression. you do not of— having arthritis or depression. you do not of emotive things with a smile _ do not of emotive things with a smile can — do not of emotive things with a smile can be a case, you'll ask you talk, _ smile can be a case, you'll ask you talk, you _ smile can be a case, you'll ask you talk, you show your teeth and you smile _ talk, you show your teeth and you smile all— talk, you show your teeth and you smile. all of these things feed into a central— smile. all of these things feed into a central processing of your pain. your— a central processing of your pain. your face — a central processing of your pain. your face is — a central processing of your pain. your face is really unusual in the sense _ your face is really unusual in the sense that — your face is really unusual in the sense that as a direct line rather than _ sense that as a direct line rather than the — sense that as a direct line rather than the series stops and a train line into — than the series stops and a train line into the sentence that control your emotions and brain and is probably— your emotions and brain and is probably one of the reasons why pain is so profound in the face as well as heingm — is so profound in the face as well as being... you are wired to become as being... you are wired to become a little _ as being... you are wired to become a little bit _ as being... you are wired to become a little bit more anxious or concerned by it.— a little bit more anxious or concerned b it. , concerned by it. christine, lizzie. and for those _ concerned by it. christine, lizzie. and for those like _ concerned by it. christine, lizzie. and for those like christine - concerned by it. christine, lizzie. and for those like christine who i concerned by it. christine, lizzie. i and for those like christine who are lucky enough to get treated at the clinic, the relief can be instant. great. that's that.— clinic, the relief can be instant. great. that's that. christine, we 'ust saw great. that's that. christine, we just saw you _ great. that's that. christine, we just saw you had _ great. that's that. christine, we just saw you had the _ great. that's that. christine, we just saw you had the tooth - just saw you had the tooth extracted. how are you feeling now? relieved and pain—free. that extracted. how are you feeling now? relieved and pain-free.— extracted. how are you feeling now? relieved and pain-free. that must be nice after that — relieved and pain-free. that must be nice after that little _ relieved and pain-free. that must be nice after that little period _ relieved and pain-free. that must be nice after that little period you - nice after that little period you have had. it nice after that little period you have had. , �* , ., nice after that little period you have had. , �* , . ~ have had. it is, it's a relief. and all the stresses _ have had. it is, it's a relief. and all the stresses off. _ have had. it is, it's a relief. and all the stresses off. all - have had. it is, it's a relief. and all the stresses off. all the - have had. it is, it's a relief. and i all the stresses off. all the stress of the _ all the stresses off. all the stress of the pain. all the stresses off. all the stress of the pain-— all the stresses off. all the stress of the pain. and that was it, is it? that's all it _ of the pain. and that was it, is it? that's all it took _ of the pain. and that was it, is it? that's all it took on _ of the pain. and that was it, is it? that's all it took on the _ of the pain. and that was it, is it? that's all it took on the pain - of the pain. and that was it, is it? that's all it took on the pain is - that's all it took on the pain is gone? yeah, yeah. ifeel good. our research reveals some variations between different nations and regions in the uk. in england, wales and northern ireland 90% or more of the nhs dental practices we contacted no longer accept adult patients. in scotland the figure was lower, both within england, some areas in the northwest, southwest, east midlands and yorkshire and humber really are dental deserts and our researchers found that almost no practices accepting any new nhs aduu practices accepting any new nhs adult patients. for more than 70 years, dentistry has been a key part of the nhs. so why are so many dentists now walking away from nhs care? dentists are themselves blamed the contract they have been working under since 2006 which they say fails to cover the cost of treatments.— fails to cover the cost of treatments. ~ . . , , treatments. what we are seeing is that dentists _ treatments. what we are seeing is that dentists are _ treatments. what we are seeing is that dentists are having _ treatments. what we are seeing is that dentists are having to - treatments. what we are seeing is that dentists are having to cross i that dentists are having to cross subsidise nhs provision by providing private care and i think people are getting fed up of doing that. there's a limit to how benevolent you can be. when you're carrying out a piece of treatment for the treatment you haven't earned any income for a business, then there is no logic to staying in the system. so, as is the death of nhs dentistry? is the system too broken to fix's i think dentistry is insignificant trouble. i to fix's i think dentistry is insignificant trouble. i think it is premature _ insignificant trouble. i think it is premature to — insignificant trouble. i think it is premature to say _ insignificant trouble. i think it is premature to say we _ insignificant trouble. i think it is premature to say we are - insignificant trouble. i think it is - premature to say we are witnessing the death— premature to say we are witnessing the death of it, but in certain areas — the death of it, but in certain areas it— the death of it, but in certain areas it is— the death of it, but in certain areas it is on life support and action— areas it is on life support and action will— areas it is on life support and action will need to be taken. it doesn't — action will need to be taken. it doesn't seem to be any real appetite for big _ doesn't seem to be any real appetite for big structural investment decisions that is required to fix nhs _ decisions that is required to fix nhs dentistry and we will end up if we are _ nhs dentistry and we will end up if we are very careful with a rather worrying — we are very careful with a rather worrying two tier system of people who are _ worrying two tier system of people who are lucky enough to have a private — who are lucky enough to have a private dentist who want to stay in the nhs _ private dentist who want to stay in the nhs and people have gone private and everybody else who will have to take whatever service might be available. but take whatever service might be available. �* ., take whatever service might be available. �* . , ., ,, available. but what should nhs dentistry look _ available. but what should nhs dentistry look like? _ available. but what should nhs dentistry look like? does - available. but what should nhs i dentistry look like? does everyone need nhs care? even those who can afford to go private? studies have shown that it is those from more deprived areas who struggle the most to find a dentist. latte deprived areas who struggle the most to find a dentist.— to find a dentist. we need to dental care system — to find a dentist. we need to dental care system which _ to find a dentist. we need to dental care system which is _ to find a dentist. we need to dental care system which is accessible - to find a dentist. we need to dental care system which is accessible to l care system which is accessible to everyone. — care system which is accessible to everyone. so— care system which is accessible to everyone, so patients _ care system which is accessible to everyone, so patients need - care system which is accessible to everyone, so patients need to- care system which is accessible to everyone, so patients need to bei everyone, so patients need to be able to— everyone, so patients need to be able to access _ everyone, so patients need to be able to access it _ everyone, so patients need to be able to access it regardless - everyone, so patients need to be able to access it regardless of. able to access it regardless of where — able to access it regardless of where they— able to access it regardless of where they live, _ able to access it regardless of where they live, whether- able to access it regardless of where they live, whether in i able to access it regardless of where they live, whether in a| able to access it regardless of- where they live, whether in a rural club deprived _ where they live, whether in a rural club deprived area, _ where they live, whether in a rural club deprived area, the _ where they live, whether in a rural club deprived area, the need - where they live, whether in a rural club deprived area, the need to. where they live, whether in a rural i club deprived area, the need to have access— club deprived area, the need to have access to _ club deprived area, the need to have access to a _ club deprived area, the need to have access to a dentist _ club deprived area, the need to have access to a dentist and _ club deprived area, the need to have access to a dentist and we _ club deprived area, the need to have access to a dentist and we need - club deprived area, the need to have access to a dentist and we need andi access to a dentist and we need and of dentists — access to a dentist and we need and of dentists to — access to a dentist and we need and of dentists to match _ access to a dentist and we need and of dentists to match the _ access to a dentist and we need and of dentists to match the number - access to a dentist and we need and of dentists to match the number ofl of dentists to match the number of patients— of dentists to match the number of patients we — of dentists to match the number of patients we have. _ of dentists to match the number of patients we have. we _ of dentists to match the number of patients we have. we also - of dentists to match the number of patients we have. we also need . of dentists to match the number of i patients we have. we also need nhs dentistry— patients we have. we also need nhs dentistry which — patients we have. we also need nhs dentistry which is _ patients we have. we also need nhs dentistry which is affordable - patients we have. we also need nhs dentistry which is affordable for - dentistry which is affordable for everyone — dentistry which is affordable for everyone and _ dentistry which is affordable for everyone and it _ dentistry which is affordable for everyone and it needs- dentistry which is affordable for everyone and it needs to - dentistry which is affordable for everyone and it needs to be - dentistry which is affordable for i everyone and it needs to be really clear— everyone and it needs to be really clear what — everyone and it needs to be really clear what the _ everyone and it needs to be really clear what the charges _ everyone and it needs to be really clear what the charges are - everyone and it needs to be really clear what the charges are so - everyone and it needs to be reallyl clear what the charges are so there is no _ clear what the charges are so there is no anxiety— clear what the charges are so there is no anxiety about _ clear what the charges are so there is no anxiety about whether - clear what the charges are so there i is no anxiety about whether somebody can or— is no anxiety about whether somebody can or cannot — is no anxiety about whether somebody can or cannot afford _ is no anxiety about whether somebody can or cannot afford it. _ is no anxiety about whether somebody can or cannot afford it. the _ can or cannot afford it. the contract — can or cannot afford it. the contract for _ can or cannot afford it. the contract for dentists - can or cannot afford it. the contract for dentists in - can or cannot afford it- contract for dentists in england can or cannot afford it— contract for dentists in england has recently been subject to some changes which it is hoped will improve access to care, but there is no extra money and nhs england acknowledges these are just the first steps in what will be a long process of reform. in a statement the welsh government accepted that some people are struggling to find a dentist but said reforms to improve access were being developed. the scottish government said that more than 95% of the population were registered with an nhs dentist and that he had a relatively strong workforce to offer care to those needed. the department of health and northern ireland said that services have been affected by the pandemic and a treatment backlog meant that finding a dentist is now more difficult, but that a new scheme to improve access should be in place by the end of the summer. meanwhile, these children need help now. their dad says he does nowhere to turn. no action, no action at all. will you do? just wait and see what happens? keep trying. i'm not ringing any more. — keep trying. i'm not ringing any more. i've_ keep trying. i'm not ringing any more, i've already rang 15 or 20 dentists — more, i've already rang 15 or 20 dentists i— more, i've already rang 15 or 20 dentists. i live in manchester, i can go— dentists. i live in manchester, i can go to — dentists. i live in manchester, i can go to london or somewhere else to see _ can go to london or somewhere else to see a _ can go to london or somewhere else to see a dentist. so i'm doing nothing _ to see a dentist. so i'm doing nothinu. , . , nothing. danielle is at her wits end. she nothing. danielle is at her wits end- she is — nothing. danielle is at her wits end. she is considering - nothing. danielle is at her wits end. she is considering may i nothing. danielle is at her wits| end. she is considering may be nothing. danielle is at her wits - end. she is considering may be even going into debt to pay for the dental care she needs. it’s going into debt to pay for the dental care she needs. it's not my fault i haven't _ dental care she needs. it's not my fault i haven't had _ dental care she needs. it's not my fault i haven't had a _ dental care she needs. it's not my fault i haven't had a dentist - dental care she needs. it's not my fault i haven't had a dentist for i fault i haven't had a dentist for seven years and my teeth have been coming out performed by myself. that is not my fault. i haven't had a dentist to say please help me, please fix my teeth and it is a simple as that.— please fix my teeth and it is a simple as that. please fix my teeth and it is a simle as that. . ., , , simple as that. caroline feel she is runnina simple as that. caroline feel she is running out _ simple as that. caroline feel she is running out of _ simple as that. caroline feel she is running out of time. _ simple as that. caroline feel she is running out of time. her _ simple as that. caroline feel she is i running out of time. her home-made running out of time. her home—made dentures are nowhere near being a long—term solution. keep dentures are nowhere near being a long-term solution.— long-term solution. keep trying, ho e, long-term solution. keep trying, hope. cross _ long-term solution. keep trying, hope. cross my _ long-term solution. keep trying, hope, cross my fingers _ long-term solution. keep trying, hope, cross my fingers that - long-term solution. keep trying, hope, cross my fingers that i - long-term solution. keep trying, hope, cross my fingers that i can still keep— hope, cross my fingers that i can still keep fitting _ hope, cross my fingers that i can still keep fitting it _ hope, cross my fingers that i can still keep fitting it in— hope, cross my fingers that i can still keep fitting it in because - hope, cross my fingers that i can still keep fitting it in because if. still keep fitting it in because if i still keep fitting it in because if i can't — still keep fitting it in because if i can't i — still keep fitting it in because if ican't i don't _ still keep fitting it in because if i can't i don't know. _ still keep fitting it in because if i can't i don't know. i— still keep fitting it in because if i can't i don't know. i honestlyl i can't i don't know. i honestly don't know _ ican't i don't know. i honestly don't know. if— i can't i don't know. i honestly don't know. if i— ican't i don't know. i honestly don't know. if i think- i can't i don't know. i honestly don't know. if i think about. i can't i don't know. i honestly don't know. if i think about iti i can't i don't know. i honestly. don't know. if i think about it too hard _ don't know. if i think about it too hard it's— don't know. if i think about it too hard it's too _ don't know. if i think about it too hard it's too scary. _ don't know. if i think about it too hard it's too scary. there - don't know. if i think about it too hard it's too scary. there are - don't know. if i think about it too i hard it's too scary. there are times when _ hard it's too scary. there are times when i _ hard it's too scary. there are times when i tried — hard it's too scary. there are times when i tried to _ hard it's too scary. there are times when i tried to fit _ hard it's too scary. there are times when i tried to fit my— hard it's too scary. there are times when i tried to fit my little thing i when i tried to fit my little thing and has — when i tried to fit my little thing and has not _ when i tried to fit my little thing and has not worked _ when i tried to fit my little thing and has not worked and - when i tried to fit my little thing and has not worked and i'll- when i tried to fit my little thing and has not worked and i'll be i when i tried to fit my little thing| and has not worked and i'll be in floods— and has not worked and i'll be in floods of— and has not worked and i'll be in floods of tiers _ and has not worked and i'll be in floods of tiers saying _ and has not worked and i'll be in floods of tiers saying i— and has not worked and i'll be in floods of tiers saying i cannot i and has not worked and i'll be inj floods of tiers saying i cannot go out, _ floods of tiers saying i cannot go out, i_ floods of tiers saying i cannot go out, icannot— floods of tiers saying i cannot go out, i cannot leave _ floods of tiers saying i cannot go out, i cannot leave the - floods of tiers saying i cannot go out, i cannot leave the house . out, i cannot leave the house without — out, i cannot leave the house without something _ out, i cannot leave the house without something that - out, i cannot leave the house without something that looks out, i cannot leave the house - without something that looks even have all— without something that looks even have all right _ without something that looks even have all right i_ without something that looks even have all right. i don't— without something that looks even have all right. i don't know. - without something that looks even have all right. i don't know. it's. have all right. i don't know. it's scary~ _ have all right. i don't know. it's sca . , ., ., ,, scary. there is no quick fix for nhs dentistry but _ scary. there is no quick fix for nhs dentistry but in _ scary. there is no quick fix for nhs dentistry but in the _ scary. there is no quick fix for nhs dentistry but in the meantime, - dentistry but in the meantime, thousands of people are struggling to access the care they need. hello. it is hot and it is dry. and for many, that will be the story for the remainder of the weekend. start of the new week, things do begin to change. it will become more showery and eventually cooler for all by tuesday. extreme heat is still the story, though, for much of england and wales. through the remainder of the weekend, the amber warning stays in place. very warm night across england and wales. lows in some areas around 20 degrees. few isolated showers for the south—west of england, showers by the end of the night, pushing into northern ireland. cloud, mist and murk pushing into the coasts of eastern scotland and the north—east of england. this burns back through sunday. these showers start to get more excitable. some heavy thundery downpours to the north of northern ireland surging across into western scotland and spreading their way northwards. isolated showers across wales and the south—west of england. still looking at temperatures in the mid 30s widely across england and wales on sunday. but there you see the heat easing as we move into the week ahead. this is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. the suspect in the stabbing of the author salman rushdie has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and assault in the united states. mr rushdie's agent says the 75—year—old is now on a ventilator with the nerves in one arm severed and may lose an eye. more extreme heat is expected in the southern half of the uk over the next two days. around 7,000 households in surrey are being hit by a loss of water, while experts warn england's drought could last into the next year. documents in the us show fbi agents seized top secret files when they searched donald trump's florida home. and taliban fighters shoot in the air to disperse a women's

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Patients ,Dentist ,Stories ,Country ,Suffering ,Dentures ,Person ,Demoralising ,Dental Practices ,Team ,Researchers ,Uk ,Comprehensive Research Into Access To Nhs Dentistry ,Thousands ,Course ,Areas ,Nhs Dentistry ,Deserts ,Death ,Question ,Teeth ,Danielle ,Needs ,Working ,Gum Disease ,13 ,Teeth ,Nerve Pain ,Gums ,Abscesses ,Risk ,Infection ,Yes ,Sort ,Fillings ,Big Teeth ,Decayed ,Decay ,Mess ,Painkillers ,Gum Line ,42 ,Shouldn T ,Appointments ,Woman ,Happening ,Post ,Dental Surgery ,Letter ,Seven ,90 ,Dentists ,Nothing ,On My Own ,Anywhere ,Referrals ,Nhs ,More ,Dentist Up ,Spain ,Treatment ,People ,Lot ,Lots ,Impact ,Nhs Work ,Head ,Somebody ,Situations ,Mental Health ,Standing ,Won T Go Out ,Face ,Conversation ,Front ,Ijust ,Don T Squirt Me ,Children ,Son ,Teenager ,Looks ,Part ,Mates ,Life ,Worry ,Back ,Kid ,One ,Issues ,Others ,Number ,Picture ,Surgeries ,Provision ,Questions ,Surveys ,Hiya ,6900 ,Care ,Wall ,Most ,Wait ,0k ,Waiting List ,Six ,Five ,0k ,Contract ,Leeds ,Single ,Nhs Dental Work ,100 ,Practices ,Adult Patients ,Phone Rings ,Reception ,Charlotte ,Boyd Dental Surgery ,Adults ,Calls ,Phone ,Chair ,Ian Boyd ,Practice ,Problem ,Denture ,Career ,Dispiriting ,32 ,16 ,Issue ,Government ,Shortage ,Budget ,2006 ,Prices ,Situation ,Time ,Funding ,Phone Calls ,Waste ,30 ,20 ,Fact ,England ,Point Of View ,Everywhere ,Patient ,Alfie Throwing A ,Couldn T Get One ,Mum ,Books ,Yeah ,15 ,Water ,Noise ,Three ,Oman ,Vacuum Cleaner ,Alfie ,Emma ,Consequences ,Implications ,Two ,Thing ,Term ,Money ,Devastating ,Amount ,Family ,Kids ,Basis ,Advice ,Checkups ,The Future ,Quarter ,Help ,Diy Dentistry ,Cap ,Caroline ,Lengths ,Form ,Crowns ,Fake Dentures ,Matters ,Hands ,Plastic ,Measurement ,Gauge ,It ,Big Doesn T ,Horrible ,Place ,Gum ,Round ,Noodle ,Fits ,Cosmetic Dentistry ,Home ,Procedure ,Tooth Decay ,Food ,Choking Hazard ,Gun ,Methods ,Super Trick ,It Rots ,I V E ,Fingers ,Heart ,Couldn T ,Anyone ,Bit ,Someone ,Tooth Underneath ,Things ,Try ,Smile ,Distance ,Ithink ,Research ,Area ,Any ,Luck ,We Couldn T ,Child ,Authority ,Ten ,80 ,Four ,Dental Care ,Let S Go Inside ,Daughter ,Cavity ,Fun ,Elder ,Tip ,Dau ,Hter ,Visit ,Top , Pay ,Didn T ,Doesn T I Pandemic ,Pandemic ,It Doesn T ,Doesn T ,We Pandemic ,Last ,Doesn T Matter ,Andemic ,Policy ,Matter ,Policy It ,Idon T ,Urrowin ,Mouth ,These , Growing ,Teeth Communat ,0 ,Something ,Hole ,I ,Hole In ,Parent ,Ain ,50 ,Dental ,Tooth ,Tooth Fairy ,Families ,Aood One Abandoning ,Nice ,Fix Nhs Dentistry ,Hi ,School ,Emergency Clinic ,Bryony ,Michelle ,Michelle Davies ,Newcastle University ,Toothache ,Justin Number Two ,Two Justin Number ,Thank Justin Number Two ,Justin Bryony ,Will Bryony ,We Justin Number Two ,48 ,Another ,Tea ,Tea Behind ,Ust ,Tea L ,Theme ,Lizzie ,Years Dentist ,Support ,Appointment ,Loner Patient ,Dentist Ii ,Wasn T ,Frustrating ,Nine ,System ,Left ,Doctors ,Emergencies ,Emergencies Left ,Don T Go ,Deregistered ,The System ,Ia ,I Dl ,Iwas ,Don T Go To My ,Nowhere ,Wouldn T ,Wisdom Tooth ,Male ,Wisdom ,Hello Again ,Dentists Don T ,Molly ,Registerl Bottom Wisdom Tooth ,Bottom ,Bottom Wisdom Tooth ,Register ,34 ,Gp Practice ,Look ,Neck ,Outside ,Offending Article ,It Look ,Gp ,First ,Anxiety ,Work ,Because ,Cohort ,Have Nhs Work ,Barriers ,Sedan ,Condition ,Ilrlice ,Hasn T ,Relief ,Lives ,Clinic ,Lives ,Therej ,Stress ,Family Stress ,Centle Stress ,It Stress ,Bad ,Truth ,Birth ,Little ,In ,Isj In ,Get A In ,Sleep ,Black ,Times ,I Out ,Couple ,Tired ,Bed ,Point ,Fixed ,Eight ,Quality ,Arthritis ,Depression ,Extent ,Processing ,Case ,Central Processing ,Talk ,Sense ,Line ,Emotions ,Being ,Brain ,Sentence ,Your ,Train Line ,Train ,Series ,Reasons ,Heingm Is ,Christine ,Saw ,Ust Saw Great ,That Clinic ,We ,Stresses ,Have ,Pain Free ,Northern Ireland ,Wales ,Regions ,Nations ,Variations ,Ifeel Good ,Western Scotland ,Northwest ,Figure ,Southwest ,Yorkshire ,East Midlands ,Humber ,Nhs Aduu ,70 ,Treatments ,Cross Subsidise Nhs ,Cost ,Treatments ,Haven T ,Limit ,Logic ,Business ,Piece ,Income ,Fix ,Trouble ,Action ,Appetite ,Life Support ,Fix Nhs ,Investment Decisions ,Decisions ,It Doesn T Action ,Tier System ,Service ,Worrying ,Who ,Everybody Else ,Everyone ,Dentistry ,Whatever ,Nhs I Dentistry ,Studies ,Care System ,Latte ,Club ,Access ,Need ,Charges ,Rural I Club ,Access Club ,Ofl ,It Contract ,Contract Can ,Cannot ,Subject ,Changes ,Steps ,Process ,Reform ,Statement ,Population ,Reforms ,Scottish Government ,95 ,Workforce ,Services ,Finding A ,Backlog ,Department Of Health ,Dad ,Scheme ,Summer ,The End ,I Ve ,Wits ,Somewhere ,Go Dentists ,Wits End ,She Nothing ,Manchester ,London ,Doing Nothinu ,Fault ,Debt ,End ,Long Term ,Caroline Feel ,Simle ,Runnina ,Running Out Of Time ,Hope ,Don T Know ,Cross ,Solution ,Ican T I Don ,Ican T I Don Know ,I Ican T Don Know ,Iti ,Ho E ,House ,Tiers ,I Floods ,House Without Out ,There Don T Know ,Go Out ,Icannot Floods ,Leave ,I Don T Know ,Scary ,Sca ,Heat ,Story ,Remainder ,Weekend ,Many ,Much ,Showers ,Cloud ,Amber Warning ,Lows ,Murk ,South West Of England ,Downpours ,North ,Excitable ,Coasts ,Way ,Eastern Scotland ,North East Of England ,Temperatures ,Wales On Sunday ,Mid 30s ,Headlines ,Viewers ,Around The World ,Bbc News ,Salman Rushdie Has ,Suspect ,Nerves ,Agent ,Assault ,Murder ,Stabbing ,Ventilator ,United States ,75 ,Drought ,Households ,Eye ,Arm ,Half ,Experts ,Hit ,Loss ,Surrey ,7000 ,Documents ,Show ,Agents ,Files ,Fbi ,Florida ,Donald Trump ,Women S ,Hair ,Fighters ,Taliban ,

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