so there are no direct flights and there will be no direct flights— and there will be no direct flights in months to come and that certainly has a detrimental effect on certain parts — detrimental effect on certain parts of— detrimental effect on certain parts of the russian society but not _ parts of the russian society but not for the economy in generah _ but not for the economy in general. and the rest will be, and up — general. and the rest will be, and up untilyou general. and the rest will be, and up until you mentioned, certain— and up until you mentioned, certain sectors would be targeted, it would be fine for probably for the government to sustain— probably for the government to sustain spending with current reserves _ sustain spending with current reserves. but as we can see, it looks_ reserves. but as we can see, it looks like — reserves. but as we can see, it looks like europe and the us and other governments are trying — and other governments are trying to— and other governments are trying to step up and even now, we are — trying to step up and even now, we are in— trying to step up and even now, we are in the middle of discussions and we can hear those — discussions and we can hear those discussions that it's not enough — those discussions that it's not enough and probably, we should target _ enough and probably, we should target the financial markets more — target the financial markets more and so on and so forth and, — more and so on and so forth and. of— more and so on and so forth and, of course, russia has chim— and, of course, russia has china but_ and, of course, russia has china but it's difficult to diverse _ china but it's difficult to diverse the coal trades towards