obligation to defend it. is there a sense that if president putin isn't bluffing, european countries acknowledged that they really are powerless to stop it? in acknowledged that they really are powerless to stop it?— acknowledged that they really are powerless to stop it? in very simple terms, powerless to stop it? in very simple terms. what — powerless to stop it? in very simple terms, what lies _ powerless to stop it? in very simple terms, what lies behind _ powerless to stop it? in very simple terms, what lies behind this - terms, what lies behind this potential is the insurgence of a sovereign _ potential is the insurgence of a sovereign nation by a massive military— sovereign nation by a massive military machine. thrasher is clearly— military machine. thrasher is clearly on _ military machine. thrasher is clearly on a war footing and this is driven_ clearly on a war footing and this is driven by— clearly on a war footing and this is driven by intense nationalism within the kremlin. there are plenty of supporters across his vast country. putin _ supporters across his vast country. putin is_ supporters across his vast country. putin is an — supporters across his vast country. putin is an imperialist he wants to expand _ putin is an imperialist he wants to expand russia and at the moment he feels the _ expand russia and at the moment he feels the west is conspiring against his country— feels the west is conspiring against his country and the ukrainians are at the _ his country and the ukrainians are at the centre of this. he would argue — at the centre of this. he would argue that offensive moves are all part of— argue that offensive moves are all part of the — argue that offensive moves are all part of the defence of his nation and specifically the rations are furious — and specifically the rations are furious at _ and specifically the rations are furious at ukraine, which is a