but also they might make trade between — but also they might make trade between calais _ but also they might make trade between calais and _ but also they might make trade between calais and dover, - but also they might make trade i between calais and dover, where but also they might make trade - between calais and dover, where most of the _ between calais and dover, where most of the trade _ between calais and dover, where most of the trade goes — between calais and dover, where most of the trade goes between _ between calais and dover, where most of the trade goes between britain - of the trade goes between britain and ireland — of the trade goes between britain and ireland and _ of the trade goes between britain and ireland and tours _ of the trade goes between britain and ireland and tours the - of the trade goes between britain . and ireland and tours the continent. they might — and ireland and tours the continent. they might not _ and ireland and tours the continent. they might not block _ and ireland and tours the continent. they might not block it _ and ireland and tours the continent. they might not block it would - and ireland and tours the continent. they might not block it would make | they might not block it would make it more _ they might not block it would make it more difficult. _ they might not block it would make it more difficult. also— they might not block it would make it more difficult. also have - they might not block it would make it more difficult. also have to- they might not block it would make it more difficult. also have to see . it more difficult. also have to see not only— it more difficult. also have to see not only from _ it more difficult. also have to see not only from the _ it more difficult. also have to see not only from the british - it more difficult. also have to see not only from the british side - it more difficult. also have to see not only from the british side but| not only from the british side but also from — not only from the british side but also from the _ not only from the british side but also from the german, _ not only from the british side but also from the german, slovak, . also from the german, slovak, hungarian. _ also from the german, slovak, hungarian. they— also from the german, slovak, hungarian, they all— also from the german, slovak, hungarian, they all sell - also from the german, slovak, hungarian, they all sell their. also from the german, slovak, i hungarian, they all sell their stuff to britain— hungarian, they all sell their stuff to britain and— hungarian, they all sell their stuff to britain and that _ hungarian, they all sell their stuff to britain and that was _ hungarian, they all sell their stuff to britain and that was quite - to britain and that was quite something _ to britain and that was quite something that _ to britain and that was quite something that raised - to britain and that was quite something that raised some| to britain and that was quite - something that raised some eyebrows out there _ something that raised some eyebrows out there so: — something that raised some eyebrows out there. 1, , something that raised some eyebrows out there. 1, _ ., ,., out there. so, borisjohnson, he kind of had _ out there. so, borisjohnson, he kind of had a _ out there. so, borisjohnson, he kind of had a word _ out there. so, borisjohnson, he kind of had a word with - out there. so, borisjohnson, he kind of had a word with ursula i out there. so, boris johnson, he i kind of had a word with ursula von der leyen. do you think you may have been pushing an open door to a certain extent?— been pushing an open door to a certain extent? yes, to a certain extent but _ certain extent? yes, to a certain extent but what _ certain extent? yes, to a certain extent but what i _ certain extent? yes, to a certain extent but what i hear _ certain extent? yes, to a certain extent but what i hear in - certain extent? yes, to a certain l extent but what i hear in brussels as well— extent but what i hear in brussels as well is— extent but what i hear in brussels as well is that _ extent but what i hear in brussels as well is that the _ extent but what i hear in brussels as well is that the europeans - extent but what i hear in brussel5| as well is that the europeans have shown— as well is that the europeans have shown their— as well is that the europeans have shown their tool— as well is that the europeans have shown their tool box _ as well is that the europeans have shown their tool box and - as well is that the europeans have j shown their tool box and because, as well is that the europeans have i shown their tool box and because, i think— shown their tool box and because, i think will— shown their tool box and because, i think will talk— shown their tool box and because, i think will talk about _ shown their tool box and because, i think will talk about it _ shown their tool box and because, i think will talk about it in _ shown their tool box and because, i think will talk about it in minutes, i think will talk about it in minutes, because _ think will talk about it in minutes, because of— think will talk about it in minutes, because of the _ think will talk about it in minutes, because of the northern - think will talk about it in minutes, because of the northern ireland i because of the northern ireland protocol. — because of the northern ireland protocol, there _ because of the northern ireland protocol, there was _ because of the northern ireland protocol, there was a _ because of the northern ireland protocol, there was a kind - because of the northern ireland protocol, there was a kind of. protocol, there was a kind of thinking _ protocol, there was a kind of thinking that— protocol, there was a kind of thinking that maybe - protocol, there was a kind of thinking that maybe the - protocol, there was a kind of. thinking that maybe the french overdid — thinking that maybe the french overdid it— thinking that maybe the french overdid it but— thinking that maybe the french overdid it but in— thinking that maybe the french overdid it but in a _ thinking that maybe the french overdid it but in a way, - thinking that maybe the french overdid it but in a way, the - thinking that maybe the frenchl overdid it but in a way, the brits also _ overdid it but in a way, the brits also need — overdid it but in a way, the brits also need to— overdid it but in a way, the brits also need to know— overdid it but in a way, the brits also need to know what - overdid it but in a way, the brits also need to know what could i overdid it but in a way, the brits - also need to know what could happen if they— also need to know what could happen if they don't _ also need to know what could happen if they don't stick— also need to know what could happen if they don't stick to _ also need to know what could happen if they don't stick to the _ also need to know what could happen if they don't stick to the agreement i if they don't stick to the agreement that they— if they don't stick to the agreement that they have _ if they don't stick to the agreement

Related Keywords

Northern Ireland ,Continent ,British ,Britain Of The Trade ,Most ,Calais ,Dover ,Tours ,Something ,Side ,Stuff ,Hungary ,There ,German ,Borisjohnson ,Eyebrows ,Slovak ,To Britain ,Britain Hungarian ,1 ,Europeans ,Yes ,Extent ,Europe ,Word ,Brussels ,Door ,Well Extent ,The ,Brussel5 ,Ursula ,Ursula Von Der Leyen ,It ,Way ,Kind ,Thinking ,Protocol ,Agreement ,Think ,Brits ,French ,Frenchl Overdid ,Hit Thinking ,Don T ,Need ,Tool Box ,

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