australia, the uk and the united states has upset france and china as well. so do you think she might have to change her approach to china now it is notjust about to change her approach to china now it is not just about trade, to change her approach to china now it is notjust about trade, it is about diplomacy to question marks and she famously said she is not a diplomat _ and she famously said she is not a diplomat that _ and she famously said she is not a diplomat that she _ and she famously said she is not a diplomat that she has _ and she famously said she is not a diplomat that she has proven - and she famously said she is not a . diplomat that she has proven herself to be a _ diplomat that she has proven herself to be a loyal— diplomat that she has proven herself to be a loyal supporter— diplomat that she has proven herself to be a loyal supporter boris - to be a loyal supporter boris johnson _ to be a loyal supporter boris johnson and _ to be a loyal supporter boris johnson and proven - to be a loyal supporter boris johnson and proven herselfl to be a loyal supporter boris. johnson and proven herself to to be a loyal supporter boris - johnson and proven herself to be a cheerleader— johnson and proven herself to be a cheerleader when _ johnson and proven herself to be a cheerleader when it— johnson and proven herself to be a cheerleader when it comes - johnson and proven herself to be a cheerleader when it comes to - johnson and proven herself to be a cheerleader when it comes to uk. cheerleader when it comes to uk trade _ cheerleader when it comes to uk trade but — cheerleader when it comes to uk trade but is — cheerleader when it comes to uk trade but is she _ cheerleader when it comes to uk trade but is she a _ cheerleader when it comes to uk trade but is she a diplomat? - cheerleader when it comes to uk trade but is she a diplomat? can| cheerleader when it comes to uk- trade but is she a diplomat? can she forge _ trade but is she a diplomat? can she forge alliances? _ trade but is she a diplomat? can she forge alliances? as _ trade but is she a diplomat? can she forge alliances? as henry— trade but is she a diplomat? can she forge alliances? as henry said, - trade but is she a diplomat? can she forge alliances? as henry said, she. forge alliances? as henry said, she has been _ forge alliances? as henry said, she has been quite _ forge alliances? as henry said, she has been quite hawkish— forge alliances? as henry said, she has been quite hawkish on- forge alliances? as henry said, she has been quite hawkish on china, l has been quite hawkish on china, criticisinq — has been quite hawkish on china, criticising china. _ has been quite hawkish on china, criticising china. but— has been quite hawkish on china, criticising china. but the - has been quite hawkish on china, criticising china. but the uk- has been quite hawkish on china, criticising china. but the uk alsoi criticising china. but the uk also really— criticising china. but the uk also really need _ criticising china. but the uk also really need to _ criticising china. but the uk also really need to china _ criticising china. but the uk also really need to china particularlyl criticising china. but the uk also . really need to china particularly on the issue _ really need to china particularly on the issue of— really need to china particularly on the issue of climate _ really need to china particularly on the issue of climate change. - really need to china particularly on the issue of climate change. this. really need to china particularly on| the issue of climate change. this is a key— the issue of climate change. this is a key time — the issue of climate change. this is a keytime when— the issue of climate change. this is a key time when uk _ the issue of climate change. this is a key time when uk really- the issue of climate change. this is a key time when uk really is - the issue of climate change. this is a key time when uk really is trying | a key time when uk really is trying to reach— a key time when uk really is trying to reach out— a key time when uk really is trying to reach out to _ a key time when uk really is trying to reach out to beijing's _ a key time when uk really is trying to reach out to beijing's ahead - a key time when uk really is trying to reach out to beijing's ahead of i to reach out to beijing's ahead of copper— to reach out to beijing's ahead of copper 26 — to reach out to beijing's ahead of copper 26 and _ to reach out to beijing's ahead of copper26 and i— to reach out to beijing's ahead of copper 26 and i think— to reach out to beijing's ahead of copper 26 and i think that - to reach out to beijing's ahead of copper 26 and i think that is - to reach out to beijing's ahead of copper 26 and i think that is also| copper 26 and i think that is also going _ copper 26 and i think that is also going to — copper 26 and i think that is also going to be — copper 26 and i think that is also going to be on _ copper 26 and i think that is also going to be on her— copper 26 and i think that is also going to be on her plate - copper 26 and i think that is also going to be on her plate a - copper 26 and i think that is also going to be on her plate a little i going to be on her plate a little bit as— going to be on her plate a little bit as weii~ _ going to be on her plate a little bit as well. she _ going to be on her plate a little bit as well. she cannot - going to be on her plate a little bit as well. she cannot simply. going to be on her plate a little - bit as well. she cannot simply throw up bit as well. she cannot simply throw up criticism~ — bit as well. she cannot simply throw up criticism. whether— bit as well. she cannot simply throw up criticism. whether she _ bit as well. she cannot simply throw up criticism. whether she wants - bit as well. she cannot simply throw up criticism. whether she wants to i up criticism. whether she wants to be diptomat — up criticism. whether she wants to be diptomat or— up criticism. whether she wants to be diplomat or not _ up criticism. whether she wants to be diplomat or not she _ up criticism. whether she wants to be diplomat or not she has - up criticism. whether she wants to be diplomat or not she has to - up criticism. whether she wants to| be diplomat or not she has to forge a path _ be diplomat or not she has to forge a path forward _ be diplomat or not she has to forge a path forward-— a path forward. thank you. boris johnson has _ a path forward. thank you. boris

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China ,Trade ,Australia ,United States ,Diplomacy ,Britain ,Approach ,Marks ,France ,Diplomat ,Henry Trade ,Boris Johnson ,Borisi Johnson ,Cheerleader ,Johnson ,Herselfl ,Issue ,Alliances ,Reach Out To Beijing ,Climate Change ,Climate ,Criticisinq Has ,Keytime ,China Particularlyl ,Reach Out ,Alsoi ,Bit ,Cup Criticism ,Copper26 ,Plate ,Path Forward ,Criticism ,Path ,Little ,Forward ,I To Reach Out Beijing ,She ,Diptomat ,26 ,

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