the socialist plan of the democrats green _ the socialist plan of the democrats green new — the socialist plan of the democrats green new deal. the republicans have been iight— green new deal. the republicans have been light on the serious policy ideas _ been light on the serious policy ideas and — been light on the serious policy ideas and have left that very much to the _ ideas and have left that very much to the democrats to pursue and the irony— to the democrats to pursue and the irony is _ to the democrats to pursue and the irony is that — to the democrats to pursue and the irony is that actually the private sector _ irony is that actually the private sector is— irony is that actually the private sector is way ahead of republic poiicy _ sector is way ahead of republic policy and what the market really needs _ policy and what the market really needs is — policy and what the market really needs is the kind of incentives and infrastructure needed for the auto industry— infrastructure needed for the auto industry to invest in electric cars and banks— industry to invest in electric cars and banks to invest in sustainable energy— and banks to invest in sustainable energy and — and banks to invest in sustainable energy and they are just not coming forward _ energy and they are just not coming forward with the concrete proposals. private _ forward with the concrete proposals. private companies want. the question is of political — private companies want. the question is of political leadership _ private companies want. the question is of political leadership which - is of political leadership which maria also talked about which is the idea we are going to do a lot of green stuff but when you look out

Related Keywords

Republicans ,Plan ,Democrats ,Policy Ideas ,Green New ,Miight ,Kind ,Republic Policy ,Irony ,Sector ,Market ,Ideas ,Incentives ,Republic Poiicy ,Energy ,Banks ,Infrastructure ,Auto Industry ,Cars ,Banks Industry ,Real Question ,Weather ,Leadership ,Proposals ,Companies ,Idea ,Green Stuff ,

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