How a young man can become radicalised. Talk to us about the libyan connection. Details of which are becoming clearer. The most important thing to point out is its not one thing or the other. It is tempting for people to try and figure out what is the one hell of an element that radicalised him. The libyan angle is informative. It tells you and exposes a family in flux, a family that has not found a sta ble flux, a family that has not found a stable footing either in libya or in manchester. His father was an exile, a political exile, in opposition to Colonel Gadaffi. As everyone knows, he has maltreated and resulted in hundreds of thousands if not millions of libyans leaving the country during his tenure. The fact they were here in the first place is a reflection of the fact that there was a dictator presiding over the population in libya. Number one. The angle that concerns and oppressive dictatorial environment in the arab world and larger parts of the middle eastis world and larger parts of the middle east is a very important one and understanding the roots of Islamic Disaffection or fundamentalism. Here in the first place because of libya. He returned, who his father and they themselves returns to fight with the militias that fought against Colonel Gadaffi after the spring and then they made it back. They were back and forth between manchester and libya. It shows this was a family little bit torn, salman abedi spent a couple of years there and came back and there was a stigma around him and his siblings and that Libyan Community in manchester in the sense they were considered cultural half breed, not really libyan and not really british. That is the context he thrived in, if that makes sense. In terms of his ideological radicalisation. A final point, very interesting that no one has picked out, when they were arrested in libya, his father and brother, they we re libya, his father and brother, they were not picked up by an official police force, libya is an state in anarchy, they were picked up by a local militia. They do not have an official Intelligence System that can quite knit with the british and americans in order to pick up these people. That is the firmament within which the abedi family grew. That is the context as we understand it. Surprising that you said libya is a failed state. Yes, it is. There was a Militia Force that could apprehend him. They have contacts with foreign intelligence, what have you. It is astonishing to me that in this country which falls apart before i write every day, that there is some order, police and militia, that can say on foreign instigation get hold of these to my people. We need them in our investigation of the Manchester Bombing. There is a development that you have two more witnesses. It is being said that, you spoke of the disenfranchisement, we hear the story of the father helping to radicalise his son, even though he publicly denied it having happened. They must have been some Family Connection from the days when he fought Colonel Gadaffi. Implanted the simple idea in his sons mind. This is a father who took his son on during a School Holiday to take part in the Libyan Civil War. Understand that it in the Libyan Civil War. Understand thatitis in the Libyan Civil War. Understand that it is complex. A lot of people will see it in really quite simple terms. This is a family that was given shelter by britain, refugee status, welcomed, his education was obviously paid for by the british taxpayer. A family that then decides to shuttle backwards and forwards between the Libyan Civil War and manchester. If other that then leaves two boys who are clearly a risk and no by the family to be a risk, and leaves them at home alone. At home alone. I think peoples at reaction to it will be to accept that there is complexity but that something has happened here which will shock a lot of british people and people will feel that hospitality has been abused. And people will feel that hospitality has been abusedli and people will feel that hospitality has been abused. I think it is fairto hospitality has been abused. I think it is fair to come to that conclusion. I covered the arab spring in libya in 2011 and it would be wrong to assume the people who went back to fight with the rebels we re went back to fight with the rebels were extremists. A lot of them were in fact liberals from europe and elsewhere who wanted to liberate the country from an oppressive dictator. Ido country from an oppressive dictator. I do not think that adds up. I do think that this notion of a failed state is coming back to bite us terribly. The consequence of the arab spring, with but optimism, has been abject failure and the country as you know, there is no central government. You look at this place, it has a map, it has the late mike isa it has a map, it has the late mike is a country on the map, it has an ambassador at the united nations, but beyond that. Where is the responsibility for that . It is interesting. It is tempting to blame nato and David Cameron for that campaign. Iwas nato and David Cameron for that campaign. I was in libya during that period. We really believed we were on the Cusp Of A Massacre by Colonel Gadaffi. I have to say, in the Naval Campaign that allowed the rebels to ultimately triumph, it seemed at the time, infairness, ultimately triumph, it seemed at the time, in fairness, to have been a sensible one. We were going to seem another rwanda. If something had happened. I think it was a fair assumption to think that. The problem was that there was no after plan that was effective. Yes, the rebels took hold in the country literally had no infrastructure, that was run by mafias. Regional militias. Heres we are. The problem is vacuumed. There are several publicans. What he is trying to say is there, when there is a vacuum of authority, whether it is iraq after the war or authority, whether it is iraq after the waror in authority, whether it is iraq after the war or in libya after Colonel Gadaffi collapses, or in yemen now with the conflict with the saudis, was there is a vacuum of authority, you have the potential to get all these fragments would align themselves with alqaeda or isis, and that is the soil in which all of it grows. And isis has moved on. In terms of criticising the west, it cannot always be the wests fault. We are accused of some circumstances of intervening too much and in others not intervening at all. We could be discussing this for a long time. Lets turn our attention is to president trump. President trump carried out his first major overseas trip this week visiting the middle east, the vatican, the nato summit in brussels and as we go to air, hes at the g7 summit in sicily. Contrary to expectations, it appears to be a case, broadly, of so far so good. Jeffrey your take. A little smile on your face as i said all of that. I would take issue with that. If you are a fox watching a little smile on your face as i said all of that. I would take issue with that. If you are a fox watching person, you are a fox watching person, you are a fox watching person, you are a fox watching person, you might think that. In this Reality Tv Episode of donald trump goes to europe and the middle east, we have watched two trumps. There was the trump who was banquet it and lavished on saudi arabia. He seemed at home and indeed himself and avoided the issue of human rights ina and avoided the issue of human rights in a country whose values are contrary to america, never touched those issues, not even a nod. Ghost is real, welcomed with literally a bear hug. Goes to israel. Then he comes to europe, the closest Friends America has, the g7, and scold them. You see this contradiction. He is the friendly guy in those countries and he Ugly American here. I do not think. It is true that has not been a massive blunder, there are lots of great memes pen pushing the president of macedonia. And his own wife at one stage. Think it was montenegro. Great to watch his wife slapping. It is just another instalment in the trump reality show. He has yet again demonstrated, telling the israelis that he is back from the middle east, that he has no depth whatsoever. He is who we think he is. Who had depth about the middle east, iask he is. Who had depth about the middle east, i ask you . He is. Who had depth about the middle east, iask you . Nobody he is. Who had depth about the middle east, i ask you . Nobody had any recipe on how to solve it. He comes and makes easy statements which have no consequence. Unlike you, i would which have no consequence. Unlike you, iwould be prepared which have no consequence. Unlike you, i would be prepared to give which have no consequence. Unlike you, iwould be prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. We have all critique ten in a fashion. He is all critique ten in a fashion. He is a work in progress. I think he is a work in progress. He is learning. He made a good speech after the Manchester Bombing when he referred to these jihadists as losers. That was a felicitous phrase to make. That is part and parcel. Lots of people said the word loser, that is not president ial, you cannot use the word when you are at the us president. It shows he is an effective community. I am not a fan of trump, i and distressed by his existence, however i would same that the trip went really quite well. You notice that he didnt have data roaming on his phone, so there were almost no tweets. There were no tweets. Is is the key to it . It was almost like a work in progress. As though someone around him is concerned about what is going on in washington, Jared Kushner and all the rest of it, trying to normalise it and manage this trip in a conventional way and it kind of worked. He tried to behave himself, because that was the Jared Kushner elephant in the room. He didnt want to add to his problems by making gaffes. I think we are suffering from a collective lowering of standards were donald trump. With the fact that he didnt smear himself on a daily basis doesnt mean that the trump went well. He had enough antlers and was out of place that he couldnt behave in a disgraceful way. These trips are hugely well coordinated, Hundreds Of Handlers on the saudi state, if you watch the footage. This was closely managed. He made blunders on body language, he strayed off script couple of times on a couple of speeches. He calls it dictators and scold the democratically elected leaders. Cosied up to dictators. I think there is a dangerous trend. People expect him to behave scandalously and terrifically the whole time. When there is a day when he is micromanaged so well that he cannot put a foot out of place, people draw these conclusions and say they think he has a work in progress. He has learned lessons. This is a man who tells us he is a good deal maker. We know that deals are about relationships and the ability to say, hello, angela merkel, lets do something here. When you see the european leaders and the canadian leaders avoiding him, they are holding their noses, grinding their teeth, you can see it. Are we offended sitting here in london because he is more interested in speaking to the saudis and european people . He is following the american agenda, he was to create more jobs. He doesnt talk about human race in saudi arabia, we can critique that, but in the eyes of some he did and said the right thing. Talking of lowering of standards, we must be grateful for small mercies. If there are some things where we hope he can welcome fix mclaren, that is good. That was an interesting pivot on Foreign Policy towards saudi and the gulf states. It is a piece of positioning the gulf states have looked for for the gulf states have looked for for the past ten years. They hated the 0bama years and he was essentially siding with them against iran. You can argue whether that is right or wrong but it is due politically a very significant moment. A really serious move. As very significant moment. A really serious move. As was very significant moment. A really serious move. As was the criticism of nato allies who are not doing their job. Of nato allies who are not doing theirjob. Justified. One of the things you talk about when youd save learning on the job, he pulled back a little on his opposition to the climate accord and that is, i suppose, when you talk about lowering the standard, he finally understand that maybe Climate Change is real. We also have shortterm memory loss. 0ver is real. We also have shortterm memory loss. Over the past three months, family thames has trump done something and people say, oh, i think he has got on. Now he is president ial. Every time after that he disappoints. It is early days. With him it is this immaculate sense ofan with him it is this immaculate sense of an easier. It is always early days. What you said earlier is important, lets see what happens when he returns to washington. He has Serious Problems when he returns to washington. Lets return to that another week. There was a pause in the general Election Campaign here in the uk, in the wake of the manchester attack. Now the campaign is resuming, with less than two weeks to polling day. Iain, Opinion Polls, theres always a caveat but its striking that the polls narrowed significantly. Every time this happens the british say they will not trust Opinion Polls and everyone gets massively overexcited. 0pinion polls are very good at telling you what is happening with broad trends and the trend is really clear. That is that the conservatives went into this campaign with a league of somewhere around 20 points lead. And they were heading for a massive landslide. Labour has run a Better Campaign than anticipated, it has been fleet of food. Theresa may has won a very bad campaign, including a declaration called the Dementia Attacks which has worried a lot of core conservative voters. 0ur Ma Nifesto core conservative voters. 0ur Manifesto backfired and that lead has narrowed according to the poll on this weeks times by you got, to only five points. Yougov. That narrowing is being fuelled by a lot of young voters, this is what the conservatives are relying on. Young voters are flocking to corbin on the basis you want to make University Education free and renationalise the ra i Lwa Ys Education free and renationalise the railways and produce a Magic Money Tree and get money away. And Domestic Pointers that people have welcomed. That it does resonate with. What we know from collections is that young voters very often get very excited and indulged turnout in the same way. Make not even be registered. The tory lead among older voters is much higher. It remains strong. But not as strong as it was because theresa may chose this audacious strategy of declaring war on her own voters, pushing into labour territory, showing they could punish wealthier footers, take on their own based on a attempt to get that majority. Thinking the majority is going to be fantastic. We will find out in two weeks time. You get the sense that it almost anybody but Jeremy Corbyn could win this election for the labour party. Precisely. If labour had a leader who was not a supporter or sympathiser with the ira and had such strange views on Foreign Policy, then i think labour would really be in with a shout. Just to be wind you, we had almost 4 million uk voters in todays and 15. That is a strong card for her. Ukip. They will do not become into her camp which would dampen the hope for labour to come out on top. I agree with you. My problem as i report on this to my home audience is there is a question after another standing behind the brand gb. Brexit is one. This onslaught and terrorist attack in manchester is another. How will the leader of this country, theresa may, cope with the uncertainty of the future . May, cope with the uncertainty of the future . Will may, cope with the uncertainty of the future . Will she stand tall in this moment of crisis, that she is the one to trust in the leadership when there is an emergency like this. Like manchester. Will she be the one with all the troubles and re ce nt the one with all the troubles and recent experience to stand tall vis a vis The Europeans . The uncertainty of the British Future in the long term makes it very difficult to predict how this all will pan out. Something very strange has happened in the campaign. She went into the Campaign Branding herself as strong and stable and voters loved that and she was hugely popular but it was a mile wide and an inch deep. Because of the smith steps, that strength has turned into a lot of voters wondering if she is mean and brittle. I think that is actually the most important point, that this shift has been more about the Dementia Attacks but the Public Perception of theresa may and jeremy cobham, actually, if that she has come across as very strong and and capable and has conducted a very closely managed campaign. She is never a court of the cup or doing something spontaneous off the cuff. She is not good in those situations, great at pmq s then she is rehearsed. But she has come across as brittle and hollow when unrehearsed. There is a complaint that she is not meeting real voters, however you define that. Not talking to journalists and not getting spontaneous interviews. I think in the interviews she has given, even closely managed once in bbc studios, she has come across as brittle, hollow and incompetent, i think. She has come across as brittle, hollow and incompetent, ithink. Did not give across this strong and sta ble not give across this strong and stable vibe. Jeremy corbyn, last minute rally over the past couple of weeks, and with those bbc interviews with the heads of parties, he came across as authentic and comfortable in his own skin. These things make a huge difference in the last ten days before an election. Despite Jeremy Corbyn being himself, he is speaking to the hardship people are enduring. People are looking for someone to use that hardship, whether it is access to universities for students. The changes the tories made have closed off options for a lot of people and Jeremy Corbyn is resonating. It is incredible to watch these three leaders also flawed in different ways as people agonise over how to choose. There are also these public swings of mood that happen. We had a swings of mood that happen. We had a swing towards right wing surprising elections, for brexit and donald trump, but there might be a swing back towards the harsher more isolationist view of the world. They Wa Nt Isolationist view of the world. They want to be careful not to run too far ahead of myself. When the chips are down, despite the domestic problems she has clearly, the country will still need strong and Sta Ble Country will still need strong and stable leadership vis a vis The Europeans and strong and stable leadership to cope with the Terrorism Threat in your midst. Despite her domestic warblings, and i think on the 8th ofjune, the debate we are having will be immaterial to the question that people in the Election Booth will ask themselves. Who is going to be the leader in those troubling times we are heading into . It is a binary choice. The question is if she comes off more strong and stable than Jeremy Corbyn. There are only two mac options and a lot of voters do not engage into the last 48 or 72 hours. At the start of the campaign, it was all about brexit. A few of us sat here a few weeks ago saying this was a boring Election Campaign. It was a boring Election Campaign. It was all about brexit. Does the death of 22 change that . Not wishing to politicise that horror but does that change it question what does that not traditionally played to ever is in numberten at not traditionally played to ever is in number ten at the time . That is theresa mays leadership, to confront the ills we are dealing with. Im not sure she has demonstrated raising the terror level that she has a solution. Not sure anybody has a solution. I am not sure how a response has made people feel more confident. Difficult tojudge that people feel more confident. Difficult to judge that because it is early. Come the 8th ofjune, she will have tried to make herself appear to be will have tried to make herself appearto be in will have tried to make herself appear to be in charge, as it were, and bring the country forward and contain the threat. Whether she succeeds or not but she would use that argument that she is the one in the leadership position. And trust me. I will not make reductions around this table. Not again not after hillary clinton. But it is ha rd after hillary clinton. But it is hard to imagine. Itjust me were talking about how big plurality or majority is, not a question of if she is quick to win but by how much. That is a prediction ok, what is the impact of that . She went into this expecting very big things in that regard, what if it is diminished . A huge amount of an ease in the tory trade and among tory mps and ministers about what is happening. If after all of this the majority end up being not much more than she had at the moment, what was the point . What was it all for . It gives hera the point . What was it all for . It gives her a mandate to move forward. It is quite convenient. It does, but a month ago the Conservative Party was convinced it was good to have a majority of maybe even 150, if it comes back Something Like 20 or 25 and labourare comes back Something Like 20 or 25 and labour are seen to have won the Election Campaign, there will be the most extraordinary tory punch up. There is concern in brussels about a Prime Minister not being as strong as she made herself out to be. What kind of leader is she going to be . Is she going to be as strong as brussels is hoping to have . Strong and stable leadership they are hoping to have to negotiate these issues coming up. There are not interested in seeing her diminished like she appears to be at the moment. No, but i think everybody has a lot to be nervous about because we have seen things shift very dramatically over the past six days, not even one week. 12 days long time in politics. It is a long time these days in particular. With the unfortunate bombings in manchester, with her falling apart, with increasing media scrutiny, 12 daysis with increasing media scrutiny, 12 days is a long time. We will be discussing that two weeks from now. Thank you so much to all of you. Please do join me again next week, same time same place. Thanks very much for watching, goodbye for now. Hello there. There is going to be some very warm hello there. There is going to be some very warm sunshine this weekend with a heat and humidity has already given rise to a number of thunderstorms. This was first thing this morning in southampton. Those storms have moved away and it looks like itll be fine and warm and for the cricket. This is the line of rain and storms that we have had that has been working its way northwards. Ahead of it, some one sunshine for a while and i dont think we will get many showers at all. This could be one of the warmest part of england today. We have the showers petering out as we run northwards. A second batch of storms in north wales. At the same time it is turning closing and wetter across Northern Ireland. For scotla nd wetter across Northern Ireland. For scotland we could see showers heading up north into hamden park for the scottish cup final this afternoon. Across the murray first across that area, temperatures will not be far from 30 celsius. Western fringes of celsius catching storms and we will get storms developing across the north of england later on. Primarily in the north west, there could be hailed and gusty winds. Cool under the rain developing in Northern Ireland and a cool breeze would keep more cloud in wales and the south west that had further east. After those morning showers and storms, we have warm sunshine and temperatures may be close to 28 celsius in cambridge. For wembley it will be warm as we head into the evening for the fa cup final. Typical fa cup final weather. Sunshine to end the day here but storms moving northwards across Northern England and into centre and other scotland will stop those world peter out. The rainbow use as well. We hang on to a good deal of cloud. A warm we hang on to a good deal of cloud. Awarm and we hang on to a good deal of cloud. A warm and muggy night for many parts of the uk with temperatures of 30 celsius or 40 celsius. Cloudy on sunday and it may stay that way for Northern Ireland and scotland, though there will not be much rain. It brightens up across england and wales, developing one sunshine, and we import late storms from the south west. Sunshine ahead of it means it will feel quite warm and a much cooler day for scotland under the cloud and here we could get rain on bank holiday monday. Those showers or even longer spells of rim, a potentialfor early thunderstorms moving northwards. Some sunshine and still some one in the south east. This is bbc news. The headlines at 12. In the last few minutes, the Terror Threat level in the uk has been reduced from critical to severe. A threat level of severe means an attack is highly likely. The country should remain vigilant. Police and Army Bomb Disposal experts have begun an evacuation in moss side as part of an ongoing search linked to the Manchester Arena bombing. British airways says it is experiencing a global Computer System outage. 0ne Ba Captain described it as catastrophic. This is the scene live at heathrow. Its thought that thousands of passengers are affected at heathrow. A queue is now stretching outside terminal 5 due to the computer problems. New revelations about president trumps son in law, Jared Kushner, and his alleged involvement in secret dealings with russia

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