On the spread of coronavirus, you can always head to our website for more information on how it is affecting people in your community and your country. First, we all know the main advice to stop the virus from spreading. Wash your hands, regularly for around 20 seconds. Avoid touching yourface and maintain social distancing, which is making sure there is two metres around you and anyone else. As laura foster explains. Politicians, scientists and even celebrities all want us to practise social distancing. It means no coming into contact with people unless you need to, so no more visitors at your house, visiting other peoples houses, going to restaurants, parties, pubs, parties, clubs, sporting events you get the idea. If you can work from home, the government says you should, and your employer should help you do this. If you absolutely cant work from home, then avoid busy travel times. You can go out for a walk and buy essentials but you need to stay at least two metres from everyone else. Imagine youre holding a big broom. You will be the correct distance away if you cant touch anyone with it. The people who need to practise social distancing the most are the over 70s, anyone with an Underlying Health condition and pregnant women. But really, everyone should do it to stop the virus from spreading and reduce the pressure on Health Services. Because if you limit the contact you have with others, youre reducing your chances of catching the virus and passing it on to someone else. So, that is social distancing, but were hearing a lot about people being asked to quarantine. Social distancing and quara ntining are not the same thing. Here is laura again. A big problem with coronavirus is you can have it and not know about it. It means you can go about your day, as youve always done, feel completely fine but actually infect around two to three people within a week. What happens then is those people youve infected go on to infect another two to three people each and those people will infect others and that is how the virus spreads. But look at what happens when people stay at home and practice social distancing. For instance, if this person didnt go around to their friends house, if this person worked from home, if person didnt go to the corner shop. If this person didnt visit their mum. This reduces the number of cases from 406, tojust 15. As the number of cases goes down, so does the pressure on doctors and nurses and on our health service. This will make the difference between People Living and people dying. You can go out to exercise once a day or fetch food or medicine but only with people you live with. In short, stay at home as much as possible. It will save lives. So, washing our hands and keeping clear of other people. Both are vital to stop the spread of the virus. But what about other things you are constantly in touch with . Literally, like your phone. With the growing concern around coronavirus, i thought i would be better safe than sorry and smothered my phone with antiviral gel. But it turns out that some hand gels and sanitisers can actually damage the oleophobic oil repelling layer of your phone screen that is supposed to keep fingerprints off. Check this out. If i put my phone next to mine that has the layer intact. You can see that this one looks like ive been eating pizza off it, its covered in fingerprints and oil. This one does have some fingerprints on it but not nearly as many. If i wiped down this phone with a microfibre cloth, the fingerprings come off super easy and if i try this one, some of the oil comes off but you can see that it is still very smeary. As a final test, i pop my fingerprints on there and you can see this one is absolutely gross and this one, not nearly as dirty. So how can you clean your phone without damaging it . This week i met with microbiologist dr lena ciric and she told me how. Well, washing your hands is vital. If youre worried about germs on your phone, you can clean it effectively with simple soap and water. Hi, im dr lena ciric. Im a microbiologist at University College london and im going to show you how to clean your phone. Unplug your phone, turn it off and remove the case. All the major phone makers warn against using chemicals, hand gels and abrasive wipes on your device, as this can damage the screens protective coating. Dampen a microfibre cloth with water and simple household soap. Gently rub the surfaces of the phone with the damp cloth. Take care not to get moisture in any of the openings, because even water resistant phones lose their protection over time. Finally, dry your phone with a clean microfibre cloth. Even just using soap and water can effectively remove bacteria and viruses from your phone, and we can test that by using this little device and these swabs. The device gives a reading of relative light units or rlus. Thats a measure of microbial activity on your phone. The higher the number, the more germs that are present. We tested all of these phones and their cases before and after cleaning soapy water and they were all significantly cleaner afterwards. On a surgical surface, we want to get a figure of 50 or less and all of our phones and cases had readings lower than that. If you have an iphone, apple says you can safely clean it with 70 isopropyl alcohol wipes, the ones you can get from computer shops or online. There are also devices you can use to sterilise your phone using ultraviolet uv c radiation. These shouldnt harm your device but some phones or cases could be discoloured over time. Just remember, with all of these methods as soon as soon as you touch your phone you will get germs back on it. So make sure you keep washing your hands regularly and thoroughly. Thats how to get rid of the coronavirus from your phone. But what about other surfaces where the virus may lurk . Here is jim reed. There are two ways to catch coronavirus. The first is through particles in the air. Someone breathes out or coughs and the virus is spread in a droplet or aerosol. A single cough can produce 3,000 droplets. You breathe it in and become infected. This is why governments across the world are telling us to stay two metres away from each other to stop the spread. A second way is through something scientists call fomite transmission. Those virus particles land on a hard surface or are spread when an infectious person touches that. Because a person who has the virus is shedding the virus from their nose and throat and coughing it out into the air, that means that anything they touch is going to be covered in this virus. If you come along later and touch the same surface, you could pick up from that surface a collection of the virus particles. If there are enough of them there, if you transfer them to your nose or mouth or eyes, you could infect yourself. It is still early days, but a team in the United States has run tests on corona. They found that the virus that causes covid i9 can remain active on some surfaces. 0n copper, the results show traces for up to four hours. 0n cardboard, up to 2a hours. 0n plastic and stainless steel, for up to three days. To mitigate the risk, wash your hands frequently, use alcohol gel which deactivates the virus very efficiently if it has more than 70 alcohol in it. Or do what ive seen many of my friends doing, which is either wrapping their sleeve around their hand to open a door handle or use your elbow. Studies show that the amount of virus on a surface declines sharply with time so doctors say it is important to be extra careful with surfaces that are touched frequently by others. As forfood packaging, deliveries, or other stuff that comes through the letterbox, we think the virus can live on cardboard for 2h hours and on plastic for up to three days. But Scientists Say treat those results with caution. We dont know yet how much of the virus is needed to infect somebody or how easily it is transferred back to your hand. If youre really worried about the fact that the shelf stacker in the supermarket might have had some virus on their skin, you could, if you really wanted to, wipe that down with a hand rub in the same way you would wash your hands. That is probably not necessary. The risk from these sorts of surfaces, given the virus would have to be there for an extended period of time, its probably very low. In all these cases though, the most effective thing you can do is wash your hands with soap cheap soap, fancy soap, any soap for 20 seconds. If the particles are on your hands, then it should be enough to kill the virus and break the chain of transmission. So again, the reminder, to wash your hands. That is the advice from top scientists at the World Health Organization to gps working to save lives in hospitals. But alongside the good advice, have come some dangerous myths about the virus. Here is chris morris from the bbcs reality check team. We know what the experts say. Above all, wash your hands frequently to try to limit the coronavirus spread. But theres also been a variety of myths circulating on social media and elsewhere which amounts to fake health advice. Here are a few things to ignore. Myth number one eat garlic to avoid infection. There is no question that garlic is a healthy food, the same goes for other fruit and vegetables. But the World Health Organization says there is no evidence that eating garlic or anything else, has protected people from covid i9. Myth two drink water every 15 minutes. Again, Drinking Water and staying hydrated is good for you, but that doesnt mean it can stop coronavirus. You get a virus like this when you breathe in. There is no biological mechanism to suggest that you can flush it out of your system by constantly Drinking Water. Myth number three dont eat ice cream. The idea that avoiding ice cream or other cold foods could prevent the virus taking hold is totally untrue. And trying to heat your body to make it inhospitable for the virus just wont work. We know that the flu virus doesnt survive well outside the body during summer heat. But we dont yet know enough how much that heat might impact the coronavirus. Myth numberfour drinkable silver. The use of colloidal silver, tiny particles of the metal suspended in liquid, has been suggested. But the clear advice from Health Authorities is that it doesnt treat infections in the body or boost immunity. In fact, it could cause serious side effects, like kidney damage, seizures, oi even turning your skin blue. Again, the best advice in all circumstances keep washing your hands. With Health Services under strain, thousands are turning to their pharmacist for help. With a huge surge in demand, people are being asked not to stockpile medicine. Some stores are now restricting the number of patients allowed inside, and are limiting the number of products each person can buy. The bbcs health correspondant Dominic Hughes has this. Its actually a bit of a tsunami of customers, that are wanting almost anything. Were actually short on that, arent we . The local pharmacists shop is now a key part of the fight against coronavirus, and theyre having to adapt to the new world we all now live in. Over here, weve constructed a two metre high perspex screen, that gives us some protection from individuals coming into the pharmacy. With gps surgeries and hospitals already facing huge pressures, more people are turning to pharmacies like this one in north manchester. Just keeping up with patient demand is a real challenge, let alone managing fluctuating prices. Last week, as soon as there was even an indication that there was going to be shortages in the ingredients from factories in china, almost every molecule that you typically use in a pharmacy, almost every product related to that, started to rise in price. It is tremendously difficult to run this business in this situation, but in some ways, at least we are able to run the business. Its sometimes easy to forget that Community Pharmacies like this one form part of the frontline of the health care service. But they are, at the moment, facing unprecedented levels of demand. And that increased demand comes with risks. Pharmacist neil denbeigh had to self isolate after falling ill, although in the end, his test was negative. I had a patient who came in and had to speak to me, so we went into the consultation room. And this person had viral symptoms, upper respiratory tract problems, a cough. Now, being a pharmacy, ive got no follow up on that, so i couldnt tell you if they tested positive, and then about a week after that, i started to feel ill myself. Keeping the supply of medicines flowing to those who need them will be vital in the coming months. The message is that stocks are secure, so dont panic. Weve seen what has happened in supermarkets, we dont want to be the next wave of that. So we are really urging everybody, stick to the supplies you have, well make sure you get them in due course, but please, please, think of others as well. The pressure could be eased by recruiting final year students and recently retired pharmacists, but even with extra staff, the months ahead will be a real test. Dominic hughes, bbc news, north manchester. In britain, the Prime Minister announced further stringent measures to try and stop the spread of the virus, effectively banning most people from leaving their homes unless for essential reasons. It follows similar measures across the world, forcing tens of millions of us to work from home. But, while thats ok for some, for the self employed and freelancers, the effects can be devastating on their businesses. The bbcs tim muffett went to a barbershop in south london to see how people in the so called gig economy were being affected. Hairdressing at a distance of two metres is impossible, but for patience, who is self employed, hairdressing is her only income. Its not possible. For this kind of business, there is no way you do this without leaning on the customer, you can not give the distance, it is not possible. It is just one on one as you can see. So in this salon in south london, patience has for the past few days, continued to cut hair. Now she has to stop. Very, very tough and hard. The rent isnt even the most important thing. Its one of the most important things in my life right now, same as everyone around me. There are normally i2 self employed headdresses in this salon. Eric, the owner, had been struggling on with two. The decision to shut has now been made for him. He welcomes it. And i think that you should make the close, instead ofjust aa a few places and leave you to decide if you are going to close or stay open. How worried are you for the self employed people who cut haor in this place . Im very worried. We cant really see an end to it because literally no one knows what is happening, no one knows when we are returning or where we are going. For everyone, the advice is the same, stay two metres apart if possible, but for so many self employed people and small businesses, the reality of that means no income. One mile away, this salon had already decided to close ahead of the Prime Ministers announcement that all nonessential shops must shut. It is really tough because you dont want to let clients go because otherwise the business will struggle, but at the same time it is very risky because you are with people so close and you are meant to be standing two metres apart. You get clients coming in and they dont know whether they should be here or not. Is there relief now that a decision has been made . And you know where you are with things . Im coming into work, risking it and its hard for me to turn clients away when its my job. But then now we are closing, it will be a lot easier. People are more concerned that we are going to have really long hair and bad roots by the time we reopen, but we had to make the decision today, and we will close. I can only speak for my employees, my employees will get paid but for people that are self employed, it is really worrying times. It is not all about the money nor business, it is about how to give respect to the people having this situation. Down the high street, this barbershop opened 11 years ago. Some who work here are employees and others work for themselves and rent a chair. Owner cameron wants to help them all. Safety is more important than anything else. Some of them need the money for surviving, you dont want to let them down. I told them, if they need more money, i am going to help them. That has not happened to only one person, it has happened to everyone. We need to help each other. A sentiment echoed in homes and on high streets everywhere. Tim muffett, bbc news. Coronavirus has been affecting the way of life for tens of millions around the world and perhaps one group who would have felt it a little more than usual this week were the thousands of athletes training for the tokyo olympics. They have now been postponed to 2021. But while most sport may have come to a halt because of the virus pandemic, many teams are trying to remain active in their community. Stevenage Football Club in england probably have more challenges than any other because they are bottom of the football league, but they are trying to lead the way in switching their resources, as the bbcs Sports Correspondent joe wilson reports. Professional football, north hertfordshire. In adversity, what else to do but adapt . And stevenages captain and central defender becomes food deliverer. The football has stopped, but the community which surrounds the club is still there waiting. There are people around the world that have got more people they can rely on but there are people in this community that dont have anyone to rely on and it is good for the club to all come together and help towards the one cause. Just a friendly voice at this time can be crucial. Stevenages foundation will continue to take calls, offering advice even when the staff start to work from home. Ive had a few people call up so far saying, im really sorry that we are taking up your time, and i am saying, no, that is not a problem, that is exactly what we are here to do just talk to you. Lots of Football Clubs are helping in various ways at the moment, but here, the perspective is unique. Football was suspended with stevenage admittedly at the bottom, last place in league two. A couple of weeks ago we might have even referred to that as a crisis. Now we really know what a crisis is. Our League Position isjust out of the window at the minute, we are not worried about that. We are just worried about the fact that when we kick a football here next at the lamex stadium that our players, supporters and volunteers are all in a healthy position to come back and support us. Without money from matches, the future is, to say the least, a challenge. But clubs like stevenage are nothing without their communities. The support is mutual and right now that may be measured in sandwiches. After all, the opponent is the same for everyone. Joe wilson, bbc news, in stevenage. And, its notjust in the sporting world where people are adapting to a new, hopefully temporary, way of life. Arts venues have also had to shut their doors, but an orchestra in the netherlands found a way to give a very unique performance while staying at home. Musicians from the rotterdam solomonic orchestra used web cams and technology to perform beethovens ninth symphony from their homes. Ode t0 joy by beethoven plays covid i9 is obviously forcing family gatherings and parties across the world to be cancelled and for Young Children it can be especially upsetting, but those tasked with organising childrens birthdays are not being deterred and are ready to use technology to keep youngsters happy, as the bbcs David Sillito reports. Social distancing a life indoors it is not much fun, especially if youre three. If theres germs crawling around you cant go outside so we have to stay indoors. Are you ready . Everyone, can you knock like this . Do you want to build a snowman . Come on, lets go and play. But one thing has not been cancelled. Jessica kingsley is today elsa from frozen, and shes found a way to give little harry his Birthday Party online. Harry started asking us in december to have a frozen party and we have been counting down the days since at least the beginning of february so the fact that we managed to have one was just unbelievable. Let it go, let it go i am one with the wind and sky let it forjessica, this experiment with a virtual Birthday Party seemed to be working. Do you want to build a snowman . So, how did that feel . Really weird but really lovely, because it meant that i could still give the children magic and that is what it is about, because it is their special day and this crazy pandemic shouldnt take it away from them. Do you want to build a snowman . I could still see all their eyes on me and enjoying it, and that was amazing. David sillito, bbc news. Finally, with millions of us under shutdown measures in countries around the world, startling pictures have emerged of empty cities and deserted streets. Here are just some of the images from across the globe. Thats it for now. Please keep up to date with the latest on the bbc news website. Thats it for now. Please keep up to date with the latest on the bbc news website. Im victoria derbyshire, do contact me on twitter with your stories any time, and thank you for watching. Hello there. Temperatures on thursday reached highs around 18 degrees across the far north west of england, thanks to plenty of sunshine. Southern scotland didnt do too badly as well with the sunshine, but generally speaking friday is going to be a similar picture to thursday. This weather front bringing more cloud across northern parts of the country, so could be quite grey and drizzly through the day across central and eastern scotland. To the north of the weather front, northern scotland should see some sunshine and sunshine appearing at times across northern ireland, but by far most of the sunshine will be across england and wales once again after that cold and frosty start. Now, well have more of a breeze blowing in from the north east for many of us, particularly across southern and eastern areas, so it will feel a bit cooler generally, certainly more than it has done over the last few days. As we head through friday night, looks like that cloud across Northern Areas begins to drift southwards into parts of wales, Northern England and the midlands. Because there will be more of a breeze generally, then its not going to be quite as cold as what it has been the last few nights. So, for the weekend, things are set to turn colder in fact. High pressure will be dominating the scene, sitting to the north west of the uk, but it will be bringing down these very cold winds from the north. You can see the blue colours enveloping the whole of the uk, and the wind arrows indicating these winds will be quite a feature as well, just accentuating the cold, particularly on sunday. Saturday starts off chilly. There will be quite a bit of sunshine around but the cloud temperatures to build across northern and eastern areas and that strong north, north east wind will push in a future into North Eastern scotland, eastern england. These will be of a wintry flavour. Single figure values in the north, just about double figures in the south. Sunday could be a bit of a cloudier day i think generally. Theyll be glimmers of brightness here and there. Again, if you wintry showers in the north and east. And a keen wind, especially in the east and the south east. These temperatures sticking in single figures for most. Factor in the wind, it will feel almost like freezing in one or two places, so a noticeable chill factor, particularly on sunday. As we head on into next week, it does look like High Pressure sits again towards the north west of the uk, bringing in further chilly air. But i think it will be a little less cold for the start of the week than what we have over the weekend. So, this is mondays picture. Again, quite a bit of around. Again, quite a bit of cloud around. A few glimmers of brightness here and there. One or two showers affecting the far north, but most places dry once again. Those temperatures maybe up a degree or so highs of ten or 11 degrees. It stays pretty chilly throughout the week. There are signs of some colder air returning to northern parts of the uk, again with the risk of wintry showers across some exposed coasts. This is bbc news. Welcome if you are watching here in the uk, on pbs in america, or around the globe. Im duncan golestani. Our top stories the us becomes the country with more confirmed cases of coronavirus than anywhere in the world. As europe continues to be the worst affected region, leaders of the g20 countries promise to inject 5 trillion into the global economy. 115 people die from coronavirus injust21i hours in the uk, as the government announces a multibillion pound rescue package for the self employed. Applause britons take to the streets to applaud

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