..who left the country to join is more than seven years ago, and is now trying to return. hoda muthana was born in newjersey, and grew up in alabama. she then travelled to syria tojoin is in 2014, where she gave birth to a son. the obama administration revoked her passport in 2016. three years later, the trump administration took it a step further, determining she was no longer a us citizen. reacting to the supreme court decision, her lawyers said "we continue to dispute the legality of these administrative revocations, while we remain resolute in continuing to fight for our clients, this is a sad day for the muthana family, and for the sanctity of united states citizenship in general." it is of course reminiscent of a similar case here in the uk, that of shamima begum who was stripped of her citizenship after travelling to syria, tojoin is. let's bring in alka pradhan, who is human rights counsel at the guantanamo bay military commissions, and is a lawyerfor one of the 9/11 defendants. thank you very much for being with