of course, neither of these methods actually have a trainer with you while you're doing the exercise, so you've got to just make sure you do it properly. both the app and the chatgpt version do focus on safety. right, what's next? dumbbell front rack squats, elbows under waist, lengths against upper chest. feet a bit wider than shoulders, toes slightly pointed out. the video of course helps. quick look at the video. let me see if i can do that. he's going very low. i wouldn't have thought i needed to do that, based on the text, so it's a good job there's a video. the first thing that comes to my attention during the chatgpt workout is that i have a whole list of exercises, most of which can just be done here on the mat. of course, the system doesn't know what equipment i've got access to. and if i don't know how to do any of those exercises, well, i'm going to have to search for videos online. and the very first one is a plank