i am being filmed on a phone and sent wirelessly into the portl? now, there is a bit of a delay, admittedly, but apart from that, i'm in the box. tiktok stars, instagrammers, youtubers — they're the movie stars of today and i said, "well, if they are creating content on their phones right "now, i want them to be able to create content "for our devices on their phones," so we have developed an app that goes on any smartphone that allows people to remove the camera and start using their phones. what's really interesting is that once you've cracked the main problem, you can start drawing on other ideas and plugging into other existing technologies — so, of course, this is going to start talking to snapchat and of course you're going to be able to turn into iron man or mr cartoon face or... sighs ..i don't know, whatever you want, really. donkey brays what? what are they doing to me?