it's got a sensor in it so it knows if it's day or night. done. home shadows aims to create the illusion that there are people moving around in the room and to me, it did just look like a bit of a glitchy light, which i suppose would indicate someone was in. but it doesn't exactly look like this. yeah, maybe we'd all be better off just having omar marching up and down in our houses. i think he was only willing to do it for me. charming. all right, let's move on. the now, have a guess. what are these? is it a dance game? no. here's a clue. light clanging. 0h! yeah, and here's another one. 0k. light clanging intensifies. and another. i've got it. this is fastpong, a table tennis training device. the eight tiles are filled with sensors that measure the speed and accuracy of your returns. it's been invented by