then you don't need the piece of paper. but it of course connects to a smartphone. 0h, right! go on, then. this should be good. so let me draw something for you. you're saying this could be good, but you don't know what my drawing is like! it's gone wrong already. is it a banana? uh, not... a horse? ..nota banana. and i've clearly got this wrong, haven't i? but, um, there you go. is it — is it a nokia phone that was never, ever used because it wasjust the worst design in the world? that'll be it! anyway, this can be used for more sensible purposes. art, or some sort of work. which this is neither of. go on. this is — this is the remarkable... it's the first remarkable thing i've seen today, let me tell you. yes, and seeing as it's for more professional purposes, i'm going to hand it straight to you. right, so this is an e—paper. it actually feels like paper as well to draw on. right. i'm realising now that i'm just as awful as you. i tell you what, though, paper is quite cheap and i'm guessing this isn't. that's very true. any idea? it's a sock and a bath. so...