ryan reynolds breaks free of his programming as a videogame non—player character in new action comedy movie free guy. i work at the bank. everybody down on the ground! reynolds�* perpetually cheery npc bank teller realises his day—to—day routine — which includes random acts of violence perpetuated by weirdly dressed total strangers, and regular hold—ups at work — is, in fact, part of massively multiplayer game called free city, after donning a pair of sunglasses from one of the game's real—world players. what are these, trick glasses or something? the game and movie is fictional, but real—world inspirations are there for all to see — a non—copyright—infringing coincidence, i'm sure. it's a fictional game, free city, but what elements from games will people recognise? i think people recognise elements of grand theft auto and fortnite and, you know, a lot of — a lot of games that use formats not too dissimilar to this. lots of actors prepare