the strain that the nhs was already under. and, on what turned out to be my last day in london for many months, i found myself about to do something that i'd never done before. i wasn't nervous until i asked my twitter followers what i can expect. "very loud noise — claustrophobia." now i'm nervous. i'm going to have an mri scan on my liver. and i have to lay absolutely still? yep, and there's breathing instructions. this magnetic resonance imaging scanner — mri scanner — is going to be able to see my soft tissue and my fluid in great detail. and it will produce images like this, which will be looked at by a radiologist to try and work out if they can see anything unusual. now, the thing produces really strong magnetic fields, which means nothing metal can come in — and that includes you. but this is no ordinary mri scan. instead of being read by a human, my mri is going to be read by an artificial