Transcripts For BBCNEWS Click 20170708

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Optimism . She said she did not. This is relevant not just optimism . She said she did not. This is relevant notjust because of how the world response to this pressing global problem. It is also relevant to the nature of global leadership. It is the end of the second world war, america has been a powerful and potent voice. On this one, President Trump has stepped away and is allowing others to move into that space. Just in the last hour, president macron of france has confirmed that, in december, he will host a Summit Looking at the financing of climate financing project, an example of how other countries are moving into the space created by america on this issue. The second Biggest Issue at this 620 summit is trade. We also have a lot of detailfrom angela summit is trade. We also have a lot of detail from Angela Merkel on that who says the 620 is committed to fighting protectionism. Donald trump is keen on protectionism, he has been very critical of free trade deals. She said trade needs to be supervised by the World Trade Organisation and that the world needs a rules based system and on that, all 20 members of the 620 agree. She also said bilateral Trade Agreements are ok, but they have to be with and does all of the global rules. Donald trump has repeatedly said he prefers bilateral deals. He prefers going to one country and saying, what can we do here . Earlier on today, the met with theresa may and said, once brexit is done, they would like to do a very quick deal ona uk us would like to do a very quick deal on a uk us trade deal. More details on a uk us trade deal. More details on what Angela Merkel said in a moment. First of all, All Sorts Of Press C0 nfe re nces moment. First of all, all sorts of Press Conferences going on. Next, here is the canadian prime minister, justin trudeau. This is the narrative that we have been sharing around the 6 7 table. That was enthusiastically supported by just about everyone around the table here at the 620. People realised that a Strong Economy and a protected environment can and must go together for the sake of our citizens and good jobs. Justin trudeau. I think saying much the same thing in french as he said in english. A lot of the statements will be given in both french and english. Let me keep you updated on the outline the Angela Merkel has given us on the different arrangements made here the 620. Id talk to you about Climate Change and we will return to that shortly. Interestingly, Angela Merkel acknowledged that Bilateral Agreements are acceptable and said the g20 agreements are acceptable and said the 620 is not posted them but they have to be within broader Global Trading rules set by the World Trade Organisation. We will have to see if donald trump will go along with that. Angela merkel also mentioned excess that. Angela merkel also mentioned excess capacity in the steel industry. That is relevant because there is potential tension between china and america on steel. She said there would be a global forum looking at steel capacity in august. When asked if there would be a trade war, she said, august is not far off, in other words, we are aware of this issue and we will try to resolve it. I will tell you more about what Angela Merkel said. Vladimir putin has also been speaking, saying the number of things of note. He confirmed what we heard from Sergei Lavrov yesterday, the donald trump did ask about this allegation is that Russia Meddled in the us elections, no surprise but a confirmation from the president that mrtrump confirmation from the president that mr trump raced back issue. He said he had a personal relationship with trump and was positive about that. He said Mrtrump Trump and was positive about that. He said mr trump is different in person to how he is on the tv. That was all he said. And he confirmed that the americans and russians will set upajoint that the americans and russians will set up a Joint Task Force looking at Cyber Security. The irony of that will not be lost on those in the Intelligence Agencies because they have explicitly said that russia definitively meddled in the us elections, something that the russians continued to deny. Mr trump and mr putin setting up a Joint Task Force on Cyber Security and we will have to see how that works in practical terms. Next Angela Merkel talked about africa and eight. This was fascinating. She criticised how the world has gone about assisting the world has gone about assisting the developing world and the last few decades. She said traditional aid is not delivering how the world would want it to and she said we must now look at moving away from Donor Conferences and rather to create projects in the spirit of partnership. There was talk about the private sector being involved and kick starting economies in africa along with Financial Support from wealthier countries and a particular emphasis to the role of female entrepreneurss in that. That Isa Female Entrepreneurss in that. That is a shift in tone and policy away from donations and money given to governments or supranational organisations like the world bank and directed much more towards partnerships between the private sector, Public Sector and developed world and the Public Sector in the developing world. It will be interesting to see how that plays out. There was an awful lot to digester. On finance, out. There was an awful lot to digester. Onfinance, remembered out. There was an awful lot to digester. On finance, remembered the g20s digester. On finance, remembered the 6205 history is rooted in managing the worlds financial systems. Angela merkel said we have a resilient financial system. That is a system put in place in the months after the 2008 Global Financial crash when 6ordon after the 2008 Global Financial crash when gordon brown posted the g20 crash when gordon brown posted the 620 summit. But she said Global Financial architecture has been improved but we still need to be vigilant. Mark arnie is very involved in detailing how that vigilance will manifest itself. Mark carney. Not much detail on how Combating Pandemics will be done. On women, there was a big session earlier on womens economic empowerment. We heard to say that the Employment Gap, ie the number of women and men and work in the pay gap, the Setting Targets for 2025, so an gap, the Setting Targets for 2025, so an eight year project is to reduce those Employment Gaps. She puts emphasis on education and digitalisation. That will be a relief to some campaigners. I mentioned 6ordon relief to some campaigners. I mentioned gordon brown a moment ago. Shakira sat down with me yesterday to emphasise that Global Education needs larger levels of funding and it needs to be directed towards girls. Angela merkel seemed in sync with it was girls. Angela merkel seemed in sync with it was confirmed with that. It was confirmed argentina will host the next 620 summitandjapan argentina will host the next 620 summit and japan the one afterwards. There has been some criticism of donald trump and the amount of bilaterals he has been committing time to rather than sitting in group meetings. A lot of you will have seen a banker trump sat in one meeting while President Trump met the president of indonesia, Angela Merkel said this is that one of the benefits of the 620. It is a fantastic chance for leaders to sit down opposite each other and develop a personal report. The protest, Angela Merkel condemned the violence in hamburg but reiterated the right of anyone to protest anything of anyone to protest about anything out on the streets of hamburg and urged everyone to keep things peaceful. That is a rundown of where we have got to. Lets concern ourselves with the issue of women because that has been given a lot of emphasis in ace beat by Angela Merkel. Hi, 6illian. Angela merkel gave quite an explicit. You got big smile on your face. Very happy. We put a lot of energy. We were hoping for it but she saw how the negotiations to play so in the end we we re negotiations to play so in the end we were happy. What does it mean in practice . What will happen because of what you have just heard . Practice . What will happen because of what you have just heard . |j practice . What will happen because of what you have just heard . I hope this is a good base to start and put much more effort in actions which will help equality to take place. There is not single country on this planet where Gender Equality really exists, also in the 620 itself, so we have one pages out of 50 pages focusing on that, mentioning that in the Labour Market, Digital Inclusion has gaps and we need to focus on that. From what i understand, how you actually go about closing the gap, we have Angela Merkel on the hub of the 620 saying we have to close it, but what do you actually do . If it were that easy, countries like iceland would have done it. Iceland is a good example. You start with education, which is what she said. She mentioned the campaign focusing on getting more women in the field. To involve everyone. Education is a good thing. Raising awareness is another thing. If everybody is convinced that all gaps are enclosed, there is nothing to do. If we have a new discussion, new things we have to do, we will find solutions. We involved women from all parts of society, we had employees and employers. We had to find a solution and resented those solutions to the chancellor. As you saw, she was convinced it was a good thing to do. She mentioned 2025. Just in passing. But how will that work . Will there be targets . M just in passing. But how will that work . Will there be targets . It is not the first time 2025 came up. Three years ago, they came up with the idea of the Labour Market Participation Rate between women and men by 25 until 2025. She isjust repeating this goal and says Nothing Happened so far but now we have to focus and change something. Happened so far but now we have to focus and change somethinglj happened so far but now we have to focus and change something. I want but this in context because some people might be thinking, of course we wa nted people might be thinking, of course we wanted to close the pay gap in the Employment Gap between men and women, but actually this is not been high on the agenda at previous 620 meetings. Not at all. That is sad. Now there is awareness we need to do something and hopefully everyone goes back home, the leaders of those powerful states, and set those agendas. I guess that is the next challenge. I spoke to someone who spends the whole life analysing the g20 spends the whole life analysing the 620 and how it implements its commitments and its track record in some areas is not great. It says one thing at the summit and does another thing at the summit and does another thing when all the members go home. You worried that happen it . We have a very strong Engagement Group watching the process. We remind eve ryo ne watching the process. We remind everyone to keep focused. Explain to people what it is. Is it something that happens when the summit is happening . Definitely not, otherwise we would not be successful. We are a group of women from all 620 countries. We have different people in ourgroup and countries. We have different people in our group and we are working together, and we will keep on working. We are notjust lobbying home governments, we are working for groups discussing how to go on. This is what we would do over and over again until we have achieved all our goals. When you are covering International Summits like this, the conversations can be quite right, communicate two can be dry, but you look like youre ready for a party i really am. I know it is something they have written down, following your words, but it is a starting point. We have seen political will there. Finally, it has happened. If you look at the last communiques, nothing on those issues at all. It is still oppressing one. Take a

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