out. we knew this was coming, we should have been better prepared. as a country we have got to welcome people who are fleeing war completely unprovoked and unjustified. brute completely unprovoked and unjustified.— completely unprovoked and un'ustified. ~ , ., unjustified. we will put some of those points _ unjustified. we will put some of those points to _ unjustified. we will put some of those points to liz _ unjustified. we will put some of those points to liz truss - unjustified. we will put some of those points to liz truss the - those points to liz truss the foreign secretary when she is on the programme in half an hour. good to talk to you. time now to get the news, travel and weather where you are. good morning from bbc london, i'm tolu adeoye. the metropolitan police has apologised to a black schoolgirl who was strip—searched by two officers after being wrongly suspected of carrying cannabis. the search, which has been described as traumatic, took place at the girl's secondary school in hackney in 2020. there was no other adult present. a safeguarding report found it was unjustified and that racism was likely to have been a factor. scotland yard says the officers' actions were regrettable.