which led to a strike on a nursery. you can get all the latest developments on storm eustice, —— storm universe “ storm universe as —— storm universe as it makes landfall there is more detail on the bbc news website. there will be live updates with all the latest you need to know. mike will bring us up to date with the winter olympics. we are still waiting for a medal but we have one guaranteed. irate are still waiting for a medal but we have one guaranteed.— have one guaranteed. we have a guaranteed _ have one guaranteed. we have a guaranteed silver _ have one guaranteed. we have a guaranteed silver in _ have one guaranteed. we have a guaranteed silver in the - have one guaranteed. we have a guaranteed silver in the men's . guaranteed silver in the men's curling and the women will play later today. curling and the women will play later today-— curling and the women will play later toda . . , ., ,, ., later today. when you think about the dangers _ later today. when you think about the dangers of— later today. when you think about the dangers of the _ later today. when you think about the dangers of the winter- later today. when you think about i the dangers of the winter olympics, we see there is crashes and slips and falls so we worry about the athletes but bear a thought, spare a thought for the camera people who are doing thejob out thought for the camera people who are doing the job out there. this is what happened when a freestyle skier

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