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To keep on. Showers in the forecast. Brighter conditions with sunny skies. Its tuesday 15th december. Our top story. A year on, we catch almost 11 Million People in london up with terrence. Hes no longer lonely and is even and parts of essex and hertfordshire will face tougher coronavirus making tiktok videos restrictions from midnight. With his new friends. It comes as the Health Secretary announced that a new strain of the virus had been identified. Meanwhile, the Hospitality Industry is warning that londons move into tier 3 will put thousands a slightly cooler day to day than ofjobs at risk. Tim muffett is at a restaurant yesterday, dry weather, sunshine, some showers especially in the west, in Central London this morning. And the winds will be a little bit lighter. The details in ten minutes. Tim, these are incredibly difficult times for many businesses . Its tuesday 15th december. Our top story. Almost 11 Million People in london thats right, many parts of england and parts of essex and hertfordshire have been under tier 3 for many will face tougher coronavirus restrictions from midnight. Weeks but the move for london, parts it comes as the Health Secretary of essex and hertfordshire from announced that a new strain midnight into t3 will have a huge of the virus had been identified, impact especially on hospitality. We which could explain the increase in the infection rate in parts are in holborn dining room this of southern england. Morning, part of the rosewood london jon donnison reports. Hotel. Michael is the managing director. Do you think the for many, christmas cheer Hospitality Industry has been treated fairly . We really dont. And is in short supply this year. So many of the other sectors can be the new tier 3 measures measures for Greater London and parts of essex and hertfordshire mean that openedin so many of the other sectors can be opened in tier 3, all of retail is from midnight tonight, some 3a Million People in england opening tier 3. We feel that will be living under the highest hospitality, we need a specific level of restrictions. Minister overseeing these restrictions right now. How worried i recognise the problem its going to cause for hospitality are you about the impact on your and other businesses, business and your staff . Very an effect on Mental Health for a lot of people, as well. Concerned, very, very concerned. But i think, unfortunately, most of our team will now go home as it is the right decision and i think, in the end, taking it earlier rather of tuesday evening. And this is the than waiting to do it on saturday most important week in the lead up is probably also going to prove to christmas. To have this week cut to be the right decision. Short. But this presumably needs this to happen for the health of the Health Secretary, matt hancock, told the house of commons that, in some areas of the southeast, people, now. Absolutely, we dont the number of cases was now wa nt to people, now. Absolutely, we dont want to get in the way of health and doubling every seven days. Safety of the public but at the same time, i really feel that the we have seen early action can government should be working with prevent more damaging and longer the sector to make sure that we can lasting problems later. Stay open in these situations. And i mr speaker, these restrictions will come into force at midnight on wednesday morning. Really dont quite understand how other sectors can be open, and we because when the virus moves cant be come in hospitality. These quickly, we must move quickly, too. Decisions will be open to review on and we must take the actions a weekly basis, what do you make of that are not necessarily easy, but are effective. That . Thats right. I think sadly, and there is also concern that . Thats right. I think sadly, that the review, each week, may about a new possibly faster sound better, but of course for spreading variant of the virus that has emerged. Christmas, people will not know if they can have christmas lunch here government scientists at the porton down laboratories or not, because you really going to wait until the 23rd to out on the in wiltshire are now trying to find out whether the new strain will have a different response to vaccines, 25th to wait until the 23rd to out on the 25th to find out on the 25th of although they say, at this stage, what you can do . You are able to there is no reason to think it will. Furlough your staff . We are, im for the Hospitality Industry, the new restrictions afraid the vast majority of our team in london and the south east in the holborn dining room and the bar will not be here, they will be are another huge blow. At home. It is a very worrying time just two weeks after reopening for so many people in the after a Second National lockdown, pubs, bars and restaurants will be hospitality sector. From midnight forced to close again, unless they tonight, bars, restaurants and cafes offer Takeaway Service only. Will not be able to open unless they open a Takeaway Service, it will be a very tough christmas. Lets get the latest now from our political correspondent, jessica parker. Under tier 3, cinemas jess, theres a suggestion in some and theatres will also have to close their doors. Of the papers that the government but the government says plans is reconsidering relaxing the rules to ease restrictions for five days around family get togethers over christmas will go ahead. At christmas. Jon donnison, bbc news. That is something we were speaking the Hospitality Industry is warning to Stephen Barclay about this that londons move into tier 3 will put thousands ofjobs at risk. Morning as well. Yes, im told from tim muffett is at a restaurant a senior uk government to source, this is a four nations plan agreed in Central London this morning. Tim, these are incredibly difficult by scotland, wales, Northern Ireland and the westminster government, uk times for many businesses . Government source telling me this morning that there are no plans to review the christmas bubble. That is yes, good morning from the hoban dining room. This time of year, this from next week, a five day place would be gearing up for its busiest time of the year, christmas relaxation, six days if you travel to and from Northern Ireland, where people can if you want to form a parties and christmas shoppers. From midnight, that will all stop for the christmas bubble with up to three time being. All of london, part of households. There have been questions, given what we heard essex and hertfordshire moving into yesterday about the new strain of tier 3. Restaurants, bars essex and hertfordshire moving into tier3. Restaurants, bars and essex and hertfordshire moving into coronavirus, cases rising in many tier 3. Restaurants, bars and cafe will have to close unless they offer areas and millions of people about ta ke will have to close unless they offer to live under tier 3 restrictions, take away. There will be no mixing whether it was wise to go ahead with between households in houses or private gardens, although that can this relaxation. It was something still carry on in groups of six in a you put to the secretary of the treasury Stephen Barclay in the last public park. Huge changes. Many hour. We have to trust the british parts of england have lived under people to act responsibly, do the these restrictions for quite some minimum that is necessary for them time, but from midnight tonight, an additional 11 million or so people within their family situation. We will be moving into tier 3. Notjust should recognise it has been a very difficult year for many families, many families will want to come hospitality, in london especially, together over the Christmas Period theatres and cinemas are going to be but that doesnt mean all the very badly hit. Some theatre shows restrictions are lifted. People will still need to continue to act had onlyjust very badly hit. Some theatre shows had only just reopened very badly hit. Some theatre shows had onlyjust reopened and now they responsibly, but we should trust face closing again. There are real people to do so. Ministers really concerns about the impact on that. Try to emphasise personal for thejobs in the hospitality responsibility, and telling people sector, it is a very, very worrying just because these rules are set to time. This always was going to be a be relaxed doesnt mean that they very tough christmas. From midnight have to take full advantage of them. Tonight, its going to get even they need to make decisions based on tougher. Greenwich council has until ten their own particular circumstances. Interestingly, we have heard from oclock this morning the london labour mayor siddique to withdraw its request for schools to move Teaching Online, orface legal action from the government. The leader of the borough wrote khan today, he to all head teachers in the area advising them to shut from this evening. The education secretary said using legal powers is a last resort. Londons mayor sadiq khan said closing schools sadiq sadiq khan. He is was the right thing to do. Suggesting a relaxation of some if you cant keep these schools parts of those plans. May be a covid safe in the last few days before christmas, its better to err on the side of caution and revert to online rethinking of some parts of those teaching for these few days. Plans. We will be talking to sadiq make these schools covid secure over khan very shortly. Christmas so injanuary, Greenwich Council has until ten they can reopen and we can be oclock this morning to withdraw its request for schools confident that kids arent catching to move Teaching Online orface legal action the virus and passing it from the government. The leader of the borough wrote to all head teachers in the area advising them to shut on to the parents and across london. From this evening. The education secretary said using legal powers is a last resort. We will be speaking to sadik khan at the general secretary of the association of head teachers criticised the sending about 8 10am, sorry, 830 . No, 8am of the letters. Its pretty squalid, dont you think . That here we seem to have turf wars between national and local government. And in the middle of it, the netherlands has announced the people i represent, a five week lockdown over christmas, the countrys toughest coronavirus head teachers who on sunday night restrictions to date. From today, nonessential shops, may have had a letter from greenwich local authorities saying, cinemas and museums will close, we are advising you to close the schools and the heads would have while cafes and restaurants will be talked with the governors yesterday, restricted to a Takeaway Service. Protesters whistled outside possibly issued a letter yesterday. The Prime Ministers Office then halfway through the day, as he made the announcement the schools minister is saying, keep the school open. Then the london mayor is saying schools should be closing, on national television. And then we hear the leader of the opposition saying schools should be open. Parents must be baffled Technology Giants such as google and facebook could face multi Million Pound fines and bewildered by this. If they fail to protect children from online harm. After you, please. You are so under new proposals, communication regulator 0fcom is set to gain the power to block access to Online Services that dont do polite sorry, i was just enough to protect users. After you, please. You are so polite sorry, i wasjust looking at heres our media editor amol rajan. The unemployment figures. Unemployment figures have just been released giving a clearer picture of how the pandemic after years of debate about how is affecting peoples jobs. To curb online harms whilst nina is here with more. Promoting the benefits of digital technology, the government has this is an unfolding story over the finally published a plan. Summer into the autumn. The regulator 0fcom these latest figures reflect will have a range of new powers. The likes of facebook or google the average number of people out could face fines of up of work in the three months to the end of october to £18 million or 10 of global as employers thought they were facing the end of furlough. Turnover, whichever is higher. 1. 69 Million People were unemployed during that period, a slight increase from a new legal duty of care is intended the three months before. And the numbers suggest a worsening to protect children from grooming, trend as unemployment bullying or pornography. Hit 5 in october. And this is the number of people claiming benefits. There are already laws it went up to 2. 7 million. Banning sexual abuse, terrorist material and some suicide content, but these will now be enforced more strongly. So these might be people in work the chief executive of the Childrens Charity the nspcc but on reduced hours, gave a cautious welcome. Or using savings and topping there are serious crimes being committed against up their income with children every single day. Universal credit. So this legislation hasnt come a moment too soon. At the same time, bad regulation is worse than no regulation. That is a small rise so it is important that the governments proposals are now from october but a big leap properly scrutinised. From 1. 2 million back in march. For the first time we received a breakdown on who is out of work. Retail and hospitality accounting a fortnight ago, a Digital Markets for more than half of the numbers. The number of vacancies did increase unit was announced to curb suggesting recovery in some areas. The monopolistic tendencies but so did the number of big tech. Of redundancies, a record breaking these measures aim to mitigate 370,000 lost theirjobs in that social rather than economic ills. Three month period with weeks a new contract between democracy to go before christmas. And the data giants is hesitantly emerging. Amol rajan, bbc news. Joe biden has been confirmed as the next president there is somejob there is some job optimism after a of the United States after the influential electoral news of a vaccine, but it will Still College cast their votes. Be very challenging periods into the speaking after the announcement, mr biden said the will of the people prevailed. New year, especially after all four nations went to enhanced locks are 0ur north america correspondent, in october and november. David willis, reports. Forjoseph r biden of delaware, the mayor of london coming up shortly but before that, the weather. A democrat, ayes 55, noes zero. Good morning. Todays weather much the momentjoe biden quieter than yesterday, essentially formally became this looking at sunshine and showers, the countrys president elect. Californias electors awarding him the votes he needed to clear the 270 threshold in americas Electoral College. Heaviest in the west, moving into scotland, we have about of rain in and having held off condemning Donald Trumps unprecedented attempts to overturn the election the western isles. The showers will result, now was the time to hit back. Be moving north, coming and its the channel isles, southern england in the flame of democracy lit in this the midlands. For most of us, it nation a long time ago. Will be dry, the winds will be we now know nothing, lighter. After the morning, showers not even a pandemic, or an abuse of power, can extinguish that flame. In Northern Ireland, but then it will brighten up. By the end of the afternoon we will start to see more donald trump had warned that certifying the votes would amount rain sweeping in towards the west. To a severely punishable crime, in the light of what he claims the first batch of showers moves was widespread voter fraud. North across scotland. Many of the but the claims are unsubstantiated other showers will fade, clear skies for a time but ahead of the area of and courts across the country have failed to support them, as has this man, the low pressure, the cloud will build. Attorney general bill barr. The reinis wrapped around that area it has now been announced that mr barr will be stepping down. Of low pressure, and strengthening bill, said the president in a tweet, will be leaving just before christmas to spend winds will be accompanying it. The rain is wrapped around the area. The holidays with his family. The met office has a weather warning all this on a bittersweet day, as Front Line Health Care workers became the first in the country for parts of cornwall, the isles of scilly and eastern Northern Ireland. To receive the Coronavirus Vaccine tomorrow the band of cloud and rain at a time when many here have pushes generally eastwards and misgivings about its safety. Northwards, but if you look at the it is no different than the majority curling around it, you can see that for now Northern Ireland, the north of vaccines that you get on a yearly basis, that we give to our children, that we have been getting since the 60s. At the end of the day, when we are worried about side west and scotland will see more effects, really, the truth is that everything has side effects. Rain, gusty winds. We will have this has been shown to be safe, gusty winds at times across the its effective, and, really, its the best route for us to combat east. Temperature wise, eight to 11 this horrible pandemic. The vaccine is likely degrees. So unsettled, coming up. To prove a shot in the arm but the most ambitious Vaccination Programme in us history couldnt come soon enough. Thank you, we will see you in half an hour. With just ten days until christmas, as these crates were being unpacked the decision to place london came the news that the country had and parts of essex and hertfordshire into tier 3, means 34 Million People passed another grim milestone 300,000 deaths from the coronavirus. In england will be living under david willis, bbc news, los angeles. The toughest coronavirus restrictions from midnight. The move has been described as devastating and illogical there was a rare treat for by the hospitality sector, putting thousands ofjobs at risk. Were joined now by the mayor sta rgazers there was a rare treat for stargazers overnight. Of the capital, sadiq khan. Thankfully, the clouds stayed away meaning stargazers got to enjoy a special treat. Good to talk to you. Many of our dont stare at it, do you need a viewers will know that last week you Cardboard Box or something . say you didnt want london to go dont stare at it, do you need a Cardboard Box or something . I think you are relatively safe to have a quick look on the telly. 0ne slight into tier 3, do you felt there was an inevitability about it . Whenever snag, you had to be in argentina or we think about the rules, it is chile. Important that we follow them, so the moon passed between the sun eve ryo ne important that we follow them, so and the earth forjust over two everyone should follow the rules minutes, darkening the skies. From midnight. You have mentioned the devastating impact on many of during the one we had here . I was in our sectors who have been struggling for the last nine months, the aberystwyth. I had a Cardboard Box culture venues, the pubs, bars and to look at it. Restau ra nts. Culture venues, the pubs, bars and restaurants. This month of december end of newsbelt its timecheck is the golden month, the golden quarter, where they make up some of good morning, both. The weather is a the business that stands them in good stead for the rest of the year andi good stead for the rest of the year and i worry, many of these bit cooler today. Some sunny spells businesses might not reopen next year. Many of these jobs which are currently furloughed could be lost. And some showers. A more settled i appreciate that with this virus, day. The strong winds yesterday, the earlier you go, the better it using a touch, the isobars are a bit is. Im not sure this tiering system more open today. After a quiet day, is. Im not sure this tiering system is as effective as it could be. You the next area of low pressure coming said, whatever you think of the oui the next area of low pressure coming our way will liven things up. First rules, do you think it is wrong that london has been moved into tier 3 . Thing, there is some dry weather my london has been moved into tier 3 . Around, some of us will start with my concern is the evidence doesnt appear to be followed by the bright or sunny skies. We have quite government. In london, the age group where we have seen the biggest increase in the virus is those aged a few showers and western areas, some coming into southern areas as between ten and 19. There has been a well. This will be the first signs 75 increase in this age group for of the next system coming our way the last week, and i see very few later on. Temperatures 8 12 today. Children of that age in pubs, bars this evening and overnight, the and restaurants. So i am concerned first part of the weather front that we appear to be having blunt brings rain across parts of instruments, the tiering system, scotland, many of the showers will being retrofitted around solutions fade, the winds will start to pick that are not quite as effective as up fade, the winds will start to pick up particularly out towards the west they should be. London will have as low pressure arrives. Introducing gone from tier 2 to tier 3, next some rain in doing so. The strongest winds will be across the irish sea, week in tier zero, then tier 3, it South West England, and also across doesnt make sense. You say doesnt Northern Ireland. Something to bear work that people will be watching in mind. Those are the overnight from around the uk this morning many of whom who have been under living temperatures. The full Weather Forecast with many details in half an hour. Under strict restrictions, and they may have been looking jealously at thank you very much. I enjoyed the london. And you have seen a carols yesterday, i was humming all reduction of the cases of the virus in some of those places which have day. Me too, i could not get beenin in some of those places which have been in tier 3. You could say the ding dong merrily on high out of my system is working. Those parts of head, went to the choir fantastic . The country, and i have friends there, had been in strict measures went the choir fantastic . For a long period of time. And in head, went to the choir fantastic . Went the choir fantastic . They were, thank you. Those areas, businesses have suffered as indeed have others in lets take a look at todays papers. Virtually all of the newspapers lead those areas. I think the key thing on the news that london and parts is to look at where the virus is of south east england will be placed spreading. We know that there are into the toughest covid restrictions from midnight. The telegraph says there are warnings the economic many children, despite the heroic consequences will be catastrophic. Effo rts many children, despite the heroic efforts of the teachers, who may the daily mail asks whether christmas gatherings might now be injeopardy. Have the virus but not realise they the paper says scientists fear have the virus but not realise they have the virus but not realise they the planned easing of rules over have the virus. So having for the festive period could lead to new cases. Example mass testing in places like schools, and in other places where we will be talking about this people cannot work from home, we can throughout the morning. Spot where the virus is an new strain and more pain is the daily mirrors headline. But the paper also manages thosepeople can self isolate. My to squeeze some good concern is that you will see news on its front page, tomorrow, the pubs, bars and noting that gps began covid vaccinations yesterday. Finally the Washington Post has restau ra nts a nd culture tomorrow, the pubs, bars and restaurants and culture venues close, and im not sure that if by the news thatjoe bidens itself or lead to a reduction of president ial election victory was confirmed by the us virus, particularly because over the Electoral College. Christmas period, we have basically the confirmation is one five days of tier zero where the of the steps required for mr biden to take office. Virus could spread again. You talk about concentrating on whether virus is spreading. Im sure youve witnessed, maybe even first hand, of he was showing me dog pictures the pictures in Oxford Street and Regent Street, some of those packed earlier on. You were showing me shopping streets. Are you concerned about this . You talked about bars dog pictures. Shall we go dog or and about this . You talked about bars a nd restau ra nts about this . You talked about bars and restaurants and hospitality penguin . Pick up the penguin. Venues taking a big hit, but nonessential retail remains open. What is your advice to londoners and penguins with happy feet. This is a others thinking about christmas penguin who has had to have a pair shopping at the moment . others thinking about Christmas Shopping at the moment . I have been lobbying the government to make it of stick on flip flops attached to his feet because they suffer very mandatory to wearer facemask in badly from fungal infections, can you believe that . They can be very dangerous and sometimes fatal so public spaces, we know that we have this is a penguin in brazil who has these special little attachments won the argument in shops and on here which keep his feet safe. How public transport, but we think that it should be mandatory in any area cute is he . Penguin flipflops where you cannot keep distance. If the people on 0xford before 6 15am. Shall i do dog is where you cannot keep distance. If the people on Oxford Street and Regent Street wore a facemask, it also in . Or serving . Sewing. I would really reduce the chances of the virus being passed on. I will continue to lobby the government. In the meantime, we can voluntarily cannot thread a needle, though, but wear a facemask which he teach other ido cannot thread a needle, though, but i do have the sewing machine. Safe. I am concerned about the virus cannot thread a needle, though, but i do have the sewing machinem cannot thread a needle, though, but i do have the sewing machine. It is which can keep each other safe. I a development, says the times newspaper, which would have content about the virus spreading my messages, shop safety, shop local sea mstresses newspaper, which would have seamstresses in stitches but modern where you can, because i am men are crazy about sewing. Inspired by programme is on the television, concerned about the virus spreading. From patrick grant, the savile row my tailor who is a judge on the great concerned about the virus spreading. My message is, shop safely, shop local where you can. We dont want the message to be spread and particularly to those who are older british sewing bee. He apparently sewed his own swimming trunks. You and who have Underlying Health conditions. You talked about this area sewed his own swimming trunks. You are a modern man, what do you think . Christmas experience, the shopping people are making disparaging noises experience is part of that. Stephen barclay remains firm that the government is not changing the relaxation over christmas. Do you think it is time given what you are in my ear. I can sew a hole in a saying about that specific increase sock. If mrs glenister is watching, between ten and 19 year olds, a my Home Economics teacher, we were cases, do you think that is looked challenged to make a pair of shorts, at . The government said they are not going to rule out further changes. I made one side so skintight i could my going to rule out further changes. My concern is that over the five barely get it on and the other was days, you can have three households like an mc hammer pair of trousers. It was unique. And on top of that, of big sizes, mixing, having sleepovers, hugging, kissing, all they were tie dyed. They could not the things we normally do over have been more spectacular. When i christmas. What would be really w0 re have been more spectacular. When i wore them into class, i was sent heartbreaking, knowing the magazine straight out. Do they still exist . My straight out. Do they still exist . My mother might have them in a box is somewhere. We had to make a donald duck stuffed toy and i can confess, heartbreaking, knowing the magazine is vaccine is being rolled out, is vaccine is being rolled out, is that you inadvertently pass it onto an older relative who could i have never told anyone this, my lose their life, even though the mum made it for me. I couldnt do it, i was so rubbish. Quickly, vaccine is there. But you dont have to have five households mixing, you mum made it for me. I couldnt do dont have to hug and kiss your it, iwas so rubbish. Quickly, go look at these little gorgeous faces, loved ones, keep your day is open. A photographer has taken snaps of if you want to spend time with people which is perfectly dogs faces while showing them acute understandable, do so but be aware that you could be carrying the virus and not know and you could pass it on, how would you feel if you did a cute toy to see if they can that . So you think it is a case of smile. I think that is a dog smiling. Something else we will be not hugging elderly relatives this looking at this morning. Jobs, the time of year at christmas . not hugging elderly relatives this time of year at christmas . I know it sounds weird for me to say that, but latest employment figures coming in . Yeah. I know it is important to spend time with family, i have going back to crafting, we have been using our christmas cards on the back of these scripts. What a great missed my family, the Chinese New Year has been very different, the idea so people can open their hajj pilgrimage has been cancelled, christmas cards and read the Business News . Really old business diwali will be different, it will be news from months before waste not, wa nt news from months before waste not, want not different everywhere. The chief it feels like a different world now, science officer says he will be but before the pandemic the uk had spending his christmas on the wards, not with his family. There is a Record Numbers of people in work. And then as entire industries reason why he is advising that. Shut down, despite Government Support we saw the number these rules are not mandatory. 0ne of unemployed start to rise. Last month we learned that in the three months of my criticisms of the government to the end of september, is it does not make sense that we more than 1. 5 million are going to go from tier 3 to tier people were out of work. Zero and back to tier 3, and almost 5 of the working population. Potentially another lockdown in january and february. January is the in the same period a Record Number of redundancies were recorded. Busiest time of the of the nhs, we with some big names announcing job losses. Lhg which owns brands know this for previous years. Like holiday inn and crowne plaza, imagine this january if we got the travel firm tui and the pub chain nhs over one because of those five wetherspoons, between them announcing thousands ofjob cuts. Daysin nhs over one because of those five days in christmas. We saw in america the consequences of thanksgiving and Job Vacancies continued to rise the consequences of thanksgiving and the impact it had on the death but they were still a third rates. Something else to talk to you down on a year ago. About is the situation with schools. Later this morning well get those who might be switching on this an update on these numbers. Of course numbers translate morning, Greenwich Council were to people, and theirfamilies. Talking about closing schools, the government said, you cant do that, and a christmas of uncertainty. We will take legal action against we caught up with nina and graham you. Should Greenwich Council and who have both lost theirjobs the schools defy the government . during the pandemic. Fully sympathise with Council Leaders who have to make tough i was in denial at first. Calls, and the head teachers and i went through, like, governors. The evidence is quite clear. Some schools are covid safe the stages of grief, of the redundancy process. Because they have Mass Community testing so you can check with the for 15 years, nina worked as cabin children, teachers and other staff, whether you have the virus without crew at virgin atlantic. Symptoms. The concern is that other but as the pandemic grounded flights, she was first furloughed, and then made redundant injune schools do not have mass testing, when the airline laid off and children are passing around the more than 3000 staff. Virus despite the efforts of teachers, and they go home and pass the financial pressure has it to their parents. These very same been very great on us. Children who will be in school on and weve been claiming universal credit but unfortunately that friday will be hugging and kissing doesnt cover our basic outgoings. Grandma and grandpa next week, which is why parents are confused and and we have had to really cut back this christmas. Worried. So the government should were not doing presents as much. Provide clear guidance to Councils Like greenwich and islington, and to work has been scarce for her partner schools, because nobody wants the as well whos self employed. The family, from sandbanks near bournemouth, children to pass the virus on to say they will be making home made gifts this year. Their parents and then their elderly relatives next week. Im sent to the its small star its a star, isnt it . Government that they should close schools a few days early before the tourism and travel industry has christmas, if they are not been one of the hardest hit covid safe, and maybe delay after and the steepest rise in unemployment has been among young people. But analysis also shows the over 50s the christmas break, opening them are more likely to struggle until we can have mass testing. With with long term joblessness. Respect, it is easy for you to say this is the longest ive been out that but you have seen the of work since i left university. Logistical effort of getting testing graham is a freelance business sorted. We have started doing it consultant based in lancashire, but that work dried up in march. In london. Sorting that out with schools around the country would be what has it been like job hunting in the middle of the pandemic . A huge undertaking. Not at all. We its daunting at the moment. Have started to roll it out in theres a lot of people out there. London, i want to thank the it does get a little bit government for moving quickly and depressing at times, thinking, there. We have started mass testing ive got a lot of skills, ijust need someone in some schools, we have 500 to find them useful. Secondary schools in london. The mass testing is now available. We its been a particularly can use the Christmas Period to make tough yearforgraham. Hes recently recovered from sure all the schools can reopen a triple heart bypass and covid. Safely. Those schools which hes applied for roles currently do not have the mass testing i think should be advised by the government to close a day or two in supermarkets, the nhs early. These are secondary schools and colleges, not primary schools and as a christmas postman, but without success. Where there does not appear to be a you see on the news spread of a virus. We have to make that there are redundancies, sure that our children are safe but people losing jobs. When furlough is coming to an end, you know that theres they do not pass the virus to elder going to be a waiver there, so, yeah, its a competitive market. Relatives. These children could be going to be a wave there, so, yeah, at school until friday and have the its a competitive market. Virus and not realising it, they ive been trying, but, yeah, it gets you down. Ive got ten years left of work will be literally hugging and kissing their grandparents next and i think ive got a lot to give. Week. How would we feel if knowing and few sectors have been immune the vaccine is being rolled out, from this economic emergency. 0ur quiet high streets and boarded theres elderly relations caught the up shops are one of the most visible virus and god forbid, lost their reminders of the economic damage lives . Listening to you, it is part of this health crisis. Of the conundrum that not only the the pandemic has accelerated government has but we all have in the shift towards online shopping, our lives. Use a potentially close and our spending habits are changing schools, dont go back for a few the types ofjobs available. Daysin companies that pick, schools, dont go back for a few days in january schools, dont go back for a few days injanuary yousay pack and deliver goods potentially close the schools. You say dont hug your grandparents but to customers have been hiring. You also say, with your economic hat its been an extremely busy year on, go and do your christmas for us with sales increasing on laptops, monitors, webcams. Shopping. Lets be clear, a lot of businesses have spent a lot of time things that have allowed a lot and energy making the businesses of people to work from home. Covid secured. I would say that the its a hive of activity in this Distribution Centre in yorkshire. 0nline retailer ebuyer has brought covid secured. I would say that the in more Seasonal Workers to help covid secured. I would say that the covid secure places like bars and with the christmas rush. Restau ra nt covid secure places like bars and restaurant are safer covid secure places like bars and restau ra nt a re safer tha n covid secure places like bars and restaurant are safer than our homes because we are more relaxed in our theres been an opportunity homes. And we could potentially there to bring more staff in earlier spend five days at elderly relations and at this moment in time, theres still a lot of orders next week and many of us could have that we need to shift. The virus without realising it. My it gives them an opportunity that frustration and disappointment about they can continue into the new year. These businesses is that i know the but christmas during coronavirus effort they have gone through, to make the place is safe, there is will feel very different this year. Back on the south coast, things are looking up. Nina has been offered little evidence we are seeing an work from january. Increase in those places that they i feel really excited have to close down overnight and positive about next year, potentially losing billions from the ive got a newjob starting, economy and hundreds ofjobs as and with the vaccine, i feel like well slowly get back well. Thank you for your time this to some sort of normality. After a turbulent 2020, morning, good to talk to you. Stay job seekers are hoping next year safe. And you. We are concentrating will bring new opportunities. On london, i know a lot of our sarah corker, bbc news. Viewers are saying, we have been in tier 3 for a long time, people saying, that tier 3 has had a big we wish them all the very best for impact on the reduction of cases in the year ahead. Some areas. Im not sure, we are not so what are we looking out for at 7am . Well, if you remember ignoring that many parts of the uk october was what we thought was the last month of furlough. Have been under the tighter restrictions for a long time. We it was extended, it is likely the have, havent we . Job figures will reflect that. We when announcing the new will be looking out for the number restrictions yesterday, the Health Secretary said a new strain of the virus of people claiming benefits, for the had been identified which could month of october, that went up to explain the increase in infection rates in parts of southern england. 2. 6 million, more than double what at least 60 local authorities have recorded cases of covid it was in february and march. That caused by the mutation. We can get more on this now from virologist, is people looking for work and also professor calum semple. People who are in work but working less, having to top up their salary good morning, lovely to see you this with benefits. The numbers are in at morning. Good morning. Can youjust 7am. Later in the programme well be talking to vicky mcclure, star of the series line of duty. Explain to us, in terms that we can you might remember two years ago all grasp, how significant the news she set up a choir and every member of the group had one thing is that we heard from matt hancock in common, they were all yesterday about the new variant of living with dementia. The choir went on to perform coronavirus . How concerned should we at the royal concert hall in nottingham and there wasnt a dry be . People should not be losing eye in the house. Sleep about this. They really need hello, nottingham to leave the virologist of the scientists, because we are at the five weeks ago, i started very early stages of understanding a very special choir. What is going on here. Leave the they all have one thing in common. They are living with dementia. Virology to the scientists. Coronaviruses along with other my nana was very bold, bright. Viruses mutate all the time. And she had a cracking sense without the presence of community of humour, very dirty laugh. Immunity, we will not have herd the dementia stripped all that. Immunity, we will not have herd immunity for many months, the virus is essentially free to change and when the night has come. Become more comfortable in which the humans its living in. So the virus its really uplifting. Is learning to become slightly better at living with us and every muscle in my body is sort becoming slightly more infectious. Ofjumping up and down. But that does not mean it is harming a small, or causing more severe illness in people. Harming us our first session had a surprising effect on former music teacher rae. More. Could this potentially had an her alzheimers diagnosis led her impact on the effectiveness of any to giving up playing the piano, new vaccine coming through . That is and she hasnt touched a key since. The Million Dollar question. Some of wow. Thank you. I remembered. The Million Dollar question. Some of i didnt think id remember how to play. The mutations are occurring in the stand by me. Key that the virus uses to unlock the cells. We see this with the flu each year, that is why the flu vaccine has to change year on year. The fact that we have the royal but if there is some slightly good wedding choir here is a pretty news here, the virus, although it is big deal for everybody. 0n the flip side, the hardest part is some of them just wont remember it. Changing and it has increased its its just stand by each proportion within these areas, the other and give each other that little bit. Vast majority of people still had moral support. The original strain that has been going around since june the original strain that has been weve only met today, havent we . Going around sincejune and some people have had the strain going round since march. In the current no, we have met when vaccine will be effective for them. Weve been coming. There are places i remember i would expect the vaccine to be all my life, though reasonable effective, it is some of changed currently 95 effective, even if we dropped a few percentage points, it some for ever. Will still be good enough and much better than many other vaccines on the market. And the next bit of good iamso i am so looking forward to that. News is that the new vaccines are i am so looking forward to thatm is such a brilliant programme. Essentially like e mails that we genius idea. Its one of those send to the immune system, and they programmes when youre not quite are very easy to tweak. If we know ready for it and the emotion grabs that the lock has changed very you. It makes you realise how slightly, we just have to edit the powerful music is and how the brain e mail, change a word or two and can hold onto it even if anything then the vaccine that will be ready else has failed. In six to eight weeks after that so whats happened since then . Vicky will be here around 8. 50 to tell us how the choir has will be competent and better been coping during the pandemic. Targeted to the new strain. This is shes made a special programme following the groups not a disaster, this isnt a efforts to keep going battling not just covid, breakdown in all our plans, this is just what we expect with a new but the progression of dementia. Virus, and its what the scientists also this morning, so many people and the doctors have come to have asked about terrence, who we understand. And we will adapt. We met this week last year on the have just had the mayor of london programme. You might remember he on, sadiq khan, i dont know if you lived on his over 20 years, at caught any of that interview we had. Christmas just had a turkey sandwich he talked about the possibility of on his own after the death of his perhaps closing schools early for mum. We will be catching up with christmas, schools going back a him, you will find out how he has little bit later than expected in been getting on and meet some of his january, because of the situation in new friends. It is quite exciting, london in the south east. What do he is embracing modern technology. You make of that idea, how effective would that be . My day job is as a time now to get the news, travel and weather where you are. Paediatrician at alder hey Childrens Hospital so i am on my good morning, im asad ahmad. Home turf here. Were not seeing an so, as weve hearing so much about, increase in disease severity or after midnight tonight, london, with parts of numbers amongst the schoolteachers, essex and herfordshire, that has to be borne in mind. We do will be in the covid 19 high alert level and face tier 3 restrictions. Appreciate that teenagers are capable of catching the virus and in short, it means, among transmitting it amongst themselves, and taking it home. But we have made other things, that indoor Entertainment Venues and taking it home. But we have made a very political decision, that will close after tonight. It includes theatres, schools need to be kept open because which only reopened less than two we cannot throw away a generation of weeks ago. Restaurants, cafes and bars will also close except for takeaways, broadcasters, lawyers, even politicians, who are in the making, and people cant mix and they need to be educated and with other households indoors. The mayor says theres a lot ta ke and they need to be educated and take up the mantle in years to come. That needs to be done. We need to roll out mass testing in our schools and colleges, it should not be perceived that where the virus is spreading hugely. Schools are the only place where application is happening. We know but, secondly, we must that social mixing is the biggest give Financial Support to these businesses. Many of them may not reopen when it cause, then household mixing is the biggest next cause. You cannot stop comes to us leaving tier houses within themselves, and the three and we could have, in the early year, thousands and thousands of londoners being made unemployed. Decision has been made not to close there is confusion among parents and pupiuls parents and pupils in greenwich this morning as to whether state schools. Sadiq khan is clearly schools are open or not. Thousand of parents were contacted putting the economic interests of yesterday afternoon, london to the fore which is quite saying schools would be closed right, thats what he is responsible after an appeal from the leader for. But there always has to be a of Greenwich Council asking them to shut to reduce the risk decision to be made. You could close of spreading coronavirus. The schools and keep the economy but, last night, many parents open, or keep the school is open and restrict some aspects of the were contacted again to say the government had threatened legal economy. He mentioned bars, they action meaning schools would open. Should be closed anyway in tier 2 as far as the variant of the coronavirus in and around u nless should be closed anyway in tier 2 unless they are serving meals and london is concerned, which was mentioned functioning as restaurants. To be in parliament yesterday, fair, ithink functioning as restaurants. To be its been said it may impact fair, i think the argument was a bit upon the effectiveness disingenuous. I have to ask you of the Coronavirus Vaccine. But dr simon clarke, an associate professor in cellular microbiology about christmas. We have the at reading university, told the bbc five day relaxation of rules coming that any impact is not up, you mentioned in your last likely to be substantial. A nswer up, you mentioned in your last answer there, household mixing is how this virus can be passed on. Now a look at the travel. What are your thoughts on that five day break right now . What are your thoughts on that theres a good service fiveday break right now . Its incredibly difficult. Anyone who said we are going to ban christmas, on the tubes this morning. People would just ignore it and for the rest of the travel news, altogether. What is happening is a tune in to bbc radio london five day lifting of the who have updates every 15 minutes. Now the weather with elizabeth. Restrictions, but where sadiq khan was absolutely right, if you do go hello, its a touch cooler round and camp in granny and than it was this time yesterday, grandpas house for five days, that but still another frost free start to the day. Will be dreadful. We hope some most of us will agree its a more people will spend some time pleasant day of weather than we saw yesterday. Travelling, sure, if they are round it wont be quite as wet or as windy. The christmas meal, then perhaps the family should do the cooking and but there are still showers blowing in on a still fairly noticeable south westerly wind. Washing up and treating granny and mostly up towards western grandpa likea home counties, but plenty of dry weather throughout the day. Washing up and treating granny and grandpa like a king and queen. If the showers wont line up they do do lots of hugs and kisses, as they did yesterday, they do do lots of hugs and kisses, the virus will spread. This is about and there will be some sunny spells about, as well. Meeting your friends and family, top temperatures again well above seasonal average, ideally doing the best you can to peaking at 11 12c, 5a fahrenheit. Wash your hands, maintain some through this evening and overnight, distancing, meeting outside when you the showers should have faded away, so it should look largely dry. Can. And trying to stay safe. But there will be plenty of cloud around, and, again, clearly at lockdown has worked because it has reduced social its a frost free start interaction which reduces the virus. To the day with overnight lows of around 6 7 celsius. If you stop the lockdown, stop the tomorrow, dry for most of the daylight hours, tiering system and have a huge but there will be outbreaks of rain amount of social interaction, there pushing eastwards as we head will be a rise in cases. Where you into the afternoon. And its also going to turn will be a rise in cases. Where you will be a rise in cases. Where you will be mixing, you have to take rather windy, as well. Care. Thank you very much. On thursday, its dry lots to think about this morning. Again with some sunshine. Time now to get the news, travel and weather where you are. If you have wondered what happened well, even government accepts theres a lot of confusion over what the tier system means. It you want clarification to terrence who we met last year, we have an update go to the bbc news website. Good morning, im asad ahmad. So, from midnight, london with parts of essex and herfordshire im back with the latest from the bbc london will be on the covid 19 high alert level and face tier 3 restrictions. It means among other things hello, this is breakfast that indoor Entertainment Venues with dan walker and sally will close after tonight. Nugent. Coming up on breakfast this morning. It includes theatres, a year on from when we first met which only reopened less terrence, he tells us how hes than two weeks ago. Getting through this christmas restaurants, cafes and bars will also close except for takeaways, and people cant mix with other households indoors. The mayor says theres a lot with the new friends hes made. That needs to be done. We need to roll out mass testing and, its a bostin success after nine this morning, well in our schools and colleges, where the virus is spreading hugely. Find out why a museum but, secondly, we must give Financial Support in the Black Country is such a huge to these businesses. Hit on social media. Many of them may not reopen when it comes to us leaving tier three, and we could have, tomorrow, over 10 million extra people in england will wake up in the early year, thousands and thousands of londoners to stricter covid restrictions, being made unemployed. Theres confusion among after a sharp rise in cases. Parents and pupils in the whole of london, greenwich this morning as to whether state and parts of essex and schools are open or not. Hertfordshire will be affected. Thousands of parents were contacted yesterday afternoon, lets talk more about this saying schools would be closed with our gp, dr sarahjarvis, after an appeal from the leader whos in west london. Of Greenwich Council asked them to shut to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus. Good morning. Lovely to speak to you. You are one of those moving up but last night, many parents were contacted again to say into tier three. How will it affect the government had threatened legal patients and how are you looking at action, meaning schools would open. The changes . A lot of us were as far as a new variant looking at this and saying, if we do of the coronavirus in and around not do this, people in the north london is concerned, which is believed to spread faster, will have every right to complain. I its been said it may impact upon the effectiveness of the Coronavirus Vaccine. Have consistently said there has not been a north south divide in terms but dr simon clarke, of politics but there has been in an associate professor in cellular microbiology terms of decisions. What we have at reading university, told the bbc that any impact is not seenin terms of decisions. What we have seen in the uk is across the country, for instance yorkshire and likely to be substantial. The humber, cases are dropping now a look at the travel. Significantly, which is great news, but in london, at the same time, theres a good service they have been rising, particularly on the tubes this morning. And for the rest of the travel news, among 10 19 year olds, up to a 75 tune in to bbc radio london who have updates every 15 minutes. Now the weather with elizabeth. Increase in those areas, and we are hello, its a touch cooler looking at several boroughs with than it was this time yesterday, more than 350 per 100,000, havering, but still another frost free start barking and dagenham, Waltham Forest to the day. And so on. There seems to be a band most of us will agree its a more pleasant day of weather around the north of london. Even than we saw yesterday. Though hospitals in london at the it wont be quite moment are not under quite as much as wet or as windy. But there are still showers blowing pressure and even though over 60s do in on a still fairly noticeable south westerly wind. Not seem to be rising in the same mostly up towards western home counties, but plenty of dry weather throughout the day. Way, those are two criteria the the showers wont line up as they did yesterday, government takes into account, i do and there will be some sunny spells about, as well. Not think there was any choice but top temperatures again well to go up to tier three. Matt hancock above seasonal average, peaking at 11 12c, 54 fahrenheit. Addresses yesterday and said this through this evening and overnight, new variant of the virus has been the showers should have faded away, so it should look largely dry. Found in 60 authorities in england. There will be plenty of cloud around, and, again, how do you view that . It is easy to its a frost free start to the day with overnight lows hear that and be concerned. What are of around 6 7 celsius. The facts . We have to remember tomorrow, dry for most of the daylight hours, but there will be outbreaks of rain pushing eastwards as we head viruses mutate all the time and on into the afternoon. The whole, as they mutate, they tend and its also going to turn rather windy, as well. On thursday, its dry to become less severe, if anything. Lots of mutations that happen do not again with some sunshine. Make a difference. Every time a finally, even government accepts human has a child, there are theres a lot of confusion over what the tier system means. Mutations and most of them it you want clarification clinically do not make a difference. The big concern would be whether it made it harderfor the go to the bbc news website. The big concern would be whether it made it harder for the vaccine to work and tests are being done but there does not seem to be any sign im back with the latest of that. The only time when there from the bbc london newsroom in half an hour. Has been a concern was in denmark when it was found that mink had a good morning, welcome variant that might have affected the to breakfast with sally nugent and dan walker. Spike protein which could mean the after breakfast, its morning live with kym and gethin. Vaccine would not be as effective. Whats on the programme however, the good news about this this morning . Variant is it does not seem to cause thanks. It is a pack show this more serious illness. The concern is that it might be more infectious morning. Than the current version, the most her decision to quit little mix is all over the front pages but as jesy nelson reveals widespread version which could be a the pressure was all getting too concern in terms of spread particularly as we come up to christmas when people mingle more. Much, today were hearing how frankie bridge was driven to the brink by her own in terms of the vaccine, i battle with Mental Health and shell share the advice that saved her life. Understand your surgery is starting also coming up. With ten days to go until the big to give out the vaccine today. How day, we sent Nicki Chapman off to Gatwick Airport to ask has it been practically in terms of you who youre going to see getting hold of it . Are you happy and where youre going logistically you will be able to to stay this christmas. Process that . Those are two we are nosy like that and thats not all. Back, quite literally, important questions because i know to save our skins cosmetic expert dr tijion esho some practices, and some of my colleagues, have been getting in is here to tell us why our facemasks are causing havoc with our skin touch and they have been saying we and more importantly, what to do about it. We re touch and they have been saying we were set, we phoned 80 patients and we love hearing from breakfast viewers, so if you have a question they were set to come in and now we for him, send that in to us right now. Are told the vaccine is delayed, morninglive bbc. Co. Uk. Plus, which is frustrating. Practices need to be carefully set up for to reasons, first because they need to casualtys George Rainsford brings us an exclusive look at the brand new series. Be given 975 doses over three and a see you straight after breakfast at 9. 15 half days, almost 300 a day which is and yes, only the dog is back and he a huge logistical ask at the best of has brought doctor james times but because they were two and yes, only the dog is back and he allergic reactions last week, both i has brought doctorjames along with him, as well. James has a warning hasten to add among people who for the growing number of dog owners previously had an history of the getting ready to spend more on their pet than their parents this christmas. I am guessing you have worst reaction, very different from your dog a present for christmas, hay fever and a runny nose, they had dan walker . A history of life threatening i have one of those collars with reactions, but as a precaution in lights on. I ordered it yesterday so the mhra said Everybody Needs to be observed 15 minutes afterwards, hopefully it will arrive in time. Which has meant for some practices you are more organised than me. Without big enough premises, that is not feasible, so they are having to if you cast your mind make other arrangements. At the back to a year ago, you might remember terrence. Moment, we look ok in our practice, but i think there will be problems, he was here on the sofa talking about spending 20 christmases delays in delivery for some on his own. Practices, and some areas of the it prompted a huge response country where gps have said they cannot vaccinate because they have and the evening after he came nowhere where it is logistically on the sofa, a group of local students paid him a special visit. Possible to do the vaccination and ive been catching up the 15 minute observation. When you with some of those students and the man himself. Come out here, terrence. Are discussing things with patients, this is the 0ldham college iam sure are discussing things with patients, i am sure vaccine is top of the list choir, just for you. Of those discussions. What are some silent night of those discussions. What are some of your patients telling you . The holy night. Majority are saying when can i get last december, a christmas like no other for terrence. The vaccine . Indeed, our practice, i think pretty much every practice in all is bright. The country has had to change the message on the answerphone to say please do not ring us, we will ring since my mother passed 20 years ago, you, because so many are keen to ive had every christmas on my own. Have it. But there are people in and you do you do vulnerable groups who are hesitant, feel it, very much so. For instance, a couple who have terrences story moved students from nearby 0ldham college to pay him a visit. Severe chronic kidney disease. One has been on dialysis and one is bringing some much needed christmas cheer. Close. They are concerned about the theyve got an early Christmas Present for you, terrence. Vaccine. I explained to them it is finally, tonight, on a day not just the very elderly who are vulnerable, that we may well be able when many of us are surrounded to protect people like that very by family and friends, its good for us to remember shortly, because we start with others who are alone. For them, this may not be the most people in care homes, care home wonderful time of year. Terrence made global staff where we can, then the over headlines and inspired thousands to take action. 80s and nhs staff, then we move to so youve signed up, and well talk about the process. Over 755, over we went to terrences house, said, right, 805 and nhs staff, then we move to over 755, over 705, and people what do i need to do . Previously shielding, where we need so youve joined up and been able to protect them. What we absolutely to befriend somebody already . Yeah, it is something i want to do, know is the risk of covid is huge because itsjust amazing knowing that i can help people like that. For those populations, and even ive got to say, sophie, based on the information from studies which is 43,000 patients that from the day you from the current pfizer study, the to my front door, i cant tell you how pleased i am that risks are very small. Really good to you have now signed up as a talk to you, thank you. Hope you volunteer for age uk. Happy christmas. Have a good one, eh . Have a good day at the surgery. Terrences story touched us all, but as we approach another christmas like no other, how has life changed the changes to the tier system in for the man himself . Terrence, there you are, lovely to see you london already being felt. Absolutely, nice to see you, dan. Looking at how restrictions are how are you getting on . 0k. Affecting sport and we will hear from the chelsea manager in a moment i went into lockdown the week before who is essentially calling on football to be made exempt because borisjohnson said about it. At the moment it means only four premier league teams can admit fans yes, im going out from tomorrow. Occasionally really for a walk and some exercise. One of the sports immediately affected, the world darts championship, what is annoying, we cannot see each which gets under way tonight. Other face to face like we did last its usually one of the most raucous events on the sporting calendar, year. With 3000 fans going wild we are in 0ldham, at alexandra palace. Terrence, but were and although there will be down the road, we have to do 1000 socially distanced it on video call. Spectators there later, i believe so, yes. After that, with london ive been asked so many times going into tier 3, the event will be about you and about what played behind closed doors. Happened last christmas. I wonder whether, a year on, there is a little bit of deja vu do you still have really vivid memories of that night . About this because it happened to me oh, i certainly do, i certainly do. With the World Snooker championships, as well, when i opened the door this where we were a pilot little bit, and i said, event for the government. What the hell are you doing here . We had one day of tickets and fans laughter. I think we cut that bit out in there, which make such a big difference to live terrence, give us an idea sport, and here we are, its happened again. From your perspective what that i cant believe it. Friendship with the students but we have a problem in this in 0ldham has meant to you. Country and a lot of people it has meant a great deal, are suffering and we are going to be and what i like about it is, suffering, as well. Im gutted to lose the fans, its notjust been for christmas. Because they are an integral part i see them all the time, of live sport, there is no doubt. Im in touch with them all the time on facebook. You know, i do consider them no more so than at the world darts championships, which, friends, i really do. As you know, starts today. Somewhere creates a brilliant atmosphere. But these are unusual times and we have to do the bestjob we can. As usual with us, whatever even at the height of the first lockdown, terrences new friends happens, we carry on. Found ways to stay in touch. So without fans, the event why, oh, why, cant i . Continues, but behind closed doors, and we keep our fingers crossed that, on the next review day, on the 23rd of december, perhaps we can go back isnt that lovely . To where we thought we were today. Oh, dear. These are very dark days. Here we are, a year on from that first meeting, and youre now you know, the old working class working in health care, which, a year ago, i dont habit of putting a few bob think you would have ever thought you would have away for a rainy day, gone down that road. Well, its pouring i wouldnt, because i was with rain at the moment. But we are in no danger. A performing arts student im very proud of the job since i did that with terrence, of the pdc have done, and the tournament continues and then the journey its led me on, with £2. 5 million of prize money. Half a million for the i thought, if i can help people winner, whether there is a crowd there or not. Like i helped terrence, then why cant i help more people on a daily basis . And then i had a Job Interview at rochdale infirmary. For us, its a bit of and then i got the job a kick in a saucepot, as a support worker. If you like, but thats life. We are not going to ignore it, hes just set out my future, we have to get through it, and thats just after one so we carry on and we push night of singing for him. On and we deliver. Like, who knew that a choir singing a good bit of stoicism from barry hearn. Those restrictions also mean could lead to Something Like this . Football fans in the capital wont be able to attend games from tomorrow. But chelsea manager Frank Lampard weve also got to talk wants the government to rethink that move. About terrence and tiktok. 2000 fans were at their last two matches at Stamford Bridge and he believes footballs proved because youve got him it can keep that into that, as well. He was right up for it, number of fans safe. It was right down his street. And hes shown us all up we are making it up as we go along on the videos because hes proper got the moves. And that is not to sound critical 0k, sophie. But the fact we have not been in how are you . Im all right, how are you . Im good, thank you. This position before. When you talk what are you going to be about if you can control the doing for christmas . Situation, i think clubs have shown i am planning to come and see you at some point over so far they can. I would like to christmas and give you some presents and everything. Have thought there could be ill probably get us a chippy tea. Something to be done to make it you can eat it stood exempt so we can get the 2000 number at your doorway, ill eat it in the middle of the road. M, exempt so we can get the 2000 number in, but that goes above my station. Iam in, but that goes above my station. I am saying what i think. This christmas is going the overwhelming feeling you get to be like no other. From hearing friends and players talking about the former liverpool and were hearing at age uk, we know manager Gerard Houllier is that he was just a lovely man. That lots of older people houllier, who died yesterday are already really worried about how at the age of 73, transformed liverpool in his six years in charge long christmas is going to be. Of the club, leading them those three little words are you 0k . To a cup treble in 2001. They go a long way, dont they . He underwent emergency heart surgery later that year, just knowing that someone but returned to the dugout, cares can actually lift although Health Issues your spirits. Affected his career later on. That works for everyone. And for a person who is spending many of their days on their the clubs current manager, jurgen klopp, said he would own, and probably looking to spend never be forgotten. Christmas on their own, it can make hes a true liverpool legend and hes a true coaching a huge difference, it can. Legend, if you want. Happy christmas, terrence, he was really lots of love from 0ldham college influential in the game. Oh, my word. A great coach, but a human happy christmas, terrence, have a lovely time. Youve made a lot of new friends as you can see being with a really warm. Here at 0ldham college, we really miss you. Hope you have a wonderful christmas, you taught us a lot last year. And we really enjoyed visiting you. Im dreaming of a white christmas. A really warm feeling when you were around him. So, yeah, for all of us, its a big loss and a really sad day. Really sad day and some lovely tributes and interesting hearing from former players who said how he just like the ones i used to know. Shaped their careers, not just from former players who said how he shaped their careers, notjust as players on the pitch but as people weve not set you off of it. He told a great story about going to again, terrence, have we . The academy to watch players and spotting steven gerard, who he was 0h, oh, dear. Not there to watch and the next day i think our bbc breakfast viewers would love to hear from you what your message for this invited him to training. It turned out well. He was a proper christmas would be. All have a nice christmas, gentleman. A lovely guy. But have a safe christmas. And please, please, if you cast your mind back to a year if you have a neighbour, ago, you might remember terrence, who captured not only our hearts, give them a knock. But so many of yours too. Say, are you 0k, is there anything you want . So many of you sent christmas cards because a lot of people, when last year. Theyre on your own, they give up. And i nearly did that myself. He spoke to us about his experience of being lonely at christmas. It prompted a huge response, and even lead to a group so things can be done. Of students to pay him a visit. Ive been catching up but sometimes you need with those who took part and of course the man himself. A helping hand from somebody. Lets take a look. Come out here, terrence. This is the 0ldham college im glad you didnt give up, and on behalf of all our viewers choir, just for you. Silent night and all those people who ask about you all the time, can i say, we wish you a really Merry Christmas holy night. And hopefully well see you soon in the flesh next year. Thank you very much, dan. Give my regards to all of the bbc. Last december, a christmas i will. Like no other for terrence. I wish them all a very all is bright. Happy christmas. Top man. Thank you, terrence. 0k, bye now. Since my mother passed 20 years ago, see you later. Bye now. Just like the ones ive had every christmas on my own. I used to know. And you do, you do feel it, very much so. 0h. For those asking how terrence is terrences story moved students from nearby 0ldham college to pay him a visit. All the time, he is doing really bringing some much well, and what i love about that needed christmas cheer. Theyve got an early christmas story is the fact that terrence present for you, terrence. Going through loneliness and then finally tonight, on a day spending a different christmas last when many of us are surrounded by family and friends, year, it has had a huge impact. Its good for us to remember 0n everybody else. After we showed others who are alone. For them, this may not be the most wonderful time of year. Terrence last year, age uk, who he terrence made global headlines and inspired thousands to take action. Came on the sofa with originally, they had thousand sign up as volu nteers they had thousand sign up as volunteers and terrence is a volunteers and terrence is a volunteer for them and he speaks to so youve signed up, people who are lonely themselves, and well talk about the process. Talking to them about christmas and we went to terrences house, she said, right, what do i need to do . About this particularly difficult time of year. He has a spring in his step, lovely so youve joined up and been able to see. And a lot comes from to befriend somebody already . Yeah, it is something i want to do stu d e nts to see. And a lot comes from students at 0ldham college, because itsjust amazing knowing particularly sophie. She was so that i can help people like that. Terrences story touched us all, but as we approach another inspired, she signed up as a christmas like no other, how has life changed volunteer for age uk on the for the man himself . Inspired, she signed up as a volunteerfor age uk on the night and now she works in health care terrence, there you are, lovely to see you because she wants to have that absolutely, nice to see you, dan. Feeling, help other people, inspired how are you getting on . 0k. By her meeting terrence. I went into lockdown the week before her plans changed completely. Incredible. And will continue to look after him. Borisjohnson said about it. Lovely to see. And as he said, knock ive been asked so many times about you and about what on someones door and check they are happened last christmas. I wonder whether a year on, do you still have really vivid 0k. Age uk 0ldham have been supportive memories of that night . Oh, i certainly do, i certainly do. Of terrence and many in his when i opened the door this little bit, and i said, situation. There are so many like what the hell are you doing here . Laughter. Terrence as he was, he will spend i think we cut that bit out christmas alone. A simple terrence just give us an idea conversation, cup of tea, it makes a massive difference. Someone who will make a massive from your perspective what that friendship with the students in 0ldham has meant to you. Difference to our morning is carol. It has meant a great deal, and what i like about it is, its notjust been for christmas. I see them all the time, im in touch with them all the time on facebook. It is fabulous, sent in by one of you know, i do consider them our weather watchers. We have had friends, i really do. Somewhere. Showers across dorset this morning. The forecast today is one of sunshine and showers with most of the shower in parts of the west and even at the height of the first lockdown, terrences new friends some in the south. Low pressure is found ways to stay in touch. Driving the weather with isobars why, oh, why, cant i . More spaced out than yesterday, so not quite as windy. Later, low isnt that lovely . Pressure coming our way which will oh, dear. Bring wet and windy conditions here we are a year on from that tonight to some and to the rest first meeting, and youre now tomorrow. This morning, blue sky and working in health care, which, a year ago, i dont sunshine, bright skies to be had. We think you would have ever thought you would have gone down that road. Also have showers with the club , i wouldnt because i was a performing arts student moving northwards out of north west i wouldnt because i was a performing arts student since i did that with terrence, england and through scotland. Showers coming in across the channel and then the journey its led me on, islands and central and southern i thought, if i can help people like i help terrence, then why cant i help more people on a daily basis . Parts. Drying up for time in and then i had a Job Interview at rochdale infirmary. Northern ireland who will see and then i got the job sunshine before the next batch come in. Temperatures 8 12. This evening as a support worker. And overnight, there go the first clump of showers across scotland. Hes just set out my future, the next coming across Northern Ireland and then low pressure in the and thats just after one night of singing for him. South west will bring rain and like, who knew that a choir singing could lead to Something Like this . Weve also got to talk strengthening winds and the met about terrence and tiktok. Because youve got him 0ffice have a warning out for the strength of the wind, particularly into that as well. In the isles of scilly and cornwall he was right up for it, and east of Northern Ireland, it was right down his street. And he shown us all up on the videos gusting up to 60 mph. That warning because hes properly got the moves. Happy christmas, terrence, is valid until 3pm tomorrow. If we lots of love from 0ldham college oh, my word. Happy christmas, terrence, pick up the track of the low have a lovely time. Pressure, it continues to drift youve made a lot of eastwards tomorrow, and also new friends as you can see here at 0ldham college, northwards. And we will have gusty we really miss you. Hope you have a wonderful christmas, winds where ever you are but the you taught us a lot last year. And we really enjoyed visiting you. Strongest again will be in the west im dreaming of a white christmas. With exposure. Couple that with spring tides, some parts could have weve not set you off again, terrence, have we . Coastal flooding. The spring tides, some parts could have just like the ones i used to know. Coastalflooding. The rain makes it over to the east and far north, but if you follow the wraparound, more rain coming in across northern i think our bbc breakfast viewers would love to hear ireland, western scotland and from you what your message for this north west england. The black christmas would be. Circles represent the strength of all have a nice christmas, the gusts. The strongest in the but have a safe christmas. West. In parts of the east, as well, and please, please, at times, but gusty inland, as well. If you have a neighbour, give them a knock. Temperatures eight in the north, 11 say, are you 0k, is there in the south. Heading to thursday, a anything you want . Because a lot of people, when youre transient ridge of High Pressure settle things down. Still one or two on your own, they give up. Showers but a lot of dry weather and also sunshine. It will not last and i nearly did that myself. Because later in the day, a new area so things can be done. Of low pressure introduces thicker but sometimes you need a helping hand from somebody. Cloud, stronger wind and rain. Temperatures nine in the north, 13 im glad you didnt give up, and on behalf of all our viewers and all those people who ask in the south. 0vernight friday the rain crosses everyone and into the about you all the time, can i say, weekend, it looks like sunshine and showers. We wish you a really Merry Christmas as ever, lovely to spend the morning and hopefully well see you soon in the flesh next year. With you. Thank you very much, dan. Two years ago, actor give my regards to all of the bbc. Vicky mcclure set up a choir i will. And every member of the group had i wish them all a very one thing in common happy christmas. Top man. They were all living with dementia. Thank you, terrence. The choir went 0k, bye now. On to perform at the royal see you later. Bye now. Just like the ones i used to know. Concert hall in nottingham. It is lovely to see that relationship still so strong a year vicky has 5 now made on. A special programme that has changed notjust his life following the groups but lots of other peoples lies. Efforts to keep going. Lets take a look at their journey so far. Hello, nottingham but it is sophie. She was one of five weeks ago, i started those singing outside his house, she a very special choir. Was so moved by the experience. We they all have one thing in common. They are living with dementia. Went inside his house and terence bought everybody a to pt, as he my nana was very bold, bright. Would call it. She had dreams about she had a cracking sense of humour, very dirty laugh. The dementia stripped all that. Chippy tea. And that had an when the night has come. Influence because she went into health care. She still sees him its really uplifting. Regularly. And what is lovely, the couege regularly. And what is lovely, the college have never said go and see terrence. They do it themselves every muscle in my body is sort ofjumping up and down. Because they love spending time with our first session had a surprising him. It isa him. It is a story about kindness. Really effect on former music teacher rae. Important. And a lot of older her alzheimers diagnosis led her to giving up playing the piano, people, i remember last year, and she hasnt touched a key since. 850,000 people like terrence wow. Expecting to spend Christmas Day on their own. What is inspiring, if you thank you. I remembered. Look at what age uk are doing, just i didnt think id remember how to play. Stand by me saying hello, a single conversation can makea saying hello, a single conversation can make a difference. And as terrence said, knock on someones door and check they are the fact that we have the royal 0k. Are you 0k . Wedding choir here is a pretty big deal for everybody. 0n the flip side, the hardest part is some of them i certainly icertainly am. Just wont remember it. I certainly am. Good morning. Good news, because last week i asked you its just stand by each other and give each other that little bit. To vote for the awesome picture of moral support. The season. You did in your droves. Weve only met today, havent we . Thank you. We have a winner. If you no, we have met when weve been coming. There are places i remember are watching and you are called all my life, though noreen, this is the picture. And some have changed some for ever. Noreen, this is the picture. And noreen said she bought her camera 18 months ago to photograph celebration ca kes, months ago to photograph celebration cakes, but she fell in love with good morning. It is lovely to see Landscape Photography and she is you. Good morning, lovely to see self taught. Congratulations. Today, the forecast has sunny spells and you, thanks for having me. What a showers. The wind lighter than beautiful Programme First time yesterday. Low pressure driving the around. Tell us about the follow up we expect to see at christmas. Weather. Isobar is more spaced out. Later, a clutch of fronts will turn basically, we wanted to do a bit of a catch up and see how people have the weather more unsettled later coped through this time. We have a tonight and into tomorrow. To start, lot of people who have been in sunshine. Bright skies and showers different variations in the choir with some living alone, some in care homes and some living with loved from the word go. Rain moving across ones. It is quite different. We the western isles. At times, further wa nted ones. It is quite different. We wanted to catch up. I was desperate showers coming in from the english to see them and when lockdown eased channel across the south, but many in august we could safely go and see will stay dry. And these are our some of the people. It was great. There will be some kind of temperatures, 8 12. Just down on performance at the end with mick, at yesterday. The next system is the coliseum. It was the most waiting in the wings, bringing in magical day. How have the choir rain. And also strengthening being affected by the pandemic . Winters. Showers, many fading away, clear skies for time but cloud will everybody has been affected in different ways. We have some people build. As the rain comes in, the who have lost carers. That has been wind will strengthen, particularly through the irish sea and there is a difficult. We have people in care weather warning out for south west homes who have not been able to see england and eastern Northern Ireland loved ones as normal. And people valid until 3pm tomorrow. The likejulie, bless loved ones as normal. And people like julie, bless her, loved ones as normal. And people likejulie, bless her, who lives alone. It has been tough for her and isobars are quite tightly packed she struggled with speech because across the uk, but the strongest she struggled with speech because winters always in the west. And she has not been talking to people as much and the isolation has these weather fronts with rain will created more confusion for people. Move north and east woods, so we while we have all struggled, people will all see rain at some stage living with dementia have found it tomorrow. And then we have the curl massively confusing. The fact people of rain around the area of low wear masks, we cannot embrace. It is pressure, so we will see more across confusing. Nobody is liking it, but Northern Ireland, western scotland and eventually north west england. It is the thinking of it that is these are the gusts you can expect, difficult. We have done the zoom. A lwa ys these are the gusts you can expect, always strongest to the west but also across some eastern areas. Even that has been great. Every saturday we have done that. And we have done inland, you will notice the wind some singing. We have to mute tomorrow, but it will not be as gusty away from the west. Ourselves otherwise it sounds like a mess, but we have a sing song and temperatures, 9 12. Thursday, we the music is the most important thing. Everybody to a degree, have a transient ridge of high without music, television, pressure that settles things down. Creativity we need, lockdown, we dry weather, just a few showers, would have struggled. Video calls before the next system comes our way are hard enough when you are talking to each other so singing is hilarious, isnt it . It is, but it later on thursday and you can guess has been important to do it. We what happens on friday, the weather started at the start of lockdown front will bring rain moving west to going, how can we work this out . Our east. Unsettled sums it up nicely. Choirmaster, mark, who is in the Christmas Special and angela who we will see you again later, thank ru ns Christmas Special and angela who runs the choir, because since we stopped filming we did not stop you. Meeting is acquire. We have the second lockdown in england led registered as a charity now and we to regional variations in Coronavirus Infections with the capital seeing the biggest increase in cases. Have become tight. Even keeping up a study from Imperial College with what people are doing and being london showed a 30 drop in much of the country, able to help and support people has after more than 160,000 people were tested. Been huge. Tell us more about mick. Were joined now by professor paul elliott, who led the research. He is 54 and living with dementia. He is 54 and living with dementia. Can you first of all explain what he has the most determined way about you found when you carried out the him. When you watch, you will see what i mean. Anything thrown at him research. What we do is contact a he wants to try. He has a bucket list he is working through so when random sample of the population and ask them to do a swap test, over we went to meet in the lakes, he had got plans of things he wanted to do. 160,000 took part. We are notjust it came to it that we knew we could going to people with symptoms. It is not get the choir together, but we knew mick would be game to do the general population. Around half something, so we thought we would of the sample do not have symptoms test him at the london coliseum. He and are carrying the virus and do not know it. What we found between worked so hard. It was not easy. The Previous Survey in october, sadly, his dementia has declined through to the Current Survey that quite rapidly, a lot due to the fact ended just after lockdown on the 3rd we have been locked away, and he has of december, overall we saw a 30 missed these sessions with the choir reduction in the prevalence of the and other things they have in place when living with dementia, where virus. But there were regional they have great groups helping them with different aspects of their variations and quite a mixed life, and karen his wife, she has picture. Really quite large drops in places like the north west of the been hugely supportive. She said to me she only wants to be his wife, country and west midlands. But an increase in london and also adjacent not his carer. But, sadly, that has areas in essex and kent. Which we had to become the case, given he does not have his carers around. You areas in essex and kent. Which we are seeing the after effects of now with the news about the increased will see a determined and amazing restrictions in london. Does this performance from mick. And we have suggest tier three in places it has been imposed has worked . We saw that Adrian Dunbar, he drops by. I did not need to twist his arm, he was up the very high increase in the virus, for it. And we havejoshua from the which we saw early october, it did English National opera. We did not turn down, even before lockdown, in have an audience, but we still had parts of the north. I think it is a to fill a massive space and i think they smashed it. It sounds like it combination of tier three restrictions plus lockdown. It has special stardust. We willjust certainly brought down the rate share with everyone at home a clip markedly in those areas. So yes, we from mick. Are hopeful tier three restrictions why do you build me up, buttercup will have an effect. Also, in london baby, just to let me down and mess me around. And the south east, we were seeing a worst of all. When you are sharp rise in october, and that singing on the stage, who will you sharp rise in october, and that be singing for . Karen . And hannah. Sharp rise in october, and that sharp rise came down. We are where we are maybe six, seven weeks ago in who else . The whole choir. It is all terms of the amount of virus circulating in the population. Certainly the combination of the restrictions plus lockdown has taken for them. Shall we go . Do you want us restrictions plus lockdown has taken us back to where we were several to come and see it . That is weeks back. We are expecting incredible. Come on. Go on, mick, you are first. What do you think of restrictions to be eased for that short window over christmas. What is your take on that . Considering parts that . Welcome, mick, ensure your of london and the south east are in tier three and restrictions will be special day. Love the en 0. What a lifted over christmas. We know how the virus is transmitted, through delight. I cannot wait to see that. Social contact, close social you called him the gaffer, adrian contact. Anything that increases social contact will potentially have dunbar. For those people have not an effect on increasing the amount seen line of duty, Adrian Dunbar of virus circulating. I think as plays hastings. He demonstrated his individuals we need to take a risk skills as well as part of this. He assessment in our own situation. If we have Vulnerable People in the has an incredible voice. It is hard household, we have to think to shut him up on set. His mum has carefully about social mixing over dementia. She really understands the christmas and take a view as to power of music. So he gets it and whether and to what extent we will be doing that ourselves. Would you straightaway, he was up for doing it. He comes along and connects with say lifting the restrictions looks like now it would be a bad idea . Mick. I will not spoil it but they again, people need to take a view. Doa mick. I will not spoil it but they do a piece on stage. You will get to if they have Vulnerable People in see the gaffer singing. do a piece on stage. You will get to see the gaffer singing. I look forward to that and people will be the household, maybe they do not wa nt to ta ke looking forward to the return of the household, maybe they do not want to take advantage of the line of duty. It is finished. How relaxation of rules over christmas. 0thers relaxation of rules over christmas. Ha rd line of duty. It is finished. How hard was that . All the restrictions others might take the view it is a risk they are prepared to take. We are in the situation where the rate and perspex screens. Does it have the same intense magic . The best is still high, there is pressure on thing about it, i was so grateful i the nhs, and the fantastic news about the Vaccine Programme being could go back to work. We do not rolled out, but we know that it will underestimate that now. Butjed was be some time yet before we can relax running a tight set and when they in terms of the Public Health message, social mixing. Wearing a shouted action, coronavirus did not exist. That was always nice. We were facemask, hand washing. In this next safe and props to every member of period, it is critical and we have the crew and cast we did not get shut down. I do not know when it is to keep a close watch on the amount of virus and the statistics. Out but my god, it is packed full of professor, thank you. In terms of everything. We have been watching shots of you on set. It can be serious subject matter but it looks guess we have the chief secretary to like a lot of fun. It is. We had a the treasury at 7 30am and the mayor lovely time and to go back to work of london will be here at ten past in these times, it was difficult, because i was away from home three eight. And we will speak to vicky months solid, the longest i have mcclure, who is from line of duty. Done. But it is like going from family to family. We have been she will talk about a christmas working together almost ten years, update on her programme from last so it was fun and we always try to year about the dementia choir. Make it a good place to work. We have a great cast with new people in they have done a Christmas Special that will lift the spirits. This show. Lots of brilliant people. Time now to get the news, hopefully, you will enjoy it. I travel and weather where you are. Expect you to fob me off. Do we get nearer to the old h question . good morning, im asad ahmad. So, as weve hearing so much about, after midnight tonight think the connection has gone. Stop london with parts of essex it iam and herfordshire will be think the connection has gone. Stop it i am not saying anything think the connection has gone. Stop it i am not saying anything i had to ask. All the best with line of in the covid 19 high alert level, and face tier 3 restrictions. Duty and also, i know the dementia in short it means among choir is on this christmas. Other things that indoor Entertainment Venues will close after tonight. Is on bbc one at 7 30pm tomorrow it includes theatres which only reopened less night. Than two weeks ago. Restaurants, cafes and bars what you want people to take away will also close except for takeaways and people cant mix from the programme . Pure honesty these people give to you and i hope with other households indoors. The mayor says theres a lot that helps people. And the power of that needs to be done. Music, it really does help. It will we need to roll out mass testing in our schools and colleges, where the virus is spreading hugely. Be fantastic to watch. 7 30pm but, secondly, we must tomorrow. Have a fantastic give Financial Support to these businesses. Christmas, we will see you next many of them may not reopen when it comes to us leaving tier year. Definitely not giving anything three and we could have, in the early year, thousands away. Also on the dementia choir, and thousands of londoners being made unemployed. That was the only clip we were theres confusion among allowed to show, but it is a special parents and pupils in programme and if you enjoyed the greenwich this morning first you will love the christmas as to whether state schools are open or not. Version. Youre watching bbc breakfast. Its 8. 59. Thousands of parents were contacted yesterday afternoon, saying schools would be closed after an appeal from the leader of Greenwich Council asked them to shut to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus. But last night many parents were contacted again to say the government had threatened legal action meaning schools would open. As far as a new variant of the coronavirus in and around london is concerned, which is believed to spread faster, its been said it may impact upon the effectiveness of the Coronavirus Vaccine. But dr simon clarke, an associate professor in cellular microbiology at reading university, told the bbc what that any impact is not likely to be substantial. Now a look at the travel. Theres a good service on the tubes this morning. And for the rest of the travel news, tune in to bbc radio london who have updates every 15 minutes. This is bbc news, im reeta chakrabarti, now the weather with elizabeth. The latest headlines at nine. Hello, its a touch cooler than it was this time yesterday, around 11 Million People in england but still another frost free start will be living under to the day. The toughest coronavirus most of us will agree its a more restrictions from midnight pleasant day of weather amid a warning that a new strain than we saw yesterday. Of the virus could be linked it wont be quite as wet or as windy. To a rise in infections. But there are still showers blowing but ministers insist that plans to relax the rules in on a still fairly noticeable at christmas will still go ahead. South westerly wind. Many families will want to come mostly up towards western home counties, but plenty of dry together over the Christmas Period weather throughout the day. The showers wont line up but that does not mean as they did yesterday, all the restrictions are lifted. And there will be some sunny spells people will still need about, as well. To continue to act top temperatures again well responsibly but we should above seasonal average, trust people to do so. Peaking at 11 12c, 54 fahrenheit. Will you be changing your Christmas Plans . Through this evening and overnight, your Christmas Plans . The showers should have faded away, get in touch with me on twitter so it should look largely dry. There will be plenty of cloud around, and, again, reetacbbc or use the hashtag its a frost free start to the day with overnight lows of around 6 7 celsius. Bbc your questions. Tomorrow, dry for most the education secretary threatens legal action of the daylight hours, after Greenwich Council in london told schools to move but there will be outbreaks of rain pushing eastwards as we head into the afternoon. And its also going to turn rather windy, as well. On thursday, its dry again with some sunshine. Finally, even government accepts theres a lot of confusion over what the tier system means. It you want clarification go to the bbc news website. Va nessa Vanessa Feltz is on bbc radio london, talking to the labour mp for ilford north about his thoughts. Good morning, welcome to breakfast with sally nugent and dan walker. 0ur headlines today. A warning that a new strain of coronavirus could be linked to a rise in infections as millions face tighter restrictions from midnight. But ministers insist that plans to relax the rules at christmas will still go ahead. As sport in london moves back behind closed doors, the chelsea manager Frank Lampard says footballs proved it can keep fans safe. Hes urging the governement to make the game exempt from restrictions and allow some supporters into stadiums. How many more jobs have been lost . We are just about to get the latest unemployment figures as businesses struggle to work out who they can afford to keep on. It isa it is a quieter day in the weather today, not quite as chilly as it has been of late, more than seven dry conditions with some sunshine but still some showers in the forecast. More of us are having dry conditions. Its tuesday 15th december. Our top story. Almost 11 Million People in london and parts of essex and hertfordshire will face tougher coronavirus restrictions from midnight. It comes as the Health Secretary announced that a new strain of the virus had been identified, which could explain the increase in the infection rate in parts of southern england. Jon donnison reports. For many, christmas cheer is in short supply this year. The new tier 3 measures measures for Greater London and parts of essex and hertfordshire mean that from midnight tonight, some 34 Million People in england will be living under the highest level of restrictions. I recognise the problem its going to cause for hospitality and other businesses, an effect on Mental Health for a lot of people, as well. But i think, unfortunately, it is the right decision and i think, in the end, taking it earlier rather than waiting to do it on saturday is probably also going to prove to be the right decision. The Health Secretary, matt hancock, told the house of commons that, in some areas of the southeast, the number of cases was now doubling every seven days. We have seen early action can prevent more damaging and longer lasting problems later. Mr speaker, these restrictions will come into force at midnight on wednesday morning. Because when the virus moves quickly, we must move quickly, too. And we must take the actions that are not necessarily easy, but are effective. And there is also concern about a new possibly faster spreading variant of the virus that has emerged. Government scientists at the porton down laboratories in wiltshire are now trying to find out whether the new strain will have a different response to vaccines, although they say, at this stage, there is no reason to think it will. For the Hospitality Industry, the new restrictions in london and the south east are another huge blow. Just two weeks after reopening after a Second National lockdown, pubs, bars and restaurants will be forced to close again, unless they offer Takeaway Service only. Under tier 3, cinemas and theatres will also have to close their doors. But the government says plans to ease restrictions for five days over christmas will go ahead. Jon donnison, bbc news. The Hospitality Industry is warning that londons move into tier 3 will put thousands ofjobs at risk. Tim muffett is at a restaurant in Central London this morning. We know these are very difficult times for so many businesses. Thats right, good morning. This time of year, this dining room would be expecting Christmas Shopping, people having office parties but from midnight to this place will be closing because london, part of essex and hertfordshire are moving into tier 3. Many parts of the country have been living under these restrictions for quite some time, but by the capitol moving into them as well, an additional 11 million or so people will be living under tier 3. Restaurants, bars and cafe have to close unless they offer Takeaway Services, no mixing among households in homes or private gardens although they can still happen with groups of six in public places. For the Hospitality Industry, this is a hugely worrying development. It was a lwa ys hugely worrying development. It was always going to be a tough christmas, it looks set to be even tougher. Theatres as well, especially in the capital, had only just reopened. From midnight tonight they have to close as well. This is a very worrying time for many sectors. A little later, we will be talking to the manager of this restau ra nt talking to the manager of this restaurant to hear about the impact it might have on his business and staff. We will look forward to that, thank you for being with us this morning. Lets get the latest now from our political correspondent, jessica parker. Jess, theres suggestion in some of the papers that the government is reconsidering relaxing the rules around family get togethers at christmas but theyre insisting thats not the case . Good morning, i have heard from a senior uk government source saying there are no plans to review the relaxation of rules around christmas. As many people will know, the government announced that people could form a christmas bubble, temporarily, of up to three households over the Christmas Period. Matt hancock was asked repeatedly about this last night, because of this rather bleak picture following a rise in cases in many areas, other areas in tier 3. A new strain of coronavirus as well, was it wise in just over a week to relax the rules . The Health Secretary trying to emphasise peoples personal responsibility and along with chris whitty, the chief medical 0fficer, saying to people, you dont have to use this christmas bubble, you dont have to max out on the relaxation of the rules. But one senior conservative Mp Tobias Ellwood called on the Health Secretary to bring forward an updated plan. Worth emphasising, this is a four nations plan, it was agreed across Northern Ireland, wales, and england and scotland, and it is going to take place next week, set to take place. As much as mp5 try to emphasise personal responsibility, no doubt in the new year, depending on what happens, political accountability will be a factor. Questions will continue on whether this is a wise idea. The concern is if you did not make a provision for christmas, people desperate to see their families after a tough year might go ahead and break the rules anyway. And that could undermine those rules. Some might look at the situation and think it is illogical, which could erode confidence in the system as well. Thank you very much, jessica in westminster. Greenwich council has until ten oclock this morning to withdraw its request for schools to move Teaching Online orface legal action from the government. The leader of the borough wrote to all head teachers in the area advising them to shut from this evening. The education secretary said using legal powers is a last resort. Londons mayor, sadiq khan said closing schools was the right thing to do. He will be with us live at eight to 10am this morning. The netherlands has announced a five week lockdown over christmas the countrys toughest coronavirus restrictions to date. From today, nonessential shops, cinemas and museums will close, while cafes and restaurants will be restricted to a Takeaway Service. Protesters gathered outside the Prime Ministers Office as he made the announcement on national television. Technology giants including google and facebook could face multi Million Pound fines if they fail to protect children from online harm. Under new proposals communication regulator 0fcom is set to gain the power to block access to Online Services that dont do enough to protect users from grooming, bullying and terrorist material. Joe biden has been confirmed as the next president of the United States after the influential Electoral College cast their votes. President donald trump has alleged electoral fraud after last months loss, but the courts have rejected his claims. Mr biden said, the will of the people prevailed. The flame of democracy was lit in this nation a long time ago, and we now know nothing, not even a pandemic or an abuse of power can extinguish that flame. Heres carol with a look at this mornings weather. A beautiful rainbow as well this morning. Absolutely, good morning. Sunshine and showers in the forecast today. A little bit cooler to start the day, but not much. As we go through the day, we carry on with some showers. The heaviest in parts of wales, north west england and south west scotland. This particular camp will be moving north into scotland, further, to go through the day. Most of the showers will be parts of the north and west, a few in southern areas but equally a lot of dry weather and a fair bit of sunshine. These are the temperatures, eight in newcastle to 12 instant hillier. In st hillier. More rain coming in through the evening. Clear skies for many to start with, they will fade and the cloud will build ahead of an area of low pressure with a front coming in from the south west. Along with the rain that will bring which could be heavy, the wind will strengthen in western areas, and especially with the exposure. Not a particularly cold night for the time of year and as we pick up the band of year and as we pick up the band of rain tomorrow, you can see how eventually it moves towards the east and continues its journey eventually it moves towards the east and continues itsjourney heading northwards. Wendy once again through the irish sea, parts of South West England and Northern Ireland wendy once again. These gusts you can expect. If you couple that with the spring tides, you could see coastal flooding in the spring tides, you could see coastalflooding in places. This is the temperature range tomorrow, eight in the north to 11 in the south. Unsettled for the next two days. Thank you, a full Weather Report in half an hour. A new variant of coronavirus has been found which is growing faster in some parts of england. So far 1,000 confirmed cases have been identified in the uk. Theyre predominantly in the south of england, although cases have been identified in nearly 60 different local Authority Areas with numbers increasing rapidly. In the commons yesterday, the Health Secretary said this new strain of the virus was highly unlikely to be resistant to vaccines. Lets get more on this, were joined now by virologist dr chris smith. Good morning. Good morning. This is the big question, part of the capital, the whole of london and areas outside of that being moved into tier 3. Is it the right thing to do . The tiering system and the new variant system are not necessarily linked. Although what matt hancock said yesterday is that it might account for the increase in cases in those particular parts of the country, at the same time this might bejustan the country, at the same time this might be just an association. If you have more virus spreading in one pa rt have more virus spreading in one part of the country, you are more likely to seek a variance come up where you have lots of virus spread. They might be linked. At this same time what we have got in the capital and parts of the south east are very large increases in the number of cases, and that trend matters because the trend tells us what we are going to be doing next week as well as what is happening this week. With that in mind, i think they are acting decisively. This was on the cards looking at the numbers for the last week or so. Talking about happening next week, i was going to ask you about that and the week after. Approaching the Christmas Period, now there is even more attention on the relaxation and whether it should go ahead. Well, yesterday, the press offices at downing street said at the moment, we have no plans to change the five day period over christmas when people can form this special three way bubble and get together. That is careful wording, because, way bubble and get together. That is carefulwording, because, we have no plans to change, is not the same as, we are not going to. So maybe they will change things if they are given sufficient impetus to do so. At the moment it looks like combined with testing being introduced in the School Settings in affected parts of the country including the capital, and reminding people to be responsible, they hope that will be sufficient. But we are going to see more cases in the aftermath of christmas, it is an inevitability because people are getting together and that means more cases of transmission. I think our viewers would appreciate your expert analysis, you touched on the variance of the virus earlier on. In terms of what people should be thinking about and legitimate concerns, what are your thoughts about how we should be looking at what matt hancock was looking at, this variant of the virus which had been seen in 60 areas . First of all, all viruses mutate and change, and they do it because when they grow in cells, they make genetic spelling mistakes. Some viruses do this at a very high rate, like hiv or the flu. 0ther very high rate, like hiv or the flu. Other viruses are a bit more indolent and change more slowly. It all comes down to the fact that they are evolving, and they evolve against pressure from the thing trying to stop them doing what they wa nt to trying to stop them doing what they want to do, which is to spread and have more cases of coronavirus. This new variant that has been identified i new variant that has been identified , changes have been identified in the spike, the bit that sticks out from the outer coat of the virus and it uses it to get into ourselves. Those changes means it is potentially stickier. If the spikes india for longer and there are more of them on the surface of the virus, it will find it easier to transmit. But what it doesnt necessarily mapped onto is a virus which is nastier, which get it gets into you quicker but it does not appear to make you any more ill. Its a change sufficient to mean that the virus could sidestep the vaccine . For now, it looks like the answer to that question is no. But we need to watch that because it shows that the virus can make changes and try to evade our immune responses and optimise itself, so we need to be vigilant. I am optimise itself, so we need to be vigilant. Iam reassured optimise itself, so we need to be vigilant. I am reassured that we find this because it shows that the monitoring and systems are working, that enable us to follow these viruses, see what the viruses are doing, see what they do next and head them off, those systems are working well which means we can stay one step ahead. We will talk about schools throughout the morning, but with that potential increase between ten and 19 year olds of in some cases 75 increases, im not asking you to make a judgment about whether schools should be closed but you can see why people are making that argument . Yes, if you ask me as a doctor, what is the best way to stop a pandemic, you say, we have to isolate everyone. If you ask me as a member of the human race, i would say, people need to be able to live their lives, educate their children, get together at christmas time. The two factors are at odds with each other. This is the difficult tightrope that we are all trying to walk at the moment, have a life and a job walk at the moment, have a life and ajob and walk at the moment, have a life and a job and get our children educated but not catch coronavirus for christmas. I can understand whether schools are coming from, saying they can identify groups of individuals who are getting the virus, but the department for education says that we need to keep schools going because of the importance to young peoples lives who have lost so much education already. Thank you very much. My pleasure. As weve just been hearing, the government has issued a legal order demanding that Greenwich Council in london withdraw its advice to schools to close. The council has urged schools to move pupils to Online Learning from today to help tackle the rise in coronavirus cases. Lets speak now to geoff barton, who is the general secretary of the association of head teachers. Good morning. Morning. Good morning. Morninglj good morning. Morning. I know you we re good morning. Morning. I know you were listening to that, we have heard from the leader of Greenwich Council who has asked all schools to move to remote learning, we have heard from the education secretary who has said that cant happen. I imagine there are lots of head teachers this morning wondering what to do. Absolutely right, its pretty squalid, dont you think . Here we seem to have turf wars between national and local government and in the middle of it, that people i represent, head teachers who on sunday night might have had a letter from the greenwich authority saying that they are advised to close the schools, the heads might have issued a letter yesterday and then halfway to the day the schools ministers say, keep the school open, then the london mayor saying, schools should close. Then the leader of the 0pposition say schools should be open. Parents must be baffled and bewildered. The thing that chris smith didnt mention, the reason this matters so much for parents is that young people are notjust passing on the virus between each other, it is also to Vulnerable People and grandparents. Lots of pa rents people and grandparents. Lots of parents who are hugely unnerved that children are moving to the community and could be passing that virus on and could be passing that virus on and may not give them the kind of christmas we all crave. So what advice are you giving to your members . It is difficult to give advice because what we dont want to do is lead them into action of a legal nature which then has all kinds of repercussions. All i know is that Winston Churchill said that headers have more power than the british prime minister. Headers have more power. We dont want to look back and think we were involved ina look back and think we were involved in a squalid sending of legal letters. Public servants are there to do things in behalf of the communities and i would say to the teachers, you and your governors will do the best thing possible in your community. Lets not forget that when we talk about continuity of education, for some schools, one school in tier 3 in particular where every child has a laptop issued by the school, in a state school, that her teacher says, i can do better quality education and reassure pa rents quality education and reassure parents but i am being threatened with legal action. I think we need to look back and think we did the right thing for our school and couege right thing for our school and college communities. On the flip side, there are schools who are not as lucky as that and peoples who do not have access to Online Learning, that brings different charities. Challenges. Is there a dangerous precedent that could be set, that come the new turn injanuary, schools could not reopen . I think the only thing i would say is this. Who is best placed to make a decision about what kind of Online Learning we can provide . Its not just about laptops, it also textbooks and other resources. Who is best placed to do that, the schools minister, the Regional Schools minister, the Regional School commissioners who have not set foot in the school, or people who represent their community, the governors, working with School Leaders who may decide that for some young people, the quality of what they could be doing is just as good working at home, allowing smaller numbers of young people to work through the community, smaller numbers to be in the school and reassurance for everybody that we can try to get to christmas with some sense of normality. What reaction have you had from head teachers to the threat of legal action . Have any been in touch and give new their thoughts given you their thoughts on the prospect of legal action . Oh, it is absolute theory. The reason that is because suddenly all of this has bubbled up because london is going into tier 3. There are lots of people in the other parts of the country saying, hold on a minute, we have been going through this for weeks, where was the support and interest in us . But more than that, like a meddling head teacher who just contacted me, more than that, like a meddling head teacher whojust contacted me, midlands head teacher. Parents have been saying, i am worried for my children coming into school, could you authorise that they can stay at home . That head teacher authorised it for parents and he has had a legal threat. How dare we threaten Public Servants who are trying to do their best to keep teaching going, how dare we threaten them like that ata time how dare we threaten them like that at a time of National Crisis . Thank you very much. In the last few minutes unemployment figures have been released giving a clearer picture of how the pandemic is affecting peoples jobs. Nina is here with more. Yes, it was very were expecting it was as we were expecting, a slow but steady increase. These are the latest figures from the 0ffical of national statistics. We were looking out for the number of people out of work. And these reflect the three months to the end of october. If you remember that was the month we thought furlough was coming to an end, although it was extended right at the end of the month employers didnt know that was going to happen. so todays figures show that 1. 69 Million People were unemployed during that period. That is an increase from 1. 62 million from the three months before. And showing a slow but steady increase from august onwards. Whats perhaps notable in the numbers is there was a sharper increase to the end of october where unemployment hit 5 . And this is the number of people claiming benefits. It went up to 2. 7 million. So these might be people in work but on reduced hours, or using savings and topping up their income with universal credit. That is a small rise from october but a big leap from 1. 2 million back in march. So nothing too surprising considering what we are going through. Next months figures will be interesting. They will reflect how employers behaved after the announcement of a vaccine and in the run up to the christmas spend. But they will also reflect the increased lockdown measures we saw in all four nations over late october and november. There was a slight increase in the number of vacancies, also a Record Number of vacancies, also a Record Number of vacancies, also a Record Number of redundancies, so those heading out and looking for work are facing a really competitive work market. And the hardest hit are the younger and older generation so they will struggle. It is so tough, thank you. A giant iceberg that broke off from antarctica could devastate wildlife living on an island in the southern atlantic ocean, as it heads towards it. South georgia island is home to millions of sea birds, penguins, and seals. Now, the British Antarctic survey is sending a team there to study the impact it will have. Dr Povl Abrahamsen is the oceanographer leading the mission, hejoins us now. Thank you for spending some time with us. Is this something, in terms of the carving of the iceberg and moving away from antarctica, does that happen regularly . Yes, good morning. Yes, it is quite normalfor the big ice shelves around antarctica to have icebergs coming off at regular intervals. This is fairly routine is an occurrence but this is a fairly big iceberg as well, one of the largest we have seenin well, one of the largest we have seen in recent years. So it is not necessarily linked to Climate Change . No, this individual iceberg, we dont think is particularly linked to Climate Change. We do expect in the future as the climate warms that it might become a more regular occurrence. This is obviously a vast piece of ice, which iimagine obviously a vast piece of ice, which i imagine will significantly impact the water underneath it. How will you investigate what is happening and why it is important to know that . So, early next year, we are going to south georgia on the Royal Research ship james cook, going to south georgia on the Royal Research shipjames cook, and we normally undertake routine monitoring of the ecosystem and the environment around south georgia and in the southern ocean. Since the iceberg is there, we will take the opportunity to go and study it. Thats both from the ship putting nets into the water to look at the plankton, using echo sounders and other instruments, but also to deploy two little robotic submarine. And what impact will all that fresh water have been released into the ocean . Well, the sheer size of the iceberg means that we will see quite a lot of cooling and freshening of the water around it, and the ecosystems in the polar region are usually very highly adapted to their local environment. So we would expect that it could very well because problems for the animals at the bottom of the food web there. As well as impacting any animals that live on the sea bed, if the iceberg scours the sea bed. So you have released these underwater robots and you just leave them to do their business and they come back and report what they can . Yes, these are little vehicles, about a metre and a half long, cold gliders. They will go off completely on their own, untethered, and dive up and down through the water measuring as they go. Every few dives they pop up to the surface, phone home by satellite, say where they are, and we can then give them new instructions on where to go next. So we can pilot them for up to four months at a time. Good to speak to you this morning, dr Povl Abrahamsen, thank you very much. Hes leading this investigation, and oceanographer at the British Antarctic survey. Fascinating stuff, penguins, icebergs, chilly morning time now to get the news, travel and weather where you are. Good morning, im asad ahmad. From midnight, london with parts of essex and herfordshire will be in the covid 19 high alert level and face tier 3 restrictions. It means, among other things, that indoor Entertainment Venues will close after tonight. It includes theatres, which only reopened less than two weeks ago. Restaurants, cafes and bars will also close except for takeaways, and people cant mix with other households indoors. The mayor says theres a lot that needs to be done. We need to roll out mass testing in our schools and colleges, where the virus is spreading hugely. But, secondly, we must give Financial Support to these businesses. Many of them may not reopen when it comes to us leaving tier three, and we could have, in the early year, thousands and thousands of londoners being made unemployed. Theres confusion among parents and pupils in greenwich this morning as to whether state schools are open or not. Thousands of parents were contacted yesterday afternoon, saying schools would be closed after an appeal from the leader of Greenwich Council asked them to shut to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus. But last night many parents were contacted again to say the government had threatened legal action, meaning schools would open. As far as a new variant of the coronavirus in and around london is concerned, which is believed to spread faster, its been said it may impact upon the effectiveness of the Coronavirus Vaccine. But dr simon clarke, an associate professor in cellular microbiology at reading university, told the bbc that any impact is not likely to be substantial. Now a look at the travel. Theres a good service on the tubes this morning. Although the central line has minor delays. And for the rest of the travel news, tune in to bbc radio london who have updates every 15 minutes. Now the weather with elizabeth. Hello, its a touch cooler than it was this time yesterday, but still another frost free start to the day. Most of us will agree its a more pleasant day of weather than we saw yesterday. It wont be quite as wet or as windy. But there are still showers blowing in on a still fairly noticeable south westerly wind. Mostly up towards western home counties, but plenty of dry weather throughout the day. The showers wont line up as they did yesterday, and there will be some sunny spells about, as well. Top temperatures again well above seasonal average, peaking at 11 12c, 54 fahrenheit. Through this evening and overnight, the showers should have faded away, so it should look largely dry. There will be plenty of cloud around, and, again, its a frost free start to the day with overnight lows of around 6 7 celsius. Tomorrow, dry for most of the daylight hours, but there will be outbreaks of rain pushing eastwards as we head into the afternoon. And its also going to turn rather windy, as well. On thursday, its dry again with some sunshine. Finally, even government accepts theres a lot of confusion over what the tier system means. It you want clarification go to the bbc news website. Vanessa feltz is on her bbc radio london programme. Im back with the latest from the bbc london newsroom in an hour. Good morning, welcome to breakfast with sally nugent and dan walker. From tomorrow, 34 Million People will be living under englands toughest restrictions. The whole of london, along with parts of essex and hertfordshire, willjoin tier 3. Lets speak to the chief secretary to the treasury, Stephen Barclay. Good morning. Iwould good morning. I would like to ask about the news we heard from matt hancock yesterday. How concerned argue about this new variant of coronavirus . I think the concern is whether it is leading to an exhilaration in the spread of the virus, and that is what we are testing with scientists at porton down looking at that but the chief medical officer was more reassuring in terms of the vaccine, that it would be surprising if the vaccine was not still effective against this strain. It is something we are looking closely at and it reinforces why it is important for people to adhere to social distancing, but in terms of the light at the end the tunnel, important to many, in terms of vaccine deployment, we have 800,000 of those and it is positive for the uk 800,000 of those and it is positive forthe uk and 800,000 of those and it is positive for the uk and we are rolling those out at pace. We heard from a scientist today that the fear is there is a possibility the new variant might make it more easily spread. When will we know if that is the case, and whether the vaccine will still work . When can you reassure us will still work . When can you reassure us that is the case . In terms of whether it is increasing the spread, that is partly why regretfully we have had to take stronger measures over the past 24 hour is in terms of london and the south east. In terms of when we will know, that is subject to the work the porton down scientists are doing. I cannot give a specific time, but they are working actively on that. The key is we adhere to social distancing requirements and people continue to do so. And we get the vaccine deployed as quickly as possible, because that is the way we give people positivity. Are you saying that without the new variant, you might not have put london and the south east into tier 3 . You might not have put london and the southeast into tier 3 . The reason london has gone into tier 3 is because we have seen a 25 increase in hospitalisation over the past week and london has the highest infection rate, 20 increase in infections. The reason for measures is because the rate of infection has increased quickly. The concern in terms of the new strain is whether it contributes to that increase and pace of increase and that is what we wa nt to pace of increase and that is what we want to investigate. Moving on to schools, we have just want to investigate. Moving on to schools, we havejust had want to investigate. Moving on to schools, we have just had jeff barton on, talking about the situation where schools are threatened with legal action if they close. He explained that many heads and governors are in a difficult position and he called the sending of legal letters squalid. Why has the government decided to do this, to ta ke the government decided to do this, to take an extreme route . The majority of schools, 99 , have been open, teachers have worked throughout to ensure education is maintained, including when schools we re maintained, including when schools were closed and done a fantastic job. There is an issue in greenwich and we are committed to keeping schools open, which is the advice from the chief medical officer, that it is damaging notjust to the learning but Mental Health and development of children, so we are keen to ensure we keep them open. There are only a couple of days left to end of term as many will finish for the christmas break on thursday, but it is important, as the chief medical officer made clear, we keep schools open which is why the letters have been sent on the issue of greenwich. Why not let local leaders, school governors, head teachers, make the decision based on what they know best which is their own school . We are following advice from the chief medical officer which is that it is notjust in terms of the infection rate, and infections have gone up in london across all ages, we are taking measures in terms of schools and the deployment of testing. It is also about looking at the wider impact when schools are closed, not just on at the wider impact when schools are closed, notjust on childrens Mental Health and development, but the impact for parents, because there is an Economic Impact more widely. We think it important schools stay open, that is the advice we have had, and the majority of schools have done so and worked remarkably hard throughout this period. There is nowjust a a few days until the end of term and if schools feel it is better to close for the last few days, why would that be a problem . For the reasons i set out. It is important schools are open and children are able to get learning, and important for their pa rents, learning, and important for their parents, and that is the position we have made clear, which is why the education secretary wrote last night to greenwich, to ensure the schools do continue to be open, and it is important children are able to get their learning, but for children from a more disadvantaged background, because they are disproportionately hit when schools are close. Is the government ready to use legal measures against schools . We hope it will not be necessary. The majority of head teachers have worked heroically throughout this period and are committed to ensuring their children continue to get their education. The medical advice is clear that it is important to keep schools open, but we keep all options under review. We hope not to need to use legal powers because the majority, 99 of schools have remained open and it is important they continue to do so. How concerned are you that if tier 3 remains in place in london and the south east, after christmas, schools may not reopen injanuary . south east, after christmas, schools may not reopen in january . I am conscious, doing this interview from london, we should be mindful that many parts of the country have been in tier3 many parts of the country have been in tier 3 some time, and their schools have remained open and teachers in those areas have continued to ensure their schoolchildren have their education. It is not that this is a london phenomenon. Many parts of the country have been through tier 3 for a longer period. The issue is we get infection rates down, which is why we have taken stronger measures we have. But whilst doing so, we keep schools open so children continue their development, not to have some of the damaging downsides and we have seen in other countries in europe, that is what their governments have done, as well. We see in other countries in europe strict lockdowns are coming into place for christmas and new year. In your mind, is there a possibility the government might have to change the government might have to change the advice over the five day break that has been announced . the advice over the five day break that has been announced . I do not think we should misinterpret the advice for christmas. It is not that restrictions are lifted in entirety. They are, arent they . We are not going from tier 3 to tier zero, but we are saying it a limited sense, families who have not been together all year, who will want to see each other, that three households can come togetherfor other, that three households can come together for christmas. It is not that all restrictions are lifted, its recognition we do not wa nt to lifted, its recognition we do not want to criminalise families for seeing each other over christmas. It is important for peoples wellbeing and Mental Health many families want to see each other over that period. As the chief medical officer said, people need to do the minimum necessary for themselves. I want to see my parents over christmas, and many families will take a decision to do as little as possible over that period, but we do not want to criminalise people for coming together over christmas. Are you choosing to see your parents over christmas . I will not see my parents but i will see my parents in law, and those of the decisions many families will take, and we have to trust the british people to act responsibly, do the minimum necessary for them in their family situation. We should recognise it has been a difficult year for many and many families will want to come together over christmas, but it does not mean all restrictions are lifted. People will need to continue to act responsibly, but we should trust people to do so. Lets move on to the situation in london. You mention other parts have been in tier 3 a long time, we know that. The situation in london and the south east with days up to christmas is Economic Disaster . It is damaging for businesses that have taken steps to be covid secure, particularly at this time because it is a crucial time for many in the Hospitality Industry, which is why we have taken the comprehensive measures we have. Under the 0br forecast, we are borrowing billions and we have spent 280 billion of the covid response. We have the furlough, support for self employed, business rate support and a range of measures to help businesses through this period. I recognise, not least as the treasury minister, that it is damaging for businesses, but the reality is that the infection rate has increased rapidly, particularly in london and the south east, which is why we have had to take additional measures, whilst at the same time keeping schools open and also ensuring nonessential retail is able to continue. You talk about hospitality, and the terrible effects on that industry in particular, but shops are still open. Would you recommend, having seen photographs from for example Regent Street and Oxford Street, would you recommend people do their shopping in there . It is important people act responsibly and do the minimum as the Health Secretary said, that is necessary. It is important retailers ensure people comply, local councils have funding for marshals. It is important we keep shops open. For the reasons you have said. In terms of hospitality, the Economic Impact, thejobs involved in these businesses and at the same time shoppers act responsibly and follow guidelines, which is a duty on the shoppers and businesses to ensure compliant behaviour is observed. Will you do your Christmas Shopping on 0xford street . I do not know about Oxford Street, but i will be doing Christmas Shopping and will try to do as much as possible locally, in the constituency, but of course, some of it i do online. We have to trust the British Public on these issues, but expect people to follow the guidelines when doing so, and i think the majority of people throughout the pandemic have done and have behaved responsibly, but at the same time the government needs to respond to the spike in infections we have seen and that is why regrettably the additional measures have been necessary. Some Council Leaders in london expressed the view that considering the situation and numbers, tier 3 might not be enough and they suggest tier 3 plus might have to be brought in. How do you respond to that . In the earlier part of the interview you spoke about the economic consequences of restrictions, now we are talking about further restrictions. The key is that we need to ensure that we adhere to the guidelines put in place, do all we can to keep social distance, follow the medical rules in terms of what limits the spread of the infection, because it is economically damaging to have further restrictions. We have put in place a tightening of the restrictions. That has been the case elsewhere, not just the restrictions. That has been the case elsewhere, notjust in london, but elsewhere in the country. And the key is we get the infection rate down as quickly as we can. A 1word answer, if you can, can you confirm the government has no plans to change the rules on christmas . Our position is clear, to advise people to do the minimum possible, but to allow three households to come together. Those are the guidelines we have. Stephen barclay, thank you. What you will know is that once you enter tier 3, no fans can attend sporting events. Ata time at a time when it feels like fans have only just been at a time when it feels like fans have onlyjust been allowed back in and clubs in london will not be able to admit those fans. In the premier league, currently only four clubs will be able to admit fans into stadiums. One of the sports immediately affected is the world darts championship which gets under way tonight. Itll be a slightly different occasion. Usually one of the more raucous events, with 3000 fans going wild at alexandra palace. And although there will be 1000 socially distanced fans there later, after that, with london going into tier 3, the event will be played behind closed doors. Those restrictions also mean football fans in the capital wont be able to attend games from tomorrow. The chelsea manager Frank Lampard is urging the government to rethink that move. 2000 fans were at their last two matches at Stamford Bridge and he believes footballs proved it can keep that number of fans safe. We are making it up as we go along and that is not to sound critical but we have not been in this position before. If clubs can control it, the think they have shown so far they can, i would like to think there could be something done to make it exempt, where we can get the 2000 number in, but that goes above my station. I am just saying what i think. A warm, kind man and an excellent leader thats the feeling you get from the tributes that have been paid to the former liverpool manager Gerard Houllier, who has died at the age of 73. In his six years at anfield, he transformed the club, bringing in new players and making sure they ate healthily, restricting how much alcohol they drank, and revamping the training facilities, as well. And its no wonder that everyone has been speaking of him with such affection and admiration. I was coming through with stevie g, michael owen, jamie carragher, Davey Thompson young lads who wanted that guidance and discipline and needed that. So we moved forward and progressed quickly as a club. But, in answer to your question, he, i believe and i know the other players do, as well that what he did at liverpool at that time was definitely the foundation, the platform, for what they are going on to achieve now. 0ne one of many tributes paid to Gerard Houllier. What a debut it was for alim kim at the us womens open golf in houston. She began the last round five shots off the lead, but finished with three straight birdies to win by a shot and take a first major victory. Kim, whos from south korea, went in as the world number 94, but has rocketed up to world number 30. Some performances though are not so memorable. 18 months after his last competitve appearance, goalkeeper petr cech might be rueing his decision to put the gloves back on. Two minutes into his comeback for chelseas reserves he gave the ball away, which went out for a corner. Which spurs then scored from. He then let in another, but chelsea managed to turn it around to win 3 2. At 38 and with all his experience, im sure he saw his comeback going differently. You can imagine the conversation. Peter, we are desperate for a keeper. Come on, we are short, come and play. All right, fine. And that happens. I told you i should not have played heres carol with a look at this mornings weather. Iam i am guessing something about the picture of the season coming our way. If you remember, last week, i askedif way. If you remember, last week, i asked if he would vote for your favourite weather watchers picture of the autumn and bless your hearts, you did. It is my pleasure to announce the winner and here it is. A beautiful picture taken by noreen. It was taken in october. You can see why it was your favourite. Noreen only bought a camera 18 months ago, she said to take pictures of celebration cakes. But she fell in love with taking landscapes, and she has done a wonderfuljob. And this is the result. Congratulations to noreen and thank you for voting and continuing to send fabulous pictures. Today, the weather is quieter than yesterday. Sunny spells, showers and lighter winds. Isobar is more space than yesterday. There is a lull before the next system brings wet and windy conditions to some tonight and the rest tomorrow. Starting with heavy showers in parts of the west and through the day more coming up through the day more coming up through the day more coming up through the Channel Islands into some southern and central areas and the odd one in the south east. This clump across north west england and scotla nd clump across north west england and scotland will push northwards. These are the temperatures. 9 12. Through the evening and overnight, showers continue north eastwards. Dry weather to start with and the shower is fading. But then low pressure comes in from the south west. It brings rain and strengthening winds and increasing cloud. These are the temperatures overnight. In the south west only falling to 10 degrees. Tomorrow the low pressure continues moving eastwards through the day and also northwards, giving us the day and also northwards, giving us all rain at some stage. After a relatively dry and bright start in the east, this is the rain moving eastwards and northwards. Gusty winds around it, particularly with exposure in western areas. When you add on spring tides, some parts could have coastal flooding. Add on spring tides, some parts could have coastalflooding. These indicate the strength of the gusts and fora time indicate the strength of the gusts and for a time across eastern areas also there will be gusty winds. Temperatures, eight in the north, 11 in the south. If you like the weather quieter, we have High Pressure building during thursday, so more will have dry conditions with sunshine and fewer showers. Later in the day, the next area of low pressure will start to show its hand coming in from the west, bringing in strengthening winds and rain. Temperatures ranging from nine in the north, 13 in the south. You can guess what will happen on friday. This rain will push from the west towards the east and once again, further rain for all of us and behind that, it will be showery. The weekend, a mixture of sunshine and showers. Temperatures slipping a little bit and that is the trend. Next week, unsettled, and turning colder as we head towards christmas. Lots going on. Just under two weeks ago, theatres and venues in londons west end were reopening their doors after lockdown. With the capital due to move into englands highest tier of coronavirus restrictions from tomorrow, shows that were looking forward to a busy festive period will have to close again. Joining us now is the actor martin shaw, who has been starring in the production of love letters at the Theatre Royal haymarket. And west end theatre producer nica burns. Thank you. Martin, i think viewers will remember we spoke to you a couple of weeks ago, i think it was opening day of love letters with a lot of excitement about. How do you feel, knowing that the industry will have to be closed down again . M feel, knowing that the industry will have to be closed down again . It is very disappointing, obviously. But it was half expected. We took this on knowing that it was a risk, but it was something that had to be done. We tried the play out at windsor and it had good reviews. The pay and Bill Kenwright were brave enough to go ahead with it. The reviews have been incredible, but this is not a time for complaining. Everybody is upset in one way or another and we are just another cog in the wheel of victims. Martin, how have the rest of the class to take news . There are only two of us jenny is as disappointed as i am. Bill is disappointed, not to mention the entire theatre staff. But it is just the way of things. What are you going to do . We will be back at some point, iam going to do . We will be back at some point, i am sure. And going to do . We will be back at some point, iam sure. And i have going to do . We will be back at some point, i am sure. And i have worked with nica burns before. She is absolutely wonderful. You could not have a more powerful advocate for the theatre. We all want to do it, we all love it, we all know how vital the arts are to society and community. But everybody is under the hammer at the moment. What can we do . We will have to wait. I think love letters will come back, it is inevitable with the kind of reviews we have had. It is tough for people we have had. It is tough for people we do not see on the stage, the backroom staff, everybody relying on theatre for income, incredibly tough for them. And for the audiences. It isa for them. And for the audiences. It is a wonderful piece of work we are doing. But there has beenjust that added ingredient. The audiences have been even warmer than they normally are when they enjoy something. In the end, when we take the curtain call, jenny and i make sure we applaud the audience and thank them for coming out and supporting the theatre. It is amazing what has been achieved. Nica burns, tell us about the effect on you and the wider industry. How much damage will this do, financially first of all . It is hundreds of thousands of pounds for my company. We have lost 20 million so my company. We have lost 20 million so far. We reopened the first lockdown with one theatre and planned to open the other six in sequence and last week we had opened all our theatres so last week we had six theatres open and presented 42 performances across, 12 different shows. We were packed. The theatre is an organised and ordered environment. It can deliver social distancing coming into the theatre, one way systems to seats. We configured the seating so there was an appropriate social distancing, and wearing masks. The feedback for the audiences, everyone is talking about jamie, 26 performers and all the backstage staff, 350 staff across the six theatres and probably Something Like 200 performers across all of them. It is a blow. The audience told us. I had moving letters about how much it is meant to them to come back and one woman saying it was the first time she had seen her daughter happy in the long ten months we have been closed down. As martin said, it is tough times. We have to comply. That is part of the point of going to theatres, audiences come ready to comply and ta ke audiences come ready to comply and take responsibility for being part of it. All the covid preventive measures which are critical if we are to get back up and running again. Martin said that even though there was excitement when his play started there was an understanding things would change. Did you understand that yes, you are pleased to open the doors of theatres and get those reviews, but you knew the system could change and you would have to shut them again . We knew there were discussions, but i have to say, it was a complete surprise yesterday. Industry leaders had not expected it, that we would be closed down and close down before the end of the two week review, because that is how it was done we were clear there were too weak reviews and something came out of the blue and we we re something came out of the blue and we were closed immediately, so that was a surprise. We have to be sanguine, practical, we have to beat this virus. I am looking to the future and saying, how are we going to make sure we can live with it . That is why i come back to the fact that the whole country has to buy into complying with measures, so we do not spread it. Martin, give us some hope before the end. When do you hope to get back on stage, next year, what can we look forward to . Well, we could continue right now, because the way the social distancing is handled, the way the theatre is opened and aired an hour before anybody comes in, all the air is changed, the theatres are almost like an operating theatre. It has been an absolutely brilliant coup the way the industry has managed. And this came as a surprise. Speaking for myself, i try not to be too miserable about it, because there are other people in far more miserable circumstances, but it was a shock. As to when we come back, who knows . If they took us off so rapidly without warning, lets hope the reverse will happen. Martin, thank you. Martin shaw and nica burns, thank you. An insight into what is happening in the theatre. Now, if you were watching yesterday youll have seen the lovely story of two best friends. Nine year old freddie has been running two kilometres every day to raise money for the hospital where his pal hughie, is being treated for leukaemia. Heres freddie putting in the miles at turf moor, the home of burnley football club. His aim was to raise £1,000. Hes smashed that, and well reveal how much the total is in a moment. But first freddie and hughie have these messages thank you to everyone at the bbc breakfast and a special thank you to dan and sally for having us on the show today, and the support from you all has been amazing, so thank you. Thank you, everyone, for donating to freds page, and a big thank you to bbc breakfast for having me on this morning. Yes, just thank you so much, everyone, and ill see you soon. And. Freddies total now stands just over an amazing £37,397. Amazing. He runs two kilometres every day and his mum said he gets it in when he can. And Christmas Day, before he opens his presents. That is the power of friendship. Please support them. 02 00 47,440 4294966103 13 29,430 stay with us, headlines coming up

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