Well look back on a career that spanned eight decades of showbusiness. In sport an Alastair Cook masterclass puts england in control of the day night test against west indies. And matt has the weekend weather. After the heavy showers and thunderstorms of yesterday, there are fewer today, a bit more sunshine. Full details coming up. Good morning. Our main story police in spain believe the driver of the van which ploughed into pedestrians in barcelona killing thirteen people could still be at large. A man hunt is now underway for moroccan born younes abuyaqub. A teenager shot dead by police after a Second Attack in cambrils had previously been identified as a key suspect. Investigators now think that he was responsible for hiring the van. Last night crowds gathered to pay their respects to the victims, as simon jones reports. On the boulevard where, on thursday, bodies lay, last night a vigil. Flowers and candles to mark the lives lost and those injured from 3a different countries. The disbelief and grief etched on peoples faces. I was scared and nervous to come here. I didnt know what it would be like and if everybody was going to be kind of mourning and upset over what happened. Its good, though, to see everybody come together and just kind of remember what happened. Through the window of a museum, new footage has emerged, appearing to show the van speeding along las ramblas. People ran for their lives. Hours later a car was driven into pedestrians in cambrils. Five suspects were shot dead, four by a single officer. Among them, moussa oukabir, the man believed to have rented the van used in the barcelona attack. Police say they are still looking for the man they now believe was driving it, younes abouyaaqoub. The task of identifying the dead and injured is continuing. Fears are growing forjulian cadman, who is seven, and has dual british and australian citizenship. He was separated from his mother during the attack. He is now missing, much to the concern of his great aunt. Of course, i am really worried. I cant hear anything with them, i want to hear whats happening. 15 people are in a Critical Condition in hospital. The mourning and the Police Operation continue. Our europe correspondent, gavin lee, joins us live from las ramblas in barcelona. Gavin, a confusing picture emerging from spain overnight can you tell us from spain overnight can you tell us what the latest is, especially in regard to who police are looking for . We have a little more clarity. It is limited from the police. They are saying this is a jihadist cell of 12 people at least behind this attack. They were based in catalonia, planning ina they were based in catalonia, planning in a house where there was an explosion on wednesday in which two people died. There were 106 canisters of butane and propane gas found. They actually believe that this could have been a plot to have a car attack with explosive devices inside. They say they have no previous knowledge of this group than they were not on a terror watch list. They say that they are looking for younes abouyaqoub. In the local papers, they talk about 12 jihadists causing terror in catalonia. In this one, no fear. This is what is going on, a sense of life here, trying to get back to some kind of normality. The German Foreign minister has arrived. Given that there are many multinational victims involved in this attack this week. Gavin, thank you. Here are the rest of this mornings main stories the physicist, professor Stephen Hawking, has accused the Health Secretary, jeremy hunt, of cherry picking evidence to support his policies. He has praised the nhs, but attacked the provision of private health care in england. Mr hunt has described the scientists claims as wrong. Heres our health correspondent, jane dreaper. He is one of the worlds best known scientists. Professor Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with motoneuron disease at the age of 21. He turned 75 at the start of this year. A milestone celebrated at a scientific conference last month. Happy birthday to you. Professor hawking says he wouldnt be alive without the large amount of high quality nhs treatment he has received. But he is concerned about the future of the Health Service in england, defending it as the most efficient and Cost Effective system. In a speech which describes his medical history and how he sometimes had to challenge doctors, professor hawking said he also accusesjeremy hunt of cherry picking Research Papers to support his case for changing weekend services. Professor hawking says that while he wants more weekend services, he believes there has been no Due Diligence done in the case of the so called seven day nhs. The government says it makes no apology for being the first to tackle what it describes as unacceptable variation in care across the week. And ministers believe patients in england should be able to access the best treatments based on the quality of care, rather than whos providing them. Donald trumps former chief strategist, steve bannon, has vowed to go to war against the president s opponents, after being fired from his job. Hes the fourth member of mr trumps inner circle to leave in the last month. The right wing nationalist was a key adviser to the president and helped shape the America First message of his president ial election campaign. 0ur north america correspondent, david willis, has more. Steve bannon, widely credited for steering donald trump to victory, he was one of the most powerful men in the white house. The driving force behind Donald Trumps nationalist ideology, his was the ethos of putting America First, and taking back the country. If you think they are going to give you back your country without a fight. He is not a racist. He is a good man. By the time that donald trump had made that less than ringing endorsement of his special advisor this week, the die was cast. Steve bannons clashes with more moderate forces in the west wing, chief among them the president s son in law, jared kushner, and his daughter, ivanka, coupled with renewed accusations following the violence at charlottesville of White Nationalist sympathies, sealed his fate. He has now returned to right wing website breitbart news, which he left to work for the trump campaigna yearago. He has said that he intends to keep fighting on the president s behalf, but in an interview with the conservative magazine the weekly standard, he has said that the troubled presidency that they fought for and won is now over. All of which leaves the president and increasingly lonely and isolated figure. While Steve Bannons departure is a victory for those who wanted to see an end to the more extreme elements in the west wing, whether it will lead to a better functioning white house remains to be seen. David willis, bbc news. This morning were remembering the life and work of sir Bruce Forsyth. He enjoyed a tv career spanning 70 years, from those early broadcasts at the london palladium, to the strictly ballroom more recently. In a moment, well speak to his friend, the comedianjimmy tarbuck. But first heres a look back at sir bruces shows over the decades. When i look at you. What am i going to do . Isaid,i going to do . I said, i want to become a star and by my mum a fur coat. I used to go and see fred astaire films rennie with dancing in them, and i would be intrigued by the dancing, and i would come home and dance away sometimes hours all by myself. If i didnt make it, i wanted to get out, maybe go more into the musical side of the business. Then i did the palladium, which turned everything around. Welcome to the generation game. Its nice to see you, to see you, nice. The first bit about audience participation is, you got to enjoy it. Ive always loved it. Ive loved it because you never know what is going to happen. Im dying for a night of what is going to happen. Im dying fora night of i what is going to happen. Im dying for a night of i love getting out of the situation. If somebody says something, i like to come back at them. Or if they do something, i like to pounce on it. After i did that radio show with you, i did have i got news for you. And here is bruce at 74, 75, and you blew away all the other guest hosts. Tony blair insist that weapons of mass destruction will eventually be found in iraq. It would be nice to see them, to see them. Audience nice professional dancers with celebrities learning how to dance. My celebrities learning how to dance. My headmaster said, i cant give you a very good report because youve had so little schooling. I said, dont worry, im going into a business where they go by what they see you can do, not what youve done. He said, what businesses that . Isaid, done. He said, what businesses that . I said, show business, sir. Done. He said, what businesses that . Isaid, show business, sir. He done. He said, what businesses that . I said, show business, sir. He said, lord help you. Applause joining us now is the comedian jimmy tarbuck. Thank you forjoining us. It must be a difficult time for you, but there are so many a difficult time for you, but there are so many wonderful memories to reflect on. Take us back to the beginning how did you meet and have the job beginning how did you meet and have thejob friendship beginning how did you meet and have the job friendship developed . Abuts the 27th of october 19 63. Because it changed my life. I went on sunday night at the palladium. He brought me on. I was a raw kid, having been on at a club in manchester lanai before, and i had a very good night. At the end, i said, thank you, mr forsyth. He said, he called me mr forsyth he did help change my life. He was unique. He could play the piano with nat king cole, he could dance with sammy davisjunior, cole, he could dance with sammy davis junior, he could cole, he could dance with sammy davisjunior, he could take over have i got news for you, and most importantly, he could annoy sean connery on the golf course, which a lwa ys connery on the golf course, which always tickled me. Tell us more you cant just leave it always tickled me. Tell us more you cantjust leave it there he was just a great, you cantjust leave it there he wasjust a great, great you cantjust leave it there he was just a great, great guy, you cantjust leave it there he wasjust a great, great guy, and our greatest talent. Him and roy castle we re greatest talent. Him and roy castle were the two most talented guys ive worked with in british show business. He was unique. He was well dressed, good fun, meticulous. He looked after himself. He liked to drink bourbon, to make fingers, no lice. Two fingers. He said he had a dog that used to bark like him. He would say, i dont talk like that, but of course, he did. Jimmy, we have heard a lot of tributes from people who have worked with him, yourself included, about how he was caring and sharing in terms of nurturing new talent and sharing his experience how did yourfriendship develop after that First Experience . With dickie henderson, he took me to play golf, and thatjust bit me in the neck, the golf bug, and im grateful for that, because it the neck, the golf bug, and im gratefulfor that, because it kept me sane. We played golf all over the world. Whenever there was a big charity night, i could bring him and say, look, the variety club is presenting a coach here, and he would say, yes, ill do five minutes. He would come on, steal the show, because his talent was unique. He was like that, he would help his fellow man and those who were less well off than him in life in general, and he wasjust in general, and he was just very good company. He has had a wonderful career, and i cant think of anyone in ourside of career, and i cant think of anyone in our side of the business who has had a career like he has. The palladium, strictly, play your cards right, keep going. Tell us about the last time you saw him. It was at the last time you saw him. It was at the house about two or three months back. I went over, and when ella, the love of his life, said, ive made some sandwiches, boys, and a large lot of tea, go and reminisce. And for an hour large lot of tea, go and reminisce. And foran hourand large lot of tea, go and reminisce. And for an hour and a bit, wejust talked and laughed about things that have happened. He was getting recognised all the time, and we went to the open championship, and kenny lynch got an envelope, sealed it, and put it on his back, saying this is Bruce Forsyth. He kept saying, i dont understand why people are recognising me, then he found out. We roared laughing. He took it in good part. In this job, we made a lot of people who are maybe very different on screen from how they are off screen, and the tributes we have heard about bruce is that he was simply the man that everyone saw and loved. He was the same off screen as on, and you will know that only too well. Of course he was. I mean, it is in the press and everything. You will have a job to do. They say people are national treasures. Well, he was one. I was at school when he first came on the telly, in 56,57, at school when he first came on the telly, in 56, 57, and then hejust took the country over in everything he did. He was so good. I think one of the great regrets of his life was that he didnt conquer america. He wa nted that he didnt conquer america. He wanted that very much. But in the rest of the world, wherever he went, he could perform and put you at ease and have a laugh. He was mischievous. He was all for taking the make and all that, but also, he was just good. The make and all that, but also, he wasjust good. Sorry to interrupt, i wa nted wasjust good. Sorry to interrupt, i wanted to get to what his enduring appeal is. As you say, working over so appeal is. As you say, working over so many years, people come and go, celebrities, and go, but he was there for the duration. Well, i think thats easy likeability. There are very few people in this business blessed with it. Harry secombe had it, eric morecambe, tommy cooper you can pick them out, the ones that people like and love. And they loved bruce, and it is understandable why. He was the utter professional. He was route to wea k always utter professional. He was route to weak always very well dressed. He loved fred astaire, absolutely love sammy davis junior, and loved fred astaire, absolutely love sammy davisjunior, and they got on great. He could work at that height, with the best. If you had to pick one favourite memory, what would it be . He was an old mona on the golf course. Im sorry to bring golf up. We were on the first tee, and i said, no moaning today. And he hit a shot to the green, and there was a ra ke shot to the green, and there was a rake stood up on the green like this, and the ball hit the rake and bounced off, and we all thought, here we go. He didnt moan. And he said, ididnt here we go. He didnt moan. And he said, i didnt moan, not at all. Because i could have. And we were all on the floor laughing. He was just good fun. Thank you so much for speaking to us this morning and sharing your stories with us. Im sorry its under such circumstances, but god bless him. We will be sharing more bruce memories this morning. So many decades on the telly. Well talk about that a little more a little later. Lets find out whats happening with the weather. Sunshine and showers today. This low pressure to the north east is causing the shower clouds the build up. Showers will be most frequent across scotland, some of them heavy and thundery, and we will have the heaviest winds here, rattling through Central Scotland this afternoon. Severe gale force on the tops of the mountains. Showers across western areas, pretty frequent in north west england. They will push to the east but they will fade to the south. There will be longer dry spells today, some making it through the day with no showers. It isa it through the day with no showers. It is a warmer day across eastern scotla nd it is a warmer day across eastern scotland than yesterday. Tonight, the showers will continue in northern scotland, but for most, clear sky, like wind, fog patches. Temperatures in the countryside down into single figures overnight. There isa into single figures overnight. There is a ridge of High Pressure between two areas of low pressure. We will see heavier bursar raid and lots of cloud. Lots of sunshine to start your sunday. A lovely day for many tomorrow light winds and feeling warmer. Across ireland, into wales and the south west, we will finish the day quite grey. Misty around the hills and coasts. Heaviest bursts of showers in and around the irish sea. If youre heading further afield today, tomorrow should be fine through much of the mediterranean. A few storms through the balkans. The hottest conditions are in portugal. Another update in half an hour. A vehicle weaponised, leaving innocent people mown down. The images that have emerged from barcelona this week have painted a scene that has become all too familiar in recent years. But it is thought that the jihadists had been planning a much bigger atrocity using explosives, compared to the low tech attack they eventually carried out, that killed 14 and injured over 100. Joining us now is paul rogers, a lecturer in International Security at the university of bradford. I wonder if first of all, you could tie up the different elements of this. There have been two attacks, then a lot of confusion over night about whether the police had indeed shot one of the attackers. What do we know . We know this was something much larger than originally believed. The attack in barcelona was terrifying, but it appears to have been almost a second that empire group that was planning something much worse. That seems to have been prevented because of this accidental explosion in a completely different town. But it is clear there was a majorjihadists cell in catalonia, and that will have caught the spanish authorities by surprise because they thought they had a reasonable handle on what was going on. More generally, it is part of a wider trend that we have seen over the last three years involving attacks on many different cities. Within spain, it turns out to be a more substantial attempt than we originally thought, in spite of the terrible loss of life in barcelona itself. Looking at the international context, the battle against Islamic State is being won in the middle east, but we are seeing an increase in these low tech, high impact attacks. There is a direct connection. When the huge air war started against Islamic State three yea rs started against Islamic State three years ago, and that has kill 60,000, they decided at an early stage to ta ke they decided at an early stage to take the war back to us. They call us take the war back to us. They call us the far enemy. Britain, france and spain are all seen as countries to attack. The aim is basically to retaliate, to show they are still in business, but most nastily of all, to stirup business, but most nastily of all, to stir up anti muslim bigotry in countries like britain, spain and france, with the aim of Damaging Society by these attacks. There is no easy end in sight, im afraid. We have now been through 16 years of the war on terror, but that is the background to it, it is part of a wider war. I wonder about the response from the security services, because you would say that spain may because you would say that spain may be more prepared, giving the basque separatist terrorist activity of the past, but they have also set up a task force to targetjihadists violence. Were they more prepared . It is so difficult to prevent these things. In generalterms, the it is so difficult to prevent these things. In general terms, the way that security people look at it, they would rate britain and spain as they would rate britain and spain as the best prepared and coordinated. We learned after 7 7, obviously. The spanish have good relations with their moroccan counterparts. There are also problems in libya, after what happened with gaddafi, a failed state. What we have to look at is how the entire conduct of the war is going on, because it is not working at present. One of the alarming things is the age of the young men involved. Is it about taking a step back and winning an intellectual war . The aim is to stir up anti muslim feeling, to make more young, male muslims feel sidelined and on the margins, and they become territory for recruiting. There is method in this terrible action, and i think we have to face up to that. It means a lot of rethinking about how we approach it in the first place. Poll, really interesting to speak to you. Thank you for shedding light on that. Paul. Youre watching breakfast from bbc news. Time now for a look at the newspapers. Justin urqhart stewart is here to tell us whats caught his eye. Well speak tojustin in a minute. Lets delve straight inside, justin. You have picked some out for us. Lets start with the royal mail. First class cheek, read the headline. Royal mail sells items lost in the post. You may be used to letters going astray, been delayed, but theyre being sold . There is a chapter who has scalextric cars, important things to collect, and theyre worth a few hundred pounds. He sent these through, then he noticed a few weeks later that they we re noticed a few weeks later that they were on an auction for sale. How often does this happen . The answer is, quitea often does this happen . The answer is, quite a lot. Rather than losing the stuff, they cant work out where it is to go to, and they send it auction. And the royal mail gets the money. And there is no way to trace these . You would have to get it registered. A bit of a cheek. Fightback they say that items are held for a of time, awaiting contact from the sender or intended recipient. If something has gone missing, look for it on ebay this comes up regularly. Who was shakespeare . A new artistic director at shakespeares globe new artistic director at sha kespeares globe has new artistic director at shakespeares globe has commissioned a new work looking at a particular theory that the woman pictured here, a published poet in her day, who was a lwa ys a published poet in her day, who was always thought to be the dark lady in some of shakespeares works. She was a poet in her own day but also it is thought she may have written some items. She was born into a jewish family with venetian origins, married to an italian musician, first cousin of elizabeth the first. A reasonable background and fascinating in her own right, but the question is, did she write some of shakespeares the question is, did she write some of sha kespeares plays . The question is, did she write some of shakespeares plays . We have started with stories that are rather different, but lets get back to the headlines. This is more familiar territory so interesting once again. Chaos at the white house and again. Chaos at the white house and a geopolitical event with tragic consequences, but it worries investors. And the markets have reacted dramatically this week. 0ver the past two years, we have had various wars and outrages and the markets havent really reacted to it. But this week, a combination of issues, those in the white house, the horrors in spain, and now youre beginning to see markets reacting. The Global Economy may be recovering, but the markets may have got ahead of themselves, so youre seeing this nervousness running through the markets this week. People shouldnt panic it is a dose of realism coming into the markets. And this story in the guardian . For those of us who had a proper childhood. What did you do when you went to a beach or a lake . The answer is, you picked up a flat stone and skimmed it across the water. This is a serious business, because there is a proper stone skimming championships. A lovely bit in the guardian, with a diagram telling you how to do the proper throwing. What is the proper technique . It is not the number of bouncers, it is the distance it goes. Adopt a sideways stance, flick with your wrist and release the stone. I used to get it wrong. A lovely lady here will be challenging the british champion. She has so far thrown 45 metres, farther than any woman has managed so far, but on the other hand, she may struggle to beat the current british record of 85 metres. I can barely manage a metre they say that Charlotte Greenway is hoping to surpass her personal best of 45 metres. Its pretty good. Incredible. Thanks, justin. We will see you later. It is exactly 8 30am. Stay with us. The headlines are next. Hello, this is breakfast, with tina daheley and ben thompson. Coming up before nine, matt will have the weather. But first, a summary of this mornings main news. Police in spain say they now believe the driver of the van which ploughed into pedestrians in barcelona killing 13 people could still be at large. Theyre looking for younes abouyaaqoub, whos 22 and originally from morocco. Earlier, reports had suggested the main suspect was one of the men shot dead by police, following a Second Attack in cambrils. More tributes have been paid to sir Bruce Forsyth who died yesterday at the age of 89. The entertainers career spanned more than 70 years and he fronted many popular tv shows including sunday night at the london palladium and the generation game. A short time ago we heard from the comedian, jimmy tarbuck, who shared his memories of his friend and colleague, sir bruce. Whenever there was a big charity night, i could ring him and said the variety club is presenting here and he would say yeah, i would do five minutes. And he would come on and steal the show because his talent was unique. He was like that. He would help his fellow man and those who were less well off, and he was very good company. Hes had a wonderful career. I cant think of anybody in our side of the business has had a career like he has. Stephen hawking has attacked the privatisation of healthcare in england and accused the Health Secretary of cherry picking evidence to support his policies. The world renowned scientist, who suffers from motor neurone disease, will deliver a speech at the Royal Society of medicine in london later today. Jeremy hunt has responded by saying recent research is the most comprehensive ever. Donald trump has removed steve bannon from his post as chief strategist. He becomes the fourth member of the president s inner circle to leave in the last month. The right wing nationalist was a key adviser to mr trump and helped shape the America First message during his president ial election campaign. Mr bannon has returned to a senior role at the ultra conservative website, breitbart news. Two men have been charged with murder after a womans body was found in a burning car near sunderland. Firefighters discovered the remains in the village of shiney row on tuesday. 39 year old Stephen Unwin and 50 year old William Mcfall are due to appear at Newcastle Crown Court today. Officials say more than 16 Million People have been affected by severe flooding in parts of nepal, india and bangladesh. 500 people are thought to have been killed, with conditions are expected to deteriorate further over the weekend. The red cross and red crescent say it is becoming one of the worst regional humanitarian crises in years. Jessis jess is here with the sport. Its all about one man this morning. He has been fantastic. He gave up the captaincy at the beginning of the year and you just wonder whether now, the pressure that has come off him as unable to play. It is all psychological. And he is doing a ca ke psychological. And he is doing a cake with that pink ball. There was so much talk in the build up, but it hasnt bothered Alastair Cook. He hasnt bothered Alastair Cook. He has shown everyone that it hasnt made much of a difference so far. The batsmen have done their bit at edgbaston, and now its the bowlers turn to shine against west indies on day three of the first day night test. Alastair cook was the star for england. His mammoth innings of 243 with some help from west indies fielders pushed england towards 514 for 8 declared in their first innings. As the Natural Light faded, James Anderson removed opener kraig brathwaite. West indies will resume this afternoon trailing by 470 runs, with nine wickets remaining. Liverpool have rejected a third offer from barcelona for phillipe coutinho. Its understood the latest offer for the brazilian midfielder is in the region of 114 million pounds. Midfielder is in the region of £114 million. The club has already rejected two bids from barcelona. They insist coutinho wont be sold, despite his transfer request. Tottenham have signed defender Davinson Sanchez from ajax in a reported club record £42 million deal, subject to a medical and a work permit. The colombia centre back has agreed a six year deal and will be the premier league clubs first summer signing. In the lunchtime kick off today, Manchester United travel to swansea. Burnley host west brom, liverpool are at home to crystal palace, while stoke city host arsenal in the late kick off. Were hearing a lot at the moment about the strains between clubs and players who want to leave them, and things are no different at stamford bridge. Diego costa and manager Antoino Conte havent been on the best of terms since the striker was told he didnt have a future at the club. The blues boss has managed to see the funny side, though he was asked about costa saying hed been treated like a criminal. Look at this. Laughter. Its great, its great. Im not interested to continue this issue. I repeat, for me, hes the past. Stop. No fixture for chelsea today as they play tottenham tomorrow dan is here to tell us whats coming up on football focus. We have a nice chat with jan vertonghen. But our been to view this week, will be with david wagner, the huddersfield manager. They play newcastle tomorrow. Brilliant start to the premier League Season for them with a victory over crystal palace. We will get in an insight into how you motivate your players. Would a slap on the back work for you . This is what david wagner had to say. Is it true that you send everybody, the players, the staff, out for a game with a chop on the back of the neck . Er. Maybe this is my matchday routine to give my energy to the players. Should i show you . Oh, that hurts as well but now you are awake very good. Iam quite i am quite tempted to do that to you he said it genuinely hurt. You normally expect a pat on the back, not on the top of the neck. They had a brilliant start to the season. When you come into the premier league like that, it is a fantastic start. Darren fletcher is now the captain of stoke after playing at west brom for a few seasons. Previously, he was at Manchester United. They have got brand new changing rooms and a new look tunnel which they will show for the first time today, where you can buy corporate hospitality and watch the players in the tunnel with one way glass. Like an aquarium . A bit like an aquarium, so they have to be careful what they do in the tunnel. Are the players aware that they can be seen . Yes. It is a real insight. So fernandinho will be talking about that. We have will poulter doing premier League Predictions and talking about this game for grenfell as well. Trevor sinclair is playing in that. That is on the 2nd of september, a fantastic given. And we have Mark Schwarzer and leon 0sman in the studio. It is a packed day. I will not karate chop you on the neck that could be a disciplinary matter. I would keep my arms crossed. Nice to see you both. Theyre banned in scotland, labour pledged to abolish them elsewhere and the lib dems have described their use as an affront to basic human dignity. Mixed gender wards are highly controversial and back in 2013 the Health Secretary, jeremy hunt, announced theyd been virtually eliminated in england. Yet despite this, bbc breakfast has found that in the last year alone, men and women were treated in the same room around 9000 times. Thats almost three times the figure from two years ago. John maguire has more. Good morning, everyone. Every morning, staff at Yeovil Hospital meet to plan the day ahead to determine what care patients receive and where. Treatments and recovery are of course paramount, but separate areas for men and women are an important factor here. So this is ward 6a, our elective orthopaedic ward, and here we have bays of men and women, which have their toilet and bathroom within the bay, which means if you are in a male bay you can use the bathroom within the bay and you dont have to travel between the two. We also have side rooms where you can go if you need specific care or if we cant accommodate you in a male bay, we can use side rooms, so you still have that privacy and dignity there. For the past six years, nhs hospitals in england have been fined £250 if a patient is in mixed accommodation. There hasnt been a breach in the system in yeovil since september. Here, in the hospitals operations room, they monitor real time information on patient admissions, discharges and whereabouts. We know that if patients are nursed by the right people at the right time in the right place that actually, their length of stay does decrease and their risks to staying in hospital are minimised and reduced. In 2013, the Health Secretary told his Party Conference that mixed sex wards had virtually gone. The first time the breaches were measured was in december 2010. That month alone, there were 11,802 cases. The new government policy saw the number drop markedly. At its lowest point, it was 2,431, not per month, but for the whole year in 2014. Since then, though, theyve risen. The latest annual figure was 9,003. Mixed sex wards have been banned in scotland for 12 years and in wales, rules state separate facilities should be provided wherever possible. Neither publish their data centrally. The breaches increase when hospitals are under the most pressure. Figures for Mental Health trust are far lower, as there are fewer hospitals. But the health watchdog, the care quality commission, found some hospitals in the sector are not following the rules. This woman has bipolar disorder and was placed in mixed accommodation when she was admitted. She has asked to remain anonymous. Ive had incidents where males have tried to pursue me, pushing notes under my door. With shared bathrooms, shared lounge facilities and dining facilities, theres no way you can be private as a female. Especially if the males are unwell themselves. Following you around and encouraging you to leave the ward with them. Thats my experience. Being encouraged was done well to escape the wards. The figures only measure beds, not shared bathrooms or other rooms such as lounges, so campaigners argue the problem is underreported. If theres just one person whos in a mixed sex setting, where their privacy or dignity is compromised, or where they feel unsafe or where they are unsafe, thats one person too many. This is the 21st century. We ought to be able to provide at the very least a setting for somebody thats safe and therapeutic. Smaller bays of beds or single ensuite rooms are becoming more commonplace. The health regulator, nhs improvement, says but the pressure to cope in extremely busy hospitals means beds of whatever type will always be in high demand. Youre watching breakfast from bbc news. The main stories this morning. A man hunt is under way in spain for the man Police Believe drove a van into crowds in the city of barcelona. Theyve confirmed an earlier suspect was shot dead. Stars from stage and screen are paying tribute to sir Bruce Forsyth , who died yesterday at the age of 89. Heres matt with a look at this mornings weather. Before that, news about pensions. With the average person taking on 11 jobs during their career, it seems the idea of a job for life is increasingly becoming a thing of the past. But with different employers come different pension pots and that can make keeping track of your finances rather confusing. So as moneybox presenter, louise cooper, has been finding out the government is looking to simplify things. We have in front of us all your pensions paperwork. 55 year old john from newbury has had eightjobs since he started work at the age of 20. He knows hes paid into a variety of pensions, but keeping hold of all the paperwork has been a problem. As i was reaching 55, i decided to review my pension situation, and it was then that i realised that i know very little about my pensions, except for the fact that i have one big pension from when i worked in the company for quite a long period of time. The department for work and pensions estimates that there is currently £400 million in unclaimed pension savings, and john worries that he might be adding to the pot. Definitely when i worked as a nurse, i dont know what happened to that paperwork. And then later when i worked in another company and contributed, i have no idea. Ive got no paperwork from that. That was 25 years ago. I havent got any paperwork for that. Johns not alone. The government have recognised that this is a big problem, so they asked the association of british insurers to work with the industry to create an online dashboard, a place where people can log on and see all their pensions in one place. So this is the pensions dashboard. Absolutely right. So for noah, for this hypothetical test person, we found eight pensions. And you can see . State pension. They are all listed here. So you can see that noah has his state pension from the department for work and pensions. We have found that he also has two final salary pension schemes. And he has anotherfivejobs that he had, so five defined contribution schemes. And it adds it all up. It adds it all up at the top and it says you have just over £4,000 a month to look forward to. Lucky noah hes very lucky. Currently, 16 pension providers have signed up, accounting for 34 million pensions overall. But this is still less than half of all pensions. You have a coalition of the willing, and thats great. But ultimately, there is always inertia and people have other priorities. Trustees may have other priorities. We believe there has to be that clear signalfrom government. This has to be done and if you dont do it, youre breaking the law. And then well have that sort of service for people available. The dashboard should be available in 2019, and its the type of service that people like john find invaluable when it comes to working out their income in retirement. Louise cooper reporting and she will have more on this in the death of retirement on moneybox at noon today on radio 4. Heres matt with a look at this mornings weather. What is that . This was taken yesterday. It is in southampton. It is not someones washing, but a 100 foot cover sheet from the ground, lifted into the air by the strong winds yesterday. Testimony to how strong winds were yesterday. At least those winds have eased down a bit today. Still a blustery though. The winds are coming from a westerly direction. Fairly cool winds where you have the showers with you. The showers will develop more widely through the day, but compared with yesterday, fewer showers than we saw, so a better chance of staying dry for longer. A few showers in scotland, but it is looking a lot brighter than yesterday. Warm as well. Still a few showers outside of scotla nd well. Still a few showers outside of scotland and Northern Ireland in the afternoon, but big gaps between them. So some of you will stay largely dry. The further south you 90, largely dry. The further south you go, the showers should fade away in the afternoon and most places will be dry. This evening, the showers will fade away further. There is the odd patch of mist and fog around, but it will be a rather cool night. It will not feel like august as we start tomorrow morning. If you have a night under canvas, make sure you have a warm sleeping bag. Temperatures will be in single figures in the countryside. More cloud and rain on this weather front, but a lovely and sunny start. Strong sunshine overhead. It will feel warmer. In south west england, we could see some rain, drizzle and agree and misty end to the day. Through the evening, that will drive towards the south east corner of the country, so southern areas finish with outbreaks of rain. And then that weather front pushes northwards as we start the next week. Towards the south and east, we could see temperatures in the high 20s. Those high 20s are fine, but none of what you told me was good. 14 and rain, and it was a dark green, yellow we rain. I will try and change the shade of it for you but temperatures of 26 degrees looks great. This morning, weve been remembering sir Bruce Forsyth, who died yesterday at the age of 89. He was best known as a tv entertainer, but sir bruce was also a long standing supporter of several charities. One of those was cauldwell children, which helps children with disabilities and their families. Well speak to the charitys chief executive, trudi beswick, and also Tilly Griffiths who met sir bruce several times through his work with the organisation. Tilly, you met bruce on a number of occasions. What was he like . Everything you see on television was exactly as he was. He was charming, and he really cared about what he invested in. I met him at the pride of britain awards and he did a little dance with me on stage. After that, he was an ambassador for our charity. I saw him at the charity ball and my sister couldnt make it and he asked, how is she . And you stayed in touch with him for a long time. We did. We saw him at the charity ball, as i say. We have a photograph of when my sister and i met bruce in the dressing room. How involved was cerberus with the charity . How involved was sir bruce . He was involved with the children, but also with the team. He used to bring the office and speak to us all and inspire us all to do our work as best we could. That was what was so nice about bruce. He lived life to the full it is hard to talk about him in the past tense, actually, because he does and did live life to the full. That is what the children in our charity do as well. What difference did it make day to day for you to have someone like sir bruce involved . day to day for you to have someone like sir bruce involved . I think he just brought smiles to our faces. That was what he did for the children when he met them. He really understood the difficulties they we re understood the difficulties they were going through, possibly because he also had difficulties in his life too. So he got down to their level and gave them all the time he could, and gave them all the time he could, and to the team and also to the other donors that gave to the charity. At the events, he would talk to them and dance with them. Even though we didnt ask him to get involved in the events, he would get up involved in the events, he would get up on stage. He would donate to our services. He would just do as much as he could, even though he was obviously a very busy man. He was involved in so many projects, singing, dancing, performing, comedy, theatre and tv, but i know you were a huge fan because of strictly. Of course strictly would be on in our home every saturday night. I have a passion for dance as well. I do ballet, and he was a figure of sparkle and glamour and that was what he represented before we met him. He inspired us to go forward with whatever our ambition was. And what is your favourite sir bruce memory . My favourite sir bruce memory would have to be his little dance on stage. I was terrified. I was eight years old, and he transformed the evening for me in that moment. That represented him throughout the time we knew him. Trudi, i understand you did ederson Charity Auctions and there is a story involving golf and a lot of money . Yeah. He always used to donate his plan, which is difficult for someone so busy. So he would donate a day to play golf, and we we re donate a day to play golf, and we were auctioning off this prize. And one of his Close Friends stood up and said, i will donate £10,000 not to play golf with him so then he jumped up on stage and said ok, lets continue this auction not to play golf with me and so the auction continued. It was hilarious. He took that criticism of himself so easily. The whole audience were laughing, and he marched up and down the stage and made the whole evening hilarious. It is great to hear these stories that dont necessarily get the headlines. Everyone knows the public persona, but all of the extra work that he did in his own time, he was very hands on. Thank you both for coming in. Now, if youve been inspired by the World Championships at the london stadium last week, and the para world champs last month, theres a new way for all abilities to compete together on the same team. The countrys first so called sidekick tri starts today at eton dorney in windsor. It sees people of all abilities compete together. Mike bushell has been put through his paces in a Training Session with some of those taking part. Three, two, one. A triathlon swim like no other, because im towing a kayak, steered by the paralympic canoeing gold medallist anne dickins. She did her best, even if i got us into a bit of a tight spot around the buoy. Were going to bump into it and around us in the water were people towing other boats, paddleboards and also swimming as part of a team, because in this new event, anything goes if it helps people of all abilities to get around together. Stefan has taken his daughter chloe around many a triathlon course, alongside the brownlee brothers. But he is now thrilled that there is this sidekick tri event that allows them to compete without any boundaries. Awesome. She absolutely loves any of the events. You can have able bodied, disabled, semi disabled, which gives them an achievement. Its like the paralympics, but on a mass scale and its for the everyday superheroes. Instead of being for elite sports people, its for anyone and their families to come down and do sport and have a great day. For the cycling leg, it was onto a tandem bike to get my paddling in time with annes, but there are so many different ways in which people can ride this part of the course. We didnt go too fast, but we got there. Are you ready, eve . It is a friendly event. The final leg is the 350 metre sprint up and back, led off by olympic champion Jonnie Peacock here. And were off eve likes to go fast. And jonnie is one of the team captains. Ill do the running and someone else can do the cycling and swimming. Were looking for people. So many different combinations in this event, whether youre pushing someone like my friend eve, who is only five, on this final leg or whether youre pulling a chair, or doing it whatever way suits you, look at that. When youre told your child has a condition like this, youre worried about the things they cant do, but Something Like this shows you that they can still do these things. Ive got ms and i was unable to take part in any sport for many years. And i found this and it wasjust something i found that i can do and be part of something again. And we have even got last leg legend adam hills. Fantastic. You made it. She is the hero. Whats your name . This is eve. Adam and eve. The thing i noticed today is that no one here is disabled. There is not one person here who couldnt do something. So an event like today makes the Term Disability completely redundant. Its expected that some 2000 athletes will compete, but in this triathlon, everyone will be a winner in the eyes of their team mates. Youre watching breakfast. Still to come this morning. It all comes down to this. 13th book of revelation. Correct. The trophy is now in touching distance for the child genius finalists. And before nine, well bejoined by one of the contestants hoping to be crowned britains brightest child tonight. Stay with us headlines are next. Hello. This is breakfast, with tina daheley and ben thompson. Police say the man who carried out the barcelona van attack could still be at large. One key suspect has been shot dead, but a new search has begun for the man its now believed was behind the wheel. 14 people died and more than 130 were injured during two separate attacks on the spanish coast. Candlelit vigils have been held late into the night in tribute to the victims

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