Inspired the foundation of the National Trust. And ben has the weekend weather. Good morning. The weather does not particularly look inspiring this weekend. There will be some rain at times and it will be blustery as well. All the details in 15 minutes. All the details in 15 minutes. Good morning. First, our main story. Motorists should think long and hard before buying a diesel car, thats the message from the Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling. Hes Urging Drivers to consider a less polluting vehicle instead. Four in ten cars on britains roads are diesel. Under labour they had been billed as the clean alternative to petrol with reduced fuel taxes. Now theyre said to be one of the reasons for increasing levels of Air Pollution. Lets get more on this with our correspondent Nick Quraishi whos in central london. Chris grayling is using these comments in the daily mail to distance himself from what labour did when it was in power. In 2001, gordon brown as chancellor cut the tax on low sulphur fuel. That meant that the annual diesel Car Registrations more than doubled to 8 million a year. There are 12 million diesel cars on our road and with that comes pollution. Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide kills some 2000 people a year in the uk. Chris grayling is not flatly saying do not go out and buy diesel, he is thinking about the alternatives. The government line is it is committed to reducing Air Pollution and it has invested more than £2 billion in the programme since 2011 and more plans will come out later this year. One of the plans is for a Scrappage Scheme so drivers will get paid for getting rid of diesel in favour of something less polluted. We know the mayor of london, sadiq khan, is to introduce a toxicity charge. Drivers of the most polluting diesel cars will have to pay £10 a day to enter the city from october, a move no doubt widely looked at by other authorities around the country. Thank you. The former labour Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, has said that the party is further from power than it has been at any time in the past 50 years. In an interview with the Times Newspaper mr miliband said he was deeply concerned about labours future under Jeremy Corbyn after the party lost the copeland by election to the conservatives. Heres our Political Correspondent chris mason. Jeremy corbyn went to stoke yesterday to look and sound like a winner. His man had won the by election there, activists were delighted, but labours vote slid in stoke and the party suffered a cumbrian humbling 140 miles north in copeland as the conservatives triumphed. Enterfrom new york the man people in the labour party see as the best leader they never had, David Miliband. He now runs a charity, the International Rescue committee, and this is not the first time he has been a public doom monger about his party and Jeremy Corbyn. Labour, he told the times, had now lost support among what he called its core base. I am obviously deeply concerned that labour is further from power that at any stage in my lifetime, he told the newspaper. But those loyal to the leaders say it is not allJeremy Corbyns fault and add. I would actually like to talk about issues and what it is that makes a difference to peoples lives and what makes a difference to peoples lives is having the sort of government that will address the concerns of people that have some solutions. This government does not and we need to make clear that we are the alternative and we have alternative solutions that will work. If you need to make it clear. The fault cannot be laid at the door of one individual. But plenty of other labour mps see what has happened as evidence of what they have always feared withJeremy Corbyn, a Painful Drift towards irrelevance. Dont expect them to try to get rid of mr corbyn now, though, because they know what happened when they tried that last time. He won again. Lets speak to our Political Correspondent, matt cole, whos in our london newsroom this morning. Good morning. It is interesting. The former labour Foreign Secretary David Miliband giving his thoughts onJeremy Corbyn. Will he care . David miliband giving his thoughts on Jeremy Corbyn. Will he care . One suspects not too much. This is not the first time that David Miliband from a position of no longer being involved in uk politics shares his thoughts. He went to work in new york for a charity after losing the Labour Leadership Election to his brother, ed miliband, in 2010. He has continued to contribute his thoughts. He was once policy chief for tony blair, which indicates the side of the party he comes from, very much the opposite ofJeremy Corbyn. But he does feel that this is worse than the 19805 and the Doldrums Labour were in then. He thinks the situation needs some serious thought. He says thinks the situation needs some serious thought. He sasteremy corbyn doe5 accept that the copeland by election wa5 corbyn doe5 accept that the copeland by election was not good, but it did hold of uk5 challenge in stoke central on the same night. People have asked since the copeland result ofJeremy Corbyn, have you thought about quitting . His 5imple ofJeremy Corbyn, have you thought about quitting . His simple answer was no. His simple answer was no. Several new5 organisations, including the bbc, have been barred from entering a Press Briefing at the white house. President trumps spokesman said the administration would push back against what it sees as false reporting. Heres our washington correspondent, laura bicker. President trump has stepped up his Battle With The Media. A few days ago i called the fake news the enemy of the people, and they are. They are the enemy of the people. Because they have no sources, Theyjust Make em up when there are none. He is angry at recent reports claiming his Campaign Aides had contacts with russian intelligence officials. The New York Times used Anonymous Sources for their story. This should not be allowed, he said. They shouldnt be allowed to use sources unless they use somebodys name. Let their name be put out there. This latest tirade during a speech to a conservative conference was 15 minutes long and just a few hours later things changed at the white house. This is the usual briefing by the White House Press secretary, all accredited media can attend. Instead a member of selected media groups were invited into sean spicers office and others were barred, including the bbc. He was asked why. This ban saying cnn and others have been blocked from media briefings, are cnn and the New York Times not in here right now because you are unhappy with their reporting . Why are they not in here . Because we had a pool and we expanded it and we added some folks to come and cover. It is my decision to expand the pool. The president said, we are going to do something about it, in reference to the stories that he says are false by the New York Times and cnn and others. What is he talking about . We are going to aggressively push back. We are notjust going to sit back and let false narratives, false stories, inaccurate facts, get out there. The White House Correspondents Association says it is protesting strongly and is encouraging those who were allowed in to share material. The bbc is also asking for clarification as to why it was barred. Police have defended the decision to fire a taser at an unarmed blind man in Greater Manchester on thursday. Officers at levenshulme Train Station mistook the mans cane for a gun. The 43 year old man was unhurt and the police have apologised to him. Hsbc has promised to review the way it collects information from customers after the bbc revealed that a number of clients had their accounts closed with little or no warning. Some customers say the bank is being over zealous with the information it demands from them and how it treats those who struggle to provide it. The banks been carrying out more stringent checks in recent years to protect against criminality. The band coldplay have denied that theyve scheduled concerts in israel and the palestinian territories. Theyve taken to social media to say that they are just visiting the areas to listen and learn. Their World Tour Starts In Singapore Next month. Every parent knows that babys first outing can be quite a stressful experience. But this baby polar bear At Munich Animal Park took her first steps in to the outside world in her stride. The baby, who is yet to be named, cautiously checked out the enclosure all to the delight of the viewing public. Might well have a look at the spot and we will also have the weather for the weekend. When kimjong nam was murdered at kuala lumpur airport, it was a very public act of violence, captured on cctv cameras for the world to see. Police say the half brother of the north Korean Leader was killed by a highly toxic nerve agent known as vx, so what do we know about it . Vx is colourless and odourless and has the feel of engine oil. It is so deadly its classified by the United Nations as a weapon of mass destruction. It can kill someone withjust one drop. Symptoms include coughing, shortness of breathe, vomiting and muscle convulsions. South korea say the north started producing Chemical Weapons in the 19805 and now have up to 5,000 tonnes in stock. Lets speak to Jennifer Cole an International Defence expert from the security think tank the Royal United Services institute, who is in our london newsroom. We are learning a little bit more about vx. Tell us how dangerous it is. As you have said, it is one of the most toxic nerve agents ever developed. It can kill in minute quantities. I have seen overnight there have been questioned about the Scientific Community about how likely this could have been vx. It has not yet been confirmed by an international laboratory. The delivery of it is starting to raise concerns, how it could not have contaminated for instances the ambulance people who treated him. We have to be cautious about being sure that it have to be cautious about being sure thatitis have to be cautious about being sure that it is the x. But if it is, it shows north korea stepping over a line if they are indeed behind the attack, and being prepared to use Chemical Weapons openly. That is the interesting thing, if it is vx, the fa ct interesting thing, if it is vx, the fact they have chosen to reveal to the world that they have it and they are prepared to use it is one of the interesting aspects of this story. If it is indeed the x and if the two women who were seen if it is indeed the x and if the two women who were seen in the airport at that time doing it, a lot of people are asking how they would not have been contaminated, or other people in the surrounding area were not. That is one of the things that casts doubt on whether this is really the x. It could be a binary version of vx and was combined into toxic agents before they arrived at the scene. The question i would have with that is the moment the second woman applies it. It is very hard to see how she herself would not have been contaminated. They washed their hands very quickly, they could potentially have been given anti der spiegel anti dotes beforehand. But it seems very odd that they were not affected, and the paramedics. It is usually very fast acting. The fa ct is usually very fast acting. The fact he was able to find airport git 51 itt 5 7; 2 25 55 it casts 55 2 15 g it casts douth g it casts doubt on i g it casts doubt on whether it impact. It casts doubt on whether it could have been vx. So, questions remain. If we assume for the time being it is vx, questions emerge about where it has come from. What can you tell us about that . Again it is difficult to manufacture it outside of a state programme. It is not entirely impossible. For instance, a cult that was responsible for the Sarin Gas Attacks on the Tokyo Underground Manufactured and used vx. It does involve a lot of chemical classic knowledge. It is not as easy as pulling a recipe off the internet and making that without having done it. There seems to be some evidence that the women involved had done a trial run and practice of the attack Ina Trial Run and practice of the attack in a Shopping Centre in malaysia. So it does not necessarily have to be state manufactured, but it is not as easy as making it in your garage. But we do know certainly a Cult Organisation involved in terrorist activities have manufactured it themselves in the past outside of state weapons programme. But it does involve a large group. These are not lone actors, these are people who have significant chemical expertise and understanding, not only access to fairly sophisticated manufacturing facilities, but who know how to handle that material. That is a key point. Handling that Material Safety without damaging yourself and the people around you is probably the most complex part of this operation and they were clearly very skilled in that. I think that is where the questions need to be asked. Professor, thank you very much for your time. Asked. Professor, thank you very much foryourtime. Professor Jennifer Cole. ProfessorJennifer Cole. And youre watching breakfast from bbc news. The main stories this morning people buying a new car are urged by the Transport Secretary to think long and hard before buying diesel, as the government looks at ways to cut pollution. The white house has barred several major News Organisations from a Press Briefing given by a White House Press spokesman. The cnn, the New York Times and the bbc were among those excluded. Lets have a look at what is happening with the weather. That is a nice picture. I have managed to find some colour this morning, but most of it is because of the flowers that have come out because of how mild it has been. It isa because of how mild it has been. It is a pretty cloudy start today in many areas, including cambridge where this picture came from. We had some blustery winds, not on the scale of doris, and windy at times. This is what is producing rain for some of us and with it a mile and strong South Westerly Wind. Northern ireland and scotland have a soggy start to the day here and that affects parts of North West England and wales. Poor Travelling Conditions. With the rain are some strong and gusty winds. Things will improve in Northern Ireland and scotland, but the rain will be settling in to the south west of england. A few spits and spots of rain here, temperatures 10 degrees in london. A lot of rain falling in wales over the hills and into North West England and into cumbria. But for Northern Ireland and scotla nd but for Northern Ireland and scotland things will improve. Starting to turn a little cooler from the west. 7 degrees in stornoway. But it should be dry at murrayfield for Scotland Versus Wales in the six nations this afternoon. The rain could hang around in dublin for a time. Afternoon. The rain could hang around in dublinfora time. If afternoon. The rain could hang around in dublin for a time. If you are heading out and about, it could be an the downside. In the early hours it should be dry. Dry for a time in scotland and Northern Ireland, but here we go again. Another band of Rain Swinging in. After a soggy saturday for some, it isa after a soggy saturday for some, it is a soggy sunday again. This time the rain will hang around for most of the day. Not as much rain in the south east, but a blustery wind for many of us and it turns cooler up towards the north west, but in the south east we will get up to 12 degrees. Not bad temperatures, so it will be a bit soggy. How is enjoying its moment in the spotlight as the uk city of culture, but in the 17th century it was enjoying attention for a very different reason. The Royal Shakespeare company is in the city to commemorate the story in a new play featuring a number of household names. We have been behind the scenes. It is a comedy about how, pen from a writer from hull, so where else to stage a new play about the city . Who will make the first advance, The Civil War starts now. Since january the cast of the hypocrite have been rehearsing in a disused church in hull, including the stars Caroline Quentin and mark addy. For people who do not know, it is about the beginning of The Civil War which happened in hull. Beverley gate is the centre point of that moment. The play is frantic, funny and theyll is a lot of us in it. For those of us who come from a time when it was too expensive to have a lot of people on stage, it is really exciting to be on stage with that many folk. The play is by hull born writer richard bean who spent more than two years researching the real life of his lead character. The play focuses on 1642 when sirjohn shut the city gates on the king and sparked the start of The Civil War. When i started reading the original papers it is like reading a french farce, that final thing where the governor of the town is running around and being chased. I am not going to say benny hill. |j around and being chased. I am not going to say benny hill. I could see it in your eyes. It has taken the tea m it in your eyes. It has taken the team a whole week to build the site ready for the show. It is now two days until Opening Night and eve ryo ne days until Opening Night and everyone is heading through to the stage for technical rehearsals. It is the last chance for everyone in the team to practice the trickiest bits of the play until they are perfect. As the lead actor mark addy is in the most of the three hours of the show, so rehearsals have been gruelling. Withhold being the city of culture, to be involved in one of the big opening shows of that year is terrific. I do sometimes think i too for this . But we are getting there and it is one of those gifts ofa there and it is one of those gifts of a show. The play is the fastest selling show in hull truck theatres history and probably the most eagerly awaited as well. It looks good. Youre watching breakfast from bbc news. Time now for a look at the newspapers. Broadcasterjanice long is here to tell us whats caught her eye. First lets look at the front pages. Daily mail, Chris Grayling says motorists should be wary of buying diesel. Talking about Air Pollution he says he would encourage people to think carefully about which cars they should buy. The times, David Miliband, labour at its weakest for 50 years. The guardian, one in four london schools at toxic areas. The daily mirror, tumble drier Company Whirlpool accused of snubbing pay out plea. Where are you starting . A story about exports. I love the idea that we now export more gin than beef, 450 in beef and £500 million with gin and going to so many countries around the world. It does not surprise me. If you go into a supermarket, there are rows and rows of gin. Small distilleries absolutely over the place and there are gin palaces and gin parlours setting up, so gin has become the most popular thing for us to export. It isa most popular thing for us to export. It is a success story. Peoples habits have changed and it was once deemed an Old Fashioned drink and it is now very trendy and the world is picking up on our drink. 41 million bottles sold in the uk. You have picked up a story about blackbirds. Is this a story about depression . M is about Mental Health and stress. It is the amount of birds that they actually see. It is a study from queensland university. And the British Trust for ornithologists. They had monitored people and if they see a lot of birds, their Stress Levels are reduced. Does that mean Stress Levels are reduced. Does that m ea n lots Stress Levels are reduced. Does that mean lots of different birds or a flock of birds . A flock of birds, or it could be a blackbird or a blue tit. But as long as they see several birds. This can be in the city or the countryside, it does not matter. I wonder why . It must be therapeutic. We all look at birds. Equally well there are quite a lot of people who are fazed by them. Some people are scared. I know someone some people are scared. I know someone who some people are scared. I know someone who sees a some people are scared. I know someone who sees a pigeon and they runa mile. Someone who sees a pigeon and they run a mile. I think animals in general, pets and things like that, they can keep you sane. Did you see they can keep you sane. Did you see the baby polar bear picture earlier on . That was very cute. That would have a similar effect. What about dancing one . No. The dancing polar bear you are taking us to a different place. This is a great story about girls entering this test. I think we have all been intrigued in the past i people like alan turing and jane clark working out at bletchley. Now this is a competition encouraging girls to enter and they can work out codes. We are under cyber attack now more than ever, 60 day possibly, and so more than ever, 60 day possibly, and so they need more people to get involved in this. Girls are coming forward and it is such a good thing. They have had 3500 entries. The thinking is that girls have stayed away from those subjects. That is why this is exciting because they have had an incredible number of young people applying. Now the women are certainly keen on getting involved. They had them working in bletchley before. Now we can talk to our gadgets, ring this number, do this, do that. And kids, if their pa rents a re this, do that. And kids, if their parents are doing it incorrectly, they are becoming very impolite and losing the social skills. So they are ordering them, bossy. They are turning into spoiled brats. Somebody from the brats has said it is the way the parents talk that will influence children. So if parents do it properly, this will not happen. I cannot read what one parent said about his kid in here or i will be taken off. I said thank you to a cash machine by accident those boys activated robots, ive a polite . Who . The robots who do the speaking back to you. Yes, they are all right. But children think that they can demand, there is no please and thank you, they are losing their manners. They are losing their social skills. Thank you very much. You will be coming back in an hour. I will do. Coming up in the next half hour coming up in the next half hour grasmere Island Inspired the creation of the National Trust but for more than 100 years its been in private hands. Well be taking a journey there as a new chapter in its life begins. Stay with us, headlines coming up. Join me for highlights from the 05cars join me for highlights from the 05ca Rs Ceremony join me for highlights from the 05cars ceremony and details from the winners on monday at nine oclock. Motorists should think long and hard before buying a diesel car thats the message from the Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling. He says people should consider a lower Emission Vehicle instead. His comments come as the government looks at ways to tackle Air Pollution. 4 in 10 cars on britains roads are diesel. The former labour Foreign Secretary David Miliband, has said that the party is further from power than it has been at any time in the past 50 years. In an interview with the Times Newspaper, after the party lost the copeland by election to the conservatives, mr miliband said he was deeply concerned about labours future underJeremy Corbyn. Mr corbyn insists his leaderships not to blame and he wont step down. Several News Organisations, including the bbc, have asked the white house to explain why their staff were barred from a Press Briefing. President trumps press secretary, sean spicer, told a mostly empty media room that the administration would push back against what it sees as false reporting. The president has criticised some of the organisations which were excluded, including cnn and the New York Times. Iraqi forces have entered western districts of mosul for the first time, as they fight to recapture the city from Islamic State militants. West mosul is the last i s stronghold in iraq and a number of air strikes have taken place. Its thought that 160,000 people have fled their homes, but many more will follow. I guess one of the Biggest Challenges is knowing how many people we need to respond to, so we are preparing, pre positioning our stocks in places where we believe people will flee to. We are supporting families that have already been displaced. Around 150,000 people have already been displaced from the mosul offensive, and we are supporting families in camps, as well as people who have returned home to their villages. The United Nations new Climate Chief has admitted that shes worried about the election of president trump, because of his threat to pull the us out of international agreements. Patricia espinosa is visiting america this weekend and hopes to raise her concerns with senior officials. But the former mexican diplomat says shes confident the worldwide momentum towards cutting emissions is now unstoppable. Hsbc has promised to review the way it collects information from customers, after the bbc revealed that a number of clients had their accounts closed with little or no warning. Some customers say the bank is being over zealous with the information it demands from them, and how it treats those who struggle to provide it. The banks been carrying out more stringent checks in recent years to protect against criminality. For injured tortoises rescued from smugglers can now be seen in the uk for the first time. This was sent to chester zoo in 2012 after they were confiscated by Customs Officials in hong kong. The critically endangered reptiles are highly sought after by smugglers for their distinctive shells. That is quite a spare we are getting from that one it is hard to it clay macro get an impression of how big they are, from that picture. Surely a daughters is around that size . But they can be all different sizes. It could be this big or tiny. Anyway. I cant remember so much support. Dot macro moving on for a manager. The League Managers Association Says the sacking of Claudio Ranieri has undermined the association. Claudio ranieri says his dream died when he was sacked nine months after winning the premier league. Ranieri was dismissed on thursday with leicester sitting one point above the Relegation Zone, after a string of poor performances in the league. The decision to sack the italian hasnt gone down well with lifelong fan and former striker gary lineker. They have probably panicked under circumstances. They get this kind of myth that a new manager comes in and everything is ok again. Well, the facts tell us, and the statistics tell us, that actually, it doesnt make that much difference. I think they should be Building Statues to him, not sacking him. He deserved, and bought himself, a bit more time in this, really. Im not ashamed to say that when the news broke, i shed a tear. I shed a tearfor claudio, i shed a tear for football, and i shed a tearfor my club. Dan is here ahead of football focus, when im sure youll be trying to make sense of it all. And leicester could be in the Relegation Zone by the time they play again. It isa it is a funny situation, because even people who dont follow football field invested in that less the story. There is no sentiment in the story. There is no sentiment in the game, and loyalty went out of the game, and loyalty went out of the window along time ago. There is a small difference between a pat on the back and a knife in the back. Maybe they needed a change, and maybe they will stay up this season and look back and set was the right thing to do. At the it feels very raw and fresh. A man who has been so warmly invited, and liked in this country, and some of the things he said have shown that he is not the normal football manager. That statement was beautifully written, wonderfully put an very much in his own words. I think he felt it was a love story and it ended far too soon. Love story and it ended far too soon. We will talk about that, and we will hear from former captain matt elliott, giving us an insight into the dressing room. We will reflect on where now for him, and where now for the club, and where do they go forward from here . We will look ahead to the league cup final, southampton against manchester united. We have got neil warnock on the show, who has had 17jobs over the show, who has had 17jobs over the years. And sam allardyce, at crystal palace, in trouble, lost six of their eight games since he took over there, and he talks openly about the struggle of crystal palace, who take on middlesbrough this weekend. Also on the england job. He was only the england manager for one game, famously. Did he come back to early, is one question put to him . There have been one or two muted rumours that i came back too early, that is far from the truth it is absolute rubbish. I did not have to come back, apart from that i wanted to come back. You never forget it, but you put it to the back of your mind. You do the job you are paid to do, the job of crystal palace. 0ur Big Problem is our own record, and i think that trying to help the lads overcome their fears at home, which is what they are, because we have only taken seven points at home this season, and i think the fans and players combined will eventually get us out of trouble, and will keep us in the premier league. Gareth bale greece is on the programme as well. And martin kemp one of Thejudges Programme as well. And martin kemp one of the judges is programme as well. And martin kemp one of thejudges is big arsenal fan. He put money on leicester to be relegated. Will it come true . We hope not i am sure it will work out in the end. We are on from midday. Hope not i am sure it will work out in the end. We are on from middaylj made in the end. We are on from midday. made a good reference thereto martin kemp. Iam made a good reference thereto martin kemp. I am just glossing over it. I am showing my age. It will be gold. Tumbleweed city this morning in the championship, birmingham won for the first time Away From Home Underjan franco zola with a 2 1win over local rivals wolves. Two goals in five first half minutes were enough for birmingham. Former wolves player david davis got their second. They played the last half an hour with ten men, and held off a wolves comeback to seal a first win in four games. Inverness caley thistle are off the bottom of the Scottish Premiership after a late win over rangers last night. Greg tansey gave inverness the lead just before, half time. Rangers then levelled from the penalty spot, before caley thistle missed their own penalty with five minutes remaining. But they werent to be denied. Billy mckay with an Overhead Kick to snatch all three points. Ireland will be looking to re establish themselves in the title race as the Six Nations Championship resumes today when they take on a resurgent france. You can follow that on bbc radio five live sports extra, with kick off at 4. 50pm. Before then, live on bbc one from two oclock, scotland will try to end their decade long, Winless Streak against wales. Vern cotters side are missing five key men including captain greg laidlaw, whos been replace by scarlets flankerjohn barclay, who should know a thing or two about the opposition. I know living in wales what rugby means there. I know the pressure is on. Probably for me i think theres always huge pressure to win. People tell me that, its half in jest. Im a scottish person and this part of wales is full of rugby. I think their winning is everything for them. It is a different Scottish Team to potentially what we have seen before. Like i say, we are very focused on the squad that we have at the minute, and what we need to do off the back of our game. In the womens tournament, scotland won their first six nations game in six years with a 15 14 win over wales. Its the first time they have beaten the welsh in 30 meetings, and they had to do it the hard way, coming back from 14 0 down. Sarah law with the vital penalty to seal the victory by a single point at the broadwood stadium, just north of glasgow. And this lunchtime sees the first Transatlantic Sports Team take to the field. Toronto wolfpack will compete in domestic english rugby league, starting today. They are in yorkshire to face siddal in the challenge cup. Wolfpack will compete in the third tier of the sport this season, and their aim is to become a Super League Side inside five years. You can watch their first game on the bbc sport website at 1pm. Meanwhile it was a busy night in super league, with five games. Warrington were hoping for another win, after their victory over the Brisbane Broncos in the World Club Series, but they were left red faced by castleford whose man of the match, zak hardaker, gave them the lead, and they never looked back. 30 22 the score. Castleford are now top of the table. Elsewhere, world champions wigan avoided a similar slump after their World Club Series success they were 14 points down at one stage in the second half against widnes, but wigan won 28 26 in the end. Leeds also left it late to beat salford, and there were also wins for huddersfield and leigh centurions that was their first win back super league. Lizzie yarnold lies fourth, going into todays, two heats, of the skeleton world championship, meeting in germany. Olympic champion yarnold has had an indifferent season since returning after a year out. She failed to improve on fourth place in her second run yesterday before the heat was cancelled due to heavy snow. Germanys Jaqueline Loelling leads. The third heat gets underway later this morning. Its live on the bbc sport website and red button. Britains Mark Cavendish has retained the overall lead after the second stage of the tour of abu dhabi. Australian caleb ewan thought hed won the stage and raised his arms a little early in celebration, before realising hed been pipped at the line by germanys marcel kittel. Cavendish came in third to keep hold of the overall leaders red jersey. Probably he was fortunately in the right position. Thats just the power of him, he is going to come across fast and get over the line. That was well played. I am kind of happy with that. The team were exceptional again, really exceptional. Finally, if you have always thought the sport of parkour, or free running, is just, for the young and daring, think again. It is now involving groups of over 60 year olds. Later on breakfast, see what happened when ijoined some free runners, including an 88 year old, enjoying a new lease of a new lease of life, thanks to the sport of free running. More on that at 9 30am. Hopefully by then you will have worked out the size of a daughters. Slightly annoyingly, you were almost exactly right. The average tortoise is 17 inches, so the average tortoise is 17 inches, so you the average tortoise is 17 inches, so you were the average tortoise is 17 inches, so you were right. They can weigh up to ten kilos as well. Most people would note the size of a tortoise, wouldnt they . But this is the most endangered tortoise in the world. 17 Inchesis Endangered Tortoise in the world. 17 inches is the average. Iamso inches is the average. I am so glad we have resolved this because now everyone can get on with their weekend. It could turn up in a pub quiz tonight. It could. Itll soon be time to raid the childrens piggy banks and check down the back of the sofa, because the £1 coin is having its much publicised first makeover in more than 30 years. The new 12 sided coin will be in our pockets by the end of march. It comes with high tech features to beat the forgers, at the moment almost one in every 30 coins we use is counterfeit. Lets find out more from radio 4s moneybox presenter paul lewis. Good morning. We know it has got 12 sides. What else do we know about this new pound coin . Here it is listening, and here is one of the old ones. This is over 30 years old. It is from 1984. You can see it is a big bigger, and it is glossier because it is new. Two metals, one silver coloured and won gold coloured. Brown the edge it has in graving on only half of its sides. It has a panel under the queens head. As you move it, it changes from 81 into a £. That is a very clever feature. There is also from 81 into a £. That is a very cleverfeature. There is also micro writing just by the name of the queen, there is tiny, tiny lettering. And varied in side is something secret which enables the royal mint to tell if it is a forgery. We would just talking about the number of counterfeit coins. There are1. 5 the number of counterfeit coins. There are 1. 5 billion being made, and they will replace the 1. 5 billion pound coins. Get out your old pound coins because this one will appear at the end of march, but the old one wont be usable after 0ctober the old one wont be usable after october 15, the old one wont be usable after 0ctober15, so do get rid of them. What can you do with your old pound coins . Just spend them or, of course, if you dont manage that, ta ke course, if you dont manage that, take them into your bank. They will probably take them a while. After that you will need to make a trip to the bank of england. So best to get rid of them by the middle of 0ctober. Rid of them by the middle of october. It is not often you tell us to spend the thing that always annoys me when you get new coins is vending machines. And train ticket machines, that kind of thing. We have talked to the british Vending Association who have half a million sheens that they look after. They wont guarantee that the new coin will be accepted at the end of march, though they say a lot of them will accept it, and they went even guarantee that the old one will work either. There will be a period where you will probably has to carry around new and old coins if you rely on vending machines, parking machines, ticket machines, all the things that take the coin, and of course shopping trolleys. They may all have to have the little devices that you have to put your coin in changed doing that period. Keep some old ones and some new ones, is really the role. Thank you for that, it will be interesting to see what happens. Are you looking for a pound coin . The advice was to check the back of the sofa. 0h, the sofa. Oh, look this used to be 12 sided. This is the first 12 sided coin since then. They are not that different, but you can tempt the macro tell them apart. Paul will have more on moneybox on bbc radio 4 at midday. Youre watching breakfast from bbc news. The main stories this morning people buying a new car are urged by the Transport Secretary to think long and hard before choosing a diesel, as the government looks at ways to cut Air Pollution. The white house has barred several major News Organisations from a Press Briefing being given by president trumps spokesman. The bbc, along with cnn and the New York Times were among those excluded. Heres ben with a look at this mornings weather. If you are out spending your hard earned cash this weekend the weather is not in great shape. This is the sort of view we are waking up to in places. This picture is in fife, scotland, indicative of the wet conditions that many parts of the country are seeing, particular up to the north and west. Some blustery winds as well. A South Westerly Wind is bringing some mild air in towards our direction, and also this pipeline of cloud, pretty grey skies for many, and some outbreaks of rain, as we have already seen across scotland. Into Northern Ireland and parts of wales as well. We really will see quite a lot of rain today and it could even give some poor Travelling Conditions with lots of Surface Water and spray on the roads. All the while, things will improve across scotland and Northern Ireland, and by this afternoon there should be some spells of sunshine and a pretty decent end to the day. Through North West England and down to wales, we keep the rain right to the day. The risk of some poor Travelling Conditions, and that Rain Beginning to infringe its way into the south west by the middle of the afternoon. Through the midlands, east anglia and the south east, some patchy rain, it will be quite cloudy, but the rain not as heavy. It will be accompanied by some blustery winds. White windy if you are off to the premier League Matches this afternoon, but not a huge amount of rain. Through this evening and tonight, some Epics Of Rain will continue, but it will tend to fizzle away. Another batch of rain will start to work its way into Northern Ireland and Western Scotla nd Northern Ireland and Western Scotland by the end of the night or so scotland by the end of the night or so tomorrow is a bit of a sense of deja vu. A wet day tomorrow because of the rain not clearing away quickly. The rain will again set across North West England and wales. To the south east, still a blustery wind, and feeling mild. Cooler towards the north west. Anti going on with the weather. A mixed picture, thank you. An island which inspired the foundation of the National Trust, has been gifted to the Conservation Charity after more than a century in private hands. Sitting in the middle of the lake district, Grasmere Island was left to the trust by its former owner in her will. Dave guest has been for a visit. It is small but beautifully formed. Grasmere island lies at the heart of the lake district. Wordsworth is said to have picnicked here frequently. But back in 1893 the island was put up for sale and the thought of this idyllic spot becoming private property outraged a local clergyman. He had a deep passion that everybody needed access to nature and Natural Beauty. The journey to Grasmere Island is an idyllic experience in itself. Back in 1893 the new owner made a few additions which did not go down too well with the locals. He planted some shrubbery, which caused a lot of indignation. A respectful letter was written asking him to reconsider some of these changes. The reply was blunt. If you and your friends felt so strongly about what happened to the island, you were perfectly competent to turn up to the sale as i did, and purchase it. That is exactly the issue that he was concerned about, that bits were being sold off to the highest bidder and they could do whatever they wanted. Absolutely. He was passionate that ordinary people have access to Natural Beauty in nature. The loss of this island for public use proved the catalyst that inspired him to become a founding father of the National Trust. But it is only now that the trust has been able to take control of the island. The last owner bequeathed it to them. So now this island belongs to the National Trust, will it be overrun with hundreds of people . I dont think so. Whilst we would never stop people from coming, the physical access to the island is difficult, which makes it a refuge for nature. And as a Conservation Charity, that is important to us. This is quite an oak tree, isnt it . It is wonderful. A veteran oak tree. Heaven knows how old it is. The cannon spent his final years on the shore of grasmere. From here he could view the island that helped him create the National Trust. Now, at last, the island is part of the trusts portfolio, to be preserved and enjoyed by everyone for ever. Such beautiful scenery. From clicktivism to squad goals, more than 300 new words have been added to the online version of the oxford dictionary. Many are social media buzzwords, so how many of us really use them . Alison freeman went to find out. Clicktivism. No, i have never heard of it. No idea. Ive never heard of it. Could you hazard a guess . Something to do with a laptop . We have got freecycle. Anyone know what it is to freecycle . Is that one of those bikes that kids have . Is it the free hire of bicycles . It is where you advertise things locally for people to come and take away for free. Squad goals. Is it training with your friends . No. Do you know what squad goals are . No. Something to do with football . Something with the whole team . The goals you have with people. With your squad. Inspiration, what you are aiming for. Joining us now to help us decipher it all is linguistics expert rob drummond from the university of manchester. Rob, welcome to breakfast. U2 arejust arguing u2 are just arguing about squad goals. I was contesting it being new, because i thought that is forever being used in a sports environment. We have got goals for the squad, but you are saying that isa the squad, but you are saying that is a different meaning. A similar meaning, but i think the squad is different. We are now saying squads of friends, especially teenage girls. So it is your aspirations and things, as a group. Yes. What do you think of all these new words . M things, as a group. Yes. What do you think of all these new words . It is great, some wont hang around for long, but on a serious note, the fa ct long, but on a serious note, the fact that language does change and people can create new words, it is a good thing because language has a lwa ys good thing because language has always changed and will always change, and whether some of these stick around, i am not sure. Talk us through this one. Dash macro smishing. That is a clever one. It sounds nice as well. Some of them, when they sound nice, they stick around. The fraudulent practice of sending Text Messages from fake companies. So who decides what comes in and out of the dictionary . They will trawl the social media and the waters around. If words start becoming used more frequently, they will take them on and put them in. In this online version, it is more temporary. They put things, see what sticks, and ta ke put things, see what sticks, and take them out if they disappear. It ta kes a take them out if they disappear. It takes a while for them get into the more authoritative printed dictionary. If someone is big in their sport, they might know this one. Yes, that was me this morning. It is high intensity training. So this is just an acronym . It is high intensity training. So this isjust an acronym . Yes. Some acronyms you can pronounce, they become a word, like scuba. The last one we have got written down on our high tech board here is cat lady. I think i know this one. Someone who is ofa think i know this one. Someone who is of a certain age who is keen on cats, and that is their life. Yes, some of them seem to have been around quite a long time. That is what it is. On the back it says, and older woman who lives alone with a large number of cats, to which she is thought to be obsessively devoted. That is pretty obvious. This will make a that is pretty obvious. This will makea game that is pretty obvious. This will make a game of scrabble hard because you will want to refer to the dictionary to clarify it is real, but if it is constantly changing . They have their own dictionary. I heard the scrabble champion talking once, who said he had words specially for scrabble, and words for real life. It is a different world. And generational offences, younger people. That can be a challenge for different generations, as to when they can use the words that younger people use. Yes, even if they use it correctly. Meet text in my daughter about squad goals, it did not go down well. She found it embarrassing. That is part of language, and that is how language should be. It is right that young people have their own way of speaking that keeps them a little bit separate from older people. Everybody did that when they were younger and i think it is a good thing. Do you think it is mainly driven by young people . Not always. Sometimes in Certain Industries there is jargon. I think, sometimes in Certain Industries there is jargon. Ithink, in sometimes in Certain Industries there is jargon. I think, in terms of spreading words, social media spreads words more quickly than they used to be. Thank you forjoining us. Hello, this is breakfast with Steph Mcgovern and charlie stayt. People buying a new car are told by the Transport Secretary to think long and hard before choosing a diesel amid growing concern about pollution levels. Chris grayling said drivers should consider vehicles with fewer harmful emissions. Good morning, its saturday 25th february. Also ahead former labour Foreign Secretary David Miliband says the party is further from power than at any point in the last 50 years following the conservatives success in the copeland by election. President trump steps up his Battle With The Media as a number of News Organisations are barred from a white house briefing

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