focus on the positives. i know we've got a long way to go, but we're getting there. what parts of the film are especially relatable to you? it's gotta be the scene where she's with the boys in the park playing, because honestly, that was my childhood — every single day out with the boys. do you know when you do like jumpers as goal posts... were you megging people as well? of course. practising my free kicks, but, yeah, that was my childhood completely. you'd be playing from day till night, and so when i saw that part of the film and i sat back and watched it, i thought, this is me. how much did having molly there with you that whole time help you see that? you know, she's doing it as well and she looks exactly the same as me. yeah, do you know what, and i always say this when people ask me, it is such a blessing that i had molly by my side growing up, because being a young girl in football, being the only girls in the playground, being the only girls at the park playing, that is very, very difficult to do alone because you've got so many people looking over at you,