you are an example of what i think is someone who, incidentally, now happens to be bangladeshi. so, i'm a firm believer that as a bangladeshi and a british, i'll take the good bits from this bit and i'll take the good bits from that bit. i believe that we firmly, happily live in that grey area. i'm proud to say that i mix up my britishness and my bangladeshiness and put it all together in cookbooks that people actually really like. it's taken me a very long time to accept that middle place. you know, i've always felt i'm too haram to be halal, too halal to be haram, too white to be brown, too brown to be white. you know, all of these, like, contradictions. i'm not going to lie for a second and tell you that there are times where i've wanted to bleach the brown out of me because life would have been so much easier if i wasn't brown, if i wasn't bangladeshi, if i could just be like everybody else. i come with all of those