thank them. it started with re orts thank them. it started with reports of _ thank them. it started with reports of uzi _ thank them. it started with reports of uzi parties - thank them. it started with reports of uzi parties in - reports of uzi parties in downing street during lockdown. the prime minister pretended that he — the prime minister pretended that he had been assured there were _ that he had been assured there were no— that he had been assured there were no parties. now it turns out he — were no parties. now it turns out he was _ were no parties. now it turns out he was at the parties all along — out he was at the parties all along. cannot prime minister see why— along. cannot prime minister see why the british public think— see why the british public think he is lying his teeth? things— think he is lying his teeth? things were going from bad to worse with the prime minister. it was then reported that in april 2021, it was then reported that in april2021, on it was then reported that in april 2021, on the eve of the funeral of the duke of edinburgh, had been two parties in number ten that had lasted into the small hours. mas into the small hours. was havinu into the small hours. was having to _ into the small hours. was having to apologise - into the small hours. was having to apologise to - into the small hours. was| having to apologise to the queen about those parties the night before she put her husband of over 70 years, she led him to rest, was a moment of shame for you? i led him to rest, was a moment of shame for you?— of shame for you? i deeply and bitterly regret _ of shame for you? i deeply and bitterly regret that _ of shame for you? i deeply and bitterly regret that that - bitterly regret that that happened, and i can only renew my apologies to both her