well one of the forests mentioned in that unesco report is the greater blue mountains area in australia. joining me from sydney is tim beshara, manager of policy and strategy at wilderness society. in terms of this report, how big a concern is that if the forests that we have long been told help take carbon out of the atmosphere are net emitters of carbon? it the atmosphere are net emitters of carbon? , ., the atmosphere are net emitters of carbon?— of carbon? it is an absolute disaster- — of carbon? it is an absolute disaster. these _ of carbon? it is an absolute disaster. these forests - of carbon? it is an absolute | disaster. these forests gave scope to fossil fuel believers to keep going. but if these forests are emitting carbon rather than storing it, we have got all sums wrong and we need to do them again. do got all sums wrong and we need to do them again.— to do them again. do you think it is at a point _ to do them again. do you think it is at a point where _ it is at a point where something can be done to salvage the situation and reverse the trend or as it got to the point where there is no coming back from it? i to the point where there is no coming back from it?- coming back from it? i think there is two _