risk of being exposed or dying of covid. 0ne hopes that in the international stage, similarly, the right people will make decisions swiftly.- the right people will make decisions swiftly. israel says it is in talks _ decisions swiftly. israel says it is in talks with _ decisions swiftly. israel says it is in talks with other - it is in talks with other countries to offload its surplus vaccines and that pfizer would have to approve any deal. a pfizer spokesperson says the company is happy to discuss potential donation requests of the pfizer biontech covid vaccine on a case—by—case basis particularly if this helps ensure the vaccine is used to protect people from this disease.— this disease. the countries that have _ this disease. the countries that have the _ this disease. the countries that have the financial- this disease. the countries i that have the financial muscle to do so have ordered many more doses of vaccine than they actually need, and there is clearly a need for agility and ensuring they don't go to waste when they haven't got people available to give them to. the world health organization has been crying out for donations to the covax facility, which