into the sea of marmara this week and this is what she saw. we saw that on the bottom of the sea was completely covered with the sea snot. we saw all of the marine livings were covered with it and they were dying. covered with it and they were d in. ~ f , , covered with it and they were din. ~' , dying. turkey's president has blamed the — dying. turkey's president has blamed the outbreak- dying. turkey's president has blamed the outbreak on - blamed the outbreak on untreated water from cities and has vowed quick action. translation: ., , , translation: hopefully we will save our seas _ translation: hopefully we will save our seas stopping - translation: hopefully we will save our seas stopping my - translation: hopefully we will save our seas stopping my fear i save our seas stopping my fear is that if this expense to the black sea trouble will be enormous. we need to take this step without delay. has government _ step without delay. has government has - step without delay. has government has sent i step without delay. has government has sent a | step without delay. has government has sent a team of 300 people to identify potential sources of pollution and turkey's environment minister has unveiled a disaster management plan. translation: we disaster management plan. translation:— disaster management plan. translation: we will put the sea of marmara _ translation: we will put the sea of marmara under - sea of marmara under protection. we will take all of the necessary steps in three years and we will save not only the present but hopefully also the present but hopefully also the future of marmara. fit,