Hello and welcome. The governor of wisconsin is deploying the National Guard to help regulate protests against the shooting of an unarmed black man, jacob blake. Video posted online appears to show the 29 year old father of three being shot in the back. Hes in serious condition in hospital. Tensions in the us are already high over a series of violent incidents and killings of black americans by police. The democratic president ial Nomineejoe Biden has said the officers in wisconsin must be held accountable. Aleem maqbool reports from wisconsin. Its become a familiar scene. Angry protests after the Police Shooting of a black man. This time, its wisconsin, where in the early evening, officers had been called to deal with a domestic disturbance. In mobile phone video, 29 year old jacob blake is seen Walking Around his car, followed by officers with their weapons drawn. As he opens the door, an officer pulls on his shirt and several shots are heard. Onlookers start screaming and the car horn blares, as mr blake slumps over the steering wheel. A prominent civil rights lawyer says mr blakes three sons were in the vehicle at the time. Police say they immediately offered medical assistance, but jacob blake remains in a serious condition in hospital. Some witnesses told local news channels hed been trying to stop a fight between two women, but details of what led up to the shooting are still emerging. The reaction came quickly, though. With hundreds taking to the streets, trucks that had been moved into place to block protesters were set on fire. We are tired of it and right now this is the wrong generation that this is happening to. The frustration is boiling to the top and we are sick and tired. Eventually, an emergency curfew was imposed, and the state leader was quick to link this incident to others, like the killing of george floyd. Youd think after the past few months when people we re stepping up to demand justice, that police departments, chiefs of police, even police unions, would rush to implement some sort of reform, but that hasnt happened. Or else you wouldnt have had to have seen the actions that we all had to see last night. The officers involved have been put on administrative leave and an investigation opened, but it is less than three months since george floyd was killed, and the concern for many African Americans has been that in spite of the outrage over that death, little of consequence has really changed. Aleem maqbool, bbc news. Chris ott is executive director of the American Civil Liberties union of wisconsin. Hes in madison. Good to talk to you. Thank you for your time. No one can really dispute there is an issue, those kinds of Big Questions about policing across the united states. Is there a particular issue in wisconsin, at least up till now . Well, u nfortu nately, yes. At least up till now . Well, unfortunately, yes. This is the latest vicious attack, this vicious example of Police Brutality on camera is not the first example of this we have seenin first example of this we have seen in wisconsin. We have seen disturbances over the last decade, we have the same problems you see across the united states. There is much to be established about what happened in this incident. As you understand it, what happened . Well, like so many people i watch this video last night and what i saw was mr blake walking away from police, trying to get into his car and please opening fire on him, shooting him in the bark in full view of history children. Its just a disgusting act of police violence. I suppose the police violence. I suppose the police might argue much is still to come out about this, that they might have thought he was going into the car to retrieve a weapon . Well, i will leave that to police to justify what they have done, but looking at this video, it is very hard. Its impossible to understand why they took the course of action that they did. Asi course of action that they did. As i understand it, the county had already voted, allocated a budget for body cameras for police. It doesnt seem to have happened in this case . Right. My happened in this case . Right. My understanding is the county voted to have that in the budget for next year. So that doesnt help in this case. And it was not the countys offices, but a police force in this incident. Do you feel there is a process of change within wisconsin at all . Well, i certainly hope so, but we will need to see. We have seen so will need to see. We have seen so many examples of this throughout the country where something terrible happens, you know, a vicious attack, sometimes resulting in a murder, people not being brought tojustice. Murder, people not being brought to justice. I think many of us felt after the attention we saw brought to this programme after the murder of mr floyd in minnesota, we we re of mr floyd in minnesota, we were at a Tipping Point for Racial Justice and were at a Tipping Point for racialjustice and police accountability. We cant take that for granted, we need to see results. Chris ott of the aclu in wisconsin, thank you very much. Thank you. Donald trump has been formally been renominated as his partys candidate for president kicking off this weeks Republican National convention. He accepted the nomination with an hour long unscripted speech. Mr trump is planning to speak every night of the convention ahead of an election that everyone agrees is largely about him. Heres a little of what he had to say. We have two win. This is the most important election in the history of our country. This is the biggest. Our country can go ona the biggest. Our country can go on a horrible, horrible direction, or an even greater direction, or an even greater direction, and before the play came in from china, that is where we were going plague, we we re where we were going plague, we were going in a direction like we had never seen. The most accessible economy in the history of our country. Well, one of the battleground states is pennsylvania and my colleague, jane obrien, reports from bethlehem. Troubling polls havent dampened enthusiasm. Voters in bethlehem turned from barack obama to propel donald trump to victory in 2016. His supporters say theyre on track to do it again. Yes trump you know what . We dont have jesus christ in the office, so, you know, nobodys perfect. And im not condoning some of the stuff that he has done and said, ok . You know, but i look at results. Promises made, promises kept. If you look at his record, almost everything that he promised, he actually fought for or actually got through. On day one of the Republican Party convention, the president touted his economic record. Theres never been three months where weve put more people to work over 9 million people. And, again, werejust about ready to break the all time stock market record. I mean, you look at it. Wall street may be weathering the pandemic, but main street has been crippled by the lockdown. The tension between how to control the coronavirus and how to reopen the economy is stark here. Biden has already said hes going to listen to only the scientists, which means. And he said he would shut the whole economy down again. Nothing could be worse than that. Trump isnt going to do that. Pennsylvania is a Battle Ground state, and these small towns have a lot of influence. How people here vote will decide not only their own fate but possibly the direction of the entire country. Jane obrien reporting there from bethlehem, pennsylvania, a battleground state. And shes with us now. Jane, we heard from many voices there, there is a sense, isnt there, there is a sense, isnt there another many people may not even like donald trump particularly, but there is the concept of the imperfect instrumentals that he is doing what they want a republican president to do. That is exactly it was that you have summed it up brilliantly. This is the distinction that donald trump himself will be trying to draw over the next few days. Presenting joe biden as an alternative that many republicans and some democrats may not like. He will be saying, look at me, you dont make me very much a lot of the time, but look atjoe biden. He could well bring in an era of socialism, a bogeyman here in america, and also his focus on controlling the pandemic. Donald trump will say it is about the economy. We have to find a way of opening up the economy safely, its notjust about shutting it down. Thats about shutting it down. Thats a sentiment i have been hearing a sentiment i have been hearing a lot of year in bethlehem, pennsylvania. Bethlehem, a former steel town, now all about main street. That is the hub of this town. Main street has been absolutely decimated was that people have lost their jobs, they are looking for a way to resurrect the economy. Donald trump over the next four days will be telling voters here and voters across the towns, small towns like apple ham, that is the person who can do thatjob. So that is going to be his house for the next four days. In the just another problem among the many you have outlined, for mr trump, problem among the many you have outlined, for mrtrump, in problem among the many you have outlined, for mr trump, in 2016 he was up against, quite an unpopular candidate in hillary clinton. The polls are finding there are not that many people who have strong feelings againstjoe biden and kamala harris. That is a problem for president trump, isnt it . It isa president trump, isnt it . It is a problem for president trump, if that is indeed the case. And joe biden did experience a Convention Bump after last week, but not a huge one, because the country is so polarised that most people listening to the Democratic Convention last week with democrats and most people listening to donald trump this week are probably going to be republicans. So that advantage that both candidates gain coming out of these conventions is likely to be somewhat limited, butjoe bidens job is likely to be somewhat limited, butjoe bidensjob or his talons, is to present himself as something more than the anti trump candidate. And Donald Trumps challenge is to do pretty much the same thing. See have two candidates, both of whom have their drawbacks, both of whom have their challenges, both of whom who are going to present this contest as one of personalities. Its going to be the characters as much of the issues. The democrats have that its about the pandemic, donald trump is saying it is also about the economy. Surely, jan, the president must outline what he is going to do with these four years, not simply hes not the democrats, that he has a plan . Indeed he does. And that is the other thing that he will of course be outlining over the next four days. And his plan is more of the same. Which is, deregulation, bringing back the economy, bringing backjobs, looking after the people who may have felt that they were left behind after eight years of the obama administration. Republicans like his agenda by and large, his bigger problem is they dont like his character, his personality. But they will be looking at his track record, and people i speak to here say he has delivered. He started to build his wall, the economy came back, of course that was before the pandemic. And they say that is the reason they can vote for him for anotherfour is the reason they can vote for him for another four more yea rs. Him for another four more years. Jane, thank you very much for that. For more on the Republican National convention, stay tuned to bbc news or head to our website. Theres full background and analysis. Go to bbc. Com. news and follow the links. 0ne purpose of National Conventions like this weeks republican and last weeks Democratic Convention is to energise voters to rally round their candidate and vote. But there are also strategies in place that try to limit the number of people who potentially vote for the opposing party, a strategy called Voter Suppression. Leigh chapman is director of the Voting Rights programme at the Leadership Conference on civil and human rights, which is a coalition of more than 200 groups. Thank you very much for your time. Im very glad to talk to you. Simply put, this is trying to make it harderfor people who might vote for the other party to vote at all . Yes. Thank you so much for having me here today. You know, throughout our history we have seen throughout our history we have seen barriers to the ballot box for many voters. These barriers voters are continuing to face in 2020. The voters that are the most impacted are voters of colours, students, people with disabilities, elderly voters, in recent years since the vetting of the Voting Rights act in 2013, you have seen laws and policies that have been passed around the country that make it harder for people to vote. We have seen strict voter id laws, mass registration on voter rolls, cuts to early voting and polling place closures all over the country. So covid 19 is just another barrier to the ballot that voters have to face here. And to be fair, of Political Parties have done this, really, havent they . You know, we have seen havent they . You know, we have seen this from republicans and democrats, but you know the main point here is that in order to have a democracy that works for everyone, more voters need to participate. Regardless of political party, policy makers who want to have a robust democracy in our country should be permitting laws and policies making it easierfor people to vote and not harder. Do you expect Voter Suppression to have a major impact on this election . You know, you only have to look at the primary is to see how Voter Suppression has played out. Covid 19 is another barrier that voters are facing and voters shouldnt have to choose between their health and their right to vote. And if you look at states like georgia and wisconsin, there we re georgia and wisconsin, there were some voters that stood in line for over 5 seven hours to cast their ballot. And this was because there were fewer workers, if you were polling places. Machines broke down. So we cannot have a repeat of this in november. And that is why the Leadership Conference, our coalition, and advocates around the country are really pushing to make voting accessible and save this election. That means having more opportunities to register to vote, having expanded early voting, having in person voting. Those are all of the policies we are advocating for, and we are pushing for congress to advocate 3. 6 million in funding so states have the resources they need to administer state elections this year billion. Administer state elections this year billion. And frankly, there are many more people in there are many more people in thejudicial there are many more people in the judicial system, there are many more people in thejudicialsystem, many there are many more people in the judicial system, many more judges, who are favourable to mrtrump was my judges, who are favourable to mr trump was my point of view. When it comes to challenging the picture you had just painted, it is much harder . The Leadership Conference is made up of a a lot of chains. Groups are litigating and winning in courts, and making sure that vote by mail is more accessible. There are states like alabama there in order to avoid by mail, you have to have two witnesses or notary and a copy of your photo id to submit. There are litigators around the country winning cases to gain access to the ballot in this pandemic. Thank you very much indeed. Thank you. Thank you for being with us. Stay with us if you can on bbc news. Still to come, house of wax the Chinese Company that has seen its sales melt away thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. Hes the first African American to win the president ial nomination of a major party, and he accepts exactly 45 years ago to the day that Martin Luther king declared, i have a dream. As darkness falls tonight, an unfamiliar light will appear in the south eastern sky an orange glowing disc thats brighter than anything, save the moon our neighbouring planet mars. Horn toots there is no doubt that this election is an important milestone in the birth of east timor as the worlds newest nation. Cheering it will take months and billions of dollars to re pair what katrina achieved injust hours. Three weeks is the longest the great clock has been off duty in 117 years. So it was with great satisfaction that clockmakerjohn vernon swung the pendulum to set the clock going again. Big ben bongs welcome back. Very glad to have you with us on bbc news. The latest headlines the National Guard is deployed to the us state of wisconsin where protests continue over the shooting of another unarmed black man. Donald trump receives official republican backing at the partys convention to run for another term as president. The german chancellor, angela merkel, says russia must investigate the suspected poisoning of one of president putins most outspoken rivals, alexei navalny. Hes been moved to berlin for treatment after falling ill on a flight to moscow last week. Medics caring for mr navalny say theyve found traces of a substance which disrupted his nervous system. The bbcs jenny hill is in berlin. Doctors today are in effect confirmed what Alexei Navalnys supporters suspected all along. They say there is Clinical Evidence to suggest that he was poisoned. He is still here in hospital, being treated. It is an induced coma. Doctors say his condition is serious, though not life threatening. They have not been able, they say, to find out exactly what substance was used, but they believe in part of a group of what are known as cholinesterase inhibitors which may have damaged his nervous system. They cant guarantee a full recovery. It is quite one thing to establish the cause of Alexei Navalnys collapse, a very different thing of course to determine who was responsible. One has been a very prominent critic of vladimir putin, he has made powerful enemies, there is widespread suspicion of russian involvement. Tonight angler medical released a statement in which she urged the russian authorities to investigate the case with full transparency. Those responsible, she said, must be brought to account. A white supremacist whos admitted murdering 51 worshippers at two mosques in new zealand last year had planned to cause maximum casualties a court has heard. Survivors of the attacks and relatives of the victims have been giving emotional impact statements during the first day of Brenton Tarrants sentencing hearing. Shaimaa khalil reports. Singing from a man who survived the shootings, but lost his son. Ata elayyan was one of the 51 killed in the christchurch attacks. His parents still struggling to comprehend what happened. I constantly try to imagine. How my beloved ata felt at the moment of the attack. What was in his mind when he realised he was departing this life . For those who made it out alive, it is a different type of struggle. The trauma will live with me forever. The images, smell and sound of the mosque on that day haunt me. I do not foresee a future where i will be without pain. In the dock, the man responsible for the mass shooting. Brenton tarrant remained silent as the court heard how hed planned his attacks for more than a year, accumulating military style weapons and researching his targets. There were distressing details about how tarra nt methodically fired at his victims, some as they ran away, many on the floor, unable to escape. I had the privilege. This mother spoke of her grief. He used to give me flowers for my birthday, but instead, i got his body. I decided to forgive you, mr tarrant, because i dont have hate, i dont have revenge. The imam of al noor mosque also spoke in court, telling the killer that he has been misled and misguided. We are a peaceful and loving community, he said, who did not deserve your actions. Today, the people whose lives have been shattered by this massacre had their voices heard. But they also had to relive those devastating moments of pain. Shaimaa khalil, bbc news, sydney. The wider use of blood plasma from people who recovered from covid 19 has been given emergency approval. Research in britain suggest there is no certainty the treatment can work. A medical editor reports. This is convalescent plasma. Thousands of patients who recovered from covid 19 have been donating theirs. Like paul who was in intensive care in manchester for two weeks. His plasma contains the highest level of coronavirus antibodies doctors have seen here. It is an hour out of your day. It is painless. If you can help other people not go through what i went through, then fantastic. |j tested went through, then fantastic. tested positive for antibodies and so volunteered. I am about halfway through my plasma donation. What happens is my whole blood is taken out and then the plasma is filtered off and the red cells, white cells and the red cells, white cells and platelets are then fed back into my body. And this is the whole point of donation. To help patients like bernard, in hospital in chesterfield. Hes part of a trial assessing whether antibodies in convalescent plasma can help Covid Patients like him get betterfaster. We really want this treatment to work. We think there is good reasons why it might, but we dont know that yet from the data presented. So i think we need more data to show that it truly is effective, and also, really importantly, before we start giving this treatment to tens or hundreds of thousands of people, we need data to show that it is safe. Thousands more donors and Covid Patients are needed. It will be months before we know if convalescent plasma is another weapon against coronavirus. Fergus walsh, bbc news. The Economic Impact of the coronavirus pandemic has been immense. One company in china is especially feeling the strain, and their problems are as statuesque as their products. The bbcs tim allman explains. Afamiliar a familiarface a familiar face finding himself ina a familiar face finding himself in a somewhat undignified position. The skin tone doesnt seem position. The skin tone doesnt seem quite right, and there are questions about the hair. At this is a fairly accurate likeness of president donald trump. Shanghai specialises in waxworks figures. It thanks to the pandemic, the orders have. Well, just melted away. Translation due to the pandemic, places like tourist sites and amusement parks are temporarily closed so the waxworks are stuck here. What really affected us is that they cant get any new orders are some of these places have yet to resume work. The company normally ships out around 700 isa normally ships out around 700 is a year, roughly a third heading overseas. But sales figures have plummeted. Lost opportunity bearing in mind this years political calendar. Translation when everyone is focusing on one person, our orders will see an explosive increase. This year, trump is running an election again, so if we werent affected by the pandemic, orders for trump would have increased. It is not all donald trump. Other World Leaders are available for the right price, but a company says it is delaying the production of anyjoe biden. Some waxworks, however, are timeless. There is much more on all the news, national and international, any time for you on the bbc website and on our twitter feeds. You very much for watching. This week we have another named storm. This is storm fronts is named by the met office. You can do this hook developing in the cloud structure on the satellite picture. The chosen area of low pressure that is deepening rapidly and will continue to deepen as moves across our shores. An unusually deep low for the time of year, bringing some unusually strong winds. With that, some heavy rain, a combination that could well cause some disruption. That rain already setting in for many of us. It will continue to pile north through the day, then slows down across parts of northern england, central and southern scotland, Northern Ireland, rain feeding back into wales. These areas could see some localised flooding. Then we have the wind which will be strengthening through the day. During the afternoon, quite widely we will see gus of 50 to 60 miles an hour, and exposed coasts and hills could see gus of 70 miles an hour. That could cause minor damage, poor travelling conditions. Not as windy further north, but with heavy rain continuing, in aberdeen with a strong wind off the north sea, those outbreaks of rain, damages of 13 to 1a degrees, it will not feel too pleasant. Wendy threw down towards the south. All the while, the far north of scotland, Northern Ireland but italy will stay dry with sunshine. Tuesday night this corolla wet weather, here is our wet weather. Still providing some pretty strong wind. The wind is only slowly easing through the early hours as our area of low pressure d rifts as our area of low pressure drifts out into the north sea. You can still see plenty of white lines, plenty of isobars on the chart. We will still have some very dusty conditions across eastern scotland in particular eastern coastal counties of england. Some rain as well, but from the west, things will be calming down through the day, the wind will slowly ease. We will see some spells of sunshine. It will feel fairly cool, though. 19 for plymouth, 21 in london. Some more rain in the forecast for thursday and friday. It shouldnt be as windy at this stage. Dry weather in profit for the weekend but it will feel pretty chilly with a northerly wind across the uk. This is bbc news. The headlines the National Guard is to be deployed in the american state of wisconsin, where protests continue after police shot a black man who was unarmed. Video posted online appears to show jacob blake, 29, father of three, being shot in the back. Hes in a serious condition in a local hospital. President trump has made an unscheduled appearance at the opening day of Republican National convention to claim the democrats are working to steal the us elections in november. He warned without giving any evidence that democrats planned to rig the contest through, as he put it, fraudulent use of postal voting. The german chancellor, angela merkel, says russia must investigate the suspected poisoning of one of president putins most outspoken rivals, alexei navalny. Hes been moved to berlin for treatment after falling ill last week. Medics say theyve found traces of a substance which disrupted his nervous system

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