The british Prime Minister has been accused of undermining his own governments coronavirus strategy, after he defended his advisor, Dominic Cummings, who is alleged to have broken lockdown rules. Those criticising borisjohnson include scientists on key government committees, and several church of england bishops. His cabinet meets later to discuss loosening lockdown restrictions, but its plans are likely to be overshadowed by the row. Simonjones reports. Have you undermined the message, mrcummings . Have you undermined the message, mr cummings . Leaving downing street with the backing of the Prime Minister, but there are growing calls for Dominic Cummings to quit or be fired. Yous accused of breaking lockdown rules by travelling to durham when his wife had coronavirus symptoms, so wife had coronavirus symptoms, so they could be close to other family members in case they needed help caring for their young son. I think you follow the instincts of every father and every parent. And i do not mark him down for that. I believe, that in every respect, he has acted responsibly and legally and with integrity. The uk was placed into lockdown on the 23rd of march, with strict limitations on travel, the government guidelines stated you should not be visiting family members who do not live in your home. The last time Dominic Cummings was seen before developing coronavirus symptoms was in london on the 27th of march. Four days later Durham Police as it was made aware of reports that an individual had travelled from london to durham. On the 12th of april newspaper reports suggested mr cummings was spotted in the town of barnard castle, 30 miles from his pa rents castle, 30 miles from his parents peoples own. Two days later he was photographed back in downing street. But on the 19th of april its alleged mr cummings again travelled to the north east. Number 10 it says this is false. Labour wants an enquiry. This was a huge test of the Prime Minister and he has just failed that test. He hasnt sacked Dominic Cummings, he hasnt called an investigation, and his treating the British Public with contempt. The former conservative minister paul maynard tweeted this. The concern is shared by one scientist who has been advising the government. If we undermine the government. If we undermine the unity between the population and the government, People Lose Trust and lose adherence, if they stop complying with the measures which have contained the infection, then some of us will lose out because the eventual spike again and many of us will die. Dominic cummings was heckled as he returned home, but as the cabinet meets today to discuss plans to further ease the lockdown, ministers are facing the accusation that has one rule for downing street and one for the rest of us will stop. Simon jones, bbc news. The United States has suspended travel from brazil, which has emerged as the worlds second largest hotspot for coronavirus cases. There are now more than 360,000 cases in the country and 22,000 people have died with the virus. The spike in numbers comes amid deep divisions in brazil as freya cole reports. All chant flanked by security guards wearing masks, a barefaced president Jair Bolsonaro greets a crowd of adoring fans. All yell and cheer ayoung girl is passed through for an embrace with the far right leader who has repeatedly dismissed warnings about social distancing. All chant and sing this spontaneous gathering is one of several held over the last two months. The crowd represents those who support the president and his plan to keep brazil open instead of locking down. Siren wails but the south American Country has the second highest rate of coronavirus in the world. Field hospitals are inundated. These girls say their father is one of many in intensive care. Translation psychologically, hes very upset. One moment, one person dies and another is discharged. He gets very angry. Hes very afraid of dying because a lot of people are dying. More than 22,000 people have now died of the virus and the numbers are on the rise. Lockdown measures vary from state to state, but the countrys leader is demanding restrictions ease in favour of the economy. Freya cole, bbc news. One of the key questions being asked by medical professionals right now is why some of us have more severe coronavirus symptoms than others. Its hoped some of the answers may lie in research being carried out by a team of scientists, clinicians and volunteers in cambridge. Our science correspondent richard westcott. Why does covid 19 put some people, like George Gilbert here, in hospital, yet others get no symptoms at all . How are you doing . Lovely. Will he has helped volunteer to help find out. Because part of the answer might lie in his blood. Once its sealed up the bloods passed to volunteer then, his medical research and to go on hold because of the virus, so he has set up a team that every day carries covid samples to be analysed. Then, it is quite an odd way to interview someone. It is, yes. How did you get involved in this . They would normally be working on pulmonary heart disease. Its quite frustrating because they cant do that, so id just e mailed my colleagues and asked how can they get involved, how can they help . And its been excellent, to be honest, because you do feel you are making a difference in these difficult times. Samples are taken to a brand new lab just around the corner on the cambridge biomedical campus. Your blood contains cells that play a key role in fighting off the coronavirus. Some of them make antibodies, others directly kill infected cells, but to analyse them first you have to separate them off. So at the very bottom we have the red blood cells, they are behaviours and go to the bottom of the tube, at the top as the plasma, is kind of dissolution at your blood follow fluency normally. And were looking at the white blood cells fighting off your infection. Then it gets more complex. There are lots of different types of white blood cells all playing different roles. So next door machine uses lasers count how many of of each key type. It could then separate millions of them off for more tests. Incredibly, each blob here is a droplet of salty water with one cell inside. I think we will find that a pattern of white blood cell numbers is going to give us an blood cell numbers is going to give us an answer blood cell numbers is going to give us an answer to why some people recover and some people dont. So basically the very ill people might have different cell structures or cells to the people who dont get very ill . Very ill people may start off with a different balance of white blood cells or they may end up with a different pattern that doesnt help the recovery. 265 adam brook patients and staff are their blood this research. Some got very sick, some didnt. The key question for scientists, can you see the difference in their blood . We have found a number of severe abnormalities in patients with advanced covert disease and some of those point very clearly to potential therapeutics that might impact on the disease. We are also finding that a lot of those abnormalities are visible early in disease and perhaps much earlier than we expected. So thats interesting, you might be able to tell much sooner who was going to get very, very sick . Exactly. What we are hoping is when people develop symptoms that make them suspect they might have rove and get they might have rove and get the very first test the mind has become more readily available, at that point we may be able to predict was going to go on to get severe disease, which should allow us to intervene earlier. By understanding the science of the disease is easier to find drugs to fight it. Richard westcott, bbc news. And to comply with all virus distancing measures, the covid ward filming in that report was carried out safely, for the bbc, by on site doctors so that we didnt enter the ward or use personal protective equipment. The bbc has been told that there are now more than 100 newborn surrogate babies stranded in ukraine following restrictions brought in because of the coronavirus. Ukraine is one of the worlds leading destinations for commercial surrogacy. Some of the babies are stuck because flights have been cancelled, while other countries, who oppose surrogacy have refused to support the parents in their attempts to get special permission to go to travel. Our correspondent jonah fisher reports. Manor is eight weeks old and has never met his parents. Born toa has never met his parents. Born to a surrogate in ukraine and is one of more than 100 babies left stranded here by the coronavirus manu. This is where manu should be sleeping. His biological parents are prepared a room, ready for him, 13,000 kilometres away in argentina. Jose and flavio decided to trait surrogacy in ukraine after years of failed pregnancies and fertility treatment. But, just as they we re treatment. But, just as they were about to travel to here for manus both, disaster struck, ukraine closed its borders and argentina cancelled all commercialflights. This is the other side of ukrainian surrogacy. Lussiana isa ukrainian surrogacy. Lussiana is a student from a poor part of the country. Two weeks ago she was paid 16,000 after she gave birth to a healthy boy for an american couple. And like most parts of the world, thats com pletely most parts of the world, thats completely legal here. Do you love that baby . Hello . Hi. Hi, flavia, hi, joe zee. We help to arrange a video call so that manumy parents could see the sun. This is all gone. After ten minutes, manu dozes off to the sound of his fathers voice. Joe zee and flavia are now pinning their hopes on catching a special flight from argentina to europe jose. Manu is taken back to the room where he sleeps with 30 other babies. All of them waiting for this to be over and for their pa rents to this to be over and for their parents to come and claim them. Jonah fisher, bbc news. This is bbc news. The headlines Boris Johnson is facing increasing pressure to fire his Senior Advisor amid allegations Dominic Cummings broke coronavirus lockdown rules. The number of coronavirus cases in brazil continues to rise steadily amid deep divisions in the country over how to deal with the crisis. Turkey, which had one of the Fastest Growing coronavirus outbreaks in the world, says it is turning the tide. The growth in infections has dropped to the lowest level since the countrys first case in march. And the Authorities Say a nationwide Contact Tracing system is one of the key weapons in the fight against the virus. From istanbul our international correspondent, orla guerin reports. How do you track a virus that sweeps unseen through a city . In istanbul, home to more than 16 million, the answer is you dont waste a minute. Right from the very beginning, we were ready for the covid 19. This is where we pick up the calls. Theyve been Contact Tracing since day one when turkeys first case was diagnosed in march. The system is well developed from decades of tracking measles. It relies on tireless work by doctors and nurses. We, as a team, feel as if we are in a war because people forget to go home. They dont, you know, they dont know the time frames that theyre working in. We say that, ok, eight hours is completed, but they dont even care going home because they know this is a duty that they have to complete and before it spreads to anyone else. So 1,200 tracing teams fan out across the city. Wejoined them in fatih, the heart of old istanbul. Step by step, they track the virus. Here, checking on two flatmates whose friend is covid positive. Sumiah and nazli, both in their 20s, are tested on their doorstep. Just a day after developing mild symptoms. Translation we follow foreign news, and when we first heard about the virus, we were really scared. But turkey has rallied faster than we thought, much faster than europe and the United States. Well, the doctors are out of their ppe now. Everything has been bagged up, its going to be disposed of safely. Theyve taken the swabs and theyll be sent off to the lab, and the results will be back within 2a hours. And even if they test negative, theyll have to remain at home for another 1a days. Were keeping the virus out of the streets, thats very important for us. Once we isolate them, you know, the virus stops spreading to theirfriends, to their relatives, to their co workers. That seems to be working so far, along with widespread testing and partial lockdowns. The official death toll here is relatively low around 4,300. International experts say turkey has managed to shield its people from a greater disaster. Orla guerin, bbc news, istanbul. A moderate 5. 6 magnitude earthquake rattled new zealands north island early monday but failed to crack Prime Ministerjacinda arderns trademark composure as she conducted a Live Television interview. Take a look at this. We arejust we are just having a bit of an earthquake here, ray and. Quite a decent shake here, if you see things moving behind me. Has it stopped, Prime Minister, or is it still going . Yeah, no, it has just stopped. And you it still going . Yeah, no, it hasjust stopped. And you are feeling safe to continue the interview . We are fine, im not under any interview . We are fine, im not underany hanging interview . We are fine, im not under any hanging lights. I feel like i am and a structurally sound place. Cool asa structurally sound place. Cool as a cucumber. As china and europe emerge from the covid 19 pandemic, how they fare will have repercussions on other countries like zimbabwe, africas largest tobacco grower. About 230 million kilograms of tobacco are expected to be sold this season. The country is battling both drought and food shortages. Its maintained relatively low rates of Coronavirus Infections so far but infections abroad could have an effect on the markets it exports to. Shingai nyoka reports from harare. Them by ways economy is slowly emerging from weeks of shutdown. Tobacco options delayed by a month have now begun. The cash generated from sales to asia and europe is vital amidst a short supply of foreign currency to import food, fuel and power. Tobacco is one of the major foreign currency earners and china the biggest market, so there is a lot of uncertainty here on the floor is about how exactly covid will impact the demand and by extension the economy. These tobacco export markets are severely affected by the global coronavirus outbreak. Restrictions on movement, reduce consumer spending. Most countries have now directed their resources towards dealing with the coronavirus, but it can also be seen as an opportunity, so it is too early to say really how it is going to say really how it is going to affect us. The biggest event on the agricultural calendar has changed dramatically due to the coronavirus, from thousands of farmers waiting for their crops to sell in previous yea rs, to crops to sell in previous years, to this. Masks, some no farmers. The green gold, as it is called here, has sustained this country for generations, 20 years after the takeover of white owned farms, black small scale farmers now dominate the market. They have battled poor seasonal rains and bad government payment policies. These are among the 3 million them barbarians who depend on tobacco. My daughter is going tobacco. My daughter is going to university, but when a grow tobacco to university, but when a grow to ba cco last to university, but when a grow tobacco last season i was able tobacco last season i was able to pay the fees. I arranged for accommodation, food, and the rest of us here actually were able to live with that. Covid 19 inspired regulations and remote selling are prompting new fears. The risk of losing money from selling through proxies and then there is further uncertainty about the Global Demand for their crops. They are also disturbed they may buy less tobacco from us they may buy less tobacco from us but i dont want to risk that now. Is china and europes economy is slowly reopened, the survival of families like these will hinge on the demand for it tobacco in those distant lands. Muslims around the world have celebrated the first day of eid al fitr. Traditionally the three day holiday is spent with family and friends. But with many countries still under coronavirus restrictions, it looks very different this year. Islams most sacred shrine, normally packed with worshippers, but not today. Its a different kind of eid, marked by lockdown and social distancing. Imams across the world reciting the call to prayer but not inviting people to the mosque. Instead, urging them to stay at home and follow virtually. Playgrounds normally crowded with cheerful children, but no one in sight. Some normality, though, in countries like bangladesh, temporarily easing the lockdown in the capital to allow workers to travel home. And in afghanistan, a three day truce between the militant group taliban and the government to enable people to celebrate in peace. Others marking the event in their own way. In france, muslims released balloons, hoping that next year it will all be different. Sodaba haidare, bbc news. In the last few weeks weve heard stories from across the world about communities coming together to deal with the effects of the pandemic. Its been a particular challenge for people in rural areas, asjon kay reports from one small village in the south west of england. It might look idyllic, but even here, lockdown is tough. People are frightened. People are scared and people are lonely, and were in chaos. Vicky is delivering food and medication to her elderly neighbours. Waita minute,jim jim is 87 and lives alone. Morning, my lovely. Without you, i couldnt manage. You are marvellous. Every day, the most Vulnerable People get a visit. The communitys been so good with me, to me, and thats what kept me going, because its been a hard, hard time. I think were doing the things that weve been put off doing for a long time, which is get friendly with your neighbours, you know, and look out for each other. And it is an opportunity to right a few wrongs. There are elements within our village, within our societies that have been left out. Nows a chance to actually look after them, look out for them. With no village shop, theyve had to find other ways of getting food to the most vulnerable. Theres now a hardship fund. So, 8kg of bananas. And this farming family has started delivering to those who cant get to the shops. You alright, luke . Yeah, you . Including the gypsy and travellers camp, where romany families like lukes have sometimes felt cut off in the past. How have the last few weeks improved the sense of community here . Well, its helped a lot. Show them respect, they show you respect. Help them out, they help you out, so to speak, so its a bit like favour for favour. Does it feel like its a happier place to live these days . Yeah, it is. There is an unexpected sense of renewal here, of connections being made. The ladies who normally decorate the church now make posies, delivered by local teenagers. We are thinking of you and thanking you for all you do. Love, the village. To key workers like abi, a covid nurse. Its lush. I love it. Every week i get one, and it just means. Yeah, itjust lifts me up, makes me feel good, and just that im not on my own in this. Were all together, were all doing this together. What have you learned as a community . Were alljust looking out for each other. I think its that sense of being covered and cared for and loved. Sings by sharing their talents and working together, this village has managed to turn a threat into a fresh start. Nothing in the world will ever be the same. Jon kay, bbc news, piddlehinton, in dorset. You can reach me on twitter, im bbcmaryam. Hello there. We saw a top temperature of 23 celsius in the london area on sunday afternoon. Bank holiday monday today looks warmer still further south, we could make close to mid 20s celsius across parts of the south east. But generally, much of the country will be dry and sunny thanks to the influence of this area of High Pressure. But through the day, these weather fronts will start to play a part in the weather across the north west of the uk to bring outbreaks of rain and stronger winds. A fairly fresh start to the day today. We had temperatures in single figures in places, a little bit of early mist and fog across western areas, which will tend to burn away quickly through the morning. Many places will be dry and sunny, england and wales, eastern scotland, but then western scotland, lots of Northern Ireland will stay windy and cloudy and wetter later in the day. That will impact the temperatures around the mid teens in the north west, closer to the low 20s and the mid 20s in the south east. Now, that band of cloud and rain across the north west moves its way south eastwards during monday night, tending to fizzle out, though, as it reaches parts of england and wales, just a few showers along it. But with more cloud cover generally, i think it should be a little less chilly with temperatures in double figures for most. Now, as we move into tuesday, weve got High Pressure with us once again. This area of cloud associated with that weather front will straddle central areas and push its way south eastwards through the day, so i think england and wales could see more cloud around generally. A bit more sunshine, though, for scotland and Northern Ireland, but slightly fresher air mass here with temperatures into the low to mid teens. But again, despite the cloud across england and wales, the air is quite warm here, so still 20 to 25 or 26 degrees will be the high. High pressure still with us on into wednesday, weve got this feature which will bring thicker cloud, perhaps some patchy rain to Northern Ireland and in towards central and western scotland. But to the north of it, dry, a little bit cooler with some sunshine to the south of it, plenty of sunshine for england and wales and, again, another warm day, 25 or 26 will be the high, closer to the mid teens in the north. But that fresher air in the north gets pushed away northwards as High Pressure changes its position, moves to the east of the uk and starts to draw up this warm, southerly wind from the near continent. Thatll drive the warmth northwards into scotland and Northern Ireland as we reach the end of the week, and itll be very warm for england and wales with plenty of sunshine. This is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. Theres to be a fresh review into huaweis role in britains sg networks, following a new round of us sanctions against the telecoms firm. And playing to a packed car park how the danes are taking to social distancing concerts all from the safety of their cars. Hello and welcome to audiences in the uk and around the world. Were covering all the latest coronavirus developments here in britain and globally. First, chinas proposed new National Security laws the uk government says it is prepared to rescue large British Companies are severely impacted by the coronavirus crisis. The bailout plan, named project birch, was mentioned in Parliament Last week when discussing the future of the aviation industry. The Financial Times is reporting that the state could also take stakes in companies. The treasury said bailouts would only be considered as a last resort. Joining me now is simon french, chief economist, panmure gordon. Thank you for your company. First of all, take me through what you think this plan could look like potentially . This is stage three of the governments support for businesses. Stage one was providing the immediate cash flow, stage two was using existing market mechanisms, to get Capital Markets to provide them with the cash to see them through this. Stage iii in the after is the inequity state potentially in what it sees as strategically important businesses that will have exhausted those other activities in stage i and stage ii, and the government feels they are too important to the economy to go under, so they will take ownership. What witnesses will be defined as strategically imported to the uk economy . Thats a really good question because of because the uk government has been reluctant, certainly in the past two to three decades to define what our national champions, strategically Important Companies are in the supply chain, or indeed from a growth perspective. Going forward , growth perspective. Going forward, Companies Like the steel industry, the automobile industry, the airline industry, but also in the healthcare and medicine industries, they will all be perceived potentially as capacity the uk cannot do without off the back of his crisis, and therefore ultimately, too important to fail. Whereby the money come from for this . Well at the moment most of the uk governments money is coming from the guilt market, borrowing is expected to exceed £300 million this year. In the short term, taking an equity sta ke short term, taking an equity stake doesnt necessarily require any money at all, it is just a contractual term that is important between the company, and for existing shareholders, to understand that what terms the government will take a role in the Company Going forward. Thank you very much indeed for the time you took to talk to us today. Fichinas proposed new National Security laws the uk government says it is prepared to rescue large chinas proposed new National Security laws in hong kong could lead to sanctions from the United States and threaten the citys status as a Financial Hub, according to Us Government officials. The new law, expected to be passed on may 28, would bypass hong kongs legislature and allow beijing to set up mainland agencies in the city. Joining me now from our Singapore Bureau is shara njit leyl. Always lovely to see you, hope you are doing well during this difficult time. Lets talk about the latest in hong kong, what more can you tell us . Well, as you said there is a lot of worries there, a lot of concerns, all those violent clashes again, we saw them over the weekend and in fact the biggest four months, and all of that impacting the markets in hong kong. Essentially the stocks started monday with more losses, they are extending that really sharp drop at the end of last week and that is of course due to the security law, very controversial law being proposed by china. The index had fallen about 1 so far today, its no more than 5 on friday, when the proposal to impose that security law, to suppress hong kongs Pro Democracy Movement was first announced by beijing and all of those violent weekend clashes, not helping Investor Sentiment at all. A lot of those clashes have battered the local economy for months now. The move also raising lots of concerns about hong kongs future as a Financial Hub with the us all planning to already planning to pass the bill that will strip the citys preferential trading status if it no longer enjoys autonomy from china. Will also turn up tensions between washington and beijing which have orally been incredibly strained by accusations against toner in its role in the spread of coronavirus on friday. Sanctions were announced against Chinese Government institutes, and eight companies for Human Rights Violations against minorities in china, and this triggered chinas Foreign Ministers to say that the us was pushing relations between the two to the brink of a new cold war. Analyst expect President Trump to continue his attacks on china, heading into novembers president ial election, but many of them dont expect him to take very drastic action that could hurt china. We know chinas economy is so inextricably linked to the Global Economy that any action hurting it in a large wayward supply chains as well around the world. Tells a bit more about what is happening with huawei, renewed concerns about the company in terms of 5g. Basically it is the uk government over there, they are planning to examine what impact these tough new us sanctions on Huawei Technology will have on the chinese multinationalss involvement in the uks five 56 network. The us has consistently sought to convince other nations to ban the use of Huawei Technology on the grounds of National Security affairs, and injanuary the British Government resisted that us pressure and allowing huawei to contribute to its new network, but we know it is restricted, its role, excluding it from its most sensitive parts of the network, and there is this renewed scrutiny on huawei. Thank you very much for that Type Analysis from singapore sloppy lets get some of the days other news. Some domestic flights are set to resume across india after a two month lockdown. With a big jump two month lockdown. With a big jump in coronavirus cases in recent days, three of the countrys biggest estates have asked for a delay in the opening of airports, saying they are not prepared. It is not clear what quarantine rules would apply to passengers. Staying with aviation, germanys lutfthansa says it will restart flights to some 20 destinations from mid june this in spite of being in talks with the German Government over a nearly 10 billion bailout. Its planning to part with a 20 stake in exchange for the cash injection. Lufthansa, like many other airlines, had its business virtually shut down by the coronavirus crisis. Argentina has defaulted on its debt payments for the second time this century. Argentinians have been on an economic rollercoaster for decades. Now the coronavirus is threatening to wipe out all progress it has made in rebuilding its finances. On friday, argentina failed to pay around 500 million in interest on its already delayed debts. It is the second time the latin American Country has defaulted on its loans since 2000. It is trying to negotiate a restructuring of 66 billion of the countrys debt with its creditors, reportedly forjune 2. Joining me now is Quinn Markwith is an economist specialising in latin america at capital economics. Thanks forjoining us this morning. This is not the first time argentina has defaulted. I believe it is the ninth time in its history it has defaulted, and it seems this time the gulf between what creditors want and what the government wants is so wide, how can it be overcome . Yes, so we are expecting the process to be quite extensive, for it to take anywhere between a year, up to five years. The history of sovereign defaults, especially for countries that have such acrimonious relationships with investors tend to take even longer and argentina falls into that category, of countries that has quite sour relations with investors. It does indeed and after 2001 default, argentina became an International Pariah in terms of investors, and it took them years to have faith in the country. How much damage has been done by what is happening right now . It is very serious damage. Its one of the key reasons why for argentina our outlook on the economy is quite bleak when it comes to its capacity to recover from the coronavirus and its impact on its domestic economy. It could add quite a bit of time due to tighter financial conditions, primarily being the main channel through which the restructuring process would keep argentina back. Of course the argentinian government has said it is a difficult time for us, coronavirus has impacted the economy, healthcare and assessment you think that is, because that is not really washing with is it . Yeah, understandably it is not working too well with investors and that is mainly due to the fa ct and that is mainly due to the fact that approximate cost of its issues have little to do with coronavirus, coronavirus certainly will exacerbate the problems that were existing prior to the onset of the virus but unfortunately for argentina, it is not a get out ofjail argentina, it is not a get out of jail free argentina, it is not a get out ofjailfree card. Argentina, it is not a get out of jail free card. What argentina, it is not a get out ofjail free card. What you think the next step will be where do we had to now . So for a country like argentina that lies in the extreme and when it comes to limited financial capacity, unfortunately they will have to resort to some of the more of the same they have body been doing for the past few years which means printing more money essentially by the central bank, in order to cover its deficits, which means also u nfortu nately its deficits, which means also unfortunately higher inflation down the line, for example, which investors will not be happy about. Tough times ahead for argentina. Thank you. Around the world, concerts and Music Festivals have been cancelled, as countries have limited the number of people that can gather, in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus. But musicians are finding new ways to reach their fans safely. In denmark the drive in is being revived, to bring live music concerts back to the stage. Adrienne murray went to a show in copenhagen to see how it works. These cars are parking at copenhagen airport but no one here is taking a flight to. They have come to watch a socially distanced live concert. Is the same principle asa drive in concert. Is the same principle as a drive in cinema. You simply tune into a radiofrequency, and then sit back and watch the show from the safety of your car. This singer songwriter is taking to the stage. His European Tour was cancelled when denmarks lockdown came in now, he is playing a sell out drive in show to 600 cars and an audience of 2500 people. Vehicles parked two metres apart. Windows can only be opened on the left hand side, its a new experience for everyone. Now that the country is opening up, it is a good reminder that it is still here and you can do things at a distance of. There is not that much going on for the moment, and it is a Good Opportunity to be together. The coronavirus pandemic has seen concerts and Music Festivals cancelled around the world. Drive ins are one way that music is making a comeback. We knew we had to be creative, and the drive in, according to the government guidelines and restrictions, it was the only opportunity we had to gather a lot of people in one place to see their favourite artists. Video platform zoom is used for an extra human connection. So what is it like performing to this unusual crowd . It kind of strange to play a drive in concert honestly, but it feels great to be part of a new thing, andi great to be part of a new thing, and i could tell from the atmosphere in the cars and everything the people are really excited to get out of. Smaller drive in concerts are taking place in the us and australia. We are likely to see the format in other countries too. Sitting in a car may not replace the raw energy and excitement of being part of a big crowd, but for now, it is one way that music lovers can still come together and enjoy the unique atmosphere of a live concert. Decent idea but i am not sure that it has got the atmosphere you get in a normal concert. Film production has stopped and jobs have been lost, so how can the multi billion dollar film and tv industry recover . New guidelines are due to be published in the us today by california governor gavin newsom. Its expected these will include guidelines for easing the way for hollywood film and tv production to start again, how will that work . Joining me now is tim mulligan, Research Director at analysis, data and research firm, Midia Research thanks forjoining us. It has been two months since the state shut down production, billions of dollars of losses, many people have lost theirjobs, what do you think the main challenges will be to getting the film and Television Industry back on track . The teams involved in creating the strong premium content that we have become familiar with over the last few years, the rise of the last few years, the rise of the streaming services such as netflix, amazon, more recently disney plus, they are fundamentally organisations of individuals who all go for the same experiences that the Wider Population are going through, so reassurance about the ability to maintain peoples safety a nd ability to maintain peoples safety and health while going back to, ideally, going back to production and business as usual down the line. And how do you do that . How do you have social distancing and that kind of level of safety for actors, production staff, and film scenes that you need to be close up with other people for . It doesnt seem like it is going to be viable . It is incredibly challenging and i think its particular challenging depending upon the format. I guess we have two different ways of looking at the. On the one hand, if you look at the men delorean which was the breakout head of disney plus, that was the first large Scale Production that used a production process that minimised big production sets and big casts, because they used a green screen filming technique, so the actors actually carried out their roles and were filled in their roles and were filled in their roles with a backdrop, a c61 backdrop and big 20 k screens around them. Thats a way that could work Going Forward but if you look at what is the staple ofa you look at what is the staple of a loss of the tv and film industry, well, the tv industry more specifically, its the dramas. The scripted dramas, its the soap operas, and in emerging markets, talent novellas. These will be very challenging to bring back while we have this looming pandemic scenario. Again, it really depends on the kind of production that is going to be made for how this will work Going Forwards. 0k, it is good to have you on the programme. Thank you very much forjoining us. This is bbc news. The headlines the british Prime Ministers senior aide, Dominic Cummings, is facing mounting pressure to resign amid allegations he broke coronavirus lockdown rules. The number of coronavirus cases in brazil continues to rise steadily amid deep divisions in the country over how to deal with the crisis. Theres a warning that the number of migrant boats leaving libya for europe has increased four times on last year, at a point when there are fewer search and rescue missions operating due to coronavirus restrictions. The bbcs population reporter, stephanie hegarty, has been investigating what happened in february when a libyan boat called for help that never came. We were in carloss kitchen, i think it was about three oclock. Hello, can you hear me . We are calling from a boat. We are in the middle of the sea. We are in the middle of the sea. How many people are you in the boat . We are 90 people, 91 people. Usually they call us on the boat is still working and moving and in this case it wasnt. Carlos and justin to volunteer for a helpline which a nswe rs volunteer for a helpline which answers calls from boats in distress in the mediterranean. The process is simple, we get the call in and then we ask what is their position, and then we contact their coastguards. That is our goal is. We dont do anything else. But that night, those that were supposed to co ordinate the rescue werent answering. The boat was in libyan waters. They tried six different numbers, but there was no answer. Then they called the rescue Co Ordination centre in rome. It just became more Co Ordination centre in rome. Itjust became more and more clear as the night went on that no one was coming. Clear as the night went on that noone was coming. There is no chance that they are going to be rescued because nobody is picking up al call. I did ask where they were from and they asked that partly for that thing of being able to match up later, but also because i was really worried for them, and i didnt want them to be anonymous people. I wanted to know a bit more about them. This man knew ten people on board. His 18 year old nephew. I remember saying to them, you are doing really well because they just wanted to Say Something positive. There is a lot of water inside the boat. You cannot tell them everything is going to be fine because you know everything may not be fine. We were speaking to the man and he was shouting and saying there are people in the water then we couldnt hear him any more. We tried to contact the italian search and rescue centre to find out what happened to this boat, but the only thing they could tell us is that they exchanged information with other rescue centres as required by Current International legislation. The libyan coastguard told them a boat was sent out, seven hours after the initial call. We tried to get more information from libya but the coastguard didnt respond to any attempts to co nta ct didnt respond to any attempts to contact them. Greece will reopen its islands to domestic terrorism on monday, ending lockdown restrictions. It closed its borders early and has had only 171 deaths from coronavirus, but greeces tourist industry which makes up at least a fifth of the economy has been badly hit by the pandemic. For the last few months, it, along with western civilisation, has been closed to visitors. This week, it reopened. Social distancing means new markings on these ancient stones, and new plastic defences on the ramparts. For greece, there is no greater symbol but for now, this is mainly a symbolic reopening. On any given day there would usually be 20,000 visitors here at. Today, barely 100. Usually be 20,000 visitors here at. Today, barely100. Foreign tourists can return here without quarantine from the middle ofjune. For the moment it is mostly locals. The fact that it it is mostly locals. The fact thatitis it is mostly locals. The fact that it is open makes me feel hopeful but cautiously so. Our government reacted well and quickly and the results show. Greece hasnt been overwhelmed by the pandemic, only 170 deaths. Lockdown is easing here at. The mainlands teachers are open and from monday, its islands will be as well. For now, tourists from high infection areas, the us, russia and the United Kingdom wont be allowed in, but that will change as the virus weekends, says the countrys tourism minister. I think everyone deserves a break so they should, irrespective of whether they come to greece or not, they come to greece or not, they should try to find the ways to refill, everyone has been under stress. I think the vacationing process as a healing process, especially for this year. Tourism is the bedrock of the greek economy. Back at the acropolis it is slow going. Yunus hasnt had a customer in days. It has changed everything at the moment. It is time to accept that the world has changed, and now we have to start learning new things and one of them is to be able to understand that the acropolis some days of the year is going to be like this. The acropolis is a monument to endurance. A fitting place to ta ke endurance. A fitting place to take the first cautious steps out of the pandemic. Much more, as always, on our website. You can reach me on twitter, im bbcmaryam. Hello there. We saw a top temperature of 23 celsius in the london area on sunday afternoon. Bank holiday monday today looks warmer still further south, we could make close to mid 20s celsius across parts of the south east. But generally, much of the country will be dry and sunny thanks to the influence of this area of High Pressure. But through the day, these weather fronts will start to play a part in the weather across the north west of the uk to bring outbreaks of rain and stronger winds. A fairly fresh start to the day today. We had temperatures in single figures in places, a little bit of early mist and fog across western areas, which will tend to burn away quickly through the morning. Many places will be dry and sunny, england and wales, eastern scotland, but then western scotland, lots of Northern Ireland will stay windy and cloudy and wetter later in the day. That will impact the temperatures around the mid teens in the north west, closer to the low 20s and the mid 20s in the south east. Now, that band of cloud and rain across the north west moves its way south eastwards during monday night, tending to fizzle out, though, as it reaches parts of england and wales, just a few showers along it. But with more cloud cover generally, i think it should be a little less chilly with temperatures in double figures for most. Now, as we move into tuesday, weve got High Pressure with us once again. This area of cloud associated with that weather front will straddle central areas and push its way south eastwards through the day, so i think england and wales could see more cloud around generally. A bit more sunshine, though, for scotland and Northern Ireland, but slightly fresher air mass here with temperatures into the low to mid teens. But again, despite the cloud across england and wales, the air is quite warm here, so still 20 to 25 or 26 degrees will be the high. High pressure still with us on into wednesday, weve got this feature which will bring thicker cloud, perhaps some patchy rain to Northern Ireland and in towards central and western scotland. But to the north of it, dry, a little bit cooler with some sunshine to the south of it, plenty of sunshine for england and wales and, again, another warm day, 25 or 26 will be the high, closer to the mid teens in the north. But that fresher air in the north gets pushed away northwards as High Pressure changes its position, moves to the east of the uk and starts to draw up this warm, southerly wind from the near continent. Thatll drive the warmth northwards into scotland and Northern Ireland as we reach the end of the week, and itll be very warm for england and wales with plenty of sunshine. Good morning, welcome to breakfast with rogerjohnson and louise minchin. Our headlines today borisjohnson sticks by his top aide over claims Dominic Cummings broke the lockdown rules by travelling hundreds of miles i think he followed the instincts of every father and every parent and i do not mark him down for that. But mounting calls for mrcummings to resign will overshadow todays cabinet discussions on lifting coronavirus restrictions. Parents and teachers are told to prepare for the return of more

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