Hello and welcome to audiences in the uk and around the world. Were covering all the latest coronavirus developments here in britain and globally. First an online summit of nearly a0 countries has pledged more than 8 billion towards developing a coronavirus vaccine. The summit was hosted by the European Commission president. The United States snubbed the event, insisting it was already at the forefront of efforts to find a vaccine. Rich preston has this report. It was a videoconference of the worlds most powerful people with the most depressing goal of the moment in mind, vaccines for coronavirus. We need to develop, produce and deploy them to every single corner of them to every single corner of the world. And we must ensure that they are available and affordable for all. And this is why we must all chip in to fine and this truly global endeavour. Countries across the European Union took part as did those like south africa, saudi arabia, texaco and canada. Translation because we need to accelerate research and development of a vaccine that can be accessible to all, we have essential work to do on equal access to diagnostics and treatment and because, in the end, nothing will be possible diagnosis treatment and vaccine if we do not support the hills system. For this, france commits 500 Million Euros. On behalf of the irish people today i announce a new pledge of 18 Million Euros to the vaccine alliance. As well as International Organisations and philanthropic groups. International organisations and philanthropic groupsi International Organisations and philanthropic groups. I just got the message that madonna has announced a contribution of 1 million to the coronavirus Global Response and that shows that the Global Response must also include social society, Civil Society and the Global Community of citizens. Was one noticeable notable from the conference, the united dates which says it is going alone in its development of a vaccine. Russia did not take part, china did, pledging 15 million. There was a political message as well, show solidarity and support for the World Health Organization that has come under criticism from President Trump who withdrew funding. Norway supports the leadership of the who. Without the World Health Organization, an effective and co ordinated response to the pandemic would not be possible. In spite of the muggy raised, the Expert Consensus is that a vaccine may not be available until the middle of 2021. Earlier, we spoke to the former Us Ambassador to the un, Samantha Power who gave us her reaction to the decision by the United States not to take part in thisjoint effort to find a vaccine. Madonna chip in, that is not nothing. It says something really about the place we are in in history. Imagine at any other time, with any other crisis, the us not only absent from the leadership role but awo l from the leadership role but awol altogether absent, not even there, even in the chair. So this is an emblem, i think of this moment and a tribute to those who recognise that three plus years into the Donald Trump Administration it is long past time to wait for the United States to remember what it needs to be doing in the International System and so you see president macron, chancellor merkel, countries that prise the eu but not only those countries, even countries like saudi arabia have decided to contribute and recognise what is so painfully obvious, which is how connected we all are. You cannot look out for your own citizens without thinking about pooling resources and looking out for those who do not have the means to even muster the response that we have mustered so far. America has reached a crossroads in the fight against coronavirus, as half the country begins to reopen, there are also dire projections about the spread of coronavirus. The New York Times reports on a government estimate that 3,000 people a day could die by earlyjune, thats double the current number. Meanwhile, the president is blaming china for losing control of the virus. North america editorjon sopel starts our coverage. What happened in wuhan, didnt stay in wuhan. A coronavirus which has affected billions, infected millions and killed hundreds of thousands is claiming a new casualty us china relations. On the american side, theres growing fury about chinas secretiveness. And, for the moment, an unsubstantiated charge that this didnt originate in a wet market in the city, but in a government laboratory. These are not the first times that we have had a world exposed to viruses as a result of failures in a chinese lab. And so, while the Intelligence Committee continues to do its work, they should continue to do that and verify so that we are certain, i can tell you that there is a significant amount of evidence that this came from that laboratory in wuhan. The words from americas top diplomat seemed designed to cause maximum offence to the chinese. The president last night said they would bring forward evidence at the right time. My opinion is they made a mistake, they tried to cover it, they try to put it out, just like a fire. Its really like trying to put out a fire. Against the backdrop of the lincoln memorial, donald trump again raised the potential death toll in the us to as many as 100,000. But each time he does that, so it brings fresh scrutiny of his own erratic handling of the crisis. With an election six months away, having someone else to blame the chinese, the World Health Organization has become politically essential. But this is about much more than electoral politics. There is growing unease in the white house that china has become way too powerful on multilateral bodies like the World Health Organization and world bank, and that America Needs to reassert itself. The coronavirus pandemic is becoming a defining, and some would say deeply unsettling moment in the relationship between the worlds two economic superpowers. Last week, stock markets fell sharply on the threat by donald trump to take unspecified retaliatory action against the chinese. But china is giving as good as it gets. We discovered a new virus. This cartoon lampooning the americans was posted by the Xinhua News Agency in english. The virus is killing doctors. Typical third world. Its airborne. It will magically go away in april. The deterioration in relations has been rapid. This was donald trump in the early stages of the outbreak. I know this, president xi loves the people of china. He loves his country, and hes doing a very good job, with a very, very tough situation. The president used to talk extravagantly about his great friend president xi, about their wonderful relationship. You dont hear much about that now. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. Italy, the first country in the world to impose a National Lockdown to try to contol the pandemic, has lifted some of its toughest restrictions on the day it registered its lowest daily death toll since the lockdown began two months ago. Mark lowen reports. A nation that has shed so many tears alone can finally grieve together. In naples today, the first funerals are allowed, with a maximum of 15 people, as italy opens up. Being unable to say goodbye or visit graves has been one of the cruellest losses of the lockdown. This is a beautiful day, as i can visit my son, who died ten years ago, says concetta. Thank you to everyone whos made it possible. I cant say anything more, im too emotional. As the worlds longest shutdown of the pandemic starts to fade, outdoor exercise is now allowed. Parks and some businesses are reopening, and relatives can see each other again with distance and masks. So, finally, people can come and visit the family members that theyve been stopped from seeing for eight long weeks. But it does present a danger, because this train has come in from milan, in the region of italy worst hit by the virus. So, with freedom comes a hugely increased risk of spreading the outbreak. Keep your distance, they are warned, before everyone fills in a form to explain why theyre here. Europes worst hit country is taking no chances. Livia last saw her daughter, who lives in milan, injanuary. It has felt like an eternity. Has it been difficult for you not being able to. . Oh, yes, for me, yes, a little bit, yes. Youve missed her . Yes. Resisting a motherly urge is tough. Normality, so near, yet so far. How does it feel to see your mum . Its hard for me, really. Because i havent seen her for nearly five months, so its very moving. Its been difficult not to see her . Yeah. Quite a lot, yeah. Sorry. But the lockdown has left deep scars. We were taken by police to one of the roughest areas of one of the eus poorest regions. The worry here is of organised crime preying on poverty. Carpenter raffaele says with work stopped, he may have to sell his tv to get by. Theres been lots more crime since the lockdown, he says, even kids dealing drugs and stealing cars, since they need to eat. Fighting the mafias resurgence is this priest under protection, making up boxes of supplies for the needy to stop criminal groups from stepping in instead. Translation the mafia has always exploited italys moments of weakness, and this is one of those moments. They give people help but then ask for drug dealing or money in exchange. We have to give citizens the antivirus to defend themselves, to stop the mafia from reclaiming this territory. A Health Crisis has become a social one, and this is what other countries, too, may face as they reopen from a lockdown that is stopping the dying, but killing the economy. Mark lowen, bbc news, naples. As countries consider re opening schools and universities, researchers in australia have been studying how badly young people have been affected by covid 19. Live to sydney, now, and to professor kristine macartney, director of the National Centre for Immunisation Research and surveillance. Thank you for your time. Looking at the figures, the un things Something Like 850 million or more children and young adult currently at home rather than in their place of education. You have studied many young kids and adults, what are you finding . Here in New South Wales in australia we looked at all the schools over a six week period and there are about 1 a six week period and there are abouti million a six week period and there are about 1 million schoolchildren here and almost 3000 schools. What we found was very low transmission from any teacher oi transmission from any teacher or student who came to the school and was infectious with covid 19 to others in the environment. We only had 15 schools with a case and we followed all cold that close contacts with a low transmission rate. There has been concern and there will be for some time about children and young adults who are asymptomatic but can pass on the virus. Exactly. As part of the virus. Exactly. As part of the work we did in each of those 15 schools, we asked over 863 co nta cts those 15 schools, we asked over 863 contacts to have extra swa bs, 863 contacts to have extra swabs, to even have a cloud test. We entered homes and got quite a lot of consent in certain schools for the children and teachers to give us children and teachers to give us cloud samples and we looked for asymptomatic infection as well as infection in those who had symptoms. We only found two cases of that secondary transmission and both were in symptomatic children. The work is ongoing and we continue to look and examine this question of whether there is spread among children without symptoms. What are the implications of your research . What will be the new normal for schools . What students and for the Teaching Staff and administration . It is important to recognise that our work is donein to recognise that our work is done in australia at a time when although our case numbers we re when although our case numbers were rising, we had about 3000 cases in total in New South Wales, we were in a good position where we were able to detect through high levels of testing, we were able to Contact Trace quickly and isolate and manage all those contacts. So in settings where that can be done, where the Health System is not overwhelmed by the virus, it portends well for children being able to potentially come back to school and ensuring that both teachers and children can really adhere strongly to recommendations around the social distancing, hygiene and environmental cleaning. We know those recommendations are also being adhered to in the schools where we are looking back on market march and april. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come much more, bbc news. I, Nelson Rolihlahla mandela, do hereby swear to be faithful to the republic of south africa. After six years of construction and numerous delays, the channel tunnel has been formally opened by the queen and president mitterrand. But the tunnel is still not yet ready for passengers and Freight Services to begin. For centuries, christianity and islam struggled for supremacy. Now, the popes visit symbolises their willingness to coexist. Roger bannister became the first man in the world to run a mile in underfour minutes. Memories of victory as the ve celebrations reach their climax. This night is dedicated to everyone who believes in a future of peace and freedom. This is bbc news, the latest headlines afundraising campaign involving more than a0 countries and donors, raises more than 8 billion to fund vaccine reserarch japan has extended its state of emergency in an effort to get its rate of covid 19 infections under control. It comes as other parts of asia also adjust to the reality of life during the coronavirus pandemic. Reged ahmad reports a gym injapan being transformed to treat patients with mild coronavirus systems. New covid 19 infection rates have been falling in the last couple of weeks, but japans Prime Minister says the state of emergency must remain in place. Translation at the moment, we are still seeing a considerable number of cases of new infections, and the number of infected people hasnt decreased enough. Although death rates remain relatively low, medical systems are feeling the strain in some parts of the country. Translation we have been maintaining our battle against covid 19 for more than three months. I think there are medical professionals that are already feeling a significant amount of stress. Japans restrictions are not as tough as in europe or the us, yet some parts of tokyo look practically empty. It stands in stark contrast to other parts of asia, like indonesia, where strict lockdowns are being enforced with water cannons. A softer approach elsewhere though, as people dressed as popular superheroes remind locals of the rules. In thailand, these traditional dancers are wearing clearface shields. This is one country hoping its on the other side of its lockdown. After falling infection rates, its eased its restrictions, but strict distancing and hygiene measures remain in place for those businesses allowed to open. Translation its good i dont have to close my barbershop any longer. To be able to reopen the business like this makes me proud enough. And a slightly different approach to dealing with the new reality. Hong kong airport is testing robots and other technology to disinfect areas and even people. Theres no doubt life is changing for many in this part of the world, and the Economic Impacts have been very keenly felt too. What many will be hoping for though is a clear indication the worst is nearly over. Reged ahmad, bbc news. Uk Health Secretary matt hancock says hes aiming to have the National Health Service Contact tracing Smartphone App up and running in england by the middle of this month. Trials of the software are taking place this week on the isle of wight as part of the governments test, track and trace strategy, which will be central to its efforts in slowing the spread of coronavirus. Health editor, hugh pym, reports. The nhs covid 19 app lets you know could this Smartphone App be one of the ways out of lockdown restrictions . Health leaders say the more people who download and report they are ill, the better the chance of keeping the virus in check. This week, all eyes are on the isle of wight, where theres a test run of the app to see how user friendly it proves to be. If things go well, its set to be launched across england within weeks. So how does the app work . It uses a bluetooth connection. Once it is installed, if you come into contact with others, that will be recorded on the phone. Then, if you report through the app you have symptoms, contacts within the last seven days will be alerted through their phones, and they will then need to self isolate. So what about personal privacy . Designers say downloading the app wont require any details, apart from a postcode, and Data Security is at the heart of the project, though some say future development will need to be monitored. We need to ensure that there is respect for core Data Protection principles, and here i would in particular highlight purpose limitation. So thats the idea that we create something for a specific purpose, and that we dont then re purpose it. Scientists involved in the plan say the app cant do thejob on its own, it has to be part of an overall strategy, involving mass testing to work out who has got the virus, and where, and at least 18,000 officials to do the Contact Tracing, especially for patients who dont have the app. When will the full test, track and Trace Network be up and running . The aim is to have the whole thing up and running by the middle of this month. We are starting already. We have already started the recruitment. Of the 18,000, we have thousands already recruited, and we are making very rapid progress. The Scottish Government says it will deliver a testing and tracing strategy by the end of the month, including the use of an app, but there is a warning this wont provide all of the answers. Its not a quick fix or a magic solution. It will have to be combined with continued physical distancing, rigorous hygiene and the appropriate use of face coverings, and, crucially, it will mean you, the public, knowing exactly what it is we are asking you to do, and why we are asking you to do it, and being prepared to do it. The new measures will help the uks governments monitor progress both locally and nationally, as lockdown restrictions are eased, and as matt hancock put it, hunt down the virus. Hugh pym, bbc news. The composer of one of the most influential songs of the new wave, Dave Greenfield of the stranglers has died from the effects of covid 19. Greenfield played keyboard with the band, which had success in the 1970s and 80s with over 20 hit singles and 17 albums. One of the songs for which the stranglers are best known was golden brown, a song about heroin. Stays for a day, in for a pound, with golden brown. Im joined by dave simpson, music critic with the guardian, who last spoke to Dave Greenfield just a few weeks ago. It is well past 1am uk time, really appreciate you talking about your friend. You spoke with him only a few weeks ago . It was about late february. We spoke about the making about a song of theirs call european female for the guardian european week and he was on good form, he was funny, looking forward to the tour they had, which was going to be they had, which was going to be the farewell tour this year, and its been postponed already because of the virus, i dont know if it will now not go ahead at all. Its hard to imagine the stranglers without Dave Greenfield, i have to admit. We might have to cut you off because we are close to the end of the bulletin, he deserves a far more, but how will he be remembered by you and by fans and other musicians . He was a very strange character to wind up very strange character to wind up in very strange character to wind upina very strange character to wind up in a punk band. He was a prog rocker with a moustache and long hair but hejoined a punk band and in that he gave them musicality that no one in them musicality that no one in the punk scene had, they were very different, and he made them last really. He came up with the music for golden brown, their most famous hit. He was a massive part of that band and British Music really. And also famously the rest of the band didnt think much of it at first, did they . The story is, Hugh Cornwell and jean jacques bernal, the two main songwriters, they were fed up main songwriters, they were fed up of writing all the songs and they said to dave and jet black, the drummer, why dont you have a go, and they went to the pub, they did so and when they came back, dave and jet, because they were classical and jazz minded, came up with this big six part odyssey and they said we cant use this, this is rubbish, but buried in there was this melody of daves which became golden brown. I dont think they particularly thought that much of it at the time, and it becomes the biggest hit and it becomes the biggest hit and probably their signature tune really. As is often the way. From a guy who took inspiration from john of deep purple and rick wakeman of yes. Idida purple and rick wakeman of yes. I did a tiny bit of music writing and i had terror interviewing the stranglers because they had such a reputation, intimidating journalists for one, but no one had a bad word to say about dave. I went for a curry with them about four years ago and i got out in one piece. It was quite disappointing, i expected to be on the train with no clothes on, or abandoned in a desert somewhere, but it was a lovely afternoon. We had a curry and lots of fun. I think the stranglers like a laugh basically and the on fontera blur image attached to them often misses the sense of humour ina often misses the sense of humour in a lot of what they did, like strapping journalists upside down to the eiffel tower. Who wouldnt . Indeed. Dave simpson, thank you so much, lovely to talk to you. Thanks very much. Ending on a sound occasion. A fundraising afundraising campaign involving more than a0 countries and donors has raised more than 8 billion to fund vaccine research. Much more on all the news any time on the bbc news website. Thank you for watching. Hello. The highest temperature on monday was 20 celsius. That was in west wales. Today it will be cooler across the board, but as the week goes on, so temperatures will rise once again, peaking on friday in the sunshine. For many parts of the country, the weather is dominated by that area of High Pressure keeping it dry and clear. The big fly in the ointment is this where the front bringing in wet and windy weather into the south west through the early hours, and as we head into Tuesday Morning it is a wet start in the south west of england, some heavier rain, strong and gusty easterly winds across devon and cornwall, the isles of scilly on the south west of wales, gusts of 50, even 55 miles an hour. The winds will die down later on in the morning and afternoon but the rental edge eastwards along the south coast of sussex, northwards into south wales and become light and patchy in the afternoon. Elsewhere it is likely to be dry with lots of sunshine. A bit of a keen breeze to start with across england and wales, perhaps Northern Ireland but the winds will ease down and the highest temperatures will be across western scotland and north west england. But cool under the rain in the south west, only 12 degrees here. The rain continues to peter out during the evening and the cloud a bit more reluctant to break up overnight, and they will be cloud sielling around the top of the area of High Pressure into shetland and orkney. But where we have the clearer skies in eastern scotland and the north east of england there could be a pinch of frost in some rural areas. The cooler air will be pushed away by the gentle, southerly breeze which will bring the warmth from the south west and temperatures will rise. By the time we get into wednesday, most places will be dry with a good deal of sunshine. Just the chance of a shower in the far south west and there will be more cloud coming in across the Northern Isles of scotland. So cooler here. Otherwise a warmer day on wednesday and temperatures getting up to 20 or even 21 celsius in the sunshine. Those temperatures continue to rise for many areas during thursday and friday. There will be more cloud for scotland and Northern Ireland and maybe a few more showers but for england and wales, probably dry and in the sunshine in the south east, temperatures could reach 25 degrees on friday. What a shock to the system this weekend. The wind changes to northerly and strengthens and draws down cold air, unusually cold air for the time of year. Cold enough even for some wintry showers. This is bbc news, the headlines World Leaders have pledged 8 billion to Fund Research into vaccines and treatments for coronavirus, saying a Common Threat to humanity requires a concerted response. A0 countries and donors took part in the online summit, hosted by the eu. Four and a half million italians have to work after two months in lockdown. People are also allowed to see relatives within their region as restrictions are eased. For the second consecutive day, the countrys recorded its lowest death toll since the lockdown began. The british governments rolled out a Contact Tracing phone app as part of its strategy to ease the lockdown. People on the isle of wight will put the app to the test. Its hoped itll be used across england by the middle of the month

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