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So proud of the bravery of Pc Keith Palmer, so grateful for what he did to keep us safe and i would like to add my tribute to all the policing here At Westminster and the parliamentary staff who acted with such calmness and professionalism yesterday, and i would like to pay tribute to the Emergency Trauma Team at Kings College hospital who are caring the injured. This was an horrific crime and it has cost lives and caused injury, but as an Act Of Terror, it has failed. It has failed because we are here and we are going to go about our business. It has failed because despite the trauma that they witnessed outside their windows, our staff are here and they are getting on with their work. It failed because as the Prime Minister so failed because as the Prime Minister so rightly said, we are not going to allow this to be used as a pretext for division, hatred and islamophobia. This democracy is strong and this parliament is robust. This was an horrific crime but as an Act Of Terror, it has failed. The right honourable lady speaks very well and i utterly agree with the words she has spoken. Some of us were present 38 years ago and where nearby when airey neave was murdered. The message then was not to condemn a whole group of people. The message i got from my imam was we will always be with those who work for peace. Can i suggest we try and disappoint those who try to calculate the publicity will work in their favour and make sure we Work Together to disappoint them . My honourable friend makes a very important point. The metropolitan police are bringing a number of Faith Leaders together for a meeting with them today to show the importance of that coming together of Faith Leaders, and they are, of course, working with communities up and down the country both to reassure, because there will be communities concerned about the possible reaction, that might take place, to reassure those communities, the job of the place, to reassure those communities, thejob of the police is to keep us all safe. Ed miliband. Cani is to keep us all safe. Ed miliband. Can ijoin is to keep us all safe. Ed miliband. Can i join others is to keep us all safe. Ed miliband. Can ijoin others in commending the prime mrfor her can ijoin others in commending the prime mr for her Statement Last night and today. In her tone and substance she has spoken for the whole country and i commend herfor it. Can i also echoed those who have said that we must not allow in the coming days and weeks, anyone to try and divide our country on the basis of faith or nationality after these attacks, because the reality is, but across london, across the country, we are a country united against these attacks. That is who we are. The right honourable gentleman was absolutely right. The country is united. People of all faiths and none are going about their business in defiance of the terrorists. They have a very clear message, they will not be cowed and this is a message the house gives very clearly today, that this country will not be cowed by these terrorists. Theresa villiers. Ito by these terrorists. Theresa villiers. I to send by these terrorists. Theresa villiers. Ito send my sympathies to all those bereaved in yesterdays horrific attack. And as we reflect on what happened, is it time to consider whether the police who guard sensitive sites known to be of interest to terrorists, Like Parliament or a airport is, should routinely carry personal protection weapons, even when those offices are not part of the units formerly tasked with Armed Response . Over the 20 years since i have been in this house, the level of security has been enhanced significantly and the number of offices on the parliamentary estate has been enhanced significantly. As to whether offices are routinely armed, that is an operational matter for the police themselves. They are the best able to judge the circumstances in which it is best for individuals to have those arms. But of course, we have seen a significant increase in the number of Armed Response vehicles, specialist Firearms Officers and counterterrorism officers. It is a sad reflection that it is necessary to do that. The question that my right honourable friend specifically raises is really an operational matter for the police. Mr nigel dodds. Can i to commend the prime mr for her words last evening and today and she spoke for the entire country. Pc keith palmer was and is, and his colleagues are the reason we are here today and any other day, and he embodied the rule of law which we stand for. He stood in harms way for all of us and we remember and pray for his family and all those victims who suffered yesterday and the arriva. We must remember as well the bravery and a lwa ys remember as well the bravery and always will of the Emergency Services and the parliamentary staff, and the decency of the ordinary members of the public who rushed to help and our right honourable friend, the memberfor Bournemouth East. We must uphold the values of this place. The Democratic Values of this place. The Democratic Values we have learned in northern ireland, is the way to overcome terrorism is Working Together politically and in every other way to ensure that our Democratic Values, the rule of law, human rights are all upheld in every way that they can and we must rededicate ourselves to that in the future. |j absolutely agree with the right honourable gentleman. We are able to be here today because of the bravery of our Police Officers. He also refers rightly to mothers of the Emergency Services and the public and the staff of this house and parliament, who calmly went about theirjob to end sure that everybody was safe yesterday. And as he has said, and he has referred to the experience in northern ireland, the way to defeat terrorism is by Working Together and by upholding our Democratic Values. Asa our Democratic Values. As a backbencher is seems to me that both the Prime Minister and the leaders of the Opposition Parties have set exactly the right tone today and proven it is values which unite this kingdom. When this chamber was completely destroyed in the war, mr churchill and mr attlee decided not a single day would pass without us carrying on our work. The Prime Minister showed today and her opposite number has shown today that the best way to defeat terrorism is to prove that we will not be moved from our values and our place. My honourable friend is absolutely right. He refers to a specific example in the past when once again parliament upheld our democracy, and showed our values in The Face Of Evil and we continue to do it today. Mralan evil and we continue to do it today. Mr alanjohnson. Evil and we continue to do it today. Mr alan johnson. The Prime Minister is dealing with this outrage in a calm and assured way. Does she agree with me that an effective Counterterrorism Strategy, designed to prepare, protect and pursue would be inadequate without the strand of prevent . And in that vein, will she assure the house that across all 43 constabularies, there will be Neighbourhood Policing teams visible to and contactable by the public, which is a crucial strand in Feeding Information on terrorism to the Counterterrorism Organisations . The right honourable gentleman was right, and as he will know from his experience, our Counterterrorism Strategy does indeed embody those four pillars within it, including the pillar of prevent. And the action that is taken to prevent terrorism, to prevent violent extremism and prevent extremism will come in many forms. What is important, of course, is that individuals within communities feel they are able to give information when they are concerned about somebody within their community or concerned about somebody perhaps within theirfamily concerned about somebody perhaps within their family and what is happening to them and it is important that there are those opportunities for them, and there will be a variety of means. Some through policing, some through other opportunities where people can go and give that information, notjust to the protection of us all but to the benefit of the individual concerned. May i commend the Prime Minister on her very fitting statement. When Police Officers die, they leave behind husbands, wives, sons and daughters. The Police Dependents trust was set up to support the dependence of Police Officers killed or injured on duty following the brutal murder of three Police Officers in Shepherds Bush in 1966. With the prime mrjoin me in encouraging people to donate to the Police Dependents trust . |j encouraging people to donate to the Police Dependents trust . I am very happy to encourage people to do exactly as my honourable friend has suggested. It is a valuable organisation providing help and support. The families who are left behind have to live forever with what for us has been an act of bravery for theirfamily what for us has been an act of bravery for their family member, but for them is a tragedy and a trauma. Yvette cooper. Ito for them is a tragedy and a trauma. Yvette cooper. I to welcome the Prime Ministers words as she speaks for all of us with the backing of all parties today, and she was right to say this was an attempted attack on parliament and democracy, that failed because of the bravery of Pc Keith Palmer, who gave his life doing a job with others to keep people safe. It was also an attempted violent cowardly attack on our freedom, attempted violent cowardly attack on ourfreedom, by mowing down people who were just walking along a bridge. As our hearts go out to them, would she agree that that attack on freedom also fails, not just because of communities resilience and determination, but also perhaps because of the unique partnership we have in this country between the police and communities of all faiths across all parts of the country, and that Partnership Working will be crucial to making sure the terrorists never win. The right honourable lady is right. It was a cowardly attack as she said. Parliament has particularly focused on the attempt to attack here in parliament, but the mowing down of innocent men, women and children, who were just innocent men, women and children, who werejust going innocent men, women and children, who were just going about their business in a variety of ways, but many of whom had come here as tourists to enjoy the great delights of this wonderful city, was an absolutely cowardly and appalling act, and we do need to ensure, we have i think a unique bond between our police and their communities, and that is important that that partnership and that bond continues. Mr philip davies. Can i commend the Prime Ministers statement and can i commend the Prime Ministerfor her reassuring dignity and resolve that she showed. She has shown why she is proving to be a good Prime Minister and why we are proud to have her as our Prime Minister. Of course, our hearts go out to the victims and we honour the police who risked their lives every day to keep us safe and u nfortu nately, lives every day to keep us safe and unfortunately, too often give up their lives to keep us safe. Can the Prime Minister assure us that she will make sure the Police Forces up and down the country and the Security Services will always have the resources that they need in order to carry out theirjob of keeping us all safe . I thank my honourable friend for his comments. And indeed, as i indicated in maesteg and, we have taken steps to enhance Resources Available for our security and intelligence agencies, and to protect the Resources Available for our Police Forces, particularly working in the counterterrorism area. We have looked in recent times to increase, asi looked in recent times to increase, as i indicated earlier, the number of Armed Response vehicles available, and that is notjust here but in other parts of the country as well. Of course, we constantly look at making sure our response is appropriate, but we are very conscious of the job that our police do day in, day out and we give them the support that they need. I speak for my party plaid cymru and also commend the Prime Minister on the words she has given us today. I also want to say that us here today, this is not a show of defiance, it isa this is not a show of defiance, it is a show of respect for the dead and the injured. Respect to our duty, respect to democracy and our duty, respect to democracy and our duty to our constituents. One man cannot shut down a city and one man cannot shut down a city and one man cannot lock down democracy. Does she also agree that we must not react to such a warped ideology with unworthy responses . I think what is absolutely appropriate is the response that this house has shown today. It has shown gratitude for the bravery of our police and Emergency Services. It has shown respect and concern for those who have been the victims of the terrible attacks which took place. But also it has shown normality, and i think that is what is important as we defied the terrorists, and as we work to defeat them. Mr nigel evans. Mr speaker, i thank the Prime Minister for mr speaker, i thank the Prime Ministerfor her mr speaker, i thank the Prime Minister for her statement. Over 25 yea rs, minister for her statement. Over 25 years, well, i had been an mp for 25 yea rs, years, well, i had been an mp for 25 years, andi years, well, i had been an mp for 25 years, and i have seen the police play many roles around the Palace Of Westminster. One is to give advice to members of the public about where to members of the public about where to go. On other occasions, none of us can have passed the gates without seeing members of the public having their photographs taken with the police. It is one of the things that they do. And one of the other things they do. And one of the other things they do. And one of the other things they do is to protect our democracy which we Saw Yesterday with brutal consequences. Im very proud of the police and everything they do in defending our democracy. Keith palmer was one of us. The police to protect us one of us. I hope that at one stage, the tribute to keith and the police that we are here today and our proceedings are going on. We have the arch which has been spoken about the four which is a lasting memorial to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our democracy, and i do hope that at an appropriate time, with discussion with the family, that we also may be able to look at a lasting memorial to keith in order that each and eve ryo ne to keith in order that each and everyone of us know that there are people putting their lives on the line for our democracy today. People putting their lives on the line for our democracy todaylj thank my honourable friend and im sure the house authorities wish to consider the point he has made. If i may reflect on his earlier remarks, i think it is a particular characteristic of policing here in the United Kingdom, that our police are able to have that link and that bond with members of the public, at the same time as they are doing that very difficultjob of keeping us safe. We see it so often when major events safe. We see it so often when major eve nts ta ke safe. We see it so often when major events take place, royal weddings, the olympics and so forth, but actually, he is absolutely right, we see it day in, day out here in this parliamentary estate. Mr hilary benn. Thank you. As we mourn those who we re thank you. As we mourn those who were so cruelly cut down yesterday, give our grateful thanks to the police and the emergency and Security Services for their exemplary courage and devotion to duty, and show was a country by our determination to carry on, that we will not be cowed, as the prime and the birds are eloquently, does she agree that we will also need to show the same determination to stand up to anyone who seeks to sow division or stir to anyone who seeks to sow Division Orstirup to anyone who seeks to sow division or stir up hatred in the wake of the howard lee attacks as the Prime Minister put it so eloquently. We must be very clear that the voices of evil and hate must not divide us and that must be a very clear message from this house today. Whilst our hearts go to all those people who were wounded and murdered yesterday and to all the people who sought to help them, with your indulgence i would like to turn for just a moment to Pc Keith Palmer who i first just a moment to Pc Keith Palmer who ifirst met 25 just a moment to Pc Keith Palmer who i first met 25 years ago as gunnar keith palmer at Headquarters Battery 100 keith palmer at Headquarters Battery 1oo regiment Royal Artillery. He was a strong professional public servant. And it was a delight to meet him here again only a few months after being elected. Would my right honourable friend the Prime Minister, in recognition of the work that he did, and the other Police Officers and Public Servants here in the house do, consider recognising his gallantry and sacrifice formally with a posthumous recognition . thank my honourable friend for the obvious compassion and the passion with which he has spoken about an individual he knew, and he bears witness to the tremendous Public Service that keith palmer has given this country in so many ways, and having served in our armed forces, and then come here to this place, and then come here to this place, and paid the ultimate sacrifice here at our heart of democracy, i can assure my honourable friend that the issue he has raised is of course one which will be considered in due course. Obviously yesterday we saw absolutely the best of security, policing and Emergency Services, but i would just make a small fleet going forward, yesterday we also saw the camaraderie that got people through the locked down. We had staff stuck in offices all over the estate. As we go forward, if people can take the bravery and determination of yesterday, but remember to talk among themselves, support their staff and not bury any feelings of fear from yesterday, but to let that out, so that there is absolutely no scar remnant within this place as we go forward . The honourable lady has made a very important point. It is too easy for us to come to this chamber, to rightly show the gratitude for the bravery of those who protect us, but to forget that for all our staff who we re to forget that for all our staff who were caught up in this, this could have lasting impacts, and i think it is important that we do make, and i understand that there are moves afoot, to ensure that the staff, as isaid in afoot, to ensure that the staff, as i said in my staff, that members are able to access help and support should they wish to do that. But actually, just allowing people to talk about what happened is often the best remedy. And mr speaker, can i thank the Prime Ministerfor her statement this morning and her message last night in Downing Street . Ca nales is message last night in Downing Street . Canales is a former metropolitan Police Officer, pass my condolences personally to constable palmers family and also to the pedestrians and everyone involved yesterday. A summary who served on the Counterterrorism Command in the 19805 the Counterterrorism Command in the 1980s here in london, when the ira and other Middle Eastern groups were bombing london, i know only too well the challenge which is faced by the police. I know the Prime Minister has already been asked about resourcing, but can i reinforce that by asking that in the area of counterterrorism, that the met police, indeed all Police Forces, and the Security Services generally should want for nothing . and the Security Services generally should want for nothing . I can reassure my honourable friend that we did do this major exercise of looking at the resources that should be available for counterterrorism, across all aspects of dealing with counterterrorism. This is about the security and intelligence agencies and about the police, but also there are other parts of government which have a role to play in counterterrorism as well and extra resources a re counterterrorism as well and extra resources are going in as i indicated in my statement. Of course, we do want to ensure that all those who are involved in acting against terrorism have the support they need to do the job that we want them to do. Could i associate myself with the prime mrs words and those of my right honourable friend the leader of the opposition the Prime Ministers words. Would she accept this is not about the personal security of us as members of parliament or the security of this building. Pc keith palmer died defending the values of free people everywhere, and isnt the proper response over the coming days, as more facts emerge, that we stand firm for those selfsame values of free people everywhere . The honourable gentleman is absolutely right. It is not about individuals in this house or this building, it is what we stand for and we should stand absolutely firm in those values. May i start off by commending the Prime Minister on a very powerful speech, particularly the tone with which it was delivered. Yesterday, we saw an attack on the centre of democracy, and also an attack on the citizens of ten countries. The message that we need to take away from here is this ideology, this evil ideology is not only an attack on western countries and the values we hold so dear, but it is an evil which seeks to destroy the way of life across the globe. And i hope that the message will go out to all decent and civilised countries, that we must all redouble our resolve to deal with this evil. I say to my honourable friend that i have been struck by the number of messages i have received, the number of foreign leaders who i have spoken to, who have been absolutely clear at this time that we stand together as he says, in defiance but also in ensuring that we will defeat this evil. Regarding the immense bravery of everyone yesterday, should we not recognise that Terror Attacks are likely to continue for years to come and this country is not unique, let alone in europe let alone elsewhere, and having onslaughts against them . But regarding what the Prime Minister hasjust against them . But regarding what the Prime Minister has just said, against them . But regarding what the Prime Minister hasjust said, can i tell her that during the sustained ira bombing, i did not receive during all those years as a member of parliament, i did not receive any letters at all, or anyone come to my surgery telling me that we should change our policy in combating terrorism. And i have to say, it illustrates once again our people are simply not appeasers. The honourable gentleman is right. I believe the British Public stand with this parliament in wanting to see us in defiance of the terrorists, defeating the terrorists, defeating the terrorists, and showing that it is the values of democracy and the rule of law, the values of free people everywhere, that underpin our way of life. I think people recognise that and they want to see this house endorsing that. I support all that the Prime Minister has said and done and my thoughts are with all those who have been affected by this evil act. The assistant Police Commissioner in 2016 said two people a day are being turned away from extremism, and that it is often members of the individuals on community who are alerting the authorities. Can i ask what further steps we are taking to engage with all our communities so that we can Work Together to defeat nonviolent extremism which often leads to violent extremism . My honourable friend is right, it is important that we defeat that extremism and deal with it at that early stage, and there is a lot of work that is being done within communities, working with communities. Obviously, there is work that the police do to encourage people within communities to come forward with information, when it is to do so, when they have those concerns, and that is important, that people need to have the confidence of feeling that they can do that and it is important to create the environment within communities when people feel, when there are those who are trying to destroy our way of life, and they feel able to take action about that. But my honourable friend is right, bringing communities together is an important part of the work that the government is doing. important part of the work that the government is doing. I had intended to call another burning a member who has sadly left the chamber. In the absence of that honourable member, lets hear the voice ofjack dromey. Cani lets hear the voice ofjack dromey. Can i thank the Prime Ministerfor her leadership in a bleak moment for our country. As a brave guardian of parliament, keith palmer fought for his life yesterday. The right honourable member for Bournemouth East fought to save his life, and cani east fought to save his life, and can i say about the right honourable member, he is one of parliaments finest. Can i also ask the Prime Minister this, in backing our police to defeat terrorism, does she believe we should heed their wise words, that to demonise and divide is to play right into the hands of the evil that is terrorism . We should not be it making any attempt to demonise individual communities. What we should recognise is it is individuals who are terrorists, that they are adhering to a warped ideology, warped ideology of evil. And that is true whatever the origin of the terrorism and there are different ideologies and this house has been struck before, as we know, and has felt terrorism of a different sort hitting at a member of this house, so we must make sure we do not demonise communities but we do not demonise communities but we work with them to identify and isolate those who wish to do us harm. Andrew bridgen. In the wake of yesterdays evil, tragic but not wholly unexpected attack on this place, as the Prime Minister said there will be a review of the response of our Excellent Police and Security Services. But does my right honourable friend agree with me, that in an open and free democracy such as ours, there is always going to bea such as ours, there is always going to be a balance between our security and Public Access and the transparency of our democracy, and if that balance is not maintained, then unfortunately the terrorists will have won . My honourable friend is absolutely right. It is a balance, we live in an open and free democracy. We want members of the public to have access to members of their representatives and four months of this place to have easy access to this place. That is part of how we operate. It is important as we look ahead and we ask that question whether there is anything more that needs to be done, we recognise that we should not in a nyway recognise that we should not in anyway destroy the values that underpin our democracy, because if we do that, as he says, the terrorists will have won. I want to agree with everything that every member has said. But can i add thanks to two more groups of people who havent been mentioned. The staff at Westminster Abbey who received people who were left from this house and also the Firearms Officer who actually acted in a way that he had been trained to, but probably never expected to and we owe him our thanks. The Prime Minister knows better than any of us that this sort of attack, it looks like a lone wolf kind of attack, is the hardest for our Security Services to prevent. Its prevention as her remarks have made clear, is best achieved by us celebrating our values. The values which meant that among the victims there were people of eleven different nationalities, our openness, our democracy, what can she do to help ensure that everybody in britain, every child, everyone of every religion is given the opportunity to learn about those values and to celebrate them, because i think thats the best way to keep us safe. May ijoin the honourable lady in commending as she has said, the staff of Westminster Abbey, who played a role in supporting people from parliament yesterday. But also she says the Firearms Officer. Who acted we know had to make a split second decision about what to do. It is not an easy job. It is difficult. They are trained to do it. But when the point comes, it is a difficult decision to take. But we are grateful that he did that and with the consequences that we know. It is important that we celebrate those values. That is an important element of us countering the extremist is to ensure that the values that we share are championed, but are resolutely put forward. It is for all of us, the honourable lady asks what i can would do, but actually i think it is for everybody in this house as we go about our business as members of parliament to encourage that celebration of the values that we share. Can i commend my honourable friend for the resolute, brave and courageous way she stood up for our country and how proud we are of her. Does she a i degree with me that one agree with me that one terrorist will not destroy our country, ten will not destroy our country, ten thousand will not destroy our country, no amount of terrorists will ever destroy our way of life, because theyre trying to destroy what we represent, freedom and democracy. My honourable friend is right, terrorism will not destroy our way of life. It will not win. We up our way of life. It will not win. We up hold those values and they underpin our way of life, they are what the terrorists are trying to attack. Ha the terrorists dislike, but we must ensure that we uphold those values and no number of terrorists will defeat this place or defeat those values. Pc keith palmer didnt return home from work yesterday to his family, so the rest of us in this house could. We should never forget that sacrifice and every day we should pass our thanks to the staff, security of this house and the Emergency Services. And i wonder if i could ask the Prime Minister to join wonder if i could ask the Prime Minister tojoin my in cherishing what happened here yesterday with staff coming to together, who were terrified and all supporting each other and in itself is way to say to terrorism that it will never win. No, ijoin the honourable gentleman m, no, ijoin The Honourable Gentleman In, as he says, i think the way that people came together, they showed that camaraderie and support each other at what was a difficult time. And that was a very Important Message to the terrorists. It is reported that what happened yesterday was an act of islamic terror, will the Prime Minister agree with me that what happened was not islamic, just as the murder of airien neave was not christian. Yes it is not islamic, it isa christian. Yes it is not islamic, it is a perversion of a great faith. would like to pay tribute to the Prime Minister and wish her well and the cabinet well. Can i echo everything that has been said about those who have been killed and their families and the victims. Can i ask the Prime Minister that every effort will be made to support the victims and their families will be made to support the victims and theirfamilies and will be made to support the victims and their families and also the Police Officer whose role it was to stop the terrorist in the end . Police Officer whose role it was to stop the terrorist in the end . I can assure the honourable gentleman that that support will be available. Of course for those who have been affected by the attacks for those who have been injured and the bereaved families, the metropolitan police have already in place support arrangement necessary. But i have also asked government to look at what further support can be available for victims in a wider sense. There will be people who may not have been physically injured by the attack yesterday, but perhaps we re the attack yesterday, but perhaps were caught up in it and for whom there may be other scars and it is important we provide that support. Parliament is a very different place this morning. Coming in i realised that millions of people live with the after effects of terrorism avp it was almost within the hour yesterday that in my summing up to the Foreign Office minister, i said i understand his experience of terrorism is something that is not known to the rest of us. I could repeat that assertion again this morning about his experience yesterday afternoon. Does the Prime Minister agree with me that we should use the Honours System to recognise those people who made a contribution yesterday, including the member for Bournemouth East. I have indicated, i think proper consideration will be given to the issue that my honourable friend raises. But if i mayjust say about my honourable friend the member for Bournemouth East, who i spoke to yesterday, i think we should all recognise that not only did he show huge professionalism in putting his past training to the use and the hope that he had of rescuing the life of Pc Keith Palmer, but of course it was in the middle of a Terrorist Attack and he is somebody who knows the trauma and tragedy of losing somebody in a Terrorist Attack. I very much associate myself with the statement the Prime Minister and everyone has made. And pay tribute to all of those involved we. Atds the sister of a Police Officer as the sister of a Police Officer as the sister of a Police Officer in uniform, none of us know when they go out in the morning what theyre going to face. . I have to say yesterday hit hard for those of us with family in uniform. Im pleased she will giving help to those affected. When i was Home Secretary, there were two events that brought home the commitment and bravery and dedication of Police Officers, one was the National Police Service Memorial day when the Police Service memorial day when the police recognise those who have fallen and the other was the Police Bravery awards when groups of Police Officers are recognised for brave a cts officers are recognised for brave acts they have undertaken. What a lwa ys acts they have undertaken. What always struck me and im sure other members was the matter of fact way in which our Police Officers would, whatever they had done, whoever they had dealt with, whatever action they had dealt with, whatever action they had had to take, whatever injuries they had suffered would just say they had suffered would just say they were doing theirjob. We owe them a very great deal. Can i thank them a very great deal. Can i thank the Prime Minister for the tone with which she has reaebgted. She has spoken for the nation in this moment. Yesterday, many of us were gathered in Westminster Abbey, in lock down, in a stunning moment, people from left and right, people from muslim, hindu and christian faiths and none. Could i support those who reminded us this is not a an act of faith, it is an act of distortion of faith and it we will defend the values we cherish. My honourable friend is right, i think it is, it shows the importance of all of our faiths Working Together and recognising the values that we share and as he says this Act Of Terror was not an act of faith, it was an a perverse, a warped ideology, which leads to an Act Of Terrorism and it will not prevail. My prayers are those who were injured and lost their lives and theirfamily and injured and lost their lives and their family and particularly p xrchlt keith palmer, who made the ultimate accusifies. This attacker and that he had the ultimate sacrifice. This attacker is not of my religion or community and we should attack all those, because theyre not of religion. If they we re of theyre not of religion. If they were of religion they wouldnt be carrying acts like this. We have to stay united and show them they cant win on these grounds and we are here to stay. May i commend the honourable gentleman for comments he has made and the stance he has taken. He has been very clear that this is not of his religion. It is a perverse, it is a warped evil mentality that leads to these acts of terror. Could ijoin in saluting my honourable friend and fellow Dorset Memberfor my honourable friend and fellow dorset member for his bravery yesterday. It is a hall mark of his character, he stands below the bar of the house today. Would he agree with these words written by a worker on the London Underground yesterday and penned on a Public Notice board, myjudgment is and penned on a Public Notice board, my judgment is he and penned on a Public Notice board, myjudgment is he or she speaks for the whole country, irrespective of faith and creed, all terrorists are reminded that this is london and whatever you do to us, we will drink tea and jolly well carry on whatever you do to us, we will drink tea and jolly well carry on i think thatis tea and jolly well carry on i think that is a wonderful tribute and if a very simple way i think has encapsulated everything everybody in this house has said today. Like many members i have walked through the Carriage Gate and said a small prayerfor Carriage Gate and said a small prayer for the safety of those who stand there to protect us and will now add a prayer for the soul of Pc Keith Palmer. Among the Bravery We Saw Yesterday and the professionalism and i say this as a former teacher, were the actions of the teacher, both nose those injured in the attack and those kept here in the lock down and kept those children calm on a day they saw, witnessed and heard of things that they should never have to see. The honourable gentleman is right, it is, it must have been particularly difficult for those children who we re difficult for those children who were here and being caught up in this. The work of, we should commend the work of their teachers in offering them that reassurance and calm and recognise particularly the role of the french teachers, of the french group, the last thing you expect when you bring a group of young people to another country is something terrible like that is going to happen. Of course, they would have acted to support and will be continuing to support the other members of that group who have been through this trauma. As we were evacuated yesterday, i too met several School Groups who had been involved with visits that had been organised by the Parliamentary Education service. Does my honourable friend agree that such visits are vital and help provide an antidote to hatred. Yes and theyre important in helping to promote the values we share. The honourable lady, the member for slough values we share. The honourable lady, the Memberfor Slough asked me about how we can ensure we promote those values, i think that work that parliament does in bringing in children and showing them the work of parliament and values of our democracy is an important part of that. My thoughts are with pc palmers family and the families of all those who were victims of yesterdays Terrorist Attacks. We are so grateful to the Emergency Services and etch who protect everyone who protect us. The Prime Minister speaks for the whole country in her message of unity, does she agree with me that the painstaking work begins now for all of us in our constituencies in providing reassurances and maintaining that unity, because it is in the days after an vent like whats happened that we have to be vigilant against those who try to exploit these kinds of attacks and cause backlashes and intolerance against different communities. The role of the media is critical in ensuring that we maintain our resilience and that sense of definals defines and solidarity. The honourable lady is right, there is an immediate focus on the event, but of course as he says it is in the days after that some may try to sow hatred. I would like to thank the Prime Ministerfor h her statement and to offer condelenses to all affected. As a former Armed Forces Fa M ily to all affected. As a former Armed Forces Family i know at this time it is more important to show our resolve. I also hope that we will continue to support alaffected all affected. Although trauma may not impact straight awashings away it may have long term fbgts. Effects. The honourable lady makes a good point. Over time with a number of incidents we have come to learn more about the importance of providing that support, that is not just about an immediate reaction, but for some the impact of an attack can kick in quite a while later. That is why we are looking at the support that is available for victims. I commend my honourable friends statement and hope she will agree that britains police force is the greatest in the world and for those of us who served as Police Officers, i pay tribute to Pc Keith Palmer, who was stood serving this house unarmed when duty call and he paid the ultimate sacrifice. These lone wolf type attacks are difficult to defend against, what can be done to defend against, what can be done to make sure this does not happen ain . To make sure this does not happen again . In terms of protective security, work will be done with the parliamentary estate. But the best way of defeating terrorist is through intelligence and finding information about the potential for attacks taking place in advance and preventing them as i said, since june 2013, 13 plots have been disrupted. That is due to the hard work of the our police and security and intelligence agencies. They work day in and out to keep us safe and will continue to do so. day in and out to keep us safe and will continue to do so. I think everyone who works on the parliamentary estate has considered what they would do if a day like yesterday ever happened. For those who work with families on site it is of particular concern. I wonder if the Prime Minister would join me in saying a specific word for the staff at the House Of Commons nursery for their actions. Many can attest to looking after one toddler for a numberof looking after one toddler for a number of hours looking after one toddler for a numberof hours is looking after one toddler for a number of hours is not easy, but they looked after the children in difficult circumstances and kept in touch with some very worried parents. I was in the nursery during the lock down and their action was much appreciated. Very happy to join The Honourable Gentleman In commending the work of staff of the nursery. It must have been very difficult with Young Children in an uncertain and difficult circumstance. Im sure they did an excellent job and circumstance. Im sure they did an excellentjob and im happy to join him in commending the work they did. Ijoin in allthe him in commending the work they did. Ijoin in all the tributes that have been paid, those of us that were locked down will pay tribute to your deputy, the chairman of Ways And Means and the leader of the house for their keeping calm and carrying on andl for their keeping calm and carrying on and i would pay tribute to the hansard on and i would pay tribute to the hansa rd reporters who on and i would pay tribute to the hansard reporters who recorded three hours after the business had finished up to the adjournment. That isa finished up to the adjournment. That is a tribute to our democracy. would join The Honourable Gentleman In commending the actions of both the chairman of way and mean and the leader of the house yesterday who i think calmly was able to reassure members at a time when nobody knew everything about what was happening. There was limited information available. Thank you mr speaker, yesterday, showed us the worst of humanity but it showed us more the best of humanity, whether that was the member from Bournemouth East or the member from Bournemouth East or the action of pc palmer or the Firearms Officer. I have been touched in the last two days by the numberof touched in the last two days by the number of people from my constituency who have contacted of me of christian, jewish and muslim faith and of no faith and particularly i want to pay tribute to the chairman of the mosques in leeds, who contacted me to say his thought and prayers and of all the community in leeds are with all of us at this difficult time and there will be prayers across our country in the days ahead. Ijoin trade, i think all faith communities across this country will be becoming together and will as she says, be remembering those who have suffered Asa Remembering those who have suffered as a result of those attack and in their coming together ensuring that they again show how, because they do, they represent those values that we have talked about, that are so important to our way of life. The Prime Minister has been exemplary on this. As she was on hillsborough. The memberfor this. As she was on hillsborough. The member for Ribble Valley was right to tay that keith was one of us. One of the things we Saw Yesterday was that the parliamentary family Isa Yesterday was that the parliamentary family is a big family and includes cooks and cleaners and clerks and door keepers and people who make our democracy function, who are in my ways more important than we are. We have, when an mp dies in action, a shield is put up or when theyre killed like ian gou in a terrorist incident, they have a Shield Put Up and sadly i hope soon there will be one forjo cox. It is time, whatever tribute there is play be, in the future, keiths, keith had a shield in this chamber. Because he was our shield and defender yesterday. in this chamber. Because he was our shield and defender yesterday. I say to the honourable gentleman i think it is appropriate that Pc Keith Palmerfor his bravery it is appropriate that Pc Keith Palmer for his bravery and it is appropriate that Pc Keith Palmerfor his bravery and his it is appropriate that Pc Keith Palmer for his bravery and his act of sacrifice should be recognised in an appropriate way. The honourable gentleman will realise what that is isa gentleman will realise what that is is a matter for the gentleman will realise what that is is a matterfor the house authorities. Thank you, yesterday on wembridge and in new palace yard many members of public attempted to give Life Saving Aid to the injured. Many will have asked the question about whether we would have had the skills had we been there, will the Prime Ministerjoin me in encouraging those who seek to acquire those skills to do and and perhaps contact the stjohns ambulance. My friend makes a good point and ambulance. My friend makes a good pointandi ambulance. My friend makes a good point and i would join him ambulance. My friend makes a good pointand i wouldjoin him in ambulance. My friend makes a good point and i would join him in that encouragement. I think there are probably the vast majority of members of the house would not have had the skills to be able to act in that way. It is a good message that more of us should acquire the skills. The aim of any terrorist is to exploit the natural and inevitable sense of Public Interest and sympathy to sow disunity and disruption and fear beyond the act, the physical Act Of Terror, in building on her commendable words about the resolution of british people, does she think that we should also take time to reflect in is in chamberand should also take time to reflect in is in chamber and outside it, including in the media, about how we can balance the Public Interest and the peoples feelings of grief with seeking not to give oxygen or pub lilsty publicity to whatever cause it is that a terrorist seeks to promote . It is, this question of oxygen to promote . It is, this question of oxyg e n of to promote . It is, this question of oxygen of publicity is an important one and we should reflect on the points that the honourable gentleman has made. He references the actions of media. We shouldnt forget, we have talked about people who were caught up in this yesterday, there we re caught up in this yesterday, there were many journalists caught up in this yesterday, there were manyjournalists who were caught up either on the periphery of the parliamentary estate or in the parliamentary estate and continuing and doing their best to do theirjob in reporting faithfully what was happening. But i think how these matters are addressed, how these matters are addressed, how these matters are addressed, how these matters are reported, is an important consideration, as he says, we wa nt important consideration, as he says, we want to ensure is not possible to use these actions to encourage others or to sow division. use these actions to encourage others or to sow division. I would add my condolences and my gratitude tho those expressed. Yesterday two of my constituents were caught up in the attacks, one op whom was eight months pregnant and they have asked me to pass on their gratitude and thanks to the house staff and the police for the consideration with which they were treated during the five hour lock down. Would the Prime Minister agree with me thatjust as we go about continue to go about our daily work, so those we represent must continue to see this house as their house, and must be encouraged to come here to see and participate in the democracy which puts our values into action. I think that is a very important point. It is part of our democracy that members of public, that the constituents we represent, are able to come to this place and learn about this place and also are able to access their representatives at this place and we should ensure that will always continue. My honourable friend has mentioned the House Of Commons staff who were showing exemplary Behaviour Andi who were showing exemplary behaviour and i wanted to pay tribute to the manager who dealt with nervous pa rents. Manager who dealt with nervous parents. It is every parts Worst Nightmare and they stayed calm under an attack. May i add that people who commit acts of terrorism In The Name Of Islam do not speak for the muslims is in country or this city and do not speak for muslims is in country or this city and do not speakfor me. Muslims is in country or this city and do not speak for me. Im grateful for her words. Again for the warm way in which she has spoken of the actions of the House Of Commons staff who were looking after children. But she is right, the terrorists do not speak in the name of the faith. Never a warped ideology. The murder who used both his carand ideology. The murder who used both his car and also a knife as weapons of murder yesterday care not what the faith of the people he killed was or the nationality. Doesnt it say everything about why our values will prevail and the values of murder will not, that after the police had shot him, they attempted to save his life . I think it does show those values that underpin our way of life. That that was, the first thought that they did try to save the individuals life. That is what the police do. It is what they have done in previous incidents as well. And as he says, i think that shows the values that are at the heart of our society. Can i commend the Prime Minister for her strength of character and for her leadership at this time cometh the hour, cometh the woman. We thank you and we thank you others. The Prime Minister, at this moment we are all aware of review that will take place, the Policy Review will make recommendations, could i ask Prime Minister what assurance, or seek an assurance they will be conveyed to the scottish parliament, the Welsh Assembly and the Irish Assembly and co operation with the irish republic. I thank the honourable gentleman for his comments. Any Lessons Learned here in this parliamentary estate, we must recognise there are other representative bodies, parliaments and assemblies across the United Kingdom and of course it is important that we ensure those m essa g es important that we ensure those messages are shared. This morning i spoke with the imam of my area who wanted to share his sorrow. Which will come away from that debate, mps meeting determined to show their work will continue and the Prime Minister saying we are not afraid, our resolve will never waiver in the face of tomorrow. Terrorism. He described the attack yesterday, where the Police Officer was killed as an attack on free people. We saw the worst of humanity, but we will remember the best of humanity as well. She described Pc Keith Palmer as every inch a hero. We have heard are that the queen has sent a statement. The Buckingham Palace said her thoughts, prayers and sympathies are with all those affected by yesterdays violence. We will bring you full coverage throughout the day from here in westminster. Where we are at the edge of the Police Cordon. Many of the streets and key roads leading to the streets and key roads leading to the Palace Of Westminster still closed this afternoon. Youre watching bbc news. This is bbc news. Im ben brown live At Westminster. As the Prime Minister says the man behind the Terror Attack here was british born and known to the authorities. The flag over parliament is flying at half mast this afternoon, as the queen expresses her son is for all those affected. The Prime Minister has been shaken colleagues in the chamber of the House Of Commons. The queen expresses her sympathies. What i can confirm is the man was british born and some years ago he was once investigated by m15 in concerns over violent extremism. One of the victims of the attack has been named as aysha frade. She was reportedly on her way to pick up her children from school when she was at the macro struck by gear cars car on west bridge. Iam on west bridge. I am Annita Mcveigh out by Scotland Yard. Kelly is coordinating the investigation have arrested eight people, paul macro of them in birmingham. And police have been searching the clean as their murdered colleague is named as geeky keith palmer. One colleague paid an emotional tribute to his friend from his days in the military. He was a strong, professional public servant. And it was a delight to meeting here again only a few months after being elected. Families continue to mourn their dead. The police have made theirfirst arrest in connection with the attack, which left four people dead, including the perpetrator. Grades are being carried out overnight in birmingham and london and eight people in all have been arrested, at least four in birmingham. Theresa may has confirmed the suspect was once investigated by m15 over concerns they had about violent extremism. She also said that he was not part of the current intelligence picture, described him as a peripheral figure. Picture, described him as a peripheralfigure. The queen has led tributes to those impacted by yesterdays events. In a Statement Released by Buckingham Palace in the last three minutes, Queen Elizabeth said. Ays ha aysha frade has been named as one of the two People Killed when the attacker targeted pedestrians walking on Westminster Bridge. Pc keith palmer was stabbed by the suspect at the entrance of the Palace Of Westminster, and altogether 29 people are still in hospital this afternoon, including seven who we are told are the House Of Commons was in sombre reflective mood this morning. In memory of those who lost their lives in yesterdays attack and of all of the casualties of that attack. We shall now observe a minutes silence. Sfli yesterday an Act Of Terrorism tried to silence our downpour si. Democracy. As generations have done before and future generation will continue to do, to deliver a simple message we are not continue to do, to deliver a simple message we are not afraid. And our resolve will never waiver in the face of terrorism. As the queen said her thoughts and sympathy were with all those affected, At New Scotland ya rd all those affected, at new Scotland Yard the police paid tributes to a fallen colleague, after an attack on the the capital that everyone had dreaded and trained for. But are determined to overcome. With the union flag at half mast above the Palace Of Westminster, the area around parliament remains closed to the public. That includes Westminster Bridge, where shortly before 3 oclock yesterday, a lone attacker drove a Four Wheel Drive Vehicle at high speed through a crowd of people. One victim was catapulted into the thames as the car mounted the kerb. The woman was pulled from the river injured but alive. The vehicle continued at speed, and crashed into the railings around the Palace Of Westminster. The attack ran do the main gate where he stabbed a Police Officer, 48 year old keith palmer. As he continued he was shot as he tried to attack other officers. Amid the chaos, many commented on the bravery of passers by, mp and Emergency Services in giving first aid and tending to the victims. But three people were killed, including pc palmer. Also aysha frade, a 4 3 year old from spain. The attacker has not been named. But he was british and was once investigated for links to extremist organisations. Police from several forces launched simultaneous operations in the midlands and in london, making eight arrests in connection with the westminster attack. The inquiries in birmingham, london and other parts are continuing. It is still our belief, which continues to be borne out by our investigation, that this attacker acted alone and was inspired by international terrorism. Investigators are piecing together the exact circumstances of what happened in and around parliament. But in london and westminster generally, security has been significantly increased, around what was already one of most heavily protected areas of the cap pal vp capital. The importance of security and maintaining the freedoms people cherish, never more challenging. Im joined at the Police Cordon At Westminster by lord carlile. Thank you for being us with. What do you think of the significance of the fa ct think of the significance of the fact that the Prime Minister said this assailant was british born and had been on the Security Services radar. We will have to look at the evidence and there are issues about whether m15 has sufficient staffing to track people who come on to its radarfor to track people who come on to its radar for long to track people who come on to its radarfor long enough. To track people who come on to its radar for long enough. We to track people who come on to its radarfor long enough. We have the Investigatory Powers Act to empower the Security Services to follow the Internet Traffic of people interested in being radicalised. We have to see fit was sufficient. She said he was a peripheral figure, have to see fit was sufficient. She said he was a peripheralfigure, the Security Services cannot track everyone. No and they make judgments and make judgments on everyone. No and they make judgments and makejudgments on the everyone. No and they make judgments and make judgments on the whole. The Security Services are often then sung heros who keep the public safe and they will be examining what occurred and looking at the perpetrator and asking the government for the resources they need. What has been demonstrated is that there is a real Severe Threat and we must protect the public, not just parliament, but the public from this kind of threat. Because it was members of public as well as a much loved Police Officer who suffered yesterday. An attacker using a car and knives, so hard to stop. And to get intelligence on. Yes, things have changed a lot, at one time we we re have changed a lot, at one time we were looking at improvised electronic explosive devices, now it is cars and knives. It is much more difficult to detect that kind of event, because it is so simple to perpetrate. Do you think there needs to be changes in legislation . On the face of it no, i think anti terror legislation is strong and complete and we may have to look at the way it is applied and the extent to which the radicalising sites are taken from the internet. It is right to say that over 50,000 such sites we re to say that over 50,000 such sites were removed by the british authorities in the last two quarters, so the governments staff are working hard at this. But it may that more can be done. The public, communities, must be more vigilant than they have been, as this event has shown. Thank you. Lets go to our assistant Political Editor norman smith who is in the palace Palace Of Westminster and was listening to that debate. Very dignified and an agreement on all sides it was important for mps to sit today, just the day after the attack to show they wouldnt be cowed by terrorism. Yes, it was clear that many mps made a real effort to make sure they were in the chamber to cancel trips away, as a visible symbol of defines. Defiance. But we have been getting more detail about events yesterday and the bbc understands that the attacker was shot dead by one of the Defence Secretarys security detail. That would fit in, it has not been confirmed, but that would 23i9 with fit with confirmed, but that would 23i9 with fit with what we know from yesterday, because mps and the ministers and the Prime Minister we re ministers and the Prime Minister were voting as the attack took place. They would have been going along, many of them at the back of palace ya rd along, many of them at the back of palace yard through t area, many mps we re palace yard through t area, many mps were told they were told to get down. We know it was a Plain Clothes Officer who shot the attacker. Now it seems it was part of Defence Secretarys own security detail. I stress that has not been confirmed, but what is what we understand. That would seem to fit in what appears to bea would seem to fit in what appears to be a likely possibility. Elsewhere we are getting more details about the monday himself man himself and we know, because the Prime Minister told us he is a British National and he had xom to attention of the come to the attention of Security Forces understanding buts but he was a peripheral figure and not part of their current investigations and was not seen as an immediate threat. But i imagine that will be one area that people will want to look at. In terms of mood, it was captured by a Conservative Mp, james cleverley, who knew Pc Keith Palmer as a former colleague in the artillery regiment. He seemed close to tears as he urged mrs may to consider some sort of recognition, i assume a medalfor mrs may to consider some sort of recognition, i assume a medal for pc palmer. There was calms for some sort of monument to recognise his courage and bravery. But you know there was a common theme apart from there was a common theme apart from the sense of defiance that democracy will not be cow and that was the plea for people not to react and respond to those seeking to divide different communities. Thank you very much. Norman smith there. The police are urging anyone with any information at all about the events here yesterday to get in touch with them and members of public being asked to call the Anti Terrorist hotline. It is there on screen. That is the same number if people wa nt to that is the same number if people want to report anything else suspicious they have spotted. We Leave Viewers on bbc1 who will get more detailfrom Leave Viewers on bbc1 who will get more detail from westminster in the one oclock news. The flag flying at half mast over westminster, where mps have been meeting in that very sombre session, sombre debate and listening to the Prime Minister and agreeing they have to stand firm against terrorism. Meanwhile Police Continue their investigations into exactly what happened yesterday, and who was this man behind it. Lets go now to Annita Mcveigh, who is at the headquarters of the metropolitan police, new Scotland Yard, very close to where the attack took place here At Westminster. Thank you. Sombre moments here earlier today as well, and minutes silence in memory of Pc Keith Palmer in front of the Eternal Flame which is just in front of the Eternal Flame which isjust behind me here, the Eternal Flame at new Scotland Yard which commemorates those who have lost their lives in the service of the force, and just after that minutes silence the acting commissioner of the met, craig mackey, spoke briefly to the gathered media. He said that no matter how much he and his collea g u es no matter how much he and his colleagues had prepared for possible Terrorist Attacks through a variety of scenarios, for members of the force and the public nothing could prepare them for the reality of what had happened yesterday, and he repeated the appeal to the public that if they have any concerns at all to approach an officer and talk to them. He said the police are the public and the public are the police. A motion as well as we have been hearing inside the commons, mps have spoken about their thoughts and feelings on the events of yesterday, and we heard from james cleverly, the mp for braintree, a friend of 25 yea rs the mp for braintree, a friend of 25 years standing of Pc Keith Palmer. The two had served in the Royal Artillery together and this is what he said. I would like to turn for a moment of Pc Keith Palmer who i first met 25 yea rs Pc Keith Palmer who i first met 25 years ago as gunnar keith palmer at Headquarters Battery 1oo regiment Royal Artillery. He was a strong, professional public servant. And it was a delight to meet him here again only a few months after being elected. Would my right honourable friend the Prime Minister, in recognition of the work that he did and the other Police Officers and Public Servants here in the house do, consider recognising his gallantry and sacrifice formally with a posthumous recognition . Some Breaking News coming to us, we are hearing from the so called Islamic States news agency that it is claiming this attack. One might say that they would do that, but this is coming from the so called Islamic State news agency, claiming that attack. Of course, what we have heard from the police here is that they believe the individual who carried out the attack in westminster yesterday was acting alone but inspired by international terrorism. We will discuss that further in a minute. First, lets go to birmingham, where four of the eight arrests so far carried out by police have been made and our correspondent phil mackie is there. Bring us up to date with what is happening. As you can see, this is where a lot of attention has been focused over the last 12 hours or so because events began to unfold at 11pm last night on the busy hagley road, one of the main routes into birmingham, four lanes of traffic behind the camera that you cannot see, that was Com Pletely Camera that you cannot see, that was completely sealed off, Armed Officersjumped completely sealed off, armed officers jumped out of the card and went into this flat here, the brown ball behind me. Everybody in the shops and restaurants along here, it would have been quite busy year even at 11 beyond, they were kept on lockdown for a couple of hours and later on they saw three men being taken out of here, even after that in the small hours they saw boxes of evidence being brought out. In the last 20 minutes or so we have seen this Security Cordons go up and we are expecting officers that we know are expecting officers that we know are still in their carrying out forensic investigation is likely to come out with more boxes of evidence in the near future. Come out with more boxes of evidence in the nearfuture. We come out with more boxes of evidence in the near future. We still havent had any official confirmation that what is going on here is related to what is going on here is related to what happened in westminster yesterday, but all inquiries are being referred to Scotland Yard, it is not an Investigation Being Led by West Midlands police, and it has to be more than a coincidence, it certainly appears that this is one of those key addresses that officers investigating those terrible attacks nearly 2a hours ago will have been focusing on. I spoke to one or two of the people who lived in the flat next door, they talk about being frightened hearing the shouting and seeing armed police but it is the kind of area with a transient population, lots of flats, people dont necessarily live here for long so nobody could really tell us who lived in those flats and what happened to them and where they are from. We are hearing more information coming in about various pieces of Police Activity, but let me just ask you about the reports that the car that was used in this attack was printed in the West Midlands, what can you tell us about that . It was thought originally that the car used in the attack on the Westminster Bridge, that ran into people there, had been hired from a rental company, enterprise, in soluble. Enterprise has confirmed it was one of their cars involved in the attack but it definitely was not rented from soliola. I dont necessarily know where that came from from solihull. They have expressed their condolences, they said that as soon as they saw the number plate on one of the images online, they verified it and are informed the authorities straightaway and they are assisting the police with their investigation. 0k, the police with their investigation. Ok, thank you for that. Just a reminder of the Breaking News in the last few moments, the so called Islamic State newsagency is claiming this attack in westminster, although just to remind you police here are working on the basis that the individual who carried out that attack was working alone but inspired by international terrorism, but of course they are investigating what his associations might have been, what preparation went on in the lead up to this attack. Just also a reminder that we have heard in the last short while reports that it may have been one of the Defence Secretary Michael Fallons personal Protection Officers who shot the attacker yesterday. With me now to discuss the latest development is our Home Affairs Correspondent daniel sandford. First of all, what do we know so far about whom this attacker may have been . He isa attacker may have been . He is a person that it turned out was known to the police and security service, m15, he had been on the periphery of an investigation some yea rs periphery of an investigation some years ago, i understand. It looks as if he wasnt actually charged in relation to that investigation but certainly the way that the Prime Minister put it in the House Of Commons earlier today, he was no longer part of the current intelligence picture, as it were he had drifted off the radar, having been on the radar. There is still a Working Assumption that he was, in carrying out this attack he was carrying out this attack he was carrying out this attack he was carrying out this attack on his own, nonetheless eight people have been arrested over quite a large area of england and wales, four in birmingham, the other four england and wales, four in birmingham, the otherfour it is not quite clear that there has been Police Activity in wales, surrey, sussex, parts of west london, so it isa sussex, parts of west london, so it is a wide operation. Police have been speaking to people who knew this man well to see if they had any information of how he got involved in doing this. The claim of responsibility by Islamic State, the police will not pay a great deal of attention to that because they already were working on the sumption that this was an islamist inspired attack and what they really want to know is who may have been helping him on the ground here, not who may have been the ideologue or contact he had overseas, that will come further down the line. What is difficult for the police is that this is a low tech attack, so many people have access to knives and cars, it is difficult to think about how they might combat this sort of incident . In some ways you might think the protections that there were the parliament worked reasonably well, the man did not get more than a few yards inside the perimeter of parliament, he had to break through the first ring, which she did with some success, unfortunately took a Police Officers life in doing that, but then this plainclothes officer with a handgun and shot him dead and the attack was over. But of course the attack was over. But of course the thing we have seen over the last few years was what he had done before that, with his vehicle, which actually caused much more carnage. I should say the Westminster Bridge, where that carnage took place, was a com plete where that carnage took place, was a complete crime scene yesterday, massive amounts of evidence gathering going on for any future inquest or trials, is anybody else was ever to be implicated in the attack, but this morning what we are seeing is it is being cleaned, road sweeping machines are out there, it is being prepared for reopening, so that first initial evidence gathering stage, certainly on Westminster Bridge, appears to be over, we are now in the state of, who are his contacts, what kind of communications did he have, what, if anything, did anybody else no year in the country and that is where the focus of the investigation is now moving, from the basic evidence gathering that was taking place yesterday. A complex operation, thank you so much. 0f much. Of course, 2a hours a day, every day of the year the men and women of metropolitan police are protecting london and people in this city, that job continues today at the same time as this massive investigation goes on and also of course as they come to terms with the loss of one of their own in the line of duty. Ben, back to you. We know that a0 people we know that ao people were injured in the attack yesterday, many of them still in hospital, some of them critically ill and fighting for their lives, being treated at a number of hospitals, st thomas is just across the river where doctors ran out of the hospital to treat people on Westminster Bridge, also Kings College hospital and Saint Marys Hospital in central london. Our correspondent fiona london is there, what is the latest . We are about 2. 5 miles from Westminster Bridge and if you can see behind me the Police Riot Vans and cars because there is a real presence here still today, and if i ta ke presence here still today, and if i take you inside, in the reception, you might be able to sleep through the glass doors there are two Police Officers on guard, earlier there we re officers on guard, earlier there were eight, searching bags as people went in. If i draw your attention to the poster, they clearly have a control room in the hospital. The Hospital Trust have confirmed they are treating patients here who were involved in the attack yesterday. We spoke to a patient earlier who was at the hospitaljust before the attack. He told us he was in a and b and was asked to move into a ward because he said he was told injured Police Officers were on their way to the hospital. This is martin galloway. I arrived here, i cant remember the time, about 2pm or 3pm and they said a Police Officer had been injured and they didnt have any beds so they moved me to the second floor. We know that three Police Officers we re we know that three Police Officers were injured on the bridge, whether they are here, we dont yet know. Thank you very much, sorry about the sound on that report there from st marys hospital. Joining us now is the former tory shadow Homeland Security spokesman, patrick mercer. Former mp as well. I think im right in saying that you carried out a review of security around the Palace Of Westminster i think after the mumbai attack, so do you think security needs to be improved or at least looked at again around the Palace Of Westminster in the wake of what happened here . The inquiry was actually a National Inquiry looking ata actually a National Inquiry looking at a much bigger targets than simply the Palace Of Westminster, but you are right, we did look at the security because of the high value nature of the House Of Commons. One of the things we were very concerned about and which we didnt feel we we re about and which we didnt feel we were properly prepared for was a mass attack, a dismounted infantry style attack we have seen in places like mumbai and other places like that, however we did conclude the most likely form of attack was a so called lone wolf attack. This was partially informed by what happened to Fusilier Lee Rigby some years ago and now there are many parallels with what happened yesterday. The trouble is, the conclusion that we came to, the lone individual operating with a low value vehicle, weapon, and knife and a car, very, very ha rd to weapon, and knife and a car, very, very hard to stop unless you com pletely very hard to stop unless you completely closed down Parliament Square and the houses of parliament and make it impossible for vehicles to come through and every individual is searched. Again, our conclusion was, were we willing to do that . No, of course not. The point about terrorism is that It Terrorises and changes the nature of everyday life. We, for better or worse, live in a democracy and therefore our representatives have got to be accessible to their constituents. You cannot do that if you are going to live in a permanent state of terror. Quite apart from which, it also demonstrates to the terrorists that they are having an effect. We concluded that was a price we were not willing to pay. In your view now, you dont think really a ny in your view now, you dont think really any substantial changes in the Security Setup around westminster . Be in no doubt that there are all sorts of measures which are already in place Inside Westminster which will protect the state, protect the palace and those people that walk in and out. The thing i do think is important that the government has not addressed is a Public Information campaign that people must be alerted, must be sensitised to the fact that these sorts of individuals are among our community, they do mean of harm and we have to keep our eyes and ears open. Think back a few years to when the Irish Republican Army were carrying out bombings and the like in central london. There was never any hesitation there full organisations like yours to say to people, there is a threat, be careful, be alert, this is what to look out for. We must not allow ourselves to be strangled by Political Correctness on this. Weve got to recognise there is a threat, weve got to alert people to it and sensitise themselves to it. If every person out there is knowledgeable, informed, capable of imparting information, it will make the terrorists job so much more difficult. Very good to talk to you, thank you for your time, patrick mercer, former Conservative Mp. Let me show you the scene At Westminster, where the flag is flying at half mast over the flag is flying at half mast over the Palace Of Westminster. In memory of those who died in the horrific attack here almost 2a hours ago. The streets and roads around the Palace Of Westminster leading to Parliament Square, many of them still closed off right now because of course it isa off right now because of course it is a crime scene, police still with a lot of investigative work to do, particularly along the Westminster Bridge and around the Palace Of Westminster, where the stabbing of Pc Keith Palmer took place. That debate with theresa may telling mps today we are not afraid. Our resolve will never waver in the face of terrorism. I am joined here at the Police Cordoned withJonathan Reynolds, labour mp. You were in the house yesterday and so was your two year old child in the commons nursery, is that right . two year old child in the commons nursery, is that right . I was actually coming back into parliament. I was rushing to get in. Asi parliament. I was rushing to get in. As i tried to get in there was a crowd of people coming out of the westminster entrance. People were talking about gunfire. I think a lot of people who work in westminster have thought about what might happen if there was a security incident. I wa nted if there was a security incident. I wanted to be with him but i was not in the estate so i tried to get in from the whitehall side. I got into the building to be with him. When the building to be with him. When the news broke i was able to tell my wife i was with him. We are seeing a picture of you with him on our screen. You must have been very worried at the time . Very worried. It was not clear what had happened. People evacuated in different parts of the estate. I could see something out of the window which was a pretty bad situation. And that side of the estate on Westminster Bridge road and you could tell it was very serious and the news came forward that a Police Officer had been injured. People did not know how serious that was. There was huge concern that the incident was over. I wanted to be with him. Some collea g u es i wanted to be with him. Some colleagues had to be separated for the duration of the lockdown which is of huge concern but it was nice to be there. The children were great. They knew something was not right. It is a reminder thAt Westminster is a community, a village and their families there. Parliament needs to bea families there. Parliament needs to be a place where a lot of people can come in. I had some constituents down that i was hoping to see. Some councillors came down. I will have to persuade them to come down in future. It has to be a place to support the work that goes on there. People do have children with them sometimes and it is very difficult in that sense. That is what people should remember when they talk about westminster. It is notjust about politicians, it is a much bigger place than that. And the message from the Prime Minister and all the mps taken pa rt Prime Minister and all the mps taken part in the debate this morning was very much the work has to go on as normal . It is very important that parliament was sitting today. I am looking forward to getting home to stalybridge tonight. I thought the Prime Ministers statement, the leader of the opposition and Angus Robertson from the snp were all absolutely correct in what they said. It was the right tone. I have seen some comments from around the world that somehow london is closed or frightened and that is not the case at all. This place is open. There are people going about their daily business in the british way that we do that. And the Public Gallery in the commons is open. Having been through the trauma yesterday, in which you said you we re yesterday, in which you said you were so worried about your child, but should security around the Palace Of Westminster be increased or at least reviewed . After an incident like this, the response will be properly considered, but if you look at what we know so far, the assailant clearly determined, did not breach the perimeter, did not get into the building, he stopped passed power edge palace gates. There has been a significant strengthening of the estate in recent yea rs strengthening of the estate in recent years in terms of the threat from vehicles and that will be something that will come out in the evidence as well. We should notjump to conclusions. There will have to bea to conclusions. There will have to be a reviewed response to it. The security has to be hearing parliament but any day my constituents can come in and anyone can come into the lobby of parliament for an event. Parliament is not the votes and the debate, it is not the votes and the debate, it is people from every parts of the country coming together to represent all bits of that country and that has to be the basis of it. It is a balance that has to be got right and i think the balance is on the main the right one. The staff are wonderful, notjust looking after the business of parliament, when they see us with our children coming m, they see us with our children coming in, they are so friendly to them. You see people stopping for selfies and wanting pictures of big ben with the police and they are magnificent in their response to all that. That was what was going on yesterday. In their response to all that. That was what was going on yesterdaym was what was going on yesterdaym was really quite traumatic day looking back at it, and i think your other child was drawing pictures of the House Of Commons . Whenever you have to bring your kids and people are so kind to them. I think people recognise as well it was not always afamily recognise as well it was not always a Family Friendly place. Some older collea g u es a Family Friendly place. Some older colleagues would not have had that experience but the staff are wonderful, they love to the children and the children love to see all of that as well. My six year old drew some thank you cards for the police and the nursery staff as well. Thank you so much for talking to us, Jonathan Reynolds mp. Very good to talk to. A former neighbour of one of the victimss who was attacked has been speaking to the bbc. She was a lovely girl, a lovely mother, a lovely wife. She was just a lovely person with two lovely children. Two lovely, lovely girls. How are these children . They have lost their mother. You leave your kids to take them to school, you go and pick them up them to school, you go and pick them up and this happens to you. I am in shock. I cannot believe it. I think i have to go win. A neighbour of ays ha i have to go win. A neighbour of aysha frade who died in the attack yesterday in the attack on Westminster Bridge. There have been m essa g es of Westminster Bridge. There have been messages of support and solidarity from britain for britain coming from britain for britain coming from all over the world. We have heard from Jean Claude Yunker who was attending celebrations in brussels, it is one year since the brussels, it is one year since the brussels attacks when he heard of the attacks and he has been giving this reaction. I was attending commemoration ceremonies in brussels because we had these attacks. Yesterday, one year ago. And while i have been there, i was informed that the attacks took place in london and i was shocked. Shocked because one has to be shocked. And shocked because again and again, we are hit by this kind of event. I am admiring really the resilience of the city of london and of the british and i will have a call today with the Prime Minister. Jean Claude Juncker there. Lets now talk to the ukip leader paul nuttall whojoins me at talk to the ukip leader paul nuttall who joins me at the Police Cordoned as the Police Investigation continues, what are your thoughts after the attack yesterday . continues, what are your thoughts after the attack yesterday . I think obviously sadness. I think it is an appalling Act Of Terrorism. My heart goes out to the families who have lost loved ones and i hope for a swift recovery for those who are in hospital as a result of this madness yesterday. Do you think there needs to be changes to security in westminster and around the country . Quite possibly in westminster, given that all that was needed for this Terrorist Attack to take place yesterday was at hyundai four by four and yesterday was at hyundai four by fourand a yesterday was at hyundai four by four and a couple of kitchen knives. It was not as if the guy had a machine gun or anything like that, it was pretty basic, so i think maybe security does need to be improved. We have heard the Prime Minister saying we are not afraid. Mps have been sitting. Was that a demonstration of defiance in your view . Absolute defiance. I have to say i dont think this was a coincidence that this attack took place a year to the day after the brussels attacks which European Parliament representatives were involved in. There is a cancer within our community in our country which has to be cut out and dealt with. Whether that is calling on the Muslim Community to do more to cut this cancer out, whether it is ensuring that those 800 british citizens who are fighting for ice is out in syria and iraq are allowed backin out in syria and iraq are allowed back in this country, or indeed down the line, whether the government goes down the route of banning saudi funded mosques. Quite frankly, saudi arabia spread radicalisation around the world. The man, the assailant, was known to be born in this country. That is what the Prime Minister said. He had country. That is what the Prime Ministersaid. He had been country. That is what the Prime Minister said. He had been on the Security Services radar a while ago but wasjudged now Security Services radar a while ago but was judged now to be on the periphery, what do you think are the indications of that. The question will be asked if the Security Services should have continued to follow this man will stop he will be described as a loan wolf. Lone wolves are described as a loan wolf. Lone wolves a re never described as a loan wolf. Lone wolves are never really lone wolves. There will be people in the community who knew he had been radicalised. People should stand up and those who were involved should be brought to justice. We know the police and m15 cannot track everybody who has ever been on their radar. There are limits to their manpower and resources. There are, and the cuts to the police force are disgrace. They should not be any cuts to the Security Services because we are living in a dangerous world. It is interesting now that Islamic State have claimed responsibility, especially considering their prospects in last year said if you cannot get hold of a machine gun, the way to commit Terror Attack is to get hold of a car or get hold of a knife and that is what happened here yesterday. Although the Prime Minister said they are not going to raise the Terror Threat level, it is severe but they do not think any other attack is imminent, is that right . will trust the Prime Minister on this. She was the Home Secretary for a number of years and she obviously knows things that are identical. I will say we did expect this to happen at some point. It was never a case of if, if it was always the case of if, if it was always the case of if, if it was always the case of when. Whenever we have this cancer in our society of radical islam, it will happen again. It needs to be sorted out, it needs to be cut out of our society altogether and i hope the government start working on this quickly. You are talking in simplistic terms of cutting out a cancer. It is not that easy, surely . Is not easy but the Muslim Community will know who these people are living amongst them. They need to step up to the plate and report them to the police as soon as possible. The government need some stringent action now. The first thing i would do is to ban the saudi funding of mosques in this country. Paul nuttall, leader of ukip, thank you for your time. Lets talk to gordon correra, la security correspondent, who has the latest on this attack in westminster. Our security correspondent. What more is emerging on the attacker . We have had some important developments in the last hour. We have had is, the so called Islamic State, putting out a statement from its news agency, saying the individual was one of its soldiers responding to a call to carry out attacks. That does not necessarily mean they were in touch with him beforehand. This is a form of language they often used if someone was inspired by them or has pledged allegiance to them. It is still not entirely clear what that tells us about the International Links but it hits with the picture we have learned from the authorities beforehand, that this was an individual linked to internationalist terrorism. The other significant element was from the Prime Minister, the statement that the individual who has not been named officially, was on the radar at one point of m15. They come up in the periphery of the previous investigation some years ago, but the authorities are saying that does not mean they had any intelligence about the attempt to carry out this attack. Gordon, thank you very much indeed, our security correspondent there. Back here At Westminster we will talk to one of the mps for london, for hampstead and kilburn, tulip siddique. Thank you for being with us. You were in the chamberfor siddique. Thank you for being with us. You were in the chamber for the debate on what happened yesterday, it seemed a very sombre mood but also quite a defiant mood, mps wa nted also quite a defiant mood, mps wanted to show their work will continue as normal. Thats right, it was a resilient debate, talking about how we want to make sure that we are Public Servants, we will not be deterred by acts of terrorism. We we re be deterred by acts of terrorism. We were elected by constituents to do a duty and nothing will stop us from doing that. You saw how the chamber was packed on a thursday morning when most mps will go back to their constituency, but we felt we wanted to come to parliament to show the world it is business as usual. A lot of mps are talking about security around the Palace Of Westminster and maybe it needs to be looked at, at the same time they do not want it to become a fortress where they are kept away from the people who elected them. Thats right and yesterday when we were locked up in the chamber for hours on end, yesterday when we were locked up in the chamberfor hours on end, as yesterday when we were locked up in the chamber for hours on end, as you are aware, there were schoolchildren in the gallery thinking to cheer us up. They had come because they wa nted up. They had come because they wanted to see the mother of parliament, to see how democracy works, and we cannot stop that, we have to keep it open for people from across the country and london as well and back in the chamber today it felt like a real sense of unity, all the mps were united in their purpose of serving the country, serving london and being resilient in the face of adversity. We have heard from the Prime Minister the attacker, it is believed, was british born, on the radar of the Security Services are few years ago but was considered a peripheral figure. What are your thoughts . The Prime Minister talked about how he had committed these acts of he said he had committed these acts of terrorism In The Name Of Islam. B be clear he does not speak for the majority of muslims like myself. Brendan cox said something i agreed with, he said this man is no more representative of the Muslim Community atjo coxs kilowatt of the yorkshire community. This is one individual manipulating religion to suit his needs and we will not stand for that, and today i have had Faith Leaders from across hampstead and kilburn come to me and say, lets Work Together because we must make sure there is no backlash after this and we must stay united because we are all londoners and proud to be londoners. Thank you very much indeed, and speaking of londoners there is a candlelit vigil this evening at trafalgar square, the mayor have announced, at 6pm for people to come and pay their respects to those who died yesterday and who were injured as well. The Police Investigation quickly getting into full swing right now into exactly what happened here yesterday, and to try to find out much more about the man who carried out the attack, who still is not being named, by the way. Annita mcveigh is at new Scotland Yard for us. Then, thank you. This is a huge operation, a very complex one, it is also about reassurance for the public and are highly visible presence on the streets of london. We know that six addresses were searched overnight, eight arrests, four of those in birmingham, the metropolitan police also saying there has been activity at locations in forest gate in east london, we also know there was activity in wales, surrey and sussex, in addition to that activity that we mentioned in birmingham. The assista nt mentioned in birmingham. The assistant commissioner of the met, craig mackey, spoke outside new scotla nd craig mackey, spoke outside new Scotland Yard earlier today, following a one minute silence in memory of Pc Keith Palmer, the officer who of course was murdered here yesterday At Westminster. In the commons there have been many tributes to pc palmer and mps have been talking about their thoughts and feelings about the events of yesterday. Theresa may told mps that the authorities knew the identity of the authorities knew the identity of the attacker but hadnt yet released this information. The man was british born and had, some years ago, he was once investigated by m15 in relation to concerns about violent extremism. He was a peripheralfigure. The case is historic. He was not part of the current intelligence picture. There was no prior intelligence of his intent, or of the plot. Intensive investigations continue. And, as acting Deputy Commissioner roly confirmed last night, our Working Assumption is that the attacker was inspired by islamist ideology. Mr speaker, we know the threat from islamist terrorism is very real, but while the public should remain utterly vigilant, they should not and will not be cowed by this threat. As acting Deputy Commissioner roly has made clear, we are stepping up policing to protect communities across the country and to reassure the public, and as a precautionary measure this will mean increasing the number of patrols in cities across the country with more police and more armed police on the streets. Since june police and more armed police on the streets. Sincejune 2013, our police, security and intelligence agencies have successfully disrupted 13 separate terrorist plots in britain. Following the 2015 Strategic Defence and security review, we protected the Police Budgets for counterterrorism and committed to increase cross Government Spending on Counter Terrorism by 30 in real terms over the course of this parliament. And over the next five years we will invest an extra 2. 5 billion in building our Global Security and intelligence network, employing over 1900 additional staff at m15, m16, and gchq. And more than doubling our Global Network of counterterrorism experts working with priority countries across europe, the middle east, africa and asia. Mr speaker, in terms of security here in westminster, we should be clear first of all that an attacker attempted to break into parliament and was shot dead within 20 yards of the gate. If his intention was to gain access to this building, we should be clear that he did not succeed. The police per row weekly did theirjob. Many mps unable to fully disguise their emotions when speaking in the commons today and among those was james cleverly, the Conservative Mp for braintree, a long time friend of the Police Officer, keith palmer, who was killed yesterday. The two had been in the army together in the Royal Artillery, they had known each other the 25 years, this is what he had to say. I would like to turn for a moment of Pc Keith Palmer, who i first met 25 years ago as gunner keith palmer at Headquarters Battery 100 regiment, Royal Artillery. He was a strong, professional public servant. And it was a delight to meet him here again only a few months after being elected. Would my right honourable friend the Prime Minister, in recognition of the work that he did and that other Police Officers and Public Servants here in the house do, consider recognising his gallantry and sacrifice formally with a posthumous recognition . Well, we have learned today that the attacker was known to m15, that he was an individual who had been, we are told, on the periphery of a previous investigation in the past but hadnt been on the radar in recent times, so we are waiting to learn more about who this individual was. The Prime Minister has said that the authorities do know his identity but are waiting, for reasons we havent been told yet, to reveal that identity. They of course are looking into this individuals background, what his preparations might have been, whose his associates were, and we do expect to hear more about that later today, as of course this huge Investigation Continues while at the same time the members of the metropolitan police come to terms with the loss of one of their own in the line of duty. Coming up here on bbc news, we will have the bbc news at one with sophie rae with in westminster, but first a look at the weather forecast. High pressure is approaching to bring many of us unsettled weather but we have still got rained out there, at the moment a lot of cloud in southern counties and damp conditions already today. Rain and snow further note is petering out so increasing sunshine to end the day here, but in the south, despite the sunshine, there is a key north easterly breeze, that tempers the feel, temperatures a bit below where they should be at this time of year, and for devon, cornwall, parts of dorset, the rain will be on and off for much of the rest of the day and the evening. As you can see heading into the rush hour period, kens and 11s for most, having peaked at 12 or 13, but it will soon drop under clear skies, particularly across northern ireland, Northern England and scotland. Showery in the Northern Isles for the rest of today and overnight into tomorrow. A little bit of sunshine interspersed. But this is how we look at first this evening and then through the night time period, we keep all the cloud in southern areas and the breeze, elsewhere the frost will return more widely, a colder nights than the nightjust gone, widely, a colder nights than the night just gone, temperatures widely, a colder nights than the nightjust gone, temperatures down to 5, nightjust gone, temperatures down to 5, 6 nightjust gone, temperatures down to 5, 6 in the highlands of scotland, given that we have had a little rain and snow it could be icy there. Frost across northern part of england but for parts of wales, the midlands and east anglia they could still be quite a bit of cloud in the morning and that cloud thickener for some rain in the south. Unlike today, the breeze should blow that are way more quickly and allow more such i did come through so on balance dry across the southern half of the country and brighter for the day on friday, and therefore perhaps temperatures will be a little higher, but still with that keen wind which stays with us over the weekend. You can see the High Pressure is established so it is dry for the majority but with the wind from the east, we will always be prone to rid feeling quite chilly, especially in the south of the country, as the air is still cold. To take a snapshot, High Pressure in charge, this is how the weather looks in our capitals this weekend, pretty much the same across the board but the east coast might pick up more cloud into sunday, but thatis pick up more cloud into sunday, but that is more a feature for next week. For most of us, the weekend is dry, warm sunshine by day, but still cold nights with some frost and even some folk. Some fog. The attack on westminster the Prime Minister says the man who carried it out was british born and known to the Security Services. Eight people have been arrested in overnight raids. The so called Islamic State have claimed responsibilty for yesterdays attack. A minutes silence was held this morning at 9. 33am. 933 was the shoulder number of the murdered officer. Hes named as a8 year old Pc Keith Palmer a husband and father. An mp who served with him in the army 25 years ago pays tribute. He was a strong, professional public servant. And it was a delight to meet him here again, only a few months after being elected

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