Tonight at 10 00pm, more than 200 flood warnings in place across england, wales and scotland in the wake of storm dennis. More floods have hit towns and villages and residents have been advised to leave their homes in parts of worcestershire, shropshire and herefordshire. Here in hereford, the river wye has peaked at unprecedented levels, leaving homeowners to count the cost. And in parts of south wales, theyre dealing with the aftermath of some of the highest water levels for over a0 years. Im in total shock. Disbelief, ijust cant believe how my home has been ravaged in the last couple of hours. Well have the latest on the measures being taken, with more heavy rain forecast later this week. Also tonight. The plight of hundreds of Chinas Muslim uighurs held in camps, as the bbc uncovers new evidence of chinas policies. Dozens of british passengers and crew on a cruise liner quarantined off japan because of coronavirus could be flown home by the uk government. And, the last known image of Caroline Flack, who died two days ago, as itv put her former show love island back on air. And coming up on sportsday on bbc news. Players from Manchester United and chelsea are among those to tribute to uniteds former goalkeeper harry gregg, who has died aged 87. Good evening. The extreme conditions created by storm dennis are still causing major problems in parts of the uk, and the Environment Agency has warned the disruption could last for several days. Parts of south wales are badly affected, as are areas of worcestershire, shropshire and herefordshire. One woman died after being swept away by floodwater near tenbury wells, and hundreds of people have been forced to abandon their homes. There are more than 200 flood warnings in force across the uk, with around 30 each for the rivers severn and trent. Of those, seven are classed as severe, meaning theres a threat to life, including one on the river wye at hereford, where we can join our correspondentjon kay tonight for the latest. Jon. We have travelled right across this region to date and time and again people have said to us they have never seen the rivers in their so high. Here in hereford they are absolutely right. The Environment Agency confirmed this evening that the river wye has never been this high, more than six metres, more than 20 feet. Its causing real concern. You see the impact as it spills out onto the streets, not just this street but right across central england. In hundreds of years, it has never been higher. The river wye at hereford tonight. The old bridge closed, even to pedestrians, because it is simply too dangerous. The force at which its coming through is terrifying. Never seen it like this. Theres a spot down here a swan always nests because it never floods and thats gone. Hereford is a city underwater and a city under threat. Rescue teams racing door to door, helping desperate residents escape with whatever they can save. The most vulnerable, like shirley, the priority. I thought i could stay there, thats why im so late coming out. What do you think of these men who have helped you this morning . Wonderful. But some people are still trapped. Across this region, vast areas have been overwhelmed. In worcester, rain has stopped more than play. The severn now at treacherous levels. Tonight the family of yvonne booth released this photograph after the 55 year old mother was swept to her death in flood water in worcestershire. Here in upton upon severn, the authorities are now urging people to leave their homes because of the impending risk. We are monitoring things very closely, in particular the severn, at towns such as shrewsbury and bewdley and tewkesbury are areas that we are looking at very closely because water levels are expected to continue to rise in some of those catchments. And when the levels do drop, this is what is left behind. The market town of tenbury wells, now a muddy mess. 0n the high street today we found a Huge Community clear up after almost every business was flooded from the bank to the barbers, even the insurance firm. Mary has a letting agency. So, what does it mean for you . As a business . 0ur income stops. I cant go out on appointments, our viewings are stopped. It stops dead. Rogers brand new carpet will have to go. He has been working round the clock to save his home. Totally ruined. We have been up since half past two on saturday morning. And im type one diabetic as well. Hiya, fluffy. Next door, teresa moved her most precious possessions upstairs but downstairs is a different story. It makes me physically sick that we have got to put everything right now and we dont know how long its going to take. Lost, i think thats the word. Im lost. Lost in your own house. Yeah, lost in my own house. From the River Derwent in derby to the soar in leicestershire, from leatherhead in surrey to barcombe in east sussex, tonight the most vulnerable communities can only watch and wait. Jon kay, bbc news, hereford. In wales where the valleys of the south have suffered especially tough conditions the clean up after storm dennis has started. Natural resources wales say the flood levels in some areas have been unprecedented. They say they will have to be contained and more measures have to be put in place in future. Nantgarw, a Village North of cardiff, is one of the worst affected, as our wales correspondent tomos morgan reports. Its just, everything still has water in it. The aftermath of storm dennis. We are emotionally tied to this house so we couldnt go. To try and put it back to anywhere the way it was, i dont know how long its going to take us. 23 years of memories in nantgarw ruined in an instant. The majority of rachel coxs possessions will need replacing but at least some of the most meaningful belongings have been saved. My eldest niece, she has got terminal cancer. We didnt find out untiljanuary that she would be well enough to have her wedding injune. I was making paperflowers for the wedding and i thought they were all destroyed but we have just managed to get a handful out now without being destroyed. All of the hundred or so homes here on Oxford Street have been devastated by the flooding. As residents try and salvage whatever they can from inside their homes, outside the clean up operation continues. Cars being taken away after being swept into the middle of the road after the torrent that came down this street in the early hours of yesterday morning. After a monthss worth of rain fell across south wales in just 48 hours, unprecedented was how authorities described the deluge. Her fathers ashes saved, for rachel and her neighbours now, the question is when on earth will they be able to call their house home again . Tomos morgan, bbc news, nantgarw. Using current technology, forecasters were able to predict storm dennis nearly a week before its arrival, but working out precise locations to be affected by bad weather remains a challenge. The met office is now updating its technology having received £1. 2 billion from the government to develop a new supercomputer, which will be able to give more accurate storm predictions, select the most suitable locations for flood defences, and predict changes to the global climate. 0ur science editor David Shukman has been finding out more. There was plenty of warning about storm dennis. Six days before it struck, the forecasters spotted it coming, but they couldnt tell precisely which communities would be hardest hit. At the met office, they knew the rain would be heavy, but they couldnt say exactly where it would land. Thats very difficult to work out. A huge computer does the calculations, on the weather and on the effects of our changing climate, but even this massive machine has limits, so now the met office is getting an even bigger supercomputer costing more than £1 billion over ten years. It will enable us to deliver more accurate, even more timely, more localised predictions for both weather and climate that will enable people to make better decisions, stay safe and thrive ahead of time in the case of severe weather. At the moment, forecasts are based on a digital simulation of the atmosphere, with the globe divided into squares ten kilometres across. Now, for the uk, there is a more detailed picture of the weather, with squares at 1. 5 kilometres wide. But the ambition with the supercomputer is to try to get down to a scale ofjust 100 metres to generate a really accurate understanding of local conditions. And this really matters because its one thing to be able to forecast that extreme weather is going to hit a particular region, far more useful to be able to tell where the heaviest rain is going to fall, and then crucially try to work out which homes are at greatest risk of flooding. Knowing where to install flood barriers could make all the difference, and that comes down to predicting which fields and valleys will get the downpours. But even with more accurate warnings from the new supercomputer, one flooding expert wonders how many will actually listen. I think people have got to wake up and smell the floodwater. We go on and on about flood risk, flooding, flood awareness. I spend the whole of my life talking about the effects of being flooded and i still dont think people. Its getting through to people, the devastation that floods can cause. Storms are likely to become even more intense as the pollution from human activity heats up the planet, and that will add to pressure on the government to try to keep more of the country safe. David shukman, bbc news. And for the latest information on storm dennis, tune into your bbc local radio station, or visit our website, bbc. Co. Uk news. The prime ministers chief brexit negotiator has warned that the uk will not be bound by eu rules after brexit. David frost was giving his first major speech in brussels this evening, laying out the uk governments position as they negotiate a future relationship with european union. A downing street adviser, whos been widely criticised for his comments on issues including race and women in sport, has resigned tonight. Andrew sabisky had only been in post for a short time. Labour had called for mr sabisky to be sacked for suggesting in the past that black people had lower average intelligence than white people. 0ur Political Correspondent alex forsyth is in westminster. What is going on in the background . Just a brief background on the appointment, Andrew Sabisky was hired as an advisor, a contractor in number ten and that was quickly condemned when comments made in his name appeared. Among other things he said, compulsory contraception could be used to stop a permanent underclass and womens sport is more comparable to the paralympics than to mens. After growing criticism tonight he said he had quit the downing street role taking to twitter to say the media hysteria about his past online comments was mad and he had been the victim of character assassination, and this was a distraction from the work of government so he would go. I think pa rt government so he would go. I think part of the problem here is that earlier in the day downing street had repeatedly refused to answer questions about the appointment or about Boris Johnsons questions about the appointment or about borisjohnsons views about the comments Andrew Sabisky had made, prompting anger from the comments Andrew Sabisky had made, prompting angerfrom the labour party and also some conservative mps, one saying he wasnt comfortable with some of the recent trends coming out of number ten. Remember, this is a government that won an election with a big majority, that came in wanting to do things differently, wanting to do things differently, wanting to do things its way. One of the prime ministers most senior aides, dominic cummings, put out an advert wanting misfits and weirdos to work in downing street and shake up whitehall. It shows it doesnt matter how packed the parliamentary benches are with conservative mps, there is still some unease among them about decisions being taken in downing street and some question about the kind of government Boris Johnson wants to run. Alex forsyth with the latest at westminster, thank you. Documents seen by the bbc appear to provide a detailed insight into how china handled hundreds of muslims held in a network of internment camps. The information includes personal details of the uighur community, who were placed in detention for reasons such as wearing a veil, applying for a passport, or accidentally visiting foreign internet sites. Critics say the documents are evidence of a campaign by the chinese authorities against the uighurs, whose home is the far western xinjiang region. But china has always denied any form of religious discrimination. 0ur Diplomatic Correspondent James Landale reports. For two years now, the bbc has reported on camps like these in western china where about a million uighurs and other muslim minorities have been detained without trial. China says the uighurs held here learn chinese and communist Party Doctrine as part of an attempt to combat extremism and terrorism. But a leaked document seen by the bbc suggests these camps are part of a comprehensive crackdown on religious practice. Across 137 pages, the spreadsheet sets out in huge detail why more than 300 uighurs from one particular county in xinjiang province were considered for detention. Some were detained because they had applied for a passport. They had relatives abroad or had unintentionally landed on a foreign website while searching the internet. Others were detained because they used to grow a long beard or used to wear a veil, or because they had a minor religious infection. Some were guilty of violations of Birth Control policies, or simply being an untrustworthy person. The document was passed through intermediaries to asiye abdulaheb, a uighur exile living in amsterdam, who decided to make it public. Translation of course i am worried about the safety of my relatives and friends, but if everyone keeps silent because they want to protect themselves and their families then we will never prevent these crimes being committed. The document includes data gathered by communist Party Officials of uighurs private and religious lives, what they eat and where, when they pray or go to mosque. And details of some 3000 family, friends and neighbours with whom they may be considered guilty by association. The document is hard to verify 100 , but experts who have examined it told me they believe it is genuine. The entire internment campaign and the reasoning behind it reveals a very detailed and in itself entirely consistent worldview, one which we might liken to the ideology of a medieval witch hunt, which is highly fearful of anything religious. Last year, china invited the cameras in, claiming these camps were merely Vocational Education centres. And today, the countrys embassy in london insisted the only people being held were those convicted of unlawful or criminal acts involving terrorism and religious extremism, and it denied targeting any specific religion or ethnic group. James landale, bbc news. Two days after her death, Caroline Flacks former programme on itv, love island, was back on air. Itv said tonight it had continued to offer support to Caroline Flack in the months before her death. The presenter had stepped down after she was charged with assaulting her boyfriend, which she denied. But itv insisted that the door had been open for her return, as our special correspondent lucy manning reports. It was a sombre start to love island, the programme showing its love for Caroline Flack. We are all absolutely devastated by the tragic news that caroline, a much loved member of our love island family, has passed away. Her passion, warmth and infectious enthusiasm were a crucial part of what made the show connect with millions of viewers. A brief but moving tribute. You were a true friend to me. Im going to miss you, caz. It was the show she had presented. The wait is finally over. Itv had, to some criticism, replaced her while she went on trial. But tonight, in a statement, it said the door had remained open for her to return and the Programme Team had continued to offer her support. This was Caroline Flack the day before she died. A Valentines Day spent with some of those who loved her. Friends now remembering the happier times they had with her. But in the months before, she had faced serious allegations, a court case her agent called a show trial. Accused of assaulting her boyfriend, she was due back in court in a few weeks. He wasnt supporting the decision to charge her. When Caroline Flack appeared here at highbury magistrates court, the court heard that she told police when she was arrested she wanted to kill herself. Many of her Close Friends think this case should never have happened, one writing on social media, you were so poorly, you needed help. Instead, they put you in a cell. But prosecutors believe its important to pursue Domestic Abuse allegations. Undoubtedly, they felt they had enough. I think they had a 999 call recording, a body camera worn by the police. They would have had medical evidence and other evidence. They have to take Domestic Abuse seriously because we as a country have said we should take it seriously. The media has also been blamed. Downing street said Online Companies must go further to remove u na cce pta ble content, and there are calls for Greater Press regulation. I literally cant get her voice out of my head. She was just broken, helpless. She was dealing with so much. The press villainised her. You know, people were pointing fingers, jumping on the bandwagon, making a mockery out of her. Its worth remembering Mental Health experts say suicide is rarely down to one factor. Love island will now carry on. It must do so without the woman who brought her energy and vitality on screen, but struggled off it. Lucy manning, bbc news. If youre affected by any of the issues in that report, recorded information and support is available from bbc action line. Theres the number for you on the screen now. The government is considering flying home 7a british passengers and crew on board the diamond princess cruise liner, which has been quarantined off japan because of the coronavirus outbreak. 99 new infections were reported onboard today, bringing the total number to over a50 the largest cluster outside china. There have now been nearly 72,000 confirmed cases worldwide, with almost all of those within china. The death toll there has reached 1,770, with only five deaths reported elsewhere in the world. From japan, Rupert Wingfield hayes reports. Get going. Bye. The moment americans cheryl and paul molesky stepped off the diamond princess and into the welcoming arms of the us military. The plane takes you to the united states. All good with that . The 340 american evacuees are clearly relieved to be going home. But they are taking the virus with them. On board their evacuation flight, a special isolation unit. Inside, 14 fellow passengers who have tested positive. And as the americans took off and headed home, another 99 new infections were confirmed aboard the giant cruise ship. For those still on board, like briton david abel, the stress is starting to take its toll. Its all getting to us now, and its notjust me, other passengers as well. Its the not knowing factor that is the real challenge. The quarantine on board the diamond princess is supposed to end on wednesday, and passengers had been told that if they tested negative, they then would be allowed to go home, but with 99 new viral cases confirmed the day, the overwhelming suspicion is that the quarantine is not working. And because of that, the journey home for those left on board is now looking a lot more complicated. Tonight, the Foreign Office said it is formulating plans to get the britons on board the ship home. Australia is already preparing a flight to evacuate its nationals. But when i spoke to one of them, aun na tan, she was not enthusiastic. Were finding the thought of being put on a plane with unknown. You know, people who havent been tested yet and potentially getting the infection right then, after we have already completed almost two weeks of quarantine, not ideal. Japan, meanwhile, is starting to feel the effects of the viruss spread. Next weekend is the emperors birthday, a celebration that usually draws huge crowds of well wishers. Today, the whole event was cancelled without warning. Rupert wingfield hayes, bbc news, in yokohama. The dj and music producer Andrew Weatherall has died at the age of 56. He suffered a pulmonary embolism while being treated in hospital in london. He rose to fame during the late 1980s and worked with a number of bands including new order and happy mondays. He went on to produce primal screams era defining album screamadelica. Jacqueline du pres career as one of the most gifted and celebrated cellists of the 20th century was cut short when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She died aged just 42, and now her life has inspired a new work by the royal ballet called the cellist. More than 30 years after her death, the World Premiere took place at the Royal Opera House in london tonight, as our arts editor Will Gompertz reports. The cellist is a story of love and loss between a woman and an object the musician jacqueline du pre and her cello. The cello, you know, it looks like a person. We refer to its neck, its body, its voice. Its sound is very much like the human voice. Lauren cuthbertson plays the cellist, marcelino sambe her instrument a combination that required some role reversal. Usually the woman is traditionally in front of the man and the man partners from here but actually, when you are playing the cello, im behind marcelino like this, so we had to come up with different grips. It was almost like reverse. Yeah. The ballet tells jacqueline du pres life story, charting her rise to International Superstardom followed by a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, forcing her to give up her beloved cello. The moment you know something is wrong but you dont know what it is i think must be horrific. Especially when, you know, she couldnt feel her fingers. She had this tingling sensation. The weight of the bow was not feeling as it had done before. There are two subjects, i suppose, in this ballet. There is the cello as a subject and then there is jacqueline du pres illness, which is multiple sclerosis, which your mother also has. Yes. In terms of my mother and ms, i think it gave me confidence to explore that condition because im, you know, seeing it in a very personal way. But its not a ballet about ms its a ballet about someone who finds their voice, finds their identity, and loses it. This is not a tragedy only, its also a celebration that such talent exists, and almost like the sound waves still continue now. The choreographer Cathy Marston ending that report by Will Gompertz. Tributes have been paid to the former Manchester United and Northern Ireland goalkeeper harry gregg, who has died at the age of 87. Wreckage that tells the story of the dreadful disaster. He was hailed a hero of the munich air disaster in 1958, twice returning to the burning wreckage to rescue team mate Bobby Charlton and a pregnant woman. Harry gregg began playing again less than a fortnight after the crash, and helped united to that seasons fa cup final. Sir Bobby Charlton said harry gregg was a fantastic goalkeeper but more importantly an incredible human being. Thats it. Now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. Have a very good night. Hello, and welcome to sportsday. Im jane dougall. Harry maguire helped Manchester United to three points, though some thought he shouldnt have been on the pitch. It added to a night to forget for chelsea as they have two goals disallowed at Stamford Bridge. Both clubs paid tribute to this man. He rescued strangers and his team mates from a burning wreckage. Former Manchester United goalkeeper harry gregg, the hero of the munich air disaster, has died at the age of 87. And after seven years out and three children, Kim Clijsters returns to professional tennis, but did she get the fairytale story she wanted . We start with a controversial night at Stamford Bridge with chelsea having two goals disallowed in their match against Manchester United. It finished 2 0 to the reds, with Harry Maguire scoring despite seeming to kick Michy Batshuayi in the groin. But both teams came together to pay tribute to former Manchester United goalkeeper harry gregg, whos died at the age of 87. Gregg twice went back into the burning wreckage during the munich air disaster in 1958 to pull strangers and his team mates to safety. Lydia campbell reports. It has been an emotional day for it Manchester United with the passing of harry gregg. The players were black armbands as tribute to a true legend. There was a european terminal at one Manchester Club so Manchester United file Champions League spot is realistic. But that you may count their lucky stars that they were not down to ten men here. It was not the prettiest of the first tabs but finally a breakthrough. Anthony martial with the goal. Chelseas equaliser came from the unlikely source of kurt zouma

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