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A large scale cyber attack that started in ukraine is continuing to spread across the world tonight. And what is it about england, germany and penalties . Englands under 21s crash out of the european championship. And coming up in Sportsday On Bbc News a record breaking score of 377 sets england up for a crushing victory over pakistan at leicester, in the womens world cup. Good evening. Scotlands First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has scrapped plans for a second referendum on independence by the spring of 2019. She said she had reconsidered the issue after the snp lost almost a third of its seats at westminster in the general election. She now says any decision on another vote will be delayed until after the uk has left the European Union. Our scotland editor, sarah smith, is at holyrood. Sophie, this is unquestionably a setback for Nicola Sturgeon. She set out a very clear timetable for an Independence Referendum between autumn next year and spring 2019, before brexit. After losing 21 mps in the general election, she has had to shelve that plan, saying that she has listened to the voters and reflected in the Election Result. Nicola sturgeon may not look like a woman thwarted, but she cannot now march ahead with her plans for an Independence Referendum admitting today, voters have rejected that idea and she has had to think again. Having listened and reflected, the Scottish Government will reset the plan i set out on march 13th. We will not seek to introduce the legislation for an Independence Referendum immediately. Instead, we will, in good faith, redouble our efforts and put our shoulder to the wheel in seeking to influence the brexit talks in a way that protects scotlands interests. We will seek to build. She wants to keep open the option of a referendum after the brexit deal is clear. The tories want her to abandon her plans completely. Im afraid to say that that statement will fail to give any assurance to those people that this First Minister is listening to them. Instead, she appears to be in denial about her mistakes over this last year and, as a result, is leaking credibility and confidence in her leadership by the hour. Nicola sturgeons message today is that she is listening to voters and she understands they dont want another Independence Referendum any time soon. But shes not taking it completely off the table. She says she will continue to argue the case for why scotland should be an independent country. Nicola sturgeon rose Like A Rock Star after the Referendum Defeat in 2014. Her personal popularity fuelled electoral success and put independence back on the agenda. But it seems she went too far, too fast. Now she admits she will have to make a fresh case for independence before there can be another vote, and she will have to pick her timing carefully. Its the only thing that makes common sense. I think another referendum would be disaster for scotland. Im an snp supporter, but i think that it would make no sense, given the current political climate, it makes no sense for the snp to move forward with a vote on itjust now. I think we should have a vote on it. She should put it out to the public and let them have their vote on it. I think it should. The scottish greens back the snps call for an early referendum and do not want to see the timetable slip. If we wait until autumn next year or even later, then we will be well out of the European Union before the people of scotland have the chance to say whether they consent to that. Scotland has not consented to leave the European Union or to have our rights and protections as european citizens torn up without our consent. Holyrood today heard Nicola Sturgeon say she was responding to voters who dont want an Independence Vote, but also that she has not given up the fight. Her opponents say she isnt listening. Her party hope this is no more than a rain check, just a temporary delay. So is this a u turn from Nicola Sturgeon . No, it is not. She has not abandoned plans for another Independence Referendum. Theresa may said today ms sturgeon should take it completely off the table, she most certainly has not done that. And fact, she told the bbc tonight she thinks it is likely there will be another Independence Vote before 2021. That will keep her supporters happy, but her political opponents say that show she has not been listening to the voters and she has abandoned her promise to reply tom the Election Result and to adjust her plans accordingly. Sarah smith, thank you. Its emerged thatjust weeks before the Grenfell Tower tragedy, london Fire Fighters had expressed their concerns about the panels being used to clad tower blocks. The bbcs learnt that the London Fire Brigade had written to councils across the Capital Warning them that it could cause a fire to spread up a building. 95 tower blocks in 32 local Authority Areas have now failed fire safety tests, and there are still many more to be tested. Heres our home editor, mark easton. The Grenfell Tower fire is turning from sickening tragedy into national scandal. The blaze appears to be exposing hidden risks and confusion overfire safety that stretches across the country. Every sample of cladding from 95 tower blocks, across 32 english local authorities, has now failed government tests although the communities department, who ordered the testing, has named only 20 councils. The Prime Pinister has said there needs to be a Major National investigation. Something has clearly gone wrong over a number of years and we need to find out what, why, and how to make sure it does not happen again. There are questions about the testing process. Cladding at this blog in norwich failed the government has last week. But the Housing Association which owns it said the cutting past the fire test when it was installed. The certificate describes it as low risk cost zero, at it says they are class three so dangerous they must removed immediately. How come the test on friday moved it to a class three . And we can only guess or presume what they did in the test because we have not been told yet. All we had was a Telephone Call on friday evening saying the product had failed the test and what were we are going to do about it . It has been confirmed to the bbc protests in cladding being conducted for the government not the same as the tracks for a products bias the vocation. The focus is not in the entire panel but specifically in the two Millimetre Call within the aluminium casing. And as this crisis grows, a new group of building and fire Safety Experts has been assembled to advise ministers in immediate steps. Peter bonfield is one expert who also heads the Building Research establishment conducting the cladding tests. The Cladding Panel is only one part of fire safety in the building. We have to think about that. And having this Advisory Panel is something we can get together and make sure we concentrate our minds expediently, robustly and the release, thinking through how we address the challenges the country faces at the moment. The bbc has learned that in the month before the Grenfell Tower tragedy, the fire service and warned every London Council bay had stumped testing on external cladding and found the core in some was so combustible it could spread a fire at the side of the building. The latter is prescient, warning that panels can deform ordeal on it in a tower block by next exposing their combustible core and allowing it plays to spread from collapsed flat. This is one more in a pattern of warnings about the fire safety in tower blocks. And i think it shows the whole system of Building Control and checks is failing and now needs urgent overhaul. From the charred skeleton urgent overhaul. From the charred s keleto n of urgent overhaul. From the charred skeleton of Grenfell Tower, a toxic cloud of uncertainty and anxiety has drifted across the country. And tonight, two weeks after the fire began, a reminder of one of those who lost their lives. A little boy who lost their lives. A little boy who got separated from his family as they tried to get out. We will all miss our kind, energetic, generous little boy, his family said. We will miss him forever. The Us Technology giant google has been hit with a record fine of more than £2 billion by the European Commission for breaking competition laws. The company was found to have abused its dominance as a Search Engine by promoting its own shopping comparison service. The company says its considering an appeal. 0ur media editor, amol rajan, reports. Theyre the new masters of the universe. Googles products have changed our lives forever but, today, the company was brought Down To Earth in the brussels headquarters of the European Commission. After a seven year investigation into googles business practices, commissioner Margrethe Vestager delivered a brutal verdict. Google has abused its Market Dominance as a Search Engine by giving illegal advantages to another google product, its shopping comparison service. If you search google for something that you want to buy say, for instance, my new cricket bat several ads appear here at the top of the screen. These are clearly marked sponsored and are part of a Service Called google shopping. Each time i click on one of the ads, The American Tech Giant earns some money. But today, the European Commission ruled that this prime real estate gives google an unfair advantage. Kelkoo is one of the companies that brought the case. It says google needs to be reined in. It said, right, im going to take over this marketplace and im going to demote you all and put myself at the top of the listings. Anti competitive. They cant do that when they have a 90 share in general search. They use that power, and thats wrong. Google said it respectfully disagreed with the decision and would take the 90 days granted by the commission to find a solution. 0ne former Google Insider says the company is being punished for its success. The reality is, google is all about creating a great user experience. The reason why people come back and we use it probably on a daily basis is because it enables us to find what we are looking for as quickly as possible, its a frictionless experience. And they need to stay competitive. For years now, european officials have been itching to subject tech giants to fresh regulations. But over in Silicon Valley, many leading innovators believe social problems usually have a technological, rather than legal solution. One of the great mantras of Silicon Valley is, move fast and break things. I dont think that many people would characterise eu bureaucracy as having that kind of spirit. There are two very different Worldviews America and europe. And they have very different attitudes on competition, on access to data, even on very fundamental things like the profit motive. Whether its a good thing or not. What i think is fascinating about this case is it really shows a very different attitude. Through remarkable innovation and engineering, google has become integral to our daily routines. This record fine is a reminder that it is at base an advertising company, which uses our personal data to sell us things. If you dont like the search results, well, theres always yahoo . Amol rajan, bbc news. Doctors at great 0rmond Street Hospital have been told they can switch off life support for a terminally baby after his parents lost their final legal battle. Ten month old charlie gard suffers from a rare genetic condition and has brain damage. His family wanted to take him to america for experimental treatment, butjudges at the European Court of human rights refused to overturn the decision of courts in the uk. 0ur medical correspondent, fergus walsh, reports. These touching images of connie yates and chris gard with their son charlie were taken on the roof of great 0rmond Street Hospital, a Family Picnic organised by nurses. A Brief Respite from the months they have spent in Intensive Care. Charlie is terminally ill with a progressive disorder that weakens his muscles, he cannot move, he cannot group just breathe unaided and Cannot Swallow and has serious brain damage. For months, his doctors have argued he should be allowed to die. His parents wanted to ta ke allowed to die. His parents wanted to take him to the United States for experimental treatment and they were distraught when three uk courts act the doctors. Now by a majority verdict, the European Court has done the same. The strasbourg judges ruled the uk courts had been meticulous and thorough and supported their view that it was most likely charlie was being exposed to continue the pain, suffering and distress. There is now a question of what will happen to the £1. 3 million that charlies parents crowd funded through 83,000 donations. So why has every court and every medical experts decided that ending charlies life is in his best interests . Charlies life is in his best interests . It was said by the courts today that he is likely to be suffering and if any treatment were to continue or he was taken to the us for experimental treatment, there is going to be a very limited benefit and he is going to be at risk of suffering significant harm. Great or and says there is no rush to change charlies care and their priority is to support his parents at this distressing is time, but at some point in the nearfuture, medical staff in the Intensive Care unit will switch off the Mechanical Ventilator that keeps charlie alive. It is rare for disputes over treatment to go to court. But the judges decision is final and they have backed the view that charlie should be allowed to die with dignity. A large scale cyber attack, that started in ukraine, is continuing to spread across the world tonight. The virus freezes computers and demands that a ransom is paid. A danish shipping firm, a russian oil giant, an American Pharmaceutical Company and a british Advertising Agency are among the companies that have been hit. The cyber attack seems to be similar to the one that struck the nhs last month. 0ur security correspondent, gordon corera, has been monitoring it. For the second time in less than two months, a Computer Virus is sweeping across the world a global cyber attack, taking systems offline. Another reminder of the risks we face in our connected world. The first signs came in ukraine. Systems went down this morning. Some people tried to take money out of bank machines, found they couldnt. Even the radiation Monitoring System at the Chernobyl Nuclear plant was briefly taken offline. The scale was enormous. We had the virus spread, cyber virus on the transport, bank, media, infrastructure of ukraine, in government and in the co operative sectors as well. But during the day, it became clear that the problem was not contained in ukraine but was spreading. Reports came in of companies affected from russia across europe to the uk and also the us. Those affected included oil producers, shipping and pharmaceutical companies and a london based advertising group. They were all faced with a screen like this, telling them theyve been locked out of their computer and needed to pay a ransom to get back in. Computer systems which have not been upgraded or patched are usually the most vulnerable. Todays ransomware has some similarities but is not the same as that which struck the nhs last month and so far, theres no sign of Health Services being affected. Experts say the new attack in some ways is more sophisticated, but the aim is still to make money. Ransomware is very effective. Attackers can sit at home, in the comfort of their living rooms, somewhere possibly on the other side of the world, and mount these attacks with very low risk to themselves and very high upside. In many cases theyll make hundreds of thousands of dollars out of an attack like this. So far, the signs are that the uk has not been badly hit, but officials will be watching to see how far it spreads and how much damage this attack really does. Northern irelands Political Parties are in intense discussions to restore power sharing at stormont. Sinn fein has accused the dup of failing to move on any of the fundamental issues. The parties have until thursday to reach an agreement or face direct rule from westminster. The governor of the Bank Of England has issued a warning about the amount of money banks are lending to us. It comes as Consumer Borrowing reaches its highest level since 2005. As a result, mark carney has asked banks to shore up their finances to protect themselves against the risk of bad loans warning them that they were in danger of forgetting the lessons of the past. Heres our economics editor, kamal ahmed. Dylan brown works in it, not badly paid, but often resorts to credit cards for the big bills. For him read millions of others, consumers working hard to make ends meet, who are borrowing to fill the gaps and pay for the little extras. Theres your bill,sir. Just because obviously renting a property, you know, have a car, have a career and everything else, so in terms of turning to credit more than a few years ago, yes. But abusing credit or misusing it, i wouldnt say that would be the case. Its not a crisis yet, but today a warning from the Bank Of England. Consumer credit growth has far outpaced that of Household Income in the past year, with notable increases across credit cards, personal loans and auto finance. So how bad is britains debt problem . The amount consumers have borrowed in loans, on things like credit cards, has risen to £198 billion. That is up 10 compared with the same time last year. Banks will now have to raise another £11. 11 billion as a safety net in case people they have lent to dont pay the money back. I think mark carney wants to be proactive. He talked of increasing this Additional Capital a year ago. He held off because of the brexit issue. Ijust think he wants to make sure the banks also are reminded that they have to be more cautious in their consumer lending, given the speed at which their loan boonks have grown over the last few years. What are we borrowing for . To buy new cars with Personal Finance deals, loans for holidays and Home Improvements and were spending on our credit cards in the shops and online. I think this is an Amber Warning for consumers and banks. Not the flashing red lights of the financial crisis, when Interest Rates were higher and banks, frankly, couldnt with stand any type of financial shock, but a warning nevertheless. What if Interest Rates were to rise . What if prices keep going up . Could millions of people, with billions of pounds worth of loans, keep making those repayments . There are uncertainties ahead, whether its that continuing Income Squeeze or those tricky brexit negotiations, which could damage the economy. The governor struck a fairly relaxed note, for the moment. But banks and consumers beware the economy can turn. The number of cases of Domestic Violence being dealt with by police in england and wales has reached record levels. New figures show the number of incidents recorded in 12 months has risen to more than a million thats up 50 over the last eight years. In the queens speech last week, the government announced a bill establishing a Domestic Violence and abuse commissioner to stand up for victims and survivors and to monitor the response of the authorities. 0ur uk affairs correspondent, jeremy cooke, has been given special access to look at the work one charity is doing in the north east of england. If you want to find victims of Domestic Abuse, its a good place to start, a e, the night shift. Jackie. Are the police in the room with her . And helen. I think theyre aware theres a perpetrator. Are experts in the field, working alongside medical staff. The job is to watch and listen, to identify victims of Domestic Abuse. It is quiet, sensitive, highly confidential work. Jackie is on a ward here at sunderland royal to see a victim, who came close to death. He knew what he was doing to humiliate you. Hows your arm doing . Not really good, is it . Jackie, youve been speaking to a woman with bad injuries. Yeah, very serious injuries that could have led to her death. Still in a lot of pain. Still needing further surgery, but is on the mend, is on the road to recovery. Its a horrible life to live when youre living in a violent relationship. Dianne was the first woman reached under this new programme, after a lifetime of abuse by several partners. Ive been through many relationships where the men have just abused us totally, broke me ribs, arms, black eyes constantly, bust nose, lips. I used to tolerate it constantly. Now shes found the courage to tell us her story, violence, substance abuse, homelessness and a suicide attempt. I was just thinking, well, whats the point in living . I might as welljust kill meself. I had some tablets on us and just took them. Next thing i know, im in sunderland hospital. Do you know the perpetrators name . So it is a Matter Of Life And Death and back in a e, behind closed doors, and away from the cameras, they are quietly, sensitively offering help. Can i come in . You sure . Domestic abuse is rising up the political agenda. The queens speech confirmed there will be a specific bill to tackle the issue. I know youre 0k. I know. I think the police are worried theres been stuff around Domestic Violence going on. Im here to offer you some support around that. The latest figures show that for the first time, Domestic Abuse calls to the police in england and wales have topped one million. Its always been frustrating for us as medical professionals. We could deal with the physical injuries but what we couldnt do was provide ongoing support for these ladies in the community. Having the team with us allows that to happen. It means that when the times right, the support is there for them, to be able to move on and do something positive out of it all. Sobbing. You dont have to be sorry to me. You havent done anything wrong. Theres plenty to do then. But this work changes lives. That encounter in that hospital that night was absolutely pivotal for your life, wasnt it . Yeah. Definitely, if it hadnt have been for the people i saw in that hospital that night, i would be dead now. Definitely. The women i saw brought me to a place where i feel safe now. Diannes experience shows that while hospital can be the lowest point, it can also be the turning point. The next step is often sanctuary in a womans refuge, rebuilding shattered lives. Jeremy cooke, bbc news, wearside. Tomorrow we will report, for the first time on bbc news, on a week in the life of a womens refuge, as we follow dianes continued recovery. Families of victims of the Hillsborough Tragedy will gather in warrington tomorrow to hear whether any individuals or organisations will be charged in connection with their deaths. 96 men, Women And Children died at the 1989 fa cup semi final. Last year, an inquest ruled they were unlawfully killed. All these years later, their families say they are preparing for a day of mixed emotions. From warrington, judith morritz reports. Walk on with hope in your heart. It was a moment of history, the inquests finding last year that 96 liverpool fans were unlawfully killed at hillsborough. For theirfamilies, it was justice, but their legal journey did not end there. Steve kelly lost his Brother Michael in the disaster. Hes spent the 28 years since then calling for those responsible to be held accountable. Tomorrow he and the other families will discover whether anyone is to face criminal charges. Theres got to be this accountability. Its paramount in this whole case to give the families respite and the survivors of hillsborough and you know, to truly let us put to rest the 96. Its got to. The fans were killed when the terraces at the sheffield ground became overcrowded during the 1989 fa cup semifinal. Since 2012, there have been two criminal inquiries into hillsborough. 0peration Resolve investigated the day of the disaster. It identified 15 key suspects. 0ffences considered include gross negligence manslaughter. One of those waiting to hear whether he will face charges is former chief superintendent david duckenfield, who was the South Yorkshire police match commander. The Police Watchdog the ipcc investigated cover up allegations, identifying eight key suspects. It considered offences including misconduct in a Public Office and perverting the course of justice. The former West Yorkshire chief scone stab, sir norman bettison, constable. Has revealed that hes been treated as a suspect by the ipcc. It isnt known whether he wailface charges. Hundreds of investigators have been working from these offices for the last four years at a cost of £100 million. There is an expectation that charges will be brought, after such a long wait and such large scale effort. The hillsborough families have long campaigned for justice. Tomorrow morning, theyll be told whether, nearly 30 years after the disaster, anyone is to stand trial and ultimately face jail. World footballs governing body fifa has release aid confidential report on the alleged corruption that plagued its decision to award the 2018 and 2022 world cup tournaments to russia and qatar. It comes after parts of the report were leaked to a german newspaper. Fifa has now decided to publish it in full to avoid spreading misleading information. What is it about england, germany and penalties . Its happened again this time in tonights semi final of the european under 21 championships in poland. The two sides were 2 2 after extra time, but germany went on to win 11 3 in the shoot out. 0lly foster watched the match. Sophie, you know englands under 21 players came into the match with such belief, topping their group after three matches. They had the momentum. They thought they were getting better. They thought they could go all the way. But if theres one thing we learned tonight its that germanys historic hold over england, that hoo doo from the penalty spots, well, thatsjust england, that hoo doo from the penalty spots, well, thats just as strong as its always been. Over the past month, england have done the st georges flag proud, the under 20s won their world cup in south korea. P the under 17s Were Euro Runners Up in croatia. P a final beckoned for the under 21s here in poland. Whatever the age, any england player knows that important matches against germany are usually longer than 90 minutes and leave scars. Davie selke picked his spot past Jordan Pickford for an opening goal the germans barely deserved. Englands equaliser was messy. They caused panic from a set piece and demarai gray pounced. Within five minutes of the restart, england were ahead. Will hughes weaved and worked an opening for chelseas tammy abraham. The 19 year old was 20 minutes away from being a match winner. But thats when germany pulled themselves back into it. Substitute felix platte forced the game into extra time. 30 minutes couldnt separate them

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