A government commissioned report. The un says almost 3000 civilians remain trapped in the iraqi city of mosul, despite claims of victory over good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at six. An appalling tragedy that should never have happened thats what the Prime Minister called the contaminated Blood Scandal of the 19705 and 805. The government today announced an inquiry into the worst Treatment Scandal in the history of the nhs. At least 2,400 people died and 7,500 patients were infected with viruses such as hepatitis c and hiv, after being given Blood Products by the nhs. Our Health Editor huw pym reports. Its been called the worst disaster in the history of the nhs. Patients trusted the service to deliver safe treatments, including haemophiliacs needing blood clotting treatments, but they were given products tainted with life threatening viruses. These are medications for hiv. I take one of those in the morning and one of these, both morning and night time. Andy has had a life on medication because he was given contaminated blood. At the age of five, he was infected with hiv and hepatitis c. At 16, he developed aids. Since then, all he is wanted is answers. Im very worried there was deliberate acts behind these infections. At the very minimum, we were let down. At the worst, i think there are people to blame for a lot of the infections that occurred. Much of the enquiry is focused on whitehall and what was happening here more than 30 years ago. Victims and their families have long argued that senior Government Officials were aware of the dangers with contaminated Blood Products and allow patients to continue receiving them. And after that, they say, there was a cover up. A scottish Enquiry Byjudge lord penrose, was dismissed by victims as a waste of time and they showed what they thought of it. An earlier enquiry in england was privately funded with no official status. Today, a labour mp whos campaigned on the issue told the commons those affected by the scandal were owed a debt ofjustice. They deserve to be told what went wrong. Why it went wrong and who is responsible for what happened. The story of the injustice they have suffered also needs to be set out and told to the wider public. Their voices need to be heard. And a minister citing allegations that medical records were tampered with announced a new public enquiry. In light of these concerns, and a report of new evidence and allegations of potential criminality, we think it is important to understand the extent of what is claimed and the wider issues that arise. The former health secretary, andy burnham, who alleged there was a criminal cover up cover says victims were failed by successive governments. All Political Parties have let down those whove suffered as a result of contaminated blood. And all parties must now put differences aside, Work Together and give them truth and Justice Without any further delay or obstruction. And for this campaign, who has hepatitis c, theres only one thing which really matters. Nobody here is going away, we are staying, were going to fight and we want to know the truth. We just want the truth, that is all. That is all. Whether that full truth emerges after this long campaign, will depend on what sort of enquiry is convened and its powers. And our Health Editor huw pym is with me now. This is decades later. Why has this inquiry been announced now and what can it achieve . Government sources have made clear that the evidence has emerged in the last week, including some published in the newspaper, and andy brennan was about to publish stumbles about is their stated reason. But there is a political aspect. Only on sunday, the Opposition Parties at westminster or signed a Letter Calling for just the westminster or signed a Letter Calling forjust the sort of inquiry, and today, there was a debate scheduled in the House Of Commons called by a labour mp to debate the issue, and there was a possibility that the Opposition Parties might have voted on it. And of course, we have new parliamentary arithmetic stops just before the debate began, Downing Street sources indicated the government was minded to set up this inquiry. It will come asa to set up this inquiry. It will come as a surprise to the scottish government, it will be a uk wide exercise, they say they have had no warning and needed about it. Whatever the reasons, whatever the timing, victims and theirfamilies are saying they are pleased with it is happening, but would be content must it really does get to the truth. Thank you. President trumps eldest son has published a chain of e mails about his meeting last year with a russian lawyer whos been linked to the kremlin. Donald trumpjunior is told that the russian government wants to offer official documents that would incriminate Hillary Clinton and be very useful to his fathers president ial campaign against his democrat rival. The information was said to be part of russia and its governments support for donald trump. Our chief correspondent gavin hewitt is in washington for us tonight. Tell us more, govan. For months, there has been a Shadow Hanging over there has been a Shadow Hanging over the Trump Administration over whether there has been a collision between the trouble Election Campaign and the russians. Today, the story got a lot more serious. Last year, last june, the story got a lot more serious. Last year, lastjune, there was a meeting between trumps sun, donald trump meeting between trumps sun, Donald Trumer, and a russian lawyer. Today, we got to read the e mails leading up to that meeting. And it is worth quoting. The offer was to provide the Trump Campaign with some official documents that would incriminate Hillary Clinton, which would be very useful to your father. That is donald trump. And it goes on, this is obviously very high level and Sensitive Information that is part of russia and its governments support for mr trump. And then there is an insight into what Donald Trump Jr and then there is an insight into what Donald Trumer felt and then there is an insight into what Donald Trump Jr felt about this offer to dish dirt on Hillary Clinton. He said, if it is what you say, i love it. How damaging is it, gavin . Well, of course, it is damaging. And particularly that donald trump junior was prepared damaging. And particularly that Donald Trumpjunior was prepared to go to this meeting having received these e mails beforehand. It also establishes the russian interest in influencing the american election. But i think there are questions as to the credibility of this impresario, what were the levels of his contacts in moscow, and of course, the Open Question as to what donald trump himself knew. But after today, if you read these texts, i think they are devastating and what they will do is deep in this investigation into what is really now a very serious matter for the trumpet ministration. Thank you. Workers on short Term Contracts in the uk should qualify for sick pay and holiday pay and their employers should make National Insurance contributions. Those are some of the recommendations in a major report, commissioned by the government which is calling for changes to the running of the so called gig economy. Theresa may has welcomed the report, saying it makes a major contribution to the debate about Work Practices in britain. But she says she doesnt want to stop the clock. Heres our economics editor kamal ahmed. It was the Prime Minister he made the point, the vast majority of us spend more than half are waking hours doing one thing, work. Whether steady or insecure, full time or self employed, singlejob steady or insecure, full time or self employed, single job or multiple, the world of work has changed. Appearing alongside theresa may, Matthew Taylor said it was time for a reset. He said that the country has been very good at creating work, Employment Levels are at iraq, but it was time to focus on quality. Quantity alone is not enough for a thriving economy and a fair society. So we believe that now is the time to complement that commitment to creating jobs with the goal of creating betterjobs. This man likes his job goal of creating betterjobs. This man likes hisjob for goal of creating betterjobs. This man likes his job for labour. Flexible, no guaranteed hours, and few benefits. Hisjob for flexible, no guaranteed hours, and few benefits. His job for uber. Flexible, no guaranteed hours, and few benefits. Hisjob for uber. |j love to chat, interesting people, and the money, racial with my time is decent. For this woman, a very different story from the world of zeros contracts. Its really insecure. The problem i found was sometimes there was a lot of work, i would work too much and get really, really tired. So what is this new world of work with like . One big point is that the majority of us, 63 , actually in full time work. About a quarter of us, 26 are in part time work, and 15 are self employed. There are certainly many new ways of working and the inquiry focuses on two. The gig economy, that is delivery drivers, minicab drivers, 1. 3 Million People in that part of the economy. And people with no guaranteed hours of work, and zeros contracts, there are about 905,000 people on those. Then there is what the report calls the hidden economy. That is those cash on Hand Payments to your Window Cleaner that avoids tax and official record. The report says that is worth £6. 2 billion a year and should be brought to an end. Mr taylor says in his review that much of this new world of work is good work, but for those being exploited, some solutions. Sick and holiday pay benefits. A right to an enhanced minimum wage. Because the work does not guarantee hours. And there is talk of better enforcement of the present laws and higher taxes for those gig firms, paying National Insurance for the first time, which many of them avoid at the moment. The big question, will any of this ever happened . Given the conservatives like one important thing, a majority. You cant, franco, give any guarantees that you will be able to pass a report and the recommendations it has made to parliament. I would have, the recommendations it has made to parliament. Iwould have, asi the recommendations it has made to parliament. Iwould have, as i said in my speech, that people will see across the political world, will see the importance of addressing this as an issue. This is notjust a sort of here and now. It is up about the future of our economy. There seems little chance of consensus. Labour said the report was a huge missed opportunity, particularly when it came to not banning zeros contracts. We have to get rid of zeros contracts. Of these, we have to get rid of the gig economy and bogus Self Employment which actually is a wonderful way for a minority of employers to evade paying National Insurance contributions. Member this guy . Sir philip green, who published a Government Report on efficiency. Or him, sirandrew a Government Report on efficiency. Or him, sir andrew dom, a full review of social care. Reports published with a fanfare of publicity that then gather dust on a whitehall shell. The few with mr taylor is that his report could suffer a similarfate. A 24 year old british man has been killed fighting against the so called Islamic State in syria. Luke rutte was from merseyside. Luke rutter was from merseyside. Hes said to have died five days ago during the campaign to capture the is stronghold of raqqa. Hed been in syria since march. Hes the fourth british man to be killed while fighting against is in syria. The United Nations say as many as 3,000 civilians remain trapped in the iraqi city of mosul, despite Government Forces declaring victory there, over the weekend. Skirmishes continue between iraqi troops and so called Islamic State. Those trapped are mostly young or elderly and are thought to have become separated from theirfamilies. From mosul, our defence Correspondentjonathan Beale sent this report. This is an orphan of the battle for muscle. A baby whose parents are missing. He wasjust left muscle. A baby whose parents are missing. He was just left at this clinic, malnourished and without even a name. Clinic, malnourished and without even a name. They have called him mourinho, after the doctor kept him alive. The iraqi army says there are many more like him. This is not new for us. We actually receive a lot of orphans. I dont know what is going on out there but i think i isis, after the wives lose their husband, they run away empty handed and leave their babies behind. Be a Rock Per Minister may have declared victory but there are still pockets of resista nce but there are still pockets of resistance and streams of civilians trying to make their way to safety. The iraqi Prime Minister declared victory. They often collect others along the way. There are dozens of women and children here waiting to be taken to women and children here waiting to be ta ken to safety, women and children here waiting to be taken to safety, and they are not just war weary, they are weak through lack of water and food. And if you listen, the only sound you can hear is babies crying. At west mosuls main hospital, they arejust about coping full stop there are still having to treat the wounded as well as the week. This man is barely alive after being found in the rubble. And there are more often here too. This child is crying out, where is my father . He only stops when they managed to distract him with a game. It is difficult to manage him come he is crying, asking for his father, mother. This is something that i cant. I cant be as father, i cant be his mother. What do i do . Even trying to identify the dead is proving difficult. Search and rescue teams are looking out for any forms of identity as they sift through the debris of war. Iraq will notjust have to rebuild the city, but mend broken lives too. Too many people with Learning Disabilities in england are not getting good enough healthcare or being found the homes they need to keep them in the community. Thats according to an influential Charity Leader who was so moved by the plight of one man that he wrote to the Prime Minister calling for an independent commissioner who can Speakfor Independent commissioner who can speak for people with learning difficulties. More than 2500 remain in secure units, despite running promises that they would close. In one year alone, 50 of all deaths of people with a Learning Disability we re people with a Learning Disability were recorded as avoidable, converted 23 for the general population. Our correspondence has been to meet ian shaw and his family, his distressing case has prompted the letter. In the front room of the family home in essex, 34 year old ian shaw lies quietly, comforted by having his parents at his side. But these are difficult times. Ian cant speak for himself, he has Learning Disabilities, autism and epilepsy. He also has terminal cancer, which his parents believe should have been spotted sooner. I was told there was no treatment, because it had been there a long time and they couldnt treat it because it would be too much. It just wouldnt work, it had gone too far. The family asked us to tell ians story because they believe it shows how the system still fails people with Learning Disabilities. As he grew up, ians behaviour became challenging. When in pain, hed throw things and bang his head, scarring himself. In 2007, he was sent to the first of three secure units. It was meant to be short term. The problem being with epilepsy the secure units were always the wrong places. Because things became out of control, the secure units became involved. So once he was there it felt like you couldnt get him back out . Yeah, it was ongoing. It was from one to the other. This weighty family file tells the story of ians life over the last decade. It shows his mum raising numerous concerns about levels of medication which she believed were too high. There are records of ian being restrained, as well as Family Letters fighting to get him moved to a supported home in the community. It took nine years, but ian left the last secure hospital in 2016. Within months, testicular cancer was found. The family believes in the secure unit early signs were first missed, then not investigated thoroughly. Ian has been failed. Bernadette adams provided the family with support in meetings with the authorities. Jan has been saying for many, many months that ian was in pain or ian had infections and she was, you know, on many occasions, if not all occasions, just ignored. In a statement, the Department Of Health says. For too long people with Learning Disabilities have not been treated equally by the Health Service and were determined to change that. It, and nhs england, also insist they are making progress in improving care and closing secure units. But not fast enough for sir stephen bubb, author of two reports examining the problems. Hes written to the Prime Minister calling for an independent commissioner to speak up for people like ian. Its scandalous and very sad the use of physical restraint, overmedication, seclusion and a serious neglect of health and social care needs. Its all too typical and it has led me to believe that institutional care is at root abusive and we must close these institutions sit up properly then. The government says it has no plans for an independent commissioner at the moment. But ians family want his legacy to be that in future others feel their voices are being heard. Alison holt, bbc news, essex. A man has appeared in court over an acid attack on a woman and her cousin on 21st in london last month. The 24 year old is accused of Throwing Acid at resham kham and her cousin. A man who wrote facebook m essa 9 es cousin. A man who wrote Facebook Messages calling for businesswoman and campaignergina messages calling for businesswoman and campaigner gina miller to be run over has been convicted of sending menacing communications. Viscount st davids wrote the messages for days after gina miller won her legal challenge against the government. He claims the comments were satire but faces a custodial sentence. Tell us more about what happened in court . Well, remember, it wasjust four days after the businesswomanjoon omuilleoir had won her historic victory, forcing the government gina miller had won a victory forcing the government to vote on article 50. Viscount st davids, who also holds the title lord hungerford among others, posted on facebook the words, £5,000, for the first person to. Excuse me, may phone is. Composed essentially said, £5,000 for the first person to accidentally run overgina for the first person to accidentally run over gina miller. He referred to her as run over gina miller. He referred to heras an run over gina miller. He referred to her as an effing boatjumper, and said that if this is what happens with immigrants, they should be sent back to their stinking jungles. In another post, you referred to an immigrantand again another post, you referred to an immigrant and again offered money, £2000, for a man who turned down the offer of a cancel house to be carved into pieces. In court, the viscount argued that this is all a joke, it was satire, it was political debate. He said the phrase effing boat jumper was he said the phrase effing Boat Jumperwas in he said the phrase effing boat jumper was in fact a statement of fa ct jumper was in fact a statement of fact and he really tried to brush the whole thing off as something rather light hearted. That didnt impress the chief magistrate, who found him guilty of the offence of sending menacing communications that we re sending menacing communications that were racially aggravated and said he should expect a custodial sentence on thursday. Battling torrential rain there in central london, thank you. Meanwhile, at wimbledon, Johanna Konta is athletic become the first british woman in use to make the wimbledon semifinal. Meanwhile, Novak Djokovic is due to the mens orderfinals. On centre court, a british woman anyone that quarterfinal. Never mind the rest of korea, Johanna Kontas progress here had taken her life to a different level. Where every move, every m ove a different level. Where every move, every move description eyes. She first played at wimbledon as a junior, robson to australia. When her hungary and bonn parents moved to britain, she gained citizenship. Shes not the product of one nation, but of intense tennis. When i first met her, she think she had six layers on on artificial core, it easier than, i thought it was great. Isaid to easier than, i thought it was great. I said to herfather, this is the top 5 in the world material. Wimbledon noticed this year a lighter mood. Konta brought baked treats to practice. She seemed to be ina good treats to practice. She seemed to be in a good mood. But that can change very quickly. Simona halep had her eye on becoming world number one as well as winning wimbledon. But on centre court, roof closed, konta found her range. Into a tie break, and the standard ever higher. What would separate the players . Well, almost nothing. Look at. But haleps point, and since, haleps set. Well, first it is just an opportunity for resilience, as they say on the hill. In the second set, konta kept running and kept her composure. But there was no closure and so another tie break, 6 5, deep breath, deep breath. Now, exhale. One set alland on it went. Yes, into the third set, can tell you that johanna on it went. Yes, into the third set, can tell you thatJohanna Konta is just managing to hold serve in her first serve in this game. So it is at 11. First serve in this game. So it is at 1 1. Waiting first serve in this game. So it is at1 1. Waiting on first serve in this game. So it is at 1 1. Waiting on the semifinals, the superb venus williams, through to another semifinal. Novak djokovic did get his fourth round match eventually, straight sets, but he was annoyed afterwards that wimbledon didnt schedule has much to finish last night. This evening, forget the rain, were going to finish under the roof on centre court. And just to repeat, halep versus konta is into the third set, 11. It versus konta is into the third set, 1 1. It literally couldnt be tighter. We dont need to ask what the weather is like in london. The rain has set in for the rest of the day. And it is notjust across the day. And it is notjust across the wimbledon area. We have seen rain pouring down across south wales, where this picture is from. And as the raider picture shows, the rain has been pushing its way eastwards steadily through the afternoon, some really bright colours on the pictures showing where theres heavy breasts are heading, particularly inches at least england. But it has not been raining everywhere. Heavy bursts. It isnt nice in north west scotland, with just some showers in the distance. Tight, The Rain Band having reached parts of yorkshire, it is going to sink its way southwards through the night, but will become stranded across South East England, heavy bursts around by don. The north west, the weather becomes a bit drier. Quite a chilly night into parts of scotland, temperatures down into single figures. Tomorrow, The Rain Band will clear away pretty smartly and then we see this area of High Pressure building in across the British Isles and that means the Early Morning rain clears away from South East England quite quickly through wednesday morning and then sunshine will, and we will see a lot more sunshine and we have seen today. Better fairweather bubbling up, temperatures higher than average. So, at wimbledon tomorrow, what a different story. Sunny spells across the board, with light winds, it will feel pleasant in that sunshine as well. On thursday, more of the same, really. Is chilly start in rural parts, through the day, if youre isolated showers possible, but it is the north West Of Scotland we re but it is the north West Of Scotland were the greatest risk of showers. Temperatures again breaching a high of about 23. Our main story, the government orders an inquiry into the contaminated Blood Scandal. More than 2000 people died after being given the products in the 19705 and 805. That is all from the bbc news at six. I will be back at ten with the latest over on bbc one but from all of us here, goodbye. Hello. This is bbc news. The headlines the Prime Minister has ordered an inquiry into the contaminated Blood Scandal of the 19705 and 805, which led to the deaths of nearly 2,500 people. Many were haemophiliacs, who died from hepatitis c and aids related illnesses. President trumps son, donald junior, has released emails showing he was invited to a meeting at trump tower to discuss damaging information about Hillary Clinton during last years Election Campaign. The information had been gathered by the russian state. Borisjohnson, has agreed with a conservative mp, that the eu can go whistle for any final payment from britain after brexit. Brussels has yet to reveal what financial obligations it believes the uk must honour, before it leaves the european union

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