Also tonight Russian Police break up a protest in moscow an Opposition Leader is arrested before he can address the crowd. The duchess of cambridge visits the hospital treating victims of the london Terror Attack She met nurses and patients. And coming up in sportsday on bbc news the england under 20s manager says its too soon to call them a golden generation, despite their World Cup Final win. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. In the last hour, theresa may has just faced her mps, admitting that shes got the party into a mess and promising that she will get them out of it. Its not the only sign of the challenges the Prime Ministerfaces. For the first time in recent memory, the queens speech in which the government lays out its plans could be delayed. It may have to be postponed from next monday as the government negotiates a deal with Northern Irelands Democratic Unionist Party to give it a majority in parliament. Theresa may is widely expected to have to prune back some of the more controversial aspects of her Election Manifesto as she tries to win the support not only of the dup, but backbenchers in her own party. Our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg has the latest. The band plays on. In theresa mays backyard. Strangely, Business As Usual at the back gates. Hello, chief whip, can the Prime Minister stay on, do you think . She have confidence . Mirror of course she has. But at the front, event at number ten are less regimented. Do you have confidence in theresa mays leadership, secretary of state . Do you have confidence in the Prime Minister, do you think she can survive this . Do you have confidence in the Prime Minister . Arriving for the first cabinet since the election, not all ministers are ready publicly to say yes. Do you have confidence in the Prime Minister . Absolutely . Having lost the tories majority, theresa may needs to convince her cabinet collea g u es needs to convince her Cabinet Colleagues she is still right for thejob. They look like colleagues she is still right for the job. They look like they need to convince themselves. The tories hopes of getting anything done live ina deal hopes of getting anything done live in a deal with Northern Irish mps. Its not even clear yet if the queens speech, the official start of the government and its business, will go ahead as planned next week. The details of the queens speech are what matters. It has been known for some days that we are seeking an agreement with the Democratic Unionist Party. That will provide the stability and parliamentary votes that will allow us to do the important things we need to do. Some loyal supporters were trying to cheer theresa may up. But the fact that scores of newly elected labour mps are arriving here and old tory mps are arriving here and old tory mps departing means theresa may is going to have to change, whether she likes it or not. Shes a week and Prime Minister with no majority in this place, and that means any of the more controversial ideas in her ma nifesto the more controversial ideas in her manifesto will bite the dust. Its probably goodbye to more grammar schools, probably an end to the idea of tightening up pension benefits. The simple truth theresa may cant guarantee she will get her way. The simple truth theresa may cant guarantee she will get her waym would be great if she now gets the government in place, which she started to do yesterday, and starts these negotiations. She can than herself make any decisions about the future. There are also demands to shift on her approach to the biggest policy of all, how we leave the eu. Cabinet ministers have told me there has to be a change of tone, perhaps a change of priorities too. There is a change of priorities too. There is a lot to discuss, but we do have to make sure we invite other people in now. This will not be a tory brexit, it has to involve the whole country. She was putting one vision. You and others are telling her it has to change. A Majority Conservative Government was putting forward a vision and we are no longer a Majority Conservative Government. We will have to work with others. That means we will have to invite people in and try and take more people with us. In and try and take more people with us. That can be positive. The immediate sense of danger to theresa may seems to be slowing, but she is vulnerable, having to answer to collea g u es vulnerable, having to answer to colleagues in parliament, having failed to persuade the country. Gentle turmoil, while the routines and rhythms of this place stay the same. And we can talk to our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg now. Laura, i gather this meeting with backbenchers is still going on. What more can you tell us . She is still taking questions from mps after an opening short speech to them where to tories, many of whom were furious about what happened with the election, she apologised directly to them. She apologised to colleagues who had lost their seats and she also said, i got into this mess and i will get us out of it. I understand it is notjust this group of mps that she has apologised to. She also apparently apologised to the cabinet this afternoon and said she was responsible for calling the election. She led the campaign and she is sorry. The truth is that she can now say sorry as much as she wa nts, can now say sorry as much as she wants, as colleagues had demanded. But her authority is extremely fractured and minds here are turning to what is next. In that meeting tonight, she acknowledged that she is not calling the shots any more. She said, i will serve as long as you want me. That is about as far from a Prime Minister commanding the heights of politics as you can get. But in terms of the immediate roar after the election, where a small number of mps were saying it was time for her to go, that does seem to have faded. In terms of the term she struck this evening by acknowledging she has made mistakes, that makes it more likely that tory mps will be quieter for a while with their concerns about her leadership. But there is still that nagging doubt about how long she can stay. Can she stay in the medium term . Can she stay till the next general election after what has happened in the last booing last 48 or after what has happened in the last 48 hours, that seems unlikely. Laura, thank you. So, as weve heard, perhaps the biggest challenge facing theresa may is negotiating britains departure from the European Union. The brexit secretary, david davis, has said there may be a delay to the negotiations to leave the eu, which were also due to start next monday. But mr davis insisted the government would stick to its plan to leave the single market, despite some calls to change its stance after last weeks Election Result. Our deputy Political Editorjon pienaar looks at the future of brexit. Brexit means brexit, says theresa may, but what does it mean . The two year countdown continues next week. Then uk and eu negotiators must thrash out a deal if they can. They have until the end of march 2019, then britains out. So what are the challenges of brexit and can ministers find an answer . European imports cross british borders freely now eu leaders say people must too if free trade is to go on, so how to keep Free Movement of goods into britain, but not people . The government says its sticking to that mission, but open to ideas. What we will be doing, as i have in the last ten months, is listening to all contributors and saying, if youve got better ideas, tell me and well consider them. The cabinet has no detailed plan. The chancellor wants to keep business supplied with vital european workers. David davis, the brexit secretary, does too, but wants migration down in the end. Trade secretary liam fox is tougher still and wants out of the eu even if that means no deal, but the parliamentary pressures after the election are huge. This debate has been going around in circles. Since the election, its picked up pace. Brexiteers want to break free of all eu control. Others say compromise on migration, on eu payments, for the sake of a deal. Whether its on movement of people, how the rules can be adjusted, budget payments, things like that, there needs to be flexibility because the politicians job is to make this work for the nation as a whole, not to dispute amongst themselves. 17. 4 Million People voted for the simple principle that decisions should be made by democratically elected politicians here in westminster that decide our laws, our money and our borders and thats what should be negotiated, starting next monday. Labour wants all options kept open. Trade and Cooperation Count for more than keeping migrants out, they say. We need a collaborative approach, we need to get rid of the idea of tick boxing hard brexit and obsessions with things like the European Court and bringing down migration numbers. We need an outcome that works for businesses and for people across the country. Most of the mps who will be sworn in here this week were elected on a promise to deliver brexit. There are many ideas of how and whats best for britain. If there is a plan, it will only emerge slowly through long hard negotiation, and no one can say now what it will look like. Opinions may shift here and across the country and some even believe no plan can be agreed before another election, so a deal to exit the European Union is not yet within reach thats assuming it ever is. It will take endless wrangling between now and the two year deadline for brexit before we find out what it really means. The Democratic Unionist Party is not only negotiating with theresa may. As weve been hearing, its also resumed talks on restoring Power Sharing in Northern Ireland. Tensions at stormont mean theres been no first minister or Deputy First Minister since january. But sinn fein the other party in the Power Sharing talks say theresa mays government can no longer be seen as an honest broker because it is now dependent on the dup for its commons majority. Our ireland correspondent Chris Buckler has the latest on those stormont talks. North antrim is a dup heartland, where many voters choose the party at least partly because of their religion. High among the concerns of the democratic unionists and their electorate is protecting the union of the united kingdom. And now they find themselves in a position not just to help provide some stability, but also to influence government in the uk. The prospect of a deal between the dup and the conservatives is a deep concern for sinn fein, particularly as theresa mays government is also supposed to be acting as an honest broker. In talks to try to restore Power Sharing here at stormont. Talks to try to restore powersharing here at stormont. We dont believe that any deal between the dup here and the english tories will be good for the people here. And any deal which undercuts in any way the process here or the good friday and other agreements is one which has to be opposed. Watching as sinn fein spoke were members of the dup. Their westminster ambitions could have an impact on Parliament Buildings in belfast, where devolved government collapsed at the start of the year because of a series of disputes between the parties. Those issues which are devolved should be dealt with by the devolved administration here in Northern Ireland. But if others decide that they are not coming back into the devolved administration in Northern Ireland, those issues will have to be dealt with at westminster. It is the sinn fein to decide where they wa nt the sinn fein to decide where they want those powers to lie. The british and irish governments were supposed to be bringing stormonts parties together in these talks, but dublins ministers are becoming concerned. The good friday agreement requires all parties and particularly both governments to adopt a stance of rigorous impartiality. The dup will make their way to westminster tomorrow with demands. At the top of their list is likely to be money for the economy and Public Services here. And while certain tories have expressed concern about the dups opposition to same sex marriage and abortion, there is some support for them among voters in places like this. Do you think they need to change those views . No, i agree with those views. Everybodys entitled to their opinion. If thats your opinion, you should stand for your rights. We have a right to speak out. The dups religious roots mean faith is often a factor. But when they speak to theresa may, expect their demands to be more practical and political. All indications are that the dup had to Downing Street intent on doing a deal. Along with cash, they are likely to want influence on subjects like brexit. But what is good for stability in westminster could cause instability at stormont. A short time ago, the Northern Ireland secretary James Brokenshire i gave a statement in which he said the two issues are separate, but he wouldnt take questions from reporters, perhaps a sign that the conservatives feel a little caught in the middle and perhaps in a rather uncomfortable situation where two negotiations could cause problems for each other. Many thanks, chris. Theres been a dramatic drop in Business Confidence since the Election Result, according to the Institute Of Directors. A survey of 700 members suggested there was deep concern over the Political Uncertainty and its impact on the economy. So for more on the view from business, heres our Business Editor simonjack. Coming up fast, brexit negotiations are due to start next monday, but after the Election Result the Direction Of Travel is more uncertain than ever, and businesses like aston martin are worried. Its almost the worst of all worlds, because you now have a hung parliament, where nothing can be taken as a given. Lets understand the Direction Of Travel, lets work between government and industry, let us understand where were going to and we can adapt to the situation. That will allow us then to continue the investments that were already planning. On friday, in the immediate aftermath of the election, Business Groups gathered here at the department for business, with a regular meeting with the secretary of state. The problem is, many of them feel that up to now their voice goes no further than this building, and are hoping that a weakened theresa may will have to listen more to her Cabinet Colleagues and to the voice of business particularly when it comes to brexit. Up to now, i dont Think Business has managed to get it views across effectively enough, or it simply hasnt been listened to, and thats particularly true of smaller businesses. Now i think weve got a bit of a window and that might change, and that might enable there to be a bit of a rethink about some of these questions about the single market, the customs union, how the Regulatory Frameworks are going to work. While many, in fact most, businesses would like to retain preferential access to our largest export market, john elliott, who runs this electrical goods manufacturer in county durham, says we must not lose sight of why people like him voted to leave. I hope common sense prevails. My view of the brexit is that weve got to leave them become the same as the other people who arent in the European Union, countries like usa, canada, australia, japan, and we trade like them and give up ourfree access to the single market, but get back control of our economy and immigration. Even ignoring the Election Result, theres evidence that the prospect of brexit is affecting an industry that relies heavily on overseas workers health. Theres been a 96 fall in the number of eu nationals registering to work as a nurse in the uk. The Institute Of Directors polled its members over the weekend, and last weeks election has had a clear negative impact on business morale. Theres been a sudden drop in Business Confidence, as a direct result of what happened in the election. Our members are feeling much less confident about the prospects for the uk economy and theyre concerned about the potential impact on their own businesses, as well. It may be that the business voice gets wider audience in government, but with so much Political Uncertainty, even that prospect is not doing much to lift the gloom. Simon jack, bbc news. Well have more on the Election Result later in the programme. And tonight on bbc one at 8 30, you can see a panaroma special with Nick Robinson election 2017 what just happened . It is 6 18pm. Our top story this evening theresa may has apologised to tory mps, saying i got us into this mess and i will get us out of it. And still to come. Weve heard from the politicians but what about the people . We get tory grassroots reaction on the election. Coming up in sportsday on bbc news can pakistan recover from a stuttering start to their run chase, to beat sri lanka and reach the semifinals of the champions trophy . The duchess of cambridge has been meeting victims of the London Bridge Terror Attack who are recovering at Kings College hospital. Shes also met some of the doctors and nurses who treated those who were hurt in the attack, which saw three islamist militants crash a van into crowds on London Bridge, before attacking people with knives around nearby borough market. Heres our royal correspondent, peter hunt. A senior royal and those who responded to the aftermath of the attack. Nine days on, several patients continue to be cared for here. Its everyone, isnt it, the team thats involved. Well done to you. Thank you. The first of the injured arrived in the back of a police van. Kings College Hospital is sadly well used to treating stab victims, normally theyre young men. The amount of female patients that were involved, which i think was quite traumatic for the staff, and for everybody involved. Alos, patients were very distressed, and the people that brought them in, as well, it was alljust unfolding in front of us. This hospital is one of five that responded to the Terror Attack. The skill of the surgeons and quality of the care provided has meant that everyone who made it to hospital has survived. One of them is candice hedge, reunited here with herfamily. She was stabbed in the neck. The 34 year old is from brisbane. Two other australians didnt survive. Its such a tight community and. Yeah, its not fair that they didnt make it, and i dont know if im lucky or unlucky for making it, but, you know, ijust want to try and be as positive as i can about a pretty bad situation. Youve got lots of people to support, who experienced the trauma. This is a hospital caring for mental as well as physical wounds, and this is a royal visit that recognises, said one doctor, hard work being done in tough times. Peter hunt, bbc news, Kings College hospital, london. Police in manchester have arrested a 31 year old woman on suspicion of murder after a man was pushed into a moving tram in the city centre. The incident happened last night at victoria station. The man died at the scene. An investigation has begun into an insta nt an investigation has begun into an instant that forced a chinese plane to land in sydney with a large hole in one of its engines. Passengers on board the flight bound for shanghai described a burning smell and a loud noise shortly after take off. The airbus a330 managed to land safely and there were no reports of injuries. In russia, thousands of demonstrators, angry with president vladimir putin, have taken to the Streets Of Moscow and several other cities. Scores of people have been detained in moscow and in St Petersburg and the russian Opposition Leader, Alexei Navalny has been arrested. Our moscow correspondent, Steve Rosenberg has the latest. One mile from the kremlin, a Public Holiday turned into a public battle. Russia day is supposed to be a national celebration. But riot police were sent in to clear Anti Government protesters from moscows main street. Thousands had come to accuse the russian leadership of corruption. Putin is a thief, they shouted, and, one, two, three, putin, its time to leave. Families accidentally caught up in the violence fled. Police detained hundreds of protesters. The police have been telling the crowd that people dont have the right to protest here, that they dont have permission. But the protesters have been saying they dont need permission, because russia day is their day too. There were anti corru ption demonstrations in more than 100 russian towns. As for the man whod organised this nationwide protest, Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny, he was detained as he left home. Not everyone today was in the mood to criticise the government. In moscow, this patriotic festival on the street as the protest was celebrating Russian Military might. Protests dont make life better, he says. Not one revolution has ever brought anything good. Up the road, this was no russian revolution, but it was a display of defiance from those people, many of them young russians, who believe their country needs change. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. More now on our top story. Over the weekend people across the uk have been mulling over the Election Results and some of the surprises that emerged. One of those was bristol north west, where constituents ousted the sitting tory mp and gave labour a majority of more than 4,000. Our Correspondentjon Kay has been speaking to grassroots supporters about what they want the party to do in response to the Election Result. Politics is a brutal business, and here, things have already moved on. This Conservative Seat has been claimed by labour. Could you feel it immediately . Oh, absolutely. This afternoon, we brought together some rather bruised conservatives. They all agree that theresa may wont survive long term, but they say she must stay on for now. We start discussions on brexit next week. Now is really not the time to be trying to change the Prime Minister. How much credibility does she have at the Negotiating Table for brexit if everybody is saying she can be the leader for the next couple of years, but probably not beyong that . Shes still the Prime Minister of the fifth largest economy in the world. They have to take her seriously. For some, its loyalty. For others, a case of needs must, but they do agree that after mrs mays campaign, they need to think about who comes next. What do you want in a leader . A good orator, someone with charisma, someone who excites young people. Its so important. And maybe she lacked that. Who would you have instead . I mean, ive gone through the options in my head and i keep coming back to borisjohnsonjust because even if you hate him, hes quite persuasive and we need someone to counteractjeremy corbyn. They say the manifesto went down badly when they were going door to door here in bristol north west, and that the conservatives need to think about principles, not personalities. In the meantime, lets do some real soul searching. If dont have an ideology, if you dont have roots that you can go back to, if you dont have an ideology people can understand, we will lose tojeremy corbyn, because at the moment, we look like a Soulless Party which is just based around one womans leadership and getting on with the job. They told me they want mrs may to involve the grassroots more, Asjeremy Corbyn has in his party. I want more control from members at bristol level, national level, and i think that i want a leader that will listen to us and act. Do you feel youve not been listened to . 0h sorry, but we havent been. People buy into visions for the future, a country they can be part of. They dont buy into were not corbyn, were not socialist, vote for us. It is still very raw. These are not conversations tories here were expecting to have. Jon kay, bbc news, bristol. Time for the weather now. Heres ben rich. Thank you. Divided fortunes for the rest of the week. The further north and west you are, some rain at times, not all the time and it will sometimes be breezy. Further south and east, mostly dry and quite humid. The southern areas will also see the best of the sunshine, that was the case today, thanks to our Weather Watcher in kent. Where we had some sunny spells in the south and east, thats where we will have clear spells tonight and it will get a bit chilly away from towns and cities. Northern ireland, wales, north west england and scotland, some cloud and rain. Some of the rain could turn heavily in places through the first part of tomorrow morning. Then it will break up into something more like showers, although some of those showers could be hefty. Not as windy in the north, further south largely dry, some sunshine, the best of that on the south coast and into the channel islands. Temperatures creeping up, 23 in london. This area of low pressure tries to squash its weight in from the west midweek but meets resista nce in from the west midweek but meets resistance from this area of high pressure. It will force this warm airupfrom the pressure. It will force this warm air up from the south, pretty humid, especially across england and wales. Wednesday a humid day, sunny day, strong sunshine with high uv levels. Different in Northern Ireland and scotland, cloud, rain and look at the contrast in the temperatures. 2627 in the contrast in the temperatures. 26 27 in the south east, 16 17 further north and west. In the humid air in the south west, a chance of some thunderstorms in the night wednesday and thursday but a Weather Pushers in from the west, and things turning fresherfor most pushers in from the west, and things turning fresher for most of us at the end of the week but divided fortunes, rain in the north and mainly fine fortunes, rain in the north and mainlyfine in fortunes, rain in the north and mainly fine in the south. Thank you. A reminder of our main story. Theresa may apologise to tory and hes have got us into this mess and get us out of it. Thats all from the bbc news at six, so its goodbye from me and on bbc one we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. Hello. This is bbc news with julian worricker. The headlines at 6. 30pm theresa may has been meeting tory backbenchers, some of whom have voiced anger at the election, which resulted in a hung parliament. Mrs may is reported to have told them i got us into this mess and ill get us out of it. The first secretary of state, damian green, confirms there could be a delay to the queens speech, but denies that speculation about the date is evidence that the government is in chaos. We want to produce a substantial queens speech. Theres a huge amount of work to get on with, notjust The Brexit Negotiations which start next week but many other challenges that face us

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