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You guessed it, its eurovision time again coming up in the sport on bbc news, Europa League and potential Champions League prizes both on offer for Manchester United ahead of their second leg against celta vigo at old trafford. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. If a leaked copy of labours manifesto is anything to go by, the party is about to propose some of the most sweeping changes to its policies in a generation. The draft proposals seen by the bbc range from renationalising the railways and parts of the energy sector, an emphasis on workers rights to scrapping tuition fees in england. This afternoon, party chiefs signed off on an amended version of the document. Jeremy corbyn, who said the final, fully costed manifesto will be published in a few days, described it as transformative. The conservatives called it the road to ruin. Heres our Political Editor laura kuennsberg. They wondered what exactly was going on, and you might too. This was meant to be the grand unveiling of a labour poster, albeit on a waste ground in south london. But the party leader was nowhere to be seen. Jeremy corbyn should have been selling the slogan. He had been promised as top billing. But after the astonishing leak of a draft of labours complete manifesto. We we re labours complete manifesto. We were told he had other things to do. Where is mr corbyn . He was meant to be here. He was meant to be here, but things happened and mr corbyn is. Dealing with internal matters. Do you know who leaked your manifesto . Mr corbyns closest ally was promise a great things. This is extremely modern, Progressive Set of proposals. It is looking to the long term future and most people get excited at what they have seen. The 45 page draft we have seen spells out plans to nationalise the railways, royal mail and parts of the energy industry, to abolish tuition fees in england, to restore some Welfare Benefits and scrap the bedroom tax and to provide £8 billion for social care. In a frenzy over who told the world. Reporter are you responsible for the leak . Sun can be silly. Labour shadow ministers, officials and Union Bigwigs were due to arrive to sign it. We are here today to decide the final version and im sure it will be an exciting process that will attract as many voters as possible to the labour party. I am certain that ordinary labour voters want an increased minimum wage, the abolition of zero our contracts, Agency Workers dealt with. Reporter and nationalisation . Of the railways. Eventually, the leader sped in. Inside, labours top brass discussed tax rises for the wealthiest and big business, a ban on fracking, ending arms sales to saudi arabia, but no ban on nuclear weapons. And after four hours, it was eventually agreed, a plan described as the biggest intervention in the state since the 19705. But is that how he sees it . Im naturally to the centre, he says. But for how labour will pay for his grand plans, we will have to wait. We have just concluded our joint meeting of the Shadow Cabinet and the national executive, and we have discussed our manifesto for the general election. Our manifesto will be an offer, and we believe the policies in it are very popular, an offer that will transform the lives offer that will transform the lives of many people in our society. The details will be set out to you, including the costings of all the pledges and promises we make. But the national manifesto, this seeming chaos, the sum of his candidates makes not much difference. Listen to this. The tories are 20 points ahead in the polls. It is their manifesto people should focus on and sing on what they are doing in government. We labour mps what they are doing in government. We labourmps are what they are doing in government. We labour mps are trying to save as many good labour mps as possible so that we have the semblance of an Opposition Afterjune the 8th. Ma nifesto Opposition Afterjune the 8th. Manifesto timing slip ups aside, this is less radical thanJeremy Corbyn and his core supporters might have wished. The task now is to persuade voters of its merits. Ultimately, what matters is not the clamour over the leak, but what you make of what labour has to offer. Sorry, can i get through . Jeremy corbyns hope is that the more people understand him, the more they will like. His internal rivals in the labour party fear the opposite is true, and its already been a bumpy journey. Laura kuenssberg, is true, and its already been a bumpyjourney. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. The independent think tank, the institute for fiscal studies, says labours Draft Manifesto would significantly increase the size of the state. One proposal is a commitment to renationalise britains train network. At the moment, Train Services in different parts of the country are operated by Different Companies. Our transport correspondent Richard Westcott has been looking at what labours plans would do for the railways. Britains railways are bitty and complex. Most of the track, signals and stations are run by network rail. Its effectively a nationalised company, spending public money. The trains are in private hands. So what exactly is labour proposing . At the moment, Different Companies can bid to run different Rail Services for a limited number of years. Its called a franchise. What labour seems to be suggesting is that as each of those franchises runs out, rather than having a new bidding process, the government will take over those services instead. There are 18 franchises in total. The first one, south west trains, comes up for renewal in august but another ten, including famous names like Great Western railways, could be taken into Public Ownership by the end of the next parliament. But some franchises dont finish until well into the 20205, and the Caledonian Sleeper Service wont be renewed until 2030. Opinion polls suggest that nationalisation is popular. I am for nationalisation because i think it will make it cheaper than it is at the moment. Train prices are ridiculous. Its been proven in the past that nationalised Rail Services dont meet the standards of customer expectations. Theyve had safety issues in the past as well. british rail were getting there. The old publicly owned british rail had a mixed reputation, so why do campaigners think nationalising the trains would make things better . We would be able to reduce fares and improve services. We could add carriages, reopen lines, we could make our railway better. In 2009, east Coast Services were taken over by the government for a few years because a private company made a mess of the franchise. Labours often hailed it as proof that nationalising a line can improve the service. But the former boss of that publicly owned company disagrees. It worked well in public hands, but i probably wouldnt advocate doing it that way in general. We made it work. It was hard to do it, but we ran it as if it was a private Sector Company and we returned over £1 billion in profit to the treasury during the time we were running it. But the new franchisee that replaced us has promised far more money. A slow takeover of Passenger Services is the cheapest option for nationalisation, but if labour wants to buy back the privately owned trains, it could cost billions. Richard westcott, bbc news. Another policy in the leaked Draft Manifesto is the plan to scrap tuition fees in england. First introduced in 1998 under labour, in 2012 they rose to £9,000 a year. Our education editor Branwen Jeffreys reports now on what impact tuition fees have on Student Numbers and what it might cost to get rid of them. Universities like Nottingham Trent are part of a revolution. Tuition fees have paid for many more places, but its students who face 30 years of paying back loans, so do they welcome the idea of Scrapping Fees . It would be a good thing, but how are they going to pay for it . Getting rid of them doesnt make a difference. It is more the living costs that would sway people into going to uni or not. That is brilliant if they actually do it forever wandering into education but forever wandering into education but for me, im going to graduate in a couple of weeks. A quarter of stu d e nts couple of weeks. A quarter of students here are from englands poorest families, managing less than £15,000 a year. So does it matter who pays for their courses . From a University Point of view, we want enough money to provide a high quality education. Whether that comes from Government Grants or Student Loans is a matterfor the politicians. It is great that this debate is now part of the general election campaign. Each time tuition fees go up, applications initially dropped but in the long term it hasnt put young people off. In 2007, when fees were £3000, 305,000 stu d e nts 2007, when fees were £3000, 305,000 students accepted a place. By 2016, when fees were 9000, 394,000 signed up. It would cost around £7. 5 billion to replace loans with government spending. The reason it isnt more is that taxpayers are still paying some of the cost. The majority of students will never fully re pay majority of students will never fully repay their loans. Tuition fee increases have provoked protests. The outrage overflowed when the crippled under the coalition. Tuition fees have become a symbol of fairness between the generations. Stu d e nts fairness between the generations. Students look at older people and see that they got a Free University education, cheaper housing, better pensions. They ask why they are not getting the same deal. Scotland is the only part of the uk with no tuition fees. The number of University Places is limited. Wealthier students are more likely to get places, a bigger gap than england. Food for thought in the tuition fee debate. Branwen jeffreys, bbc news. So what do the public make of the proposals outlined in labours Draft Manifesto . Our deputy Political Editor jon pienaar has been to york, a Labour Seat Being targeted by the conservatives, to get the views of voters. An act of faith, labours manifesto, True Believers spreading the word of socialism in places like york. With its 7,000 labour majority, the party must hold and grow if it can. So much of labours programme is divisive and could cause potential support to walk away. Labour dont want to put a clear limit on immigration from europe. Are you happy with that or unhappy . Theyre just coming to use the nhs for free. They get Housing Funding for free, benefits for free, and its too easy. I agree, but if they are coming over and are going to get a job and pay their way, thats fine. And for so many, its about the economy. Isnt it always . More tax if you can easily afford it, or would that just punish success . Mess up britains prosperity . Jeremy corbyn and the labour party are saying, get more tax out of people who earn the most. What do you think . No. I think if you go to university, do a masters, work hard, you shouldnt have to pay more tax. But if youve got more money, why not pay a bit more for services . Because youve done essential things to earn that. If i was earning that much, id want to be doing my bit for everyone else. I dont need that much money in my life. As for returning more power to the unions. I remember the 705, going to work and literally working in candlelight, to go home just in time for everything to go off there as well. You think this would be a step down that road . I think it would, because again, you are going back to the few in the unions who are dominant, controlling the many. We love our railways, when theyre running properly. Why not renationalise royal mail, too . Well, maybe going back to a state owned rail service is rather sentimental, even an eccentric idea. Well, the state did a reasonable job in the past, but previously the private corporations have done perhaps an even betterjob, so i think the guys who are more motivated to do the job should be the ones to run it. Why do you think a lot of people are happy with the idea of Nationalising Railways . Because railways are a treasure, arent they . We do love our railways. So its nostalgia . Its absolute nostalgia, yes. But in a pick and mix of labour policies, rail nationalisation is popular. The investment hasnt gone in over the years, so if the private sector cant do it, then its left to the public sector. I would be fine with that, no problem. If this election was a shopping trip, theres a lot of Labour Policy people seem to fancy. Nationalise the railways, tax the rich. But the hardest currency on polling day is public trust, and Jeremy Corbyn needs to do better in that marketplace than hes done in the past if labour ideas are to count for much on june the 8th. Jon pienaar, bbc news, york. We can now speak to our Political Editor laura kuenssberg. We have got to say we are discussing a d raft we have got to say we are discussing a draft here. Some say its a throwback, others say in labour its a modernising document, whats the judgment . I think it is a bit of both. It is too crude to say it is just a wreck replica of what went before. It is a different list of political policies and doesnt care compared with the manifesto put forward in the 19705 and 19805. There are echoes of that because in its most able form, ideas of bringing Back Nationalisation to some parts of the economy. It is worth saying in 2017 that idea polls well with many sections of the public and there are lots of ideas in this manifesto that may well be popular. Notjust in this manifesto that may well be popular. Not just with Jeremy Corbyn supporters but potentially among large numbers. It is also worth saying that even inside the labour party there are very different views. One senior figure said to party there are very different views. One seniorfigure said to me this is basically the manifesto ed miliband would have liked to write if he had had the nerve. He said there were clever ideas in it and if sold properly it could do quite well. Another former minister said to me this is like a letter to santa claus and with sceptical over whether it would prove popular enough. But i think the question tonight is not is it forward looking . Or is it a Blast From The Past . The test is whether this manifesto will add up to something thats credible. And we wont see how labour are adding up the sums, and wont be able to a nswer the sums, and wont be able to answer that until next week. Laura, thank you very much. The time is coming up to 17 minutes past six. Our top story this evening Public Ownership of the railways and royal mail Jeremy Corbyn spells out labours offer to the electorate. And still to come. Its eurovision time again, but could brexit influence the judges and their scores . Coming up in sportsday on bbc news, andy murray loses at the madrid open, knocked out in the last 16 by borna coric. The world number one has failed to reach the quarterfinals in two of his last three tournaments. The Bank Of England has warned of a squeeze on Household Incomes this year as the cost of living rises faster than wages. The banks governor, mark carney, expected only moderate growth for the uk economy. Looking further ahead, he predicted a better prospect, but only if the government secures a smooth exit from the eu. Our economics editor kamal ahmed reports. Wherever you live, a clear message from the bank. 2017, a year of squeezed incomes, higher prices and slower growth. But better news could be coming. Mark carney kicked off his mixed message on the uk economy with a warning. This is going to be a more challenging time for british households over the course of this year. Real income growth, to use our terminology, will be negative. To use theirs, wages wont keep up with prices. Consumers are split between the worried and those that see more positives ahead. No matter what you go in to buy nowadays, even the shops, or even for the animals, whatever, everything has gone up in price. I do think its going to get worse when brexit hits hard. So i would say im not really looking forward to the consequences of brexit. We are seeing stability in the uk, and thats a positive thing. I think the economy is actually on the turn, on the way up. I think youve got no choice but to kind of look where your money is going, in terms of like shopping, spending, Holiday Prices obviously going up as well. Its those rising prices that the bank is focusing on, saying it expected inflation to rise by 2. 7 this year. That is in sharp contrast with the rise in earnings, which will languish atjust 2 . Over the next two years, more positive news, with a Growth Upgrade for both 2018, and 2019. The bank also insists wage growth will bounce back. Why are you so confident that that will come to an end and that wage growth will hit 3. 75 , you suggest, by the end of 2019 . We are conditionally on a smooth process, a smooth Brexit Process. The extent to which uncertainty over that process is temporarily weighing on wages, that should dissipate. Todays report from the Bank Of England can be neatly summed up in six words. Short term, negative. Long term, positive. Yes, that Income Squeeze is back for this year, but assumptions that Global Growth will be stronger, and an assumption that the Brexit Process will be smooth, has left the bank more bullish. The governor had a warning for all corners of the country, that Interest Rates may rise more quickly than some expect, as the economy strengthens. As long as we get that good brexit deal. Kamal ahmed, bbc news. A mother, her daughter and a third woman have appeared in court in central london, charged with what is believed to be the first alleged all female terror plot in britain. The three women from london were accused of planning a suspected knife attack in westminster. As well as being accused of terrorism offences, all three were charged with conspiracy to murder. Waiting times for a number of key nhs services in england were the worst in five years thats according to new analysis of figures for the year to the end of march. Our Health Editor hugh pym is with me. Just give us the details. Today we got the figures for march from nhs england giving a full picture of the Financial Year 2016 17, compared with previous years the answer is continued deterioration, targets missed. First the numbers who had to wait for more than four hours to be assessed in a e, the number was 2. 5 million over the full year, a big increase on five years before when those who had to wait more than four i was numbered 720 5000. Another benchmark is the two month wait for Cancer Treatment after urgent referral by a gp. The numbers who had to wait longer than that where 26000 and that compared with under 15,005 years before. Nhs england says they are dealing with more and more patients every year, doing their best to provide high quality care. March was a bit better than february, they think they are moving in the right direction, but whoever forms the new government will have to face up to the missed targets. Thank you. A Cold Calling Company has been fined a record £400,000 for making almost 100 million nuisance calls. Keurboom communications called people, sometimes at unsocial hours, to see if they were eligible for Road Accident or ppi compensation. The firm has since gone into liquidation, but the Information Commissioners Office said it was committed to recovering the fine. Its the finals of the Eurovision Song Contest on saturday. Luciejones will be representing the uk in kiev, but what are our chances of winning this time round . Will the uk leaving the European Union influence the voting . Our moscow correspondent Steve Rosenberg has been finding out. Love it. Or hate it. Heres one European Institution were staying in, for now. The Eurovision Song Contest. The oceans crossed. Its the final this saturday in kiev. Luciejones is flying ourflag, but Will Brexit Mean The Uk meets its waterloo . Lets face it, in recent years its been hard enough for the United Kingdom to get points from our european neighbours when weve been on speaking terms with them. But now that were leaving the European Union in an atmosphere of acute disharmony, will that condemn the uk to eternal nul points in eurovision . They may be excited about eurovision in kiev, but back home theresa may has warned that brexit could scupper our eurovision party. Is the Prime Minister a Eurovision Fan . I cant imagine her sat with her flag at home. Honestly, whatever happens, happens. Brexit is so out of my hands and out of my control. For the eu, brexit strikes a bum note, but the signs are that europe still loves us. Weve discovered that even the french love having the uk in eurovision. Well, so they can beat us. Usually, france is very bad, but england is worse and i am happy. And being happy is what eurovision is all about. Its not the winning that counts. Just as well the uk hasnt won the contest to 20 years. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, kiev. Time for a look at the weather. It was a lovely day for many northern parts of the uk, some lovely sunshine in northumberland but we are starting the season changes come up from the south. Yes, some Rain Spreading in. You can see the cloud is pushing northwards on quite a the cloud is pushing northwards on quitea warm, the cloud is pushing northwards on quite a warm, fairly humid southerly breeze. A lot of showers around in the south west, rumbles of thunder, and more to come from the south overnight, but largely dry in Northern England and scotland. There will be lots of low cloud drifting into the north east. Quite a one night further south, 13 degrees for cardiff and london. Still some showers dotted around, maybe a few Brea Ks Showers dotted around, maybe a few breaks here and there, some early sunshine, but 12, 13 degrees at eight oclock in the morning. The northwest should be brighter, Northern Ireland a bit of a damp start of the day, where the western side of scotland will see some sunshine the eastern side starts grey. We will see a contrast in scotla nd grey. We will see a contrast in scotland tomorrow with one through the west, staying chilly in the east. Elsewhere a scattering of showers, some of them heavy with the rumble of thunder. It will be warm and fairly humid, 2o rumble of thunder. It will be warm and fairly humid, 20 degrees the top temperature. Looking towards the weekend, some sunshine but also some showers and it will turn fresher on sunday. Here is the picture for saturday, because theres not too many showers for the midlands and the south east corner, maybe one or two but most will be across western and North Western areas. On sunday we still have temperatures of 15 19d but we will see the humidity dropping back. Thank you very much. Thats all from the bbc news at six, so its goodbye from me and on bbc one, we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. Hello, good evening and welcome to bbc news. The headlines labours election manifesto has been formally approved by the party leadership. It is set to be launched within days. It is thought to include plans to scrap University Tuition fees, brandt ashman crowe band fracking and renationalise railways. Jeremy corbyn said he believed it contained policies that will be very popular. An offer that will be very popular. An offer that will transform the lives of many people and ensure that we have a government in Britain Onjune The 8th that will work for the many, not the few. President trump has called the sacked fbi director james President Trump has called the sacked fbi Directorjames Comey a showboat and grandstand during a tv interview, saying he would have dismissed him even if officials had not recommended it. Waiting times for key nhs services we re Waiting Times for key nhs services were the worst in five years according to independent analysis. 2. 5 Million People waited more than four hours to be seen in a e. The Bank Of England has downgraded its forecast Economic Growth and said inflation is likely to increase to 2. 8 by december. Three women including a mother and daughter have appeared in court charged with terrorism offences and conspiracy to murder. Ina conspiracy to murder. In a moment, time for sportsday, but first a look at what else is coming up. As labour approves its draft election manifesto, which has been leaked, suggesting including Public Ownership of the railways, we explore the arguments for and against such a policy. And as analysis reveals hospital Waiting Times in england have deteriorated in the past five years, reaction from the nhs confederation. Later, a former labour political adviser and comedian and conservative commentator Tim Montgomerie will be here to review the newspapers. Now, time for sportsday. Hello and welcome to sportsday im hugh ferris. Coming up on the programme. Just 90 minutes from the Europa League final. And then maybe only one match more from Champions League qualification. The double prize on offer for Manchester United ahead of their semi final second leg against celta vigo. Well be live at old trafford. Andy murray struggles again as hes knocked out of the madrid open. Failing to reach the quarterfinals for the second time in the three tournaments hes had since returning from injury. And hear what happened as the bbc Commentary Box was assaulted by a big alex hales six as the batsman scores another century at the scene of his record breaking england innings last year. Hello again. With all their success, history,

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