Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Six 20170505

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Publishes its plan to reduce Air Pollution, but its criticised for being too vague. Can spurs keep the winning streak going . Beat west ham tonight and theyll be a point behind chelsea. Good evening. Welcome to the bbc news at six. The conservatives have made big gains in the local elections, winning seats all across the country from every other party. Its their best result since 2008. As well as taking control of five councils in england and wales theyve made significant gains in scotland. Labour has had a drubbing, losing control of its former stronghold of glasgow, amongst others. Ukips vote has collapsed, and the liberal democrats havent made the breakthrough they had been hoping for. Results are still coming in, but a short while ago the conservatives had gained 309 seats in england. Labour have lost 144 seats, ukip are down 138 there are still some results to come in, and theres been no polling in northern ireland. With all the latest, heres Laura Kuenssberg. Duly elected as councillor for the said division. Blue was the colour. In essex, teesside, derbyshire, lancashire, south, east, west and north. Even in glasgow where, in some parts, the tories went out with the ark. The conservative Party Candidate is elected as mayor. And in the marginal midlands, a big win, the areas first ever metro mayor, wearing a tory rosette. This is mays day. This is not about who wins and loses in the local elections. It is about continuing to fight for the best brexit deal for families and businesses across the uk. Are you still seriously maintaining today that you are not looking at a victory and sweeping back into number ten, potentially with a very large majority . back into number ten, potentially with a very large majority . I am not taking anything for granted. I will be going out for the remaining weeks of this general Election Campaign to earn the support of the british people. And it is labour that is suffering. Read spilt in nottinghamshire, sixtus appearing enormous every corner. A bad night for labour. Thank you for coming. Mr corbyn needs more than a brave face. 0ld faces, but new labour mayors in manchester and of a pool give them something to cheer. 0ne senior party figure told me the results were catastrophic. The leader will hardly admit that. We had very disappointing results in other parts of the country. Yes, we have to go out in the next four weeks and get a message out. But with weeks until the General Election, candidates who wa nt to the General Election, candidates who want to stay on as labour mps are already pointing the finger. M want to stay on as labour mps are already pointing the finger. It is a pretty disastrous picture. It is simply not good enough for a party that has been in opposition for seven yea rs, that has been in opposition for seven years, that is heading to a General Election in five weeks, to not be picking up seats and not be making forward progress. A symbol of the partys decline, Labour Lost Control of glasgow City Chambers to the snp. They failed to win their outright, but they are the Biggest Party by far. Yet the emerging pattern in scotland, a tory comeback. This is an emphatic victory for the snp. It means we have councillors and Council Groups across the country able to protect local services. It is also a great launch pad for the General Election. In wales, labour lost over 100 seats but held cardiff, and held back some of the worst, with the tories and plaid cymru nibbling away some of their support. Defending wales is what plaid cymru are about. Labour are in no position to do that. They have had a majority of mps in wales the decades and they failed to put wales on the map. But it was ukip that had the worst crash from their heights, their scorecard nearly zero, brexit seeming to challenge their very reason for being. We have won the war but we have not won the peace. I would say we need ukip to be there, to be strong. Ukip is the Insurance Policy in case brexit doesnt get delivered. Yes, this is sometimes how seats are decided. The vote so close that candidates draw straws. Here, a lib dem had the lucky choice in what that party described overall as a patchy performance. Political speak for not much to be proud of, but no disaster. The liberal democrats are your best route to prevent our country and communities being taken for granted by a conservative landslide. Not much sign of the greens becoming a significant force, gaining some small footholds but losing others along the way. Yet in a patchwork of results there was one big winner. 0n a patchwork of results there was one big winner. On her partys first big day out with her in charge. Of course, this is not the General Election. Todays results may not translate directly into what happens next month, but after today, theresa may has plenty to be confident about. Yet there will be no letup. She and the rest will be straight back out on the trail. Ukip faces questions about its future after winning just one of the seats it was contesting. It lost 13 seats in lincolnshire where its leader, paul nuttall, is running in the General Election. He says the party is a victim of its own success. The former ukip mp Douglas Carswell says its all over for ukip. Alex forsyth reports from boston in lincolnshire. This lincolnshire market town has been right ukip turf. Boston has seen a surge in migration from eastern europe. More people here backed brexit than anywhere in britain, but last night voters abandoned ukip. They were there for abandoned ukip. They were there for a purpose, they got us a referendum. They were getting us out. I think they did what they set out to do. They are a spent force. I dont think they will do much now. Most of ukips support here and almost all of its county Council Seats went to the tories. It is not a local issue, but some say they are the party to deliver brexit. I dont think ukip had any idea how to do it. Who do you think can do it . We have to rely on the conservative party. At the moment the conservatives are the only viable party. Theresa may is the right person to lead the country. She is Strong Enough. In recent yea rs, country. She is Strong Enough. In recent years, ukip were a force to be reckoned with, playing a key part in getting the eu referendum, in which the country backed brexit. But in these elections, support has collapsed in places like this, where they were once so popular, prompting some to ask if this is the start of the end for ukip. Despite the result here, this is where the party leader will stand in the General Election. Paul nuttall says that ukip has been a victim of its own success, and if the price of britain leaving the eu isa the price of britain leaving the eu is a tory advance, it is a price that ukip is prepared to pay, insisting the party still has a bright future. Sue ransom agrees. She lost her council seat last night. Her husband failed to win, but they say that ukip will fight on, despite theresa may encroaching on, despite theresa may encroaching on their territory. Has she stolen ukips policies . Yes. Does that mean she has stolen ukips vote . Possibly. So ukips role now is what, if theresa may is saying what you want to hear . We are the guardians of the brexit referendum. We are here to make sure that what 17 Million People wanted is going to happen and there will be no backsliding. But having suffered such losses, even in its heartlands, it is hard to see where ukip goes from here. Well, as weve heard labour have suffered poor results in the elections. They have lost a number of key strongholds, including lancashire, derbyshire and bridgend. But they have taken two of the metro mayoral contests in manchester and liverpool, from where our deputy political editorjohn pienaar reports. Are you fit to lead the labour party . He does not look happy, even a bit tense, defeats and setbacks in the north and the midlands hard to take. And then, you would almost believe that labour was having a good day. Almost. We have had some difficult results overnight. Some have been very good. Labour liverpool picked a labour mayor, a moment of comfort for steve rotherham, former mp, just now, Jeremy Corbyn could use a little comfort. In light of the results we are seeing, do you accept you need to raise your game before the General Election, or is your campaign now as good as it gets . 0bviously campaign now as good as it gets . Obviously we need to gain support. Compared to two year s ago we are doing our best, doing well. We have further to go, everybody understands that, but there are a large number of people who did not vote in local elections and a very large number who have still yet to register to vote, and i hope they will register by may the 22nd. Labour loyalty runs deep on merseyside, reliable as the mersey ferry, the city goes with labour each time. But now some of that support is going adrift. In the city, doubts are creeping in. In some places, labour is in danger, for all the faith of those who want Jeremy Corbyn to steer the party and their country. Liverpool is labour. You are labour. IsJeremy Corbyn good for labour . Definitely. It is the change the country needs. We have put up with too many people without integrity who only care about themselves. He cares about people. He is dead, he has no personality, no presence. He doesnt look strong. He looks weak. Even though you agree with what he is saying . I love the guy, i do. But we are never going to win, never in a million years. Britain is choosing its course yield the eu, and its captain, and who leads britain after brexit is a big issue, for some, the decider. You are a labour man . |j decider. You are a labour man . was, but i dont trust them to get us out of europe. I think corbyn would get ripped to bits in the negotiations so i will switch to the tories. Jeremy corbyn came here after a bad night and the worst day, to show and tell reasons to be cheerful. Liverpool is a labour fortress but if you talk to people, it is clear as day that that support is crumbling. Labour mps who won with Voting Majorities of up to 5000 or more are telling me privately they have abandoned hope of holding their seats in parliament. That is another vote lost, and not the only one, but no one told Jeremy Corbyn that leading would be easy. He has learned just how hard it would it can be. In a moment we will be talking to our wales correspondent, sian lloyd. But first our scotland correspondent, lorna gordon, is in glasgow City Chambers for us, which labour has lost control of today. Lorna, this is a terrible result for labour, given theyve held glasgow for nearly a0 years. And it wasnt great for them elsewhere in scotland. Yes, this really is a bad result for labour. Their vote across scotland slumped. Their leader in scotland said the result was disappointing but not particularly a surprise. But perhaps a sign of how far they have fallen is the fact that glasgow City Chambers, a Labour Stronghold for almost a0 years, has gone to the snp. The nationals are calling it a hugely symbolic win. They are now the Largest Party here in glasgow, and across the country they have taken the most seats overall, but they have fallen short of gaining any majorities. Another interesting facet to the story is that there seems to be a research is in the conservative vote. They are now the second party of local government, winning seats in areas which many people would have thought were previously no go areas for tories, like the east end of glasgow. They campaigned with a message that they are the protectors of the union and certainly with some voters, that seems to have punched through. It gives a sign of the increasingly polarised, binary nature of politics in scotland, with many voters opting to vote on either unionist or independence lines, which gives you a sense of the general Election Campaign ahead. Sian, in cardiff, labour lost seats there, too, but not as many as feared. Labour showing resilience in wales, performing far better than across the board. It is still the Biggest Party here and has kept control of the big cities here in cardiff, in swansea, in newport, although it has made some losses in traditional Labour Heartlands in the valleys, the tick in independent candidates. 0ne valleys, the tick in independent candidates. One of the theories put forward as to why labour performed better than expected in wales is due to the brand of welsh labour under ca rwyn to the brand of welsh labour under carwynjones. The conservatives made some gains in wales but nothing to the degree that they did in england. They gained overall majority and control in monmouthshire, and they came very close in the vale of glamorgan. Plaid cymru had been hoping to gain overall control in ceredigion, carmarthenshire but they didnt quite manage to do that. Although leanne wood, who we heard earlier, said she thought it was a good night for the party in wales. The welsh liberal democrats failed to make any sort of comeback, and there are no Ukip Councillors here. Thank you. Lets get some analysis from our political editor, Laura Kuenssberg. Its been a bit of a topsy turvy day with the conservatives trying not to look too triumphant and everyone else putting a brave face on it. Thats right. And, of course, also today theres almost a Mind Boggling Array of different races and different contests right around the country. Of course different fights, different competitions and voters feeling they are being asked, almost very different questions. But you are right, broadly theres been one big winner. And that is theresa may, in herfirst big test big winner. And that is theresa may, in her first big test at the ballot box since shes been in charge of her party, since the time shes been in number10. The her party, since the time shes been in number 10. The tories are greetly cheered. Not just by in number 10. The tories are greetly cheered. Notjust by the numbers theyve put on but also by the fact that theyve almost been able it go behind enemy lines, i can at thatting seats in part of the country, particularly scotland, where frankly the conservatives as a brand have been out of fashion for many years. David cameron you used to say he didnt want there to be any no go areas for the tories. He never really managed to make that true in his time in charge of his party but today suggests and gives us some evidence that theresa may may well be on the verge of making what was a tory dream come true, if these kind of results are repeated in other elections to come. For labour, of course, the opposite is true. 0pposition parties traditionally build support in these kinds of elections, local elections are the time when it is important for them to build their troops. Of course Jeremy Corbyn for them to build their troops. Of courseJeremy Corbyn is trying to say the party did well, trying to put a brave face on it it but private it is not the view of senior figures in the party. 0ne suggested to me these results from catastrophic. There is, of course, massive pressure on them now, with a General Election, just a month away, to be able to turn that around. Laura, thank you. Infer other news in other news the government has finally published its plan to reduce Air Pollution in the uk, having lost a legal battle to delay it until after the General Election. But its already been criticised by environmentalists and motoring groups for being too vague. Among a range of possible measures are new Council Clean air zones where speed bumps might be removed and where vehicles would have to meet agreed emissions standards. The government also wants councils to promote Green Transport such as electric and hybrid cars and bikes and will consider a scrappage scheme for older, more polluting diesel vehicles. 0ur science editor, david shukman, reports from nottingham, the rattle of diesel in the morning rush hour in nottingham. One of many cities where traffic generates unhealthy levels of nitrogen dioxide. So all eyes are on the governments new plan to clean up. The authorities in nottingham have been taking steps on their own. A tram system to get people out of cars. And a special lane for electric vehicles. But the council says the government still isnt doing enough. They are trying to make local authority responsible for it and to duck their own responsibility as a central government. That is not going to work. Local authorities have not got the resources to be able to respond, they have not got the means to solve the problem. The environment secretary Andrea Leadsom who unveiled the plan today declined our request for an interview. But she said air quality was a high priority. 0ne scheme is to install new filters on older vehicles, like the device being fitted to this pass. To this bus. But this will not apply to cars. Another scheme is to remove speed bumps because cars are more polluting when they slowdown and speed up. Safety experts say lives would be at risk. The most polluting vehicles but little detail on how it would work. Weve always wanted a National Network of clean air zones, along with help and support such as a scrappage scheme, for people to switch to cleaner forms of transport. Now it appears the National Network of clean air zones is not Strong Enough if we are going to protect Peoples Health and there is not much mention of a scrappage scheme either. Its Diesel Engines which are blamed for producing nitrogen dioxide. A gas that is invisible to the naked eye but went to a wide range of health impacts. So where does this Leave Drivers of diesel cars . Gordon brown said go to a diesel car because its cheaper, and now this government says diesel cars should get taken off the road, i dont know why. So where does that leave you . Its difficult now. Maybe for the next car i probably would get a petrol but i do a lot of commuting, driving on the motorways, so when i bought this car diesel was the obvious choice. But you might change now . Absolutely. One idea thats discussed in the report is charging Diesel Drivers from coming into cities like nottingham. The government makes clear it does not support that. It wants local authorities to try every other option first but if the air remains polluted maybe charging will have to be considered again. For the Lib Dems The Plan is a cop out. And the green party says the government is standing idly whilst britain chokes. Two men have been charged with the murder of the businessman, guy hedger, who was shot at his home in dorset last weekend. Jason baccus, whos a1, and scott keeping, whos the European Commission president , jean claude juncker, has claimed the english language is losing its importance in europe following brexit and said the uk is abandoning the eu. He made the remark at the eus state of the Union Conference in italy and drew warm applause from delegates. Its the last day of campaigning in the french president ial election before voters go to the polls on sunday. The far right candidate Marine Le Pen had a hostile reception from demonstrators and was forced to leave a cathedral by a back door in the city of reims. Polls suggest her rival, the centrist emmanuel macron, has a lead of at least 20 percentage points. Ten people have been sentenced for their part in defrauding four pensioners from north wales out of Hundreds Of Thousands of pounds for shoddy or non existent building work. Eight men and two women cashed numerous cheques from their victims which included the late grandmother of the actorjude law. The defendants were sentenced to a total of 21 years. The funeral has taken place of leslie rhodes, one of the victims of the westminster terror attacks. Mr rhodes, who was 75 and a retired Window Cleaner, was on his way home after a Hospital Appointment when he was killed by Khalid Masood on Westminster Bridge. His family say they have yet to come to terms with the unfairness of his death. More than six weeks after the westminster attack, the last of the funerals of the five People Killed by Khalid Masood. Family and friends saying goodbye to les rhodes. The 75 year old had been a Window Cleaner and decorator all his life but was struck as masood sped across Westminster Bridge on his way to murdering Pc Keith Palmer and died the next day of his injury. 0n the lawn in front of les rhodes south london flat, family and friends had laid flowers, including a wreath symbolising his love of cricket. Among them his sister in law, carol, who hed helped out when his brother, her husband, had died young of cancer. She told me les had just been to hospital opposite parliament on the day he was killed. He was walking along towards big ben and thats when he was struck down and killed, just going about his every day business. A normal man, doing a normal thing. Thats all he was doing and thats how his life ended. His niece, amanda, still has raw anger towards the man who murdered uncle . My view is he shouldnt have been shot. Hes got the easy way out. All the families now are going to suffer for many years to come. Weve got to deal with the grief. Les rhodes had a small family but dozens of friends came, to the funeral of a kind man cruelly killed in the westminster attack. Daniel sandford, bbc news, south london. Lets go back to our top story and the results of the local elections in england, scotland and wales. We can talk once more to Laura Kuenssberg in westminster. Tremendous set of results for the conservatives, less for the others. How will todays results affect how the parties will prepare for next months election . I think itll have a big impact on the psychology of the parties, fiona, it is a real barometer, real votes around the country, not just polls, barometer, real votes around the country, notjust polls, about how the public feels about the political choices they have and the tories have plenty of reasons to feel chipper. There is even a scare in some tory quarters that todays results might lead their supporters to feel complacent because it is all going to be easy but it seems the tories hope that ukips vote would colla pse tories hope that ukips vote would collapse on the right would be put back together given their support and that looks like a strategy that could pay off and come true for them. Labour, on the other hand, have real reason to be worried from what theyve seen today. They have four weeks to really pull their socks up, but i think that it is a real ta ll socks up, but i think that it is a real tall order for them to turn things around. For the liberal democrats, though, maybe not so much ofa democrats, though, maybe not so much of a problem from today. They dont feel hugely energised because they are not seeing much sign of a genuine comeback, nor disaster, really. But again in scotland for the snp, they are absolutely still the snp, they are absolutely still the dominant party but perhaps they may have a few anxieties. They might see their sky high ratings at the last General Election might be a bit choppier to achieve this time around but we cant say enough time local elections are not the same as General Elections. Not everybody around the country has the chance to vote. In places where people do have the right to vote, not so many turn out. It is a useful barometer of what to expect next month but nothing automatic about todays headlines being repeated injune. Thank you, laura. We have heard from our reporters all over Great Britain and the weather is different in every place, is different over Great Britain and the weather is different in every place, jay has more. Well, it was lovely today across swathes of the uk. This is scotland. Blue sky and snow on the peaks melting away. A different story in the south. In essex, a lovely undulating cloud. And this sequence confirmed many parts of the uk had a pleasa nt confirmed many parts of the uk had a pleasant day. Breezy but where we saw the cloud in the south there we re saw the cloud in the south there were good breaks. That cloud is likely to thicken up over the next few hours. Itll deliver the odd spot of rain through the midlands and some rain in the far south west. With extra cloud across england and wales, not as chilly as last night but Northern Scotland well see temperatures dipping away in rural spots down to freezing. But a lovely day once again across most of scotland. England and wales seeing more cloud than today. The odd early light shower in the north but in scotla Nd Light Shower in the north but in scotland through the afternoon, another lovely day. Away from the north coast where there will be low clouds and in the western side with light sunshine, 17 or 18. Upper teens in northern ireland, a range of temperatures across northern england, always coolest on the eastern side and more cloud than recent days. Brighter for a time eastern side and more cloud than recent days. Brighterfor a time in the south eastern corner. Towards the south eastern corner. Towards the south west, areas of cloud and rain mainly affecting cornwall but that tends to ease away through the evening. Maybe a shower further north but generally speaking evernight into sunday, dry. Fairly cloudy on sunday and breezy on the eastern coast with light rain and drizzle but the further west you go, it is that bit brighter. Linds lighter a pleasant fee. 0n eastern coast, 9, 10 degrees but further west, easily middle to upper teens, probably peaking at 19. So, dry for the most part through the weekend and the early part of next week it stays dry pretty much everywhere. Maybe some rain developing later next week. A reminder of the main story. Triumph for the conservatives in the local elections. Their best result since 2008. Theresa may, though, says shes taking nothing for granted. And labour suffer terrible losses. Jeremy corbyn said the results were very disappointing. And hello. This is bbc news. The headlines tory triumph in the local elections, the best result for the conservatives since 2008. Amid the celebrations the party and the Prime Minister are careful not to look complacent. Im not taking anything for granted. I will be going out for the remaining weeks of this general Election Campaign to earn the support of the british people. Labour has defended its performance insisting it is building a solid base for the General Election. But theres been strong criticism from within the party. We have had very disappointing results in other parts of the country, yes, we have to go out there in the next four weeks

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