Violence from White Supremacists, neo nazis or the kkk. Arrests of passengers suspected of being drunk at uk airports or on flights see a 50 rise in the past year. A worrying rise in rural Crime Insurers say brazen thieves are forcing farmers to turn their farmyards into fortresses. And big bens bongs will fall silent next week for nearly four years for urgent repair work. And coming up in the sport on bbc news. The british team claim a successful World Athletics Championships after reaching their medal target with five in the final 2a hours in london. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. This week india and pakistan mark 70 years of independence from britain a moment of freedom that came amid one of the largest Mass Migrations the world has ever seen. The muslim Majority State of pakistan was created to both the west and the east of india, with muslims travelling in one direction, hindus and sikhs in the other. Around 12 Million People are thought to have fled the violence that erupted, with communities targeting each other. A Million People are thought to have died. Reeta chakrabarti is in the pakistani City Of Lahore which is celebrating its birthday. You can see the crowds behind me and hear the call to prayer from the mosque. It is a big day of passivity here with people taking to the streets to celebrate the end of Colonial Rule in pakistan and also its creation as a new State Independent of india. India celebrating its own independence tomorrow. But partition in 1947 brought Mass Migration and widespread bloodshed as our correspondent James Robbins reports. 70 years ago, britain pulled out of india, seen as the jewel in its imperial crown. British rule, the british raj, had been unravelling in the 1940s amid increasing sectarian clashes. Lord louis mountbatten, indias last viceroy, worked to transfer power as quickly as possible. The british even brought forward the deadline for withdrawal by almost a year. India then was home to almost 400 Million People. Hindus were in the majority, muslims made up about a quarter of the population. But no way could be agreed to keep them in a single, undivided nation. So independence also meant partition. Creating not one but two self governing countries. At the stroke of the midnight hour when the bold street india will awake to life and freedom. The new borders were drawn up in just five weeks. 0n the 14th Of August 1947 British India was heading to its end. Over the course of two days, partition was also launched. A new largely muslim state of pakistan was born while the new india was celebrating its independence. But millions of people, muslims, hindus and sikhs, found themselves on what they regarded as the wrong side of the new borders. 12 million or more refugees fled from one newly created country to the other. Fleeing from their looted, bloodstained towns, comes a new exodus. A million displaced persons. Independence has not yet brought peace. Rejoicing turned quickly into horror and mourning. The new governments were ill equipped to deal with such a panicked Mass Migration, one of the largest in history. There was a wave of massacres, each one sparking a revenge attack. Whole villages divided on sectarian lines, tens of thousands of women abducted, many raped. Between half a million and a Million People of all communities were killed. Bbc correspondent winford Vaughan Thomas witnessed some of the slaughter. What we saw was a town soaked with stench of death. We came to a row of one storey houses, i simply shut my eyes. Lying on the pathway and over the furniture and in the rooms, there were the dead. Cut up, carved up, sprawling. After the optimism of independence, the upheaval and violence that followed Cast A Long Shadow over the next 70 years. Borders drawn in haste by the British Government have repeatedly been a source of tension between neighbours. Relations between india and pakistan have never recovered from the trauma of partition 70 years ago. James robbins, bbc news. As James Robbins said there was a great spirit of optimism following independence appears to come after that were difficult. I have been to the City Of Karachi to speak to the people there. It was the First Capital of the country following independence and the birthplace of its founding father Mohammed Jinnah. It is pakistans birthday, and at every Street Corner there are flags and celebration. But its 70 years have been very mixed. It was founded as a democracy but has had Military Rule and people argue whether its founder Mohammed Jinnah wanted a secular state or an islamic one. I went to one of karachis universities to ask students what they think of Mohammed Jinnah and pakistan today. Mohammedjinnah, it is the biggest name for pakistan and even every nation of the world, he is like a father, father of the nation. And he created pakistan. And do you think Mohammed Jinnah would be happy with pakistan as it is today . He would be happy, he would be really happy seeing pakistan today progressing every day, every second. On this 70th Anniversary of independence, the country is doing very well and it is flourishing day by day. And i hope it will get more prosperous day by day. And mansour, do you think that Mohammed Jinnah would be happy with pakistan as it is today . Basically he had seen the basic needs of the people, and they are not being fulfilled right now. Much of the problem lies in religion. Because people nowadays, theyre not tolerant. They are too emotional. Crowds come tojinnahs mausoleum to pay their respects. The country he founded was rocked again last month when the Prime Minister was forced to resign over corruption charges. Finding political stability remains one of pakistans many challenges. In a moment we can hear from our india correspondent Sanjoy Majumder in delhi but first Scunder Kermani is our correspondent in islamabad. What do you think people are celebrating today, independence from the uk or splitting from india . This isa the uk or splitting from india . This is a question that i put to a number of pakistanis and many seem to believe it is independent from both britain and india. A great deal of pakistanis especially in the younger generations who have no first hand recollection of life under Colonial Rule set primarily as independence from india. That is because people from india. That is because people from a young age or taught that whilst hindus and muslims live together side under british rule and indeed long before that, in fact they were separate nations and so it was necessary to create pakistan to ensure a Muslim Minority in the subcontinent would not be oppressed bya hindu subcontinent would not be oppressed by a hindu majority. Partition so horrific amount of violence that maybe no one anticipated. But it was something that many Indian Muslim leaders had campaigned for. Nowadays it is quite common to hear in pakistan the Point Of View that india is trying to sabotage pakistan isa india is trying to sabotage pakistan is a kind of punishment for breaking away. The legacy of bitterness that was created by partition is something that still continues to have modern repercussions. And india celebrates Independence Day tomorrow, how big occasion will that be . Injust a tomorrow, how big occasion will that be . In just a few hours from now you can already see the building behind me being lit up, that is the Parliament Building where the First Minister made historic speech that we had in the fort from James Robbins. Theres a sense of excitement and anticipation but also subdued celebration at the same time. It is not seen such a big occasion apart from the fact that It Isa Occasion apart from the fact that it is a public holiday. India today is very different from the india of 1947. It is now a booming economy and in1947 1947. It is now a booming economy and in 1947 the Per Capita Income was about £20 and now it is £5,500. 0ne was about £20 and now it is £5,500. One of the Fastest Growing economies in the world. At the same time a lot of people thought in 1947 that india might break up as a nation because there were so many different sap nationalities in the country, it was so nationalities in the country, it was so diverse. But in fact it has endured and as a democracy and it handled that part of its politics quite well. Many of the conflicts that existed at the time of partition, the differences with pakistan over the muslim Majority State of kashmir, the huge religious differences between the Minority Muslim Community and the majority Hindu Community which was the cause of partition persists even today. Thank you both very much. Pakistan isa thank you both very much. Pakistan is a country that often feels that it gets a bad press internationally and there are major challenges here with security, political instability and also religion in the state. But there is also optimism especially amongst younger people and that is very much in evidence today. The us Vice President , mike pence, has specifically condemned far right groups when asked to respond to the violence over the weekend in virginia. A woman was killed and 19 people were injured when a car was driven into a crowd protesting against a far right rally in the city of charlottesville. President trump has been criticised for not identifying any specific group when he condemned the trouble as our correspondent Richard Lister reports. After the violence, the vigils. Across america people showed their support for the young anti fascism protester killed in charlottesville and they condemn what they saw as the newly confident White Supremacy movement. It has not melted away. In Seattle Group calling itself Patriot Prayer was quickly surrounded. The violence on saturday in Cha Rlottesville has violence on Saturday In Charlottesville has become a defining moment in the trump presidency. The gathering of hundreds of White Supremacists was for many shocking enough. But then this. A car driven into a group of counter protesters. These new pictures show the terror and chaos that followed. 0h, pictures show the terror and chaos that followed. Oh, my god, people are badly hurt. 19 people were injured. 32 year old Heather Heyer was killed. Donald trump condemned what he called the violence on many sides. But did not mention the far right hate groups involved. That was left to the Vice President last night. We have no tolerance for hate and violence. White supremacists, neo nazis, or the kkk. These dangerous Fringe Groups have no place in American Public life and in the american debate and we condemn them in the strongest possible terms. But many in the president was wrecked own party are angry at his relu cta nce wrecked own party are angry at his reluctance to specifically condemn the far right. It is unamerican, there are domestic terrorists and we need more from our president on this issue. The media attacking our president. But President Trump is trying to switch the focus of the nation, his team releasing this at portraying him as the victim. But in Cha Rlottesville portraying him as the victim. But in charlottesville they re not portraying him as the victim. But in charlottesville theyre not ready portraying him as the victim. But in charlottesville they re not ready to change the conversation. We need to spread change the conversation. We need to s p rea d love change the conversation. We need to spread love all day and every day and not just when spread love all day and every day and notjust when Something Like this happens, when a tragedy happened. Everyone wants to come together and we will be there for heather. She would want us to be there all the time. That is what were going to do. Richard lister, bbc news. 0ur correspondent gary 0donoghue is in washington. Mike pence unequivocal in condemnation, is this going to increase pressure on donald trump and will he give further comment on this now . To some extent i think that the damage is done. We have had a raft of people including Vice President and the president was wrecked on daughter coming out and using the words of the present failed to use, neo nazis, White Supremacists, take your pick. That is the problem and whatever is said now he will have a problem i think putting it right. The difficulty of course is that for one third of the population, for perhaps a bunch of those people who voted for donald trump, some of them and only some of them, will have liked what they heard on we see that reflected on some of the ultra right websites, applauding donald trump for not condemning them. Not singling them out. That is the problem here, that people in charlottesville will find it very hard to move on from this. To bring the country together after these things have happened. The president is not naming this thing for what it is. Gary, thank you. China will stop some imports from north korea following agreement to fully enforce sanctions agreed against the regime in the country. Coal and iron imports will be suspended after the un and the United States put pressure on beijing to do more to rein in its neighbour. The move comes after south koreas president said he was confident the us would act reasonably and peacefully in the Current Nuclear stand off. Moonjae in said there must be no more war on the korean peninsula. The number of arrests of passengers suspected of being drunk at uk airports and on flights has risen by 50 in the past year, thats according to an investigation carried out by the bbcs panorama programme. Critics of the Airline Industry say a voluntary code on Alcohol Sales isnt working, and want the government to amend licensing laws. Tina daheeley reports. Its available 24 hours a day. In every airport across the uk. And it seems to be leaving passengers and crew with a hangover. An investigation by bbc panorama has revealed that arrests of those suspected of being drunk at uk airports and on flights have risen by 50 in the past year. Half of the 4,000 cabin crew who took part in a survey carried out by panorama and Unite The Union said they had either experienced or witnessed verbal, physical, or sexual abuse by drunk passengers on board a uk flight. People just see us as barmaids in the sky. They would touch your breasts or touch your bum and your legs. I mean, i have had hands going up my skirt before. Phil ward, the managing director of low cost airline jet2, has already banned Alcohol Sales on flights before 8am. And wants the industry to take tougher measures. Do you think airports are doing enough . I think they could do more. I think the retailers could do more as well. Two litre steins of beer in bars, mixers and miniatures in duty free shops which can only be there for one reason. But the Airport 0perators Association insists that their code of practice does work. I dont accept that the airports dont sell alcohol responsibly. The sale of alcohol per se is not a problem. It is the misuse of it and drinking to excess and then behaving badly. Earlier this year, a house of Lords Committee called for airport licensing to be brought into line with pubs and bars. A Government Decision on whether to call time on Early Morning drinking at airports is now expected in the autumn. Tina daheeley, bbc news. And you can see that panorama investigation, plane drunk, this evening on bbc1 at 8 30pm. Our top story this lunchtime india and pakistan mark 70 years of independence from britain a moment of freedom that came amid one of the largest Mass Migrations the world has ever seen. Coming up. 50 years after pirate radio ships were outlawed, we look at how they changed the sound of the airwaves. Coming up in the sport, Cristiano Ronaldo could face a ban of up to 12 matches after pushing referee real madrids Spanish Super Cup first leg win over barcelona. The World Player Of The Year was reacting to being sent off. A rise in crime committed in the countryside has been described as deeply worrying by a rural insurer. Latest figures from Nfu Mutual Show Claims have risen by more than a fifth in the first half of the year. The insurer says thieves are targeting items such as land rovers, tractors and quad bikes, despite increased security on farms. Daniel whitworth reports. Farming nearly 800 acres of arable land in North Yorkshire means tim rogers is all too aware of rural crime. Weve had items such as these parts here stolen in recent days. Less than two weeks ago, thieves broke into his barn and stole thousands of pounds worth of machinery. It puts an enormous amount of stress on the farming community. I know of farmers who are terrified about the current situation, fearful for reprisals, retribution. It is the down time and the stress it is causing. It will no doubt in time put some people out of business. Figures from insurer nfu mutual suggest the cost of rural theft was over £39 million last year, but they also point to a 20 rise in the First Six Months of this year compared to last. These figures show an alarming rise of over 20 in the cost of claims in the countryside in the first half of this year, and we are very concerned theres a new wave of brazen and very determined thieves attacking farms and rural properties, and as a result farmers are having to turn their farmyards into fortresses to prevent themselves from becoming a victim. Some of the Security Measures Farmers like roger have had to install include cctv cameras. There are six covert ones covering this farm to help try to gather evidence. Concrete blocks, tree trunks and ditches to try to stop people from getting access to the land. Tracker devices on tractors, and of course the Big Steel Gates at main entrances. North Yorkshire Police says its dedicated task force is proactive in tackling rural crime, and that it works closely with farmers and residents to gather intelligence to disrupt criminals. Dan whitworth, bbc news. Armed officers in the uks Largest Police force are to be issued with head mounted cameras in an attempt to address concerns over the transparency of operations around armed officers. Theyll be attached to the caps and protective helmets of members of the metropolitan polices firearms units, as our home affairs correspondentjune kelly reports. More than 17,500 body worn cameras have now been rolled out by the met police, and now its the turn of the firearms teams. And its been decided that the best place for them to have their cameras is on their headgear. With me is Chief Superintendent martin hendy and one of his firearms officers. Chief superintendent hendy, can you just talk us through how these cameras are going to work . Ok, so the officer you can see wearing a camera here has effectively got a device on his body armour there, that is effectively a battery pack and a means of switching it on very quickly. But the key bit for us is the actual camera mounted on the peak of his cap. Because we think it is critical that it captures the eye line of the officer, so it can capture what they are actually seeing as a scenario unfolds. So as you see, the officer dressed there, he will be wearing it on top of his cap. If he was to put a ballistic helmet on, it would attach to the side. Very quickly attach to the side of the helmet. And as i said, we believe that gives the best chance of capturing exactly what it is the officers are seeing as the scenario unfolds. Youve tested them in trials, both out in operations and also on the firing range . Yes, we have, weve been trialling it for, broadly speaking, 18 months on operations. And weve also trialled it within the range. And we think its particularly effective. It has taken us a while to get to this position because of course we wanted to make sure they were mounted in the right place and make sure we have the right kit, and the right ability to download it and therefore capture the best evidence. But yes, we think the trials have proved this is the way forward for us. Its hugely popular amongst the officers and my great hope is it will increase Public Confidence in armed policing, accountability, transparency, but also support those people that volunteer to perform a Firearms Role and potentially make some very difficult decisions. Chief superintendent hendy, thank you very much indeed. Now, back to you. Around 140,000 Vulnerable Children in england have potentially dangerous home lives but are not receiving the help they need because theyre not deemed to be at crisis point. Thats the warning from the Charity Action for children, which says the youngsters are stuck in what it calls a revolving door of Childrens Services. Marc ashdown reports. Debbie has been working in Childrens Services for 16 years and helps families with anything from Behavioural Problems to domestic and substance abuse. But she says its become harder to provide the support they need. Across the sites i run, ive got just under 2,500 under fives and three members of staff. So, as much as we do, theres a lot that we cannot possibly do because we cant be everywhere at once. So you know, were already aware of families that we are not picking up in the same way. And it is only going to get worse. A Freedom Of Information Request to local authorities found that last year 184,500 assessments of childrens needs were closed because they fell short of the criteria for support. The Charity Action for children says only around one in four families were referred for Early Help Services such as children centres or Domestic Violence programmes. We know from too many cases that if were not able to help children early, that there are strong likelihoods that things will get worse for them. For example in serious case reviews, 70 of the time we know there had been Early Warning signs of the outcomes. But we also know that if we give children and families the tools to help themselves much earlier, theyre much more likely to not need help later on in any case. Another issue highlighted is the differing thresholds from council to council. Depending on a childs situation, help might be provided in one area but in a neighbouring borough, might be deemed unnecessary. We have been hit by a double whammy of major government cuts to funding. At the same time as we are seeing a big increase in demand for these services. What reports show like this is the real human cost of the massive Funding Pressures facing local government at the moment. The Department Of Education says its taking action to support Vulnerable Children by reforming social Care Services and better protecting victims of Domestic Violence and abuse. It says councils spent almost £8 billion last year on childrens social care, but it wants to help them do more. Marc ashdown, bbc news. Its 50 years ago today since britains Pirate Radio Stations were outlawed. In the 60s, they had changed the face of broadcasting. 0ffshore stations that played continuous music and launched the careers of Tony Blackburn, john peel and kenny everett. But Harold Wilsons government introduced the Marine 0ffences Act, which forced most to close down. Tim muffett looks back to a pivotal era in broadcasting. In the early 1960s, the bbc played hardly any pop. Commercial radio was banned. By broadcasting from International Waters, Pirate Stations like caroline, radio london, and Swinging Radio England exploited a loophole. This was radio carolines london hq, where Tony Blackburn had his first audition. Did you have any sense of what a big deal this was going to be for you and for pop culture . Yes, i did, yeah. I really thought this was going to be the start of something very big. Keep on running. Broadcasting pop music from ships like this out at sea, the Pirate Stations were very popular. But on land, they werentjust winning over millions of fans, they also faced a powerful enemy the government. The pirates are a menace and i dont believe at all that the public wouldnt support action to enforce the law. At midnight on the 14th of august 1967, the Marine 0ffences Act became law. It was now illegal for british citizens to work on the ships or to supply them. Many Pirate Stations packed up, but caroline continued broadcasting from the sea until 1990. It anchored further into International Waters to avoid uk regulations. This ship, the ross revenge, was its studio throughout the 1980s. This is caroline in the afternoon. Its recently returned to the water. What we wanted to do is return the ship to a useful broadcasting purpose. Because while we dine out on our nostalgia, which is our selling point, we also want to now look to the future. This is radio caroline. The sound of the who. People try to put us down. Having been streamed online since the late 90s, the station has just been granted a new am broadcast license. 50 years after the law that tried to ban them, britains pop pirates are back on the water. My generation, baby. Tim muffett, bbc news. The chimes of big ben will be heard for a final time next week, before major Conservation Work begins on the Westminster Tower which houses the bell. The clock wont resume its regular time keeping duties until 2021 although specialist clock makers will ensure that big ben can still bong for Important National events such as new years eve and remembrance sunday. 0ur Political Correspondent Leila Natthoo has the story. We are right at the top of the elizabeth tower, above the clock face. And here it is, big ben, all 14 tonnes of the great bell that rings out every hour. And here are the four smaller Quarter Bells too. Its absolutely deafening at this close range. They have given us protective headphones to be this close to it, but from next monday the bells will fall silent to allow for renovations to take place. Its not actually the bells themselves that need repairing, its the mechanism that causes the clocks to tick and the hammers to hit the bells that need to work. And theres also a Wider Programme of renovation under way already on the tower itself, dealing with issues like damp and condensation, putting a lift in so the silence is really for the workmen too. So, in the coming weeks and months, scaffolding will be going up right to the top of the tower. But its hoped that at least one clock face will be visible and working at all times, and the bells will still ring out on special occasions like new years eve and remembrance sunday. But next monday afternoon at noon will be the last time for some time to gather to hear those regular sounds. And for us here in westminster, a strange silence will descend in the absence of such familiar and reassuring sounds. The animal is one ofjust 100 white moose in the country. They arent actually albino but grow white fur due to a genetic mutation. Time for a look at the weather. Heres ben rich. Good afternoon. Sunshine is going to feature in our forecast this week but it wont always be easy to find. You dont always know where to look for it, and the menu includes some sunshine but also some generally cool weather and outbreaks of rain at times. We had rain for this weather watcher in northern ireland, cou nty weather watcher in northern ireland, County Antrim this morning. Some spots of

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