Are being put in place including on bridges in london. Well have the latest live from Borough Market. Also on the programme this lunchtime. The first funeral for a victim of the manchester suicide bombing, as 14 year old Eilidh Macleod is laid to rest on the Outer Hebridean island of barra. High emotions, and a Tv Audience Peaking at 14. 5 million, for the Benefit Concert staged by Ariana Grande less than two weeks after the attack. And coming up in the sport on bbc news, andy murrays bidding to reach the quarterfinals of the french open. Well have the action from his match against Karen Khachanov in paris good afternoon and welcome to bbc news from London Bridge, where a vigil will be held tonight in honour of the victims of the attack here on saturday. Seven people were killed when three men drove into pedestrians on the bridge, then began stabbing people in nearby pubs and restaurants. 48 people were injured. 21 remain in a Critical Condition in hospital. In the early hours of this Morning Police carried out more raids in east london and detained a number of people. 11 people are still in custody. Our correspondent Richard Galpin has the latest. This is Borough Market in the midst of the attack. Its being filmed by florin morariu, whos from romania. But instead of running to safety, he attacks the three men stabbing people in front of him. Translation i really thought i was in danger so i threw a bread crate at one of the attackers. I saw he was going to dodge it so i hit him on the head with another crate. He also sheltered 20 people in the bakery where he works. They and many others describing him as a hero. But already seven people were dead and more than 20 critically injured. 30 year old Christine Archibald from canada is the first of those killed to have been named. She left canada to be with herfiance and died in his arms on London Bridge on Saturday Night. The police are working hard to establish the identity of all of those who were tragically killed or injured in the event on Saturday Night, but it is now clear that sadly victims came from a number of nationalities. This was an attack on london and the United Kingdom but it was also an attack on the free world. This morning Counterterrorism Police carried out more raids in north east london, targeting two properties, as the hunt for any accomplices of the attackers continues. Around about 4 10 this morning i heard a massive loud explosion, gunshots, about 20 gunshots going off across the road like an mot car tyre place across the road from us. Loads of unmarked police. The police say they already know the identity of the three attackers. But while so called Islamic State claims it was behind the attack, the police doubt the militant group was directly involved. All the recent attacks, i think, have a primarily Domestic Centre of gravity. In the five we have foiled and these three recent attacks, in some of them there are undoubtedly international dimensions. We will always be looking to see if anything has been directed from overseas but i would say the majority of the threat we are facing at the moment doesnt appear to be directed from overseas. In the last hour, the mayor of london has condemned what he described as the poisonous ideology of the men who carried out the attack. The acts of these three men on Saturday Night was cowardly, was evil, and im angry and furious that these three men are seeking to justify their actions by using the faith that i belong to, to justify their actions. The ideology they follow is perverse and is poisonous, and it has no place in islam. This was the third attack injust three months. Two of them on bridges, where security is now being increased. And the threat level remains at severe, meaning yet another attack is highly likely. Richard galpin, bbc news. Our Home Affairs Correspondent Daniel Sandford is at new Scotland Yard in Central London. More raids in the early hours of the morning. Police say they know who the attackers were. Whats the latest on the investigation . There is still a massive forensic Crime Scene Operation going on where you are, Stillan Scene Operation going on where you are, still an awful lot of forensic work going on in Borough Market, Borough High Street and bits of London Bridge. Thats incredibly important, because if this case ever comes to trial orfor important, because if this case ever comes to trial or for inquest, the Counterterrorism Officers need to know exactly what happened and where. They are starting to acquire a huge amount of cctv material, videos sent from members of the public who witnessed things. They are starting to go through computers and Mobile Phones seized during the course of the operation. Thats a big part of the work. Although there we re big part of the work. Although there were two new raids overnight, there we re were two new raids overnight, there were no formal arrests made on those rates. People were detained and spoken to, but at this rate nobody has been formally arrested. The number of people arrested remains at 12, one of them being released very soon, 12, one of them being released very 5001], seven women 12, one of them being released very 0011, seven women and 12, one of them being released very soon, seven women and four men still in custody. Thats an important part of the investigation. Did anyone else know what was going to happen, was anyone else involved in assisting what was going to happen . The element spoken about by cressida dick, the commissioner, was it being guided in some way from overseas . There is a Working Assumption at the moment that wasnt necessarily the case. The ideology might have come from overseas, but it doesnt seem at this stage to be a guiding hand. There is a reassurance element to the investigation, overnight sprouting new barriers on three of the main London Bridges, a barrier between the roadway and the pavement, so any vehicle that chose to drive off the roadway into crowds of people on the pavement would bump into those barriers, a form of protection for pedestrians in the capital. Daniel sandford at Scotland Yard, thank you. The first victim of the attack to be named is 30 year Old Canadian National Christine Archibald. She was living in the netherlands with her fiance and had travelled to london with him for the weekend. A french citizen was also killed, and four others seriously hurt. Four australians are also known to have been caught up in the attack. One British Transport Police officer and five metropolitan officers were also wounded. A total of 48 people were injured 21 of them remain critically ill. Daniela relph reports. To herfamily, to her family, she to herfamily, she was chrissie, a person who had room in their heart for everyone, they said. A person who believe everyone should be valued and respected. Christine had moved to europe from canada to be with her boyfriend tyler. On Saturday Night she died in tylers arms. They had been walking over London Bridge as the attack began. The van hit 30 year old christine. Her boyfriends family say he tried desperately to keep her alive and paramedics were on the scene very quickly, but there was nothing they could do to save her. In a statement herfamily said could do to save her. In a statement her family said she wouldnt have understood the callous cruelty of her death. They also made this plea. Christine archibald had worked at a Homeless Shelter back in canada. She had studied social work at university in calgary, where she was remembered as a shy and talented student. The area of social work she chose to work in is one of the most challenging areas and required substantial commitment, substantial compassion, and she was able to do that really successfully. She would be somebody we would be proud to have called a social work colleague. Australian Candice Hedge was stabbed in the neck on Saturday Night. She had been trying to hide from the attackers in Borough Market. Her family believe she is actually one of the lucky ones. I was really scared, yeah, really, really scared. We eventually got onto the hospital. They spoke to me and said she had gone to surgery. She had a knife wound in her neck. Across the London Hospitals, injured are still being treated. The Kings College hospital, eight people remain in Critical Care. All the patients are being cared for by Intensive Care and surgical teams, who are doing an excellent job. A number of and surgical teams, who are doing an excellentjob. A number of patients remained in Critical Care, where they receive good treatment, and i expect them to remain there for a knob of days or weeks to come. In the coming hours and days, the names of the other six killed will be made public, as will the anguish and pain of theirfamily public, as will the anguish and pain of their family and friends. Daniela relph, bbc news. Our Health Editor hugh pym is at Kings College hospital in south london where some of those injured are being treated. The most seriously injured among them, medical staff have been speaking about them in the last hour. What have they had to say . Nhs england has put out an update on the number of patients. There are still 36 patients at five London Hospitals following the attacks on Saturday Night. But the number in critical ca re night. But the number in Critical Care is now 18. It was 21 as of last night. Some of those are at kings couege night. Some of those are at Kings College hospital, a Major Trauma Centre in south london. Wejust heard from doctor Malcolm Tunnicliff in the hospital, paying tribute to the work of staff and making it clear that some of those critically ill patients will be in hospital for a little time to come. He said that on the night a Major Incident plan had been put into action, and within an hourorso, a had been put into action, and within an hour orso, a large had been put into action, and within an hour or so, a large number of doctors and nursing staff had been called in. They had planned forjust this sort of thing, and were dealing with a series of knife wounds and also injuries consistent with people being hit on the bridge. That was the sort of thing he said hospitals like this have to deal with fairly regularly, although not quite on this scale. He said the plan had been put into practice in a way they we re been put into practice in a way they were pleased with. Its also worth saying that its notjust the trauma staff, on the night there are a series of different Hospital Professions involved watching out for ongoing infections among the victims as a result of the attacks. Tribute also paid to hospital chaplains, Occupational Therapists and other staff, all of whom very much involved in treating patients. Health editor hugh pym, thank you. Campaigning has resumed for thursdays General Election after being suspended because of the Terror Attack here on Saturday Night. Security is Taking Centre Stage as the leader of the labour party, Jeremy Corbyn has called on the Prime Minister theresa may to resign for presiding over cuts in Police Numbers when she was home secretary. The Prime Minister has defended her record. Our Political Correspondent chris mason reports. What happened in london on Saturday Night has, for the second time in this campaign, refocused the election on National Security. The question is blunt, which leader do you think is the best chance of keeping us safe . When she launched a campaignfor keeping us safe . When she launched a campaign for the conservative leadership last summer, theresa may set out what she sees as the differences between her and labours Jeremy Corbyn, from terrorism to nuclear weapons. In this election there is one leader who has made it his lifes ambition to get rid of trident, and one who is committed to keeping it. One leader who has boasted about opposing every single Counter Terror law, and one who has been responsible for passing them. One leader who has opposed the use of Shoot To Kill and given cover to the ira when they bombed and shot oui the ira when they bombed and shot our citizens, and who now in the midst ofan our citizens, and who now in the midst of an Election Campaign wants to do all he can to hide or deny those views. But Security Issues have been theresa mays responsibility since 2010 when she became home secretary. Since then the number of conventional Police Officers and those who are armed has fallen. Jeremy corbyn can frequently draw a crowd. He was in middlesbrough this morning and said it was vital that campaigning continued. Were not going to allow anybody to dictate how we live our lives or how we go about enjoying ourselves. And for those people that imagine somehow or other, these kind of Terrorist Attacks will deter us from exercising our democratic right to have our election to decide who oui to have our election to decide who our government is going to be. Wrong. We carry on. Democracy will prevail. Jeremy corbyn went on to say he wants theresa may to resign over her handling of Security Issues, but of course he does, he wa nts to issues, but of course he does, he wants to be Prime Minister on friday, take her job wants to be Prime Minister on friday, take herjob and form a government here. What was more surprising was David Camerons former aide steve hilton suggesting the same thing for the same reasons. But theresa may remains defiant and says, for instance, extra money is being put in to recruit additional armed police. But both the snp and the Liberal Democrats are questioning her record. This is a point where we look at how we keep oui point where we look at how we keep our country, our people safe. As things stand we have a Prime Minister who told off the police for saying they were crying wolf, and that was at a time where she was responsible for making cuts in our Police Numbers in every part of our country, and today she stands and says enough is enough. Enough was enough the first time this happened. This is the moment where we stand behind our police and Security Services and do the one thing we know will make us safer and invest in police. An election that was called because of brexit feels very different several weeks later. Of Course Brexit will be a massive issue for the next government, but so issue for the next government, but so will National Security. Chris mason, bbc news. Our assistant Political Editor norman smith is in westminster. With so few days left until the General Election, National Security very much Taking Centre Stage now. It is also clear mrs may wants to put the issue of security and leadership, keeping the nation safe at the heart of her campaign, and really went afterJeremy Corbyn today saying he opposed Shoot To Kill. He voted against every piece of Counterterrorism Legislation citing his ties to sinn fein, ira and hamas. But in a funny sort of way, it was mrs may who has come under pressure over her record in government and those cuts to Police Numbers. 20,000 fewer police repeatedly prestatyn conference about the impact on community policing, Neighbourhood Policing on the way those officers could provide intelligence and information about extremists and radicals to the intelligence services. She was also challenged about the decision to scrap control orders, her opposition to some of the de radicalisation proposals put forward by michael gove, and what will happen when we leave the eu and no longer have eu wide security arrangements. Indeed mr corbyn was asked if he would back calls for mrs may to resign over cuts to Police Numbers and he said indeed i would. You sensed almost whoever wins this election, they will face profound difficulties informing a cross party agreement, a consensus, to push forward with a new Counterterrorism Legislation, so charged and so acrimonious has become this debate. And ina acrimonious has become this debate. And in a way that has become the story of successive governments going all the way back to the 7 7 bombings and repeated attempts to improve on counterterrorism which have come to nothing because of very diverging views. Norman smith in westminster, thank you. The commissioner of the metropolitan police, cressida dick, says they do know the identities of the three attackers but are not naming them publicly for the time being. But she said the latest attacks in the uk do not seem to have been directed from overseas. Our security correspondent Frank Gardner reports on the latest developments. Chasing down a suspect in east london, as armed police aim their weapons. For the third time in three months, police are scrambling to follow up leads in the wake of an attack. In barking in east london, suspects were made to lie on the ground. Many of those arrested were women. This is one of the three murderers on Saturday Night after being shot dead by police. Its emerged that at least one of the three had been reported for his extremist views, but apparently no action was taken. We have hundreds and hundreds of officers engaged in trying to piece together whether anybody else knew about the attack or planned or supported it in any way at all, and we have been arresting people. Its the conflict in syria that has massively ramped up the terrorist threat. Hundreds of british jihadis have gone to join the ranks of so called Islamic State. As that group faces defeat in the middle east, hundreds have come back and thousands more are being recruited into islamic extremism over the internet. What we have seen after this flurry of attacks now is that people are becoming frustrated, people do want to see concrete steps and actions from the government in a meaningful way that can mitigate this threat, that can manage it down. Educating people about the risks of radicalisation extends even into the classroom. This was a school in waverley, birmingham. The governments prevent programme aims to steer people away from extremism before its too late. Help groups have also been set up to offer advice to vulnerable families. Having that deep involvement, actually that parental control so to speak. Yeah. Which is the key here. And thats why our work is centred around mothers, because they are the key change makers. They are the first ones to spot the signs. Given the state of the terrorist threat, this is unlikely to be the last time britain mourns its victims from an attack on our streets. Police action can only go so far. Challenging the ideology that feeds terrorism has now become the priority. Frank gardner, bbc news. The Prime Minister has accused Technology Firms of not doing enough to remove jihadist propaganda. Google, facebook and twitter say they Re Investing Significant Resources in fighting the spread of extremism. Our Technology Correspondent Rory Cellan Jones in our Central London studio. How difficult a task ahead for these Technology Companies . I think there is some confusion amongst the Technology Companies. One seniorfigure amongst the Technology Companies. One senior figure at one firm told me, we are told something must be done, we are not quite clear what that something is. If it is to work with the government to do more to ta ke with the government to do more to take down extremist material, we are doing a lot there and can certainly doing a lot there and can certainly do more. They fear the government may look to germany where there is a d raft law may look to germany where there is a draft law possibly coming in wychwood Fine Companies for not removing hate speech and extremist content quickly enough. They that would make them effectively the censors of the internet. But what they really fear is more talk about getting rid of end to end encryption. The government has talked about there not being a safe space for terrorists online. The Companies Say getting rid of encryption would make everybody less safe. Thank you. I will be back later in the programme, when i will be talking to the bishop of southwark. Our top story this lunchtime more properties in east london have been raided in the early hours of this morning a number of people have been detained. And still to come. We go back with a mother and daughter, who were at the Manchester Arena Terror Attack as they attend the ariana the Manchester Arena Terror Attack as they attend the Ariana Grande Benefit Concert. Coming up in sport at 1 30, premier League Champions chelsea are waiting to discover if eden hazard will be fit for the start of next season after he fractured his ankle in training on International Duty with belgium. The first funeral of a victim of the Manchester Arena attack is taking place on the island of barra in the outer hebrides. Eilidh macleod was on a School Outing to the Ariana Grande concert when a Suicide Bomber killed 22 people. Herfriend, 15 year old laura macintyre, remains in hospital. From barra, our scotland correspondent lorna gordon reports. Under grey atlantic skies, Eilidh Macleod was returned to her island home. Slowly, gently, her coffin carried across the sand. As a piper played music, the teenager had been learning. This Small Community on the peaceful island where she lived has been in shock at her death. The local school closed, businesses shut as hundreds of islanders filled the church and lined the streets for her funeral. Her family wanted this to bea funeral. Her family wanted this to be a celebration of eilidh s life. Kind and cheerful who loved music, reading and spending time with her friends. She had gone to manchester with her friend, friends. She had gone to manchester with herfriend, laura macintyre, who remains in hospital with serious injuries. This stands as a testament for ever to the world of love, innocence, generosity, kindness. Eilidh will be laid to rest in the village in which she grew up. Six arab countries including saudi arabia and egypt have cut diplomatic ties with qatar, accusing it of destabilising the region. They say qatar backs militant groups including so called Islamic State and al qaeda, claims which qatar denies. Several airlines have cancelled all flights our Diplomatic Correspondent James Landale joins me now. Whats this all about . This is one of those simmering tensions that has suddenly exploded into one of the most serious diplomatic breakdowns in the gulf countries for many yea rs. In the gulf countries for many years. The gulf countries led by saudi arabia and others, they believe and accuse qatar of supporting Islamist Groups including muslim brotherhood, and also of being supportive of irans agenda. Iran is the great enemy for many of these countries. What has happened is that just a these countries. What has happened is thatjust a week or so on since the donald trump visit to the region, these countries have felt emboldened to say now is the moment to try to crack down on qatar and say we will not put up with this any further. They have Cut Off Transport ties and planes are not flying in. This matters because qatar is a small country, a very wealthy one full of oil and liquid natural gas. Any disruption could potentially have an impact on the oil price. Secondly one of the largest us air basesin secondly one of the largest us air bases in the region is based there, 10,000 troops runs a lot of counter so called Islamic State operations there, will that be destabilised . Also qatar was a huge investor here, it owns big shard tower building, the Harrods Department store and Companies Like sainsburys. Any impact could have potential blowback here in the uk. Last night 50,000 people gathered in manchester for a Benefit Concert for the victims of the suicide bomb at Manchester Arena last month that left 22 people dead. It was an evening of defiance, celebration, and unity all the more so given the events here in londonjust 24 hours before. But it brought back difficult memories for some. Graham satchell spent the day with a mother and daughter who were at Manchester Arena when the bomb went off. Not quite two weeks after the attack in manchester, and not quite 24 hours after the latest outrage in london, 50,000 people came to a concert, determined to enjoy themselves. Manchester stands together and i think you can see the atmosphere already immediately. For 13 year old lucy and her mum, anne marie, its not that simple. This is is a fantastic gesture, that this concerts taking place, i still believe its too soon. Lucys been having Panic Attacks through the night. Not sleeping. What have the last two weeks been like . Just stressful. Lucy and anne marie were at the Manchester Arena two weeks ago. We filmed with them the day after. I was very terrified and scared. I just dont understand why they would. Be so horrible to other people. Just getting to last nights concert after witnessing the horrors of the Suicide Bomber, an extraordinary achievement. The concert itself saw a remarkable return to manchester for Ariana Grande compassion, dignity, Courage Atjust 23. With her, stars from All Over The World likejustin bieber, with the clear message of the night. Love, love, love, love, love crowd love love there were heart warming moments, heart breaking moments. It was a night that saw The Very Best of manchester. Lucy and anne marie, hugely appreciative. They were all brilliant, absolutely brilliant, every single one of them. But for us, you know, its not going to take away that memory. Of last week. Are you pleased you came . Yes. Do you think overall you enjoyed it . Yes. Good. Im really pleased you have got a smile on your face. The first time in two weeks. Thats great, isnt it . Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Its a smal first step, but an important one a moment of normality in what has been a deeply traumatic time. Graham satchell, bbc news, manchester. Lets go back to our top story, the Terror Attack on Saturday Night on London Bridge and Borough Market in which seven people were killed and 48 people were injured. Sophie raworth is on London Bridge. As you can see behind me, there is a huge cordon here, the whole area is closed off. London bridge state station is open, and the cathedral has been closed, sealed off to the public for now. Im joined by the bishop of southwark, good afternoon and thank you forjoining us. Can you remember a time when

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