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Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. Emmanuel macron says a new page is being turned in the history of france after his decisive victory over Marine Le Pen in the president ial election. To the undoubted relief of other european leaders, the pro eu candidate won by 66 to 34 to become, at 39, the countrys youngest president. Its the first time in decades that the election has been won by someone whos not a member of the two traditional main left wing and right wing parties. Our correspondent Christian Fraser is in paris. Good afternoon. Welcome to paris. Emmanuel macron has fulfilled his first ceremonial role here he stood alongside the outgoing president at the tomb of the unknown soldier. Together they marked the 72nd anniversary of victory in europe. A few years ago Francois Hollande named Emmanuel Macron as his economic advisor. Perhaps this is the moment the apprentice became the master. Francois hollande put a reassuring hand on the back of Emmanuel Macron. Perhaps he doesnt need that, but it is a reminder of the task he faces. James reynolds reports. Emmanuel macron, the election winner, now prepares to lead his country. This morning in paris, he joined the outgoing president Francois Hollande at the ceremony to mark ve day. The horror of the Second World War convinced old enemies france and germany to form an alliance which then became the basis of the European Union. Its a struggling project which the new president promises to revive. Emmanuel macron now inherits one of the most powerful positions europe and all of the symbolism that goes with it. He becomes the youngest french leader since napoleon whose own battles are remembered here. The crowds knows that the new leader will face problems of his own. French people hope that he will change a lot of things, maybe it will be tough for him but we hope that. Translation its not going to be easy but i hope he will do some good work. But above all i hope he wont forget the little people. Im not sure hes very coherent in his ideas. The idea of being neither from left nor right, i dont truly trust this. World leaders have sent mr macron their congratulations. Theresa may says that she looks forward to working with him on a wide range of shared priorities. Trump says that he too very much looks forward to working with mr macron. Germanys Angela Merkel described his election as a victory for a strong and united europe. And russias President Putin calls on frances new leader to bridge the divide between moscow and paris. In the hours after the polls closed in between those many Telephone Calls with World Leaders Emmanuel Macron celebrated with his supporters. Translation what weve done for so many months, theres no comparison, theres no equivalents to that. Everybody was saying to us it was impossible. But they didnt know anything about france. At night mr macrons defeated opponent Marine Le Pen danced away her defeat. She insist that she is now the main Opposition Force in france. Shell prepare for the next election in five years time. Emmanuel macron will know that he has little time to waste. Hes promised to set the direction of both his country and the wider European Union. He takes office on sunday. James reynolds, bbc news, paris. We have a senior figure with us, the head of the employers association. Good afternoon to you. Is the Business Community excited by Emmanuel Macrons election . Business community excited by Emmanuel Macrons election . Business Community excited by Emmanuel Macrons election . I think it is good news for france and europe. He is a young guy, probusiness and pro europe. I think it is good news. There are 5 Million People unemployed in france, one in four under 25 year olds. Why will his platform get through when a few yea rs his platform get through when a few years ago he had to water it down. He announced the reforms and he knows the rigidity of the labour in france. I think he has to make more agility and flexibility for companies and more training and education for the people, for the employers. He doesnt have a party. He has a party in en marche. He said he will force through things with a president ial decree, is that wise . Yes, in this programme, he has been elected with two thirds of the voters, which is big. With that you have to discuss with the unions, but i think he has, he does havent to wait. We have to do the things and the reforms. Thank you. One line of Breaking News for you Emmanuel Macrons inauguration will be on sunday, which is unusual. But Francois Hollandes time runs out at midnight. Then they will go to see french troops in mali and the visit to german to meet the german chancellor, Angela Merkel. So what will the election of emmanual macron mean for brexit negotiations . France is one of the pivotal players in the European Union and mr macron will play a key role in upcoming brexit talks. This morning, president macrons Chief Economic Adviser told the bbc that mr macron would be a hard negotiator, but he wouldnt want to punish britain for its decision to leave the eu. Chris morris looks at what kind of negotiating position the new french president is likely to take. So the first thing you need to know about Emmanuel Macron is that he is a passionate pro european. He campaigned on an overtly pro eu platform. Is that likely to make him a tough nut to crack when it comes to brexit negotiations . Well, yes. But france was always likely to play that role. If you look at some of the things he said on brexit during the campaign, though, the language is pretty striking. In one interview he called Brexit A Crime and said, whats going to happen is not taking back control, its servitude. Lets have a listen to the most recent comments hes made in the last few days. What the uk is experiencing is precisely the fact that brexit is not a walk in the park. Thats extremely complicated on a financial basis and thats extremely complicated in terms of organisation and consequences. But dont forget that brexit is not at the top of his list of priorities. Hes vowed to reform france and if possible in partnership with germany to reform the eu, plenty to be getting on with. Then of course there will be a french parliamentary election injune, so he will be paying far more attention to that than to the start of negotiations on brexit. But he will campaign for the Rights Of French citizens in the uk. He would like Financial Firms to move from london to paris. And one other issue hes talked about, a reform of the le touquet agreement, this is the deal under which british immigration checks take place in calais on french soil. Now, its not an eu agreement, its a bilateral one. But it will play into the Brexit Debate and the Prime Minister has been talking about it this morning. And as for the le touquet agreement, actually it works for both the benefit of the uk and france. And obviously in the government that is elected after the 8th ofjune we will be sitting down talking to mr macron and others about how that system has worked. So, plenty of challenges ahead but it is also worth bearing in mind the election of mr macron will increase the confidence of eu insiders, especially when you consider what the alternative could have been, however unlikely, a president who would have been fundamentally anti eu and would have plunged the whole project into chaos. Now, we have heard a lot here about the need for strong and stable government. It could be that a stronger and more stable eu will be a better Negotiating Partner for the uk in the months to come. Theresa may has said that leaving the European Union will help the uk achieve a target of reducing annual net migration to the Tens Of Thousands. The target, set by David Cameron in 2010, has never been met and recent figures put annual net migration at 273 thousand but the bbc understands the pledge will be included in the conservative election manifesto. Mrs may told supporters Migration Levels were having an impact on Public Services and low paid workers. Our Political Correspondent chris mason reports. Prime minister. Immigration, the issue that for many was crucial in last years Eu Referendum and 12 months on its back in this years general election. We will continue to say that we do want to bring net migration down to sustainable levels. We believe that is the Tens Of Thousands. And, of course, once we leave the European Union we will have the opportunity to ensure that we have control of our borders here in the uk. If all this feels a tad familiar, well, thats because it is. Net migration is the number of people coming to the uk to minus the number leaving. Here is the conservative manifesto from 2010. It says we will take steps to take net migration back to Tens Of Thousands a year, not hundreds of thousands. They didnt manage it. Fast forward five years to the 2015 conservative ma nifesto. We will keep our ambition of delivering annual net migration in the Tens Of Thousands. Again, they didnt achieve it. The nearest they came was in 2012 at 177,000. And the furthest was in 2015 at 332,000. The target is unlikely to be met with the current policies that are in place. So quite aside from the Brexit Scenario Non Eu Net Migration currently stands at around 165,000. So that alone is 65,000 over the net migration target. Ukip, crushed in last weeks local elections, want to sound much, much tougher than the tories and have an Immigration Policy where it would be one in one out. I can announce today that ukip will go into this election with a policy of balanced migration, which means zero net immigration over the next five year period. The snp and the Liberal Democrats said economic interests should drive Immigration Policy. Labour accused the conservatives of a broken promise on the issue. Chris mason, bbc news. 0ur assistant Political Editor norman smith is in westminster. Why is theresa may sticking to this . It is unusual, usually when politicians get in difficulty, they quibble over the wording or try to sweep it under the carpet. Theresa may is doing the opposite and saying im sticking with the pledge, although she has nowhere near meeting it. Net migration is 273,000 and many of her colleagues are saying this is impossible. The reason she is sticking with it is personal i believe because this is a pledge she is identified with. She has never backed off from it. Even when her colleagues said lets take stu d e nts when her colleagues said lets take students out of the number. She said, no that, that would be seen as fiddling the figure. She fears if she rips up the pledge it will be seen as her backing down. And politically we know immigration was at the heart of brexit referendum, i feel she thinks she hawesnt have the does havent the scope to back off. But when pressed she did not put a day on this target. The question is, is it a Pledge Orjust an aspiration, an ambition, a promise to be delivered maybe some time in the future. Interesting recording emerging of liberal democrat candidate vince cable. Yes vince cable suggesting that in those constituencies where perhaps the liberal democrat candidate didnt really have much of a chance, perhaps a good idea for liberal Democrat Supporters just to back off to let the anti tory candidate have a better chance of winning. This of course as we know various labour and green politicians also suggesting there should be tackical anti tory voting. Questionable how much impact it would have. But one thing is likely is that the tories will seize on the remarks to say, here is the coalition of chaos, the other parties banding together to propel Jeremy Corbyn into no 10 downing street. Thank you. Labour have been setting out plans to tackle Childhood Obesity by banning tv adverts forjunk food during all programming before the 9pm watershed. At the moment, products high in fat, salt or sugar are banned from being advertised around childrens Tv Programmes. The party says the proposal forms part of a future Child Health Bill that will be outlined in its election manifesto. Sophie hutchinson reports. This is going to be a very green smoothie. Its healthy, though, isnt it . Shadow health secretaryjon ashworth being taught how to make a smoothie by pupils at a london school, part of labours bid to prove it has the solution for cutting Childhood Obesity. We want to have the healthiest children in the world. Now, yes, thats an ambitious target but to be frank, im ambitious for the children of this country. Our children deserve the best. Labours election pledge is ambitious. Its promising to halve the number of overweight children within ten years, to set up a £250 million fund to pay for nurses and counsellors in schools and to ban Junk Food Adverts from all Tv Programmes before the 9pm watershed. That would affect shows including the x factor and britains got talent which are popular with children. Labour says it would reduce their exposure to Junk Food Adverts by 82 . Its a laudable idea but i cant see it making much difference, to be honest. The stuffs still in the supermarkets, its still in the shops. I dont think it will make a whole lot of difference. I aint got a problem with it. I think the kids are eating too much junk anyway. It will probably help, yeah. If its not in their heads they probably wont go looking for it when they are in the supermarket. Advertising is really powerful, isnt it . So, yeah, it probably is a good idea. Labour also promised help for adults today with an end to nhs car park charges for patients, visitors and nhs staff, to be paid for by increasing the tax on private health insurance. If you visit a hospital because you want to look after an elderly relative or give support to a friend, or go there in an emergency i dont think you should be charged for doing so. The lib dems said hospital Parking Charges were a sign the government could not get to grips with the Funding Crisis in health. But the conservatives raised doubts that labour would be able to deliver free car parks or its promises to improve Childrens Health because, it said, Jeremy Corbyn would risk weakening the economy. Sophie hutchinson, bbc news. The bbc has unveiled details of its general Election Debate programmes. David dimbleby will host two question Time Specials in which leaders will face audience questions and there will also be a seven way debate with senior party figures. 0ur Media Correspondent David Sillito is here to explain. No empty chairs . Absolutely. Both bbc and itv from the outset said they wanted there to be an election leaders debate, remember the one in 2010 with David Cameron, nick clegg and gordon brown. Thats not going to happen, as far as we can tell at the moment so far. Itv said they still want to press ahead with a debate but they havent finalised who will take part. These are the bbcs plans. A series of two question Time Specials, the first featuring theresa may and Jeremy Corbyn in the same programme but not sharing the stage. They will appear consecutively facing questions from the audience, and then there will be another Question Time special two days later with other Party Leaders appearing on election questions later in the evening. The leaders will face interviews from andrew neil, and also on the one show that will feature theresa may and her husband philip as well. And then there will be this seven way debate featuring senior party figures. And also another radio one debate. So thats it, ten hours of coverage on the bbc but not the debate that they wa nted the bbc but not the debate that they wanted to have with the Party Leaders. David, thank you very much. It is coming up to1 20pm. David, thank you very much. It is coming up to 1 20pm. The top story this lunchtime. Newly elected president Emmanuel Macron vows to ensure that those who backed far right Marine Le Pen would no longer have a reason to vote for an extremist position. Im standing in the bed of what is, 01 im standing in the bed of what is, or rather was, the reveco In Hertfordshire. The dry weather means there is a lot of concern about river levels around the country. The Water Company here says we can all do our bit to Preserve Supplies. Coming up in sport in the next 15 minutes on bbc news Maria Sharapova is one win away from a place in wimbledon qualifying but she faces Eugenie Bouchard in madrid, woman who wants her banned for life. Facebook has placed adverts in british newspapers with ten tips on how to spot fake news online. The website has also closed thousands of accounts linked to false stories ahead of the general election next month. The company advises users to Be Sceptical Of Headlines and to check the website address. The move comes as increasing numbers of people use the site as one of their main news sources. This report from our Technology Correspondent rory cellan jones. Its a term that became familiar during last years american president ial election. Fake news stories made up to make money or act as political propaganda. And its facebook which has taken much of the blame for spreading stories such as these. Now the Social Network says its doing everything it can to tackle the problem in the uk. With these Newspaper Adverts part of that effort. Facebook says it is to bring up effort. Facebook says it is to bring up the battle against fake news. It is giving its users a guide to spotting what it calls false news, it is closing Tens Of Thousands of fa ke it is closing Tens Of Thousands of fake uk accounts which might spread misinformation, and it is working with Fact Checking organisations during the election campaign. So, what happens if a friend shares what you think is a fake news story with you . Well, you think is a fake news story with you . Well, its you think is a fake news story with you . Well, its not blindingly obvious but you go here, go down to report post, i think it shouldnt be on facebook is the choice here, you continue, then you get the option at the bottom of its fake news story. And once you have done that you should end up with an independent fa ct should end up with an independent Fact Checking organisation. 0ne should end up with an independent Fact Checking organisation. One of those organisations thinks the social Network Needs to do more. There is a responsibility for facebook to look at how do we change facebook to look at how do we change facebook itself to make it easier for people to spot the sites that are not what they are cracked up to be on things that need to be checked out in more detail. Yes, this is good stuff from facebook but it should only be the beginning. Good stuff from facebook but it should only be the beginningm germany there is already a drive to combat fake news in the run up to their elections and with our own general election just over four weeks away the parties know that facebook a key battle ground. They will have identified exactly the types of voters they would like to target and the types of messages they would like to target them with an facebook will be the means of delivering those messages. Not only that, facebook will be the means by which they understand the response to those messages and they will change them and evolve them based on that response. More than 30 Million People will get news and political m essa 9 es people will get news and political messages from facebook during the election campaign. A Social Network says it is doing its best to make sure that what they read isnt fake. Rory cellan jones, bbc news. House prices have fallen in the last three months for the first time in five years. The halifax Mortgage Lender says prices fell by 0. 2 the first quarterly fall since november 2012. Its blamed a squeeze on household finances, caused by rising inflation. 0ur Personal Finance correspondent Simon Gompertz is here. How significant is this . There are reasons for thinking there isa there are reasons for thinking there is a bit ofa there are reasons for thinking there is a bit of a turn here because prices have just got so high, is a bit of a turn here because prices havejust got so high, so many people couldnt afford them, also prices in the shops as you say, energy bills are squeezing families, who cant afford so much. But it sort of depends who you are and where you are, how you are affected and how this turn will affect you. For instance, new build properties, flats, the Source Properties First Time Buyers want to buy, they will be much stronger, and then there are other parts of the country, there is Northern Ireland that has been very weak, yorkshire, the north of england, wales, whereas in the south of england it is still very strong. But the overall effect is we have seen the average price of a property around £219,000 down £2500 since the end of last year. We see this three month on three month affect, the underlying prices are coming down. Will bragg continue . 0bviously coming down. Will bragg continue . Obviously it is hard to tell but there are two things that keep the market at the moment, one is that mortgages are so cheap because Interest Rates are so low and the other thing is not meant people are putting homes on the market, There Isa Putting Homes on the market, there is a false market because there are not enough available keeping prices up. Loss of the forecasters expect that by the end of the year we will have seen a slight rise over the year. A lot of people look at london and the south east and say it is a different case altogether. You hear stories in london of people giving away cars with flats in order to get them moving, there has been a real drop in central london, outer parts of london are holding a better and of london are holding a better and of course other parts of the country. It is very much a mixed picture still. Simon gompertz, thank you very much. A two Year Old Girl is seriously ill in hospital after several dogs got into the garden where she was playing and attacked her. She suffered injuries to her head and body but they are described as not life threatening. Police have seized ten dogs from a nearby house in the toxteth area of liverpool and a 35 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of having a dangerous dog or dogs out of control. 0ur correspondent yunus mulla is at Merseyside Police headquarters for us now. The two Year Old Girl was playing with two other children in a relatives garden at a terraced property in toxteth when she was attacked by a number of dogs. Now, police say that her aunt managed to fight off the dogs with two the children but the little girl suffered extensive injuries and her condition is described as serious. Those dogs managed to get into the garden from a neighbouring property. Police say they have seized 11 dogs, six puppies and five adult dogs, two of those have been humanely destroyed and they have arrested a 35 year old man on suspicion of having dangerous dogs out of control. They are carrying out a number of inquiries locally and they say that at present the girls condition although sirius is not life threatening. Yunus mulla, thank you very much. Although serious. For the last 33 Years Achill Beach In Western Ireland has looked like this after it was washed away. Now it looks like this after hundreds of thousands of tonnes of sand were dumped back on the coastline during a freak tide. Locals hope there will be a return of hotels, guesthouses and cafes all forced to shut down after the beach washed away in 1984. Keith doyle reports. Achill island on the west coast of ireland has many beautiful beaches but for the past 30 years this was not one of them. However, nature has now returned dooagh beach to its former beauty. Storms in the 1980s stripped the beach, but over ten days Ocean Currents have deposited thousands of tonnes of sand to recreate its 300 metre white sandy beach. The most probable reason this beach has reformed is due to two things. Its either a change in sediment supply from further up or down the coast that has brought a fresh amount of sediment to this beach. Or, it could be due to a change in environmental conditions. Either an alteration in the wave climate, or a series of tides that has provided the ideal conditions for this beach to reform. Dooagh beach on Achill Island is just about as far west as you can get in ireland and europe. Thousands of tourists visit here every year. Having a new beach has delighted the locals and the tourist board. Yesterday we had gridlock here in the village with cars and camper vans and motorcyclists, and people coming from all over ireland and the uk to see our miraculous new beach. The people here have always spoke about their days on the beach, how they enjoyed coming down here as kids, and now to have it back for their kids is absolutely unbelievable. People of the island are thrilled. We already have five blue flag beaches. Hopefully if we keep our beach here at dooagh we will have a sixth. Now that spring high tides have passed there is hope that the new beach will stay in place, at least for the summer. But this is the wild Atlantic Coast where the sea could reclaim the beach again, but for now people are making the most of this latest tourist attraction. Keith doyle, bbc news. There are fears of a drought in the uk this summer as a lack of rainfall in the last few months has left some rivers and reservoirs with dwindling water levels. This met office map of rainfall in april shows that the majority of the uk experienced less than half the average amount with Southern England seeing the driest weather. Andy moore is in London Colney In Hertfordshire where Affinity Water is the first Water Company in the country to start advising customers about water usage. Yes, simon, this is the river coln In Hertfordshire and the stretch of river is basically bone dry, there isa river is basically bone dry, there is a bit of water behind me but this bit is very dry. People say there is usually a bit of water flowing in here but they have not seen it this dry since the very dry summer of 1976. The bigger problem normally around here is flooding but i think we can show you some pictures from 2009 when this part of the river basically became something of a lake. But the current problem of dry weather is something that is being reported in rivers around the country by the environment agency. They say they are monitoring the situation. The Water Company here is affinity and say they have only had about half the normal amount of rainfall sincejuly about half the normal amount of rainfall since july 2016. They say they are urging their customers to be careful really. They say they wa nt be careful really. They say they want their customers to save water to help Preserve Supplies and minimise the possibility of restrictions this summer. 0ne minimise the possibility of restrictions this summer. One way people can do that is very simple, for example, to turn off the tap when they are brushing their teeth. That one simple measure could save 6500 litres of water. Andy, thank you very much. Loss of interest in the weather, here is jay wynne. There is rain on the way lurking in the atlantic and it will take a few days to get here. Before then the dry story discontinue. This afternoon we have quite a contrast in the weather from west to east. The eastern side of the uk is pretty great, the odd spot of light rain and drizzle for some but further west it is a completely different story. Look at that lovely

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