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They received £3 million for the last paralympic cycle. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. Nearly every local authority in england is planning to raise Council Taxes in the coming year, most of them by 5 , to help meet the rising cost of social care. But the local government association, which represents councils, has warned that deep cuts to other services will still have to be made because of the huge cost of looking after growing numbers of elderly and disabled people. Heres our social Affairs Correspondent alison holt. Yes, and youll be fine. This is social care in action. Good girl. And i will be behind you. After several falls, 80 year old Maureen Edwards is being given support that will mean she regains some independence and rebuilds her confidence. It means she and her husband can cope at home. According to todays survey, the sheer demand for this sort of care is the reason why most local authorities in england plan to raise council tax. That was wonderful. Weve got the carers, they come in, get her up, wash her, dresser. You know, its helped no end. Theyre very good. Im grateful for all that theyve done for me, i really am. And. Without them, i dont know what i would have done. The edwards live in surrey and its the councils social workers who organise their support. The authority had discussed increasing its council tax by 15 to meet the growing care costs. Now, like most local authorities, its likely to rise byjust under 5 . Staff here describe the demand as unrelenting. Ive worked in Adult Social Care for 20 years and ive never known the pressure that weve got now. And theres no simple solution to it. People are getting older, people are living longer and their needs are increasing with more complexity. Councils pay for most social care and the local Government Survey shows nearly all are struggling with the costs. There are 151 local authorities in england, 147 plan to raise council tax specifically to help pay for social care. But Councils Warn that wont plug the funding gap and that could mean cuts to other council services. There has been a united voice of local government to say that they need to have more funding into social care and that the crisis in social care is immediate now. The funding for local government needs to be resolved immediately. And another step for me. The government says extra funding is being put into social care and that authorities will soon be able to keep all of the money they raise from council tax and business rates. Im behind you. Alison is with me now. This would be a huge rise in Council Tax Bills for councils across england. Why are they struggling so much . In the end its down to the sheer demand, weve gotan its down to the sheer demand, weve got an ageing population, people are living longer with more complex needs. So they do need support in life. As i said in my report, much of that is provided by local authorities. I think whats interesting about todays report from the local Authority Association is that youve got 147 across the political spectrum, youve got local authorities saying we cant make ends meet therefore we will take this opportunity to raise council tax by that extra amount so that we can try and meet that growing demand. That is going to increase pressure on the government. This has already raised up the political agenda in the last six months because of the delays weve seen in hospitals. The government will say that it hospitals. The government will say thatitis hospitals. The government will say that it is putting extra money into social care, that it is also giving councils the ability to plan ahead, plan for the long term. But there will be that growing need for sort of longo acrobatic space longer Care Solution longer Term Solution to this care problem. The language used by the lga is interesting, it talks about councils being pushed perilously close to the financial edge by the pressures of social care. This is one report today. Weve got the budget coming up but its very clear from this that the pressure by social care is not going to go away. Nhs trusts in england are overspending by hundreds of millions of pounds more than expected, according to figures out this lunchtime. Trusts reported a deficit of £886 million in the last quarter, more than one and a half times the government target. Doctor cathy mclean from the Regulator Nhs improvement at this explanation. Cathy mclean from the Regulator Nhs improvement at this explanationm is higher than our original anticipation but the number of patients coming at a hospital, obviously we needed treat them as a priority. Because of that, the hospitals are working really hard to keep the costs down. And indeed, can bet it last year, there are 44 you are hospitals posting a deficit this year compared with last year. Our Health Editor hugh pym is here. Why is the nhs so much in debt . The providers, the trusts, are basically spending more money than comes in. Thats happened for the last few yea rs thats happened for the last few years and these deficits have got larger and larger. The government and regulators have stepped in to try to curb this overspending, theyve introduced measures to reply to reduce overspending and agency staff, that has succeeded up to a point. What we cant what they cant control is patients time. As we heard from cathy mclean there, the growth in Patient Numbers has been more than expected. They were forecasting a deficit of about £580 million for the full Financial Year in march and now they are saying it could be as much as £850 million because of actors beyond their control. It has to be balanced out somehow. They make cuts elsewhere to come in on budget. There has to be a question of whether the whole budget can come in as predicted. There was a real scramble this time last year to try to make the sums add up. I suspect on the back of these numbers there will be a similar scramble going on with the department of health. 0ne going on with the department of health. One reason is they say they have not been able to carry out as much routine surgery as much surgery on much routine surgery as much surgery on patients. Routine surgery has been postponed and that is bad for patients. Thank you. Footage has emerged of the moment the north korean leaders half brother was attacked at Kuala Lumpa Airport in malaysia. A woman appears to cover his head with a cloth for a few seconds before walking away. Kim jong nam is then seen telling police what has happened. He collapsed shortly after and died. But north korea has questioned the identification of the man who died and has demanded the body. Daniel boettcher reports. Cctv footage at Kuala Lumpur International airport. A figure in a light suit with a bag slung over his shoulder walks through the hall. Its believed this man is kimjong nam. The next pictures are less clear. But the man is grabbed from behind by a woman in a white top. She appears to push a cloth into his face. The footage then shows them separating. The man is seen talking to airport staff, apparently explaining what has happened. He seems to be led to police where he again explains and gesticulates, before he is accompanied to the airports medical clinic. Police believe kim jong nam, The Half Brother of north koreas leader, kimjong un, was poisoned at the airport a week ago. The mysterious circumstances, the investigation and speculation that north korea was behind the killing, has led to growing diplomatic tensions. Malaysia has recalled its envoy to north korea, while pyongyangs ambassador In Kuala Lumpur said at a News Conference the investigation could not be trusted. Its been seven days since the incident, but there is no clear evidence on the cause of the death and at the moment we cannot trust the investigation by the malaysian police, even though its result would be obtained. But malaysias Prime Minister has defended the investigation and the work of police and doctors. We have no reason why we want to do something that would paint the north koreans in a bad light. We will be objective and we expect them to understand that we apply the rule of law. Malaysia authorities have said that Autopsy Results could be ready by the middle of the week and that they will release Kim Jong Nams body to his next of kin. His son is reported to be travelling to kuala lumpur. Daniel boettcher, bbc news. Two senior ukip officials have resigned in protest at their leaders handling of the hillsborough controversy. Paul nuttall has been embroiled in a row after his website incorrectly claimed hed lost Close Friends in the tragedy. In a statement, the chair of ukips Merseyside Branch condemned mr nuttalls unprofessional approach and Crass Insensitivity and suggested there could be more resignations on the way. 0ur assistant Political Editor norman smith is in westminster. How much of a blow is this going to beat the new duke it leader . Certainly the timing could hardly be worse, just days before the crunch by election where mr nuttall is ukips candidate. It is a by election that you could see as make or break. Nigel farage described it as a must win. Those in ukip have played this incident down, suggesting they were under huge pressure because of a public backlash in liverpool following those claims on mr nuttalls website, false claims, saying that he had known people who had died in the hillsborough tragedy. These do not seem two men going meekly more in sorrow than anger, they have gone out all guns blazing, accusing mr nuttall of being crass and insensitive, calling his approach in tolerable and questioning whether he is fit to lead. Bear in mind that these are two people who know mr nuttall, they are the chairman of his local party, the Liverpool Party and the merseyside regional party, which raises questions notjust of how far this will dent mr nuttals chancesin how far this will dent mr nuttals chances in the by election but it may actually dent his leadership, given that ukip scene, really since nigel farage stepped aside, to struggle to find a leader who brings them stability and in whom they can have confidence. Norman, thank you. As norman said, in three days time, voters in stoke on Trent Central will go to the polls to choose their new mp. The by election was called after labours Tristram Hunt quit politics to take up a position running londons victoria and albert museum. The poll is being seen as a key electoral test for the labour leader, jeremy corbyn, whose party faces a strong challenge from ukip in the constituency. 0ur Political Correspondent adam fleming reports from stoke. Voters in stoke on trent need a new mp, after their previous Member Of Parliament resigned, to run a museum. A decision the very senior labour figure ijust met on the train up here described as very selfish, because it has pitched labour into a battle with ukip to hold on here. Its the city where wedgewood founded his pottery empire. Archive the Thriller Coaxes Shape and beauty from the Spinning Mass of clay. Since the industrys heyday, many manufacturing jobs have gone and a once rock solid labour seat looks more fragile. Ukips leader and candidate also feels hes in with a fighting chance because a big majority of people here voted to leave the eu. The people are fantastic. Unfortunately i think many feel that theyve been left behind by the political establishment. I think what they need is a national voice, someone who can stand up in the House Of Commons and be listened to. And i believe im that man to put stoke on trent on the political map. Since we spoke a few days ago, hes found himself on the ropes with his party over claims he made about the Hillsborough Disaster and whether he lived here when he entered the contest. Labours man is trying to paint his rival as an opportunist. I live just outside the city in a pit village called silverdale. Ive been here for 13 years. Its where my family are and its where my daughter was born. And i consider myself to be very local. Although hes faced trouble, too, saying sorry for old tweets deemed to be sexist and insulting to people who supported brexit. 0na on a visit to the constituency today, the Prime Minister did what the other westminster parties are doing, trying to stop this becoming a two horse race. One of our key priorities is to create more opportunities the green partys campaign is about securing employment for people who want betterjobs in the area and also about defending the nhs. Health is a priority for the lib dems too, not least because their candidate is sometimes absent from the Campaign Trail because hes performing heart surgery. The nhs has been in crisis, particularly over the winter, and we just feel that labour are not providing the opposition they need to be providing to this government now. But the focus is on whether ukip can finally land a Knockout Blow in a labour seat. Something theyve never done before. Adam fleming, bbc news, stoke on trent. This is a complete list of the candidates taking part which is also available on the bbc news website. The bill giving theresa may the authority to trigger brexit talks goes before the House Of Lords this afternoon. The legislation passed the commons with no amendments but the government doesnt have a majority in the lords. Lets cross to the houses of parliament and our Political Correspondent tom bateman. How smooth is the path expected to be . People will turn up in the next couple of hours and we can brace ourselves for a record breaking session. 190 of them have said they wa nt to session. 190 of them have said they want to speak in this debate, more than in any other lords debate, that gives you a sense of the appetite that many of them have, especially Opposition Peers in the lords. To try and influence this process, but i think that the body of discussion has little resemblance to the Political Authority that the lords has when it comes to this bill. Because lords will not try and stop brexit, they might try to change the bill and there are areas where labour and the Lib Dems Peers will try and do that, trying to get a legal guarantee from the government in the way the House Of Commons was not able to do, saying that parliamentarians should have a vote on the final deal before theresa may signs it off in brussels. And that the rights of eu citizens in the uk should be guaranteed. We heard those argument is a new House Of Commons, they did not get to change the bill, but they got some concessions, verbally, from the government, and we can expect something similar from the lords. If they do amend the bill it could go back to the commons, who could wipe out those amendments, and in the end, one minister has said about this, it is their duty to do their patriotic duty and respect the will of the people and theresa may saying today that she wants peers to observe what happens in the House Of Commons and she will hope and she remains confident that she can get that authority from parliament to trigger article 50 during the course of march. Thanks forjoining us. Our top story this lunchtime. Local councils in england warn that they will still struggle to fund care for the elderly despite big increases in Council Tax Bills. Am at Sutton United as they prepare to face the premier League Giants arsenal in the fifth round of the fa cup. Coming up in sport at 130 on bbc news, the england all rounder ben stokes has become the most expensive foreign player in the history of the indian premier league. The us Vice President mike pence has described americas commitment to the European Union as steadfast and enduring, after his First Official meeting with the president of the european council. Meanwhile, President Trump is facing calls to further clarify his comments over the weekend, in which he appeared to suggest that there had been a Terror Attack in sweden. Richard lister reports. President ial visits to brussels rarely stirred much interest in the past, but these are different times. Donald trump has Lauded Brexit and belittled the eu, the relationship has become awkward. The greetings, at times, seemed strained. But the white house has billed this as a Reassurance Tour and after his initial talks, that is exactly what mike pence offered. Today is my privilege on behalf of President Trump to express the strong commitment of the United States to continued cooperation and partnership with the European Union. Whatever our differences, our two continents share the same heritage, the same values. And above all the same purpose. Alongside him a man who described trumps america as a potential threat. He wants actions as well as words. After such a positive declaration, both europeans and americans must simply practice what they preach. But its the president who calls the shots and he uses europe as a model for all that is wrong in the world. Even if he has to make up his own facts to fit the argument. You look at whats happening last night in sweden sweden who would believe this . Sweden they took in large numbers and they are having problems like they never thought possible. There was no such incident in sweden. The country has taken in large numbers of refugees and hasnt suffered any Terrorist Attacks as a result. But the policys not without its swedish critics. I think we were caught off guard. The president said later he was referring to this fox news report, claiming that violence has risen in sweden along with refugee numbers. That claim, too, is questionable. But mr trumps backers insist his points are valid. People seize upon it and you see these articles, and when i pulled it up on google, its like, well, donald trump was really right. There was the neo nazis going to the Refugee Camps and theres been a lot of corruption and rape going on. Thats not the message mr pence is pushing, but President Trumps voice is louder and europe is unsettled. 0n the streets outside his meetings, these protesters are sending a message of their own, that the values of the Trump Administration are not welcome in europe. Thats a debate which is getting even more personal in london as members of parliament consider an online petition signed by almost 2 Million People suggesting that Donald Trumps state visit to the uk would cause embarrassment to the queen. Richard lister, bbc news. 0ur europe correspondent gavin lee is in brussels. Reassurance, says the white house, but will the be reassured . M reassurance, says the white house, but will the be reassured . If you listen to mike pence you would be thickly given that thinking that everything was the same, you would be forgiven for thinking. But the elephant in the room, the rhetoric of donald trump, who said the eu is a vehicle for germany, basically. He said three weeks ago that brexit was a great super thing. Donald tusk at the head of european council, he said he was surprised at the voices coming from the white house, that actually you can forget that things are the same, but he was reassured, he said, to listen to mike pence. Similar, perhaps come when he goes elsewhere in brussels, to the nato headquarters, to meet the nato leaders where they will be a civil message to say that we are onside and when it comes to the ukraine we will urge them to stick to the minsk agreement when it comes to the minsk agreement when it comes to russia, so the words are there, but i think when you listen to those on the size, the former ambassador the United States to the eu, he said he congratulated the Vice President but he said there has been such hostility from the american president that he wanted to see actions as well as deeds. Thanks for joining us. Iraqi forces are continuing their advance into mosul iraqs second biggest city after launching a major attack yesterday to remove Islamic State fighters from their last major stronghold in the country. The progress of the operation has been slowed because of huge improvised explosive devices that the is militants have placed along the route. 0ur middle east correspondent Quentin Sommerville and Cameraman Nick Millard are the only Television Journalists on the front line with iraqi forces. Theyre now on the outskirts of Western Mosul the only part of the city still held by so called Islamic State. In record time, Iraqs Federal Police have made it to within sight of mosul city. Thats the south east of the city you can see there. And the river tigris just in the foreground. It really was a very fast assault to get here. And now, behind me, perhaps if we move the camera over there, you mightjust be able to pick out the helicopter, the gunship which is launching an attack against the town of abu saif. Thats a very important town, because all that lies between the federal police and mosul is that town, and its an is stronghold. All morning weve watched these helicopters attacking the town. The iraqi police have fired their own home made rockets deep inside that town. Its very important for them. Just two miles, 3km or so. Gunfire we can hear the helicopters firing again, cant quite see it. But we can hear it firing. Just beyond that town, two miles or so, is mosuls airport. That airport is mostly of symbolic value because the Islamic State long ago destroyed the runways and terminal buildings. But taking that would be very important because it would be a symbolic victory. And after that, they would be in mosul. Police and protesters have clashed in the ukrainian capital kiev, ahead of a ceasefire between russian backed rebels and Government Forces that comes into effect today. At least seven protestors were detained after Ultra Nationalists gathered to support a blockade between the separatist east and the rest of ukraine. Archery, badminton, and Wheelchair Rugby theyre just some of the seven sports that have been told they will receive no Government Funding to prepare for the 2020 olympic and Paralympic Games in tokyo. They have appealed that decision at this lunchtime they learned of the decision. 0ur Sports News correspondent richard conwayjoins me. It is bad news for those seven sports, badminton, table tennis, weightlifting, archery, fencing and the paralympic sports of gold ball and Wheelchair Rugby, all failing to convince uk sport that they should have money given to them in the run up to the Tokyo 0lympics Have Money given to them in the run up to the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. Uk sport is the funding body for the elite end of sport, they have £330 million of budget and they say they allocate that to sports that have the most medal potential. The most controversial decision is babington, they have lost under £6 million infunding, babington, they have lost under £6 million in funding, despite winning a bronze medal at the Bm 0lympics Last Summer badminton. They were on target with another medal in tokyo and they said they staggered at the decision and they are considering their next steps, but others like table tennis and archery, just under £3 million, fencing, just under formerly in pounds, that will not be returned to them in the run up to tokyo. Uk sport said they had got to focus in a meritocratic way and focus it on where they can make sure success. Thanks forjoining us. The Entertainment Industry reached the agreement with the tech giants after talks brokered by the government will stop the initiative will run in parallel with insisting existing anti piracy measures. Theyre more than 100 league places below them but tonight Sutton United will take on mighty arsenal as they try to book their place in the quarter finals of the fa cup. The non league side are playing at home at their 5000 seat stadium with its Artificial Turf its a world away from the 60,000 seater emirates. Whoever wins will face lincoln city, also a non league side who become the first non leaguers to reach the quarterfinals in more than 100 years. Our Sports Correspondentjohn Watson is at suttons Gander Green Lane Stadium in south london. The fa cup has faced criticism this season, with some teams choosing to field weakened teams and they have been accused of not showing the tournament the respect it deserves. Hip non league sides, lincoln city and at Sutton United, they have proved there is printed to be gained from a memorable cup run in two non league sides. Cheering once in awhile there comes a cup run to capture the imagination. To witness two in the same season is something quite unique. The achievements of lowly lincoln city and Sutton United embody the magic of footballs oldest cup competition. On saturday the National League leaders upset the odds, beating burnley, the first non league side to reach the quarterfinals in over 100 years. And now this patch of south london is brought into focus. Gander green lane, the home of Sutton United, where leeds fell in the previous round. Will arsenal follow . Commentator 10 we know it will be an uphill battle but no one thought that we could Beat Wimbledon and obviously no one thought we could win against leeds. So, you never know. I think if we can nick a draw or get a win, it would be one of the biggest upsets in cup history. Arsenal should be wary of the unexpected. Suttons victory over coventry city, then of the old first division, back in 1989, remains one of the great cup upsets. It might serve as motivation but matching arsenal and all their millions is a task not lost on suttons manager. If we did beat them, i dont know what id do. I think id be up there for a long, long time. I dont know how id get back down. Its something id not even thought about, if im being honest. I dreamt about it, but if it happened, it would be one of those moments for everyone, i think. It would be where were you when sutton beat arsenal . Suttons total weekly wage bill is £10,000. Arsenals world cup winner mesut 0zil earns 14 times that. But what they lack in wealth, they make up for with hunger, to rattle those accustomed to the 5 star treatment. Sutton will offer their opponents a warm reception. But what they cant offer them is a warm shower. Their 5,000 capacity ground is a world away from the comforts of arsenals 60,000 all seater stadium. Dare sutton dream of making it there for a replay. The chances of Sutton United getting result might seem unlikely. Arsenal prepared for tonights match by playing the five time european champions bayern munich. Sutton warmed up for the contest by Playing Guiseley of the National League. As leicester and lincoln city have proved, sometimes in football the impossible is just possible. Proved, sometimes in football the Impossible Isjust possible. Thanks for joining Impossible Isjust possible. Thanks forjoining us. Time for a look at the weather. Heres louise lear. It is starting to feel quite pleasant, this time last week i said how miserable and cold it was on the east coast with a cold east wind, but look at it today. In cambridgeshire, beautiful morning, and if you have some sunshine, you also have spring warmth. 17 degrees in parts of norfolk as we speak. There is cloud elsewhere, filtering along the west coast and the cloud is thick enough for a spot of drizzle, but still pretty mild. This isa drizzle, but still pretty mild. This is a classic picture across parts of argyll. Some mist and drizzle. The Weather Front producing the cloud and showers is sinking slowly south and showers is sinking slowly south and behind it brighter conditions into scotland, but still, not bad for this time of year

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